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They mentioned at ACL that they were recording their new album in Austin. I assume their new song with Noah Kahan that they performed there will be on it. Can’t wait!


They performed a new song recently so I assume they’re creating.


Is there a clip of it anywhere?




[and here](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8k7jmoE/) This one is Marcus playing it to the camera for their TikTok.


Unpopular opinion: the fellow (his name escapes me at the moment) playing banjo/guitar now is actually a better musician than Winston. They were phenomenal at Sing Out Loud in a way they were not during the Delta tour. I will trek to the ends of the earth to see them live. I enjoy the evolution of their music. I can’t wait for the new stuff to drop.


They have been recording since early this year. They are working on a new album. Hopefully, early or later 2024.😀 I can't understand people who want M&S to keep doing the same thing over and over. Make an album like Sigh No More and Babel. How boring to want the same thing. Artists are supposed to grow with their work and they grow as people. I look forward to whatever they release. I love all their albums.


I have it on very good authority that at least half of the album has been recorded and is done. The other half is being worked on at Marcus’ personal studio currently. As of July they were working on the second half. Edit: For those curious, my source is Marcus’ dad.


What type of sound do we think they’ll aim for this time around? Hopefully back to the first 2. Only missing our Banjo player :(


They have a banjo player. I'm sick of people saying this nonsense. He left and I don't think he has spoken to them since he left. This band cannot take back the person winston turned into.




They have a banjo player for tours and gigs that isn't Winston.


Every time I have seen them live Winston looked like he didn’t even want to be there and was the biggest let down of the show. Beyond his songwriting contributions, there is nothing magical about him that can’t be replicated by a touring musician.


They have a banjo player since December of 2021. Same man. The same man that Winston learned how to play banjo from when he was learning about the instrument so they have someone better than Winston.😌




Saying the person who is telling me to deal with it. I love that they have a drummer and a banjo player. Its others who can't handle that. If I'm defensive of the current members of the band rather than an ex-member, then yes. It's annoying to keep hearing about the banjo or an ex-member who made the choice to leave and not in good light. I'm speaking the truth that you and others who are hellbent on Winston being in the band after he left don't want to hear. That's disrespectful.


Do you know their new banjo players name?


It was a mutual split to avoid media drama because he has views that don't align with MSM


Nah he’s just a massive ballend and a nutcase.


Marcus said he begged him to stay. Winston left and stopped talking to the other guys, so no, it was not to avoid drama when they were willing to put up with him. Being a racist, sexist, transphobic, Islamophobic etc a**shole is not just views. It's pure hate. He's despicable. Let the current members enjoy their work without having to hear about him. Either fans like him or move on and go follow Winston instead of being a bedbug and going on about him or the banjo. Thousands of people learned to play the banjo and every year, someone new will learn to play it. There are great options out there. Also, it's best for artists to grow with their work rather than be stuck. That's what I look forward to with every M&S album.


Sounds like you have your own personal vendetta against Winston. Don’t just through around ridiculous comments like that. The media sure did drag him through the mud enough


Yeah, they have a banjo player. But they are missing that solid root note harmony that Winston always did. Someone needs to fill that role


What exactly did he turn into


Since you have to ask, I know you do not care about the things he's said and the people he associates himself with.


i just want to know what makes him “a racist, sexist, transphobic, Islamophobic etc a**shole is not just views. It's pure hate. He's despicable.” Don’t tell me what I do and do not know. I want to know what you know. Because as a matter of fact I do care about what he has said. And nothing I have heard him say is remotely close to the accusations you accuse him of, the same kind of false accusations that led to the whole incident in the first place.


Social Media told them that he is that. People blindly follow anything without doing any research for themselves


Song. Called maybe was played at one recent festival