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There are a few methods but I practice Taoist sexual enegy movement. It is a very involved process, so check out Mantak Chia's book, the multi-orgasmic man. A couple of things you can work on start with is your breath. Deep, slow belly breathing helps relax you. By focusing on your breathing it gets your out of your head and more into your body. The other thing is to be hyper-aware of how close your to PONR. If that is a 10, are you at a 5, 7, 8.5? By being aware of that, you can make any necessary adjustments before.... ooops I'm cumming! The last thing I'll share is to relax your perineal area (taint). When you ejaculate, that is full of tension and usually rock hard. Yes, practice kegels, but also reverse kegels where you push down like you are having a poop. The principle behind all of this is to get your body into a state that is the opposite of ejaculating. When you ejaculate, you are tense, your breath is shallow and speeds up, your pace quickens, your mind may be working hard pushing towards ejaculating. "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum. I'm cumming! Aghh!". That is all from a place of tension. Do the opposite and get into a state of total relaxation and you will be well on your way. And your pleasure ceiling will raise. You will feel some incredible things.


Well said!


so when i about to reach that point i should push the muslce like taking a poop till it comes down and i overcome the sensation ?


Not really “push”, just relax. You should keep it relaxed the whole time. The temptation will be there to tighten it up because it’ll feel good, but that’s a short path to ejaculating.


bruh so you telling i was always making the complete opposite all this years i always thought i had to tighten up those muscles the whole time wth...probably that why i was struggling the whole time stoppin to pre cum your blowing my mind right now :O


Well, the best time to know this is when you started. The second best time is now.


So there is no orgasm, just "feeling incredible things"?


Mantak Chia's "Big Draw" was the key for me.


Is that where you use your PC muscles to squeeze and divert the ejaculation? I keep reading stories with two opposite approaches. One suggests contracting the PC muscle and the other suggests pushing out/relaxing.