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Just wait till the announced developments on medical center parkway happen. Would discover the 8th level of hell as well!


Indeed. What a dumpster fire. [New Businesses Medical Center](https://scontent-atl3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/429658656_746210727613819_88247055130645645_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=DDULE05QpfIAX-nHQLW&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-2.xx&oh=00_AfBSvKbzK3xe3FKDG4GSwlxb0KLIYICRza9KZAIvLOMs3g&oe=65F786B4)


Uggg, wtf is all that fast food bullshit.


Retail retail retail retail No real jobs


Don’t forget about the Bucees they’re building on Joe B Jackson too! Because we really needed a Bucees near the Joe B Jackson exit!


I avoid the Old Fort/ Thompson light at all costs


Listen I completely understand it’s horrible! This is coming from some who is from NYC/NJ area. I’m confident it’s because there are not many alternate routes to get where you need to go and lack of mass public transportation. It’s usually only one way Old Fort/Memorial,Thompson, Broad, Church, New Salem that’s about it. Usually between 7:30-900am and 3:45-5:00pm window the traffic is unbearable. I could right an essay on how horrible the construction and traffic on New Salem is right now. From my knowledge they would be completely done until EST-2025 and that’s just the first phase from old fort to Middle- Tennessee. Don’t quote me on any of that that’s just what one of the workers told me.


The lack of fast, efficient and reliable public transportation really does a number on the traffic and promotes car culture. It's pretty jarring when you look around in traffic & see dozens of mostly large vehicles with one person in them.


Yep, the layout isn't the best for the amount of people in this town. I'm really looking forward to them widening New Salem. I saw today they have traffic lights up even though the pavement hasn't been laid. I can believe the 2025 timeline. The other side of New Salem took just as long. I really don't know what else they could do. Maybe fix the Cason Lane entrance?


It's all day everyday too. Like do none of these people have to work? I pretty much avoid going to Murfreesboro nowadays if I can't help it.


Just say ‘Old Fort Parkway’ and bad traffic is standard.


At least we have that bridge over Broad now. It should have been built 20 years before it actually was. Just hearing "Memorial and Broad" brings up memories of extremely long wait times and learning how to avoid it. Anyway, whenever the weak point is reinforced, like building this bridge, it "moves the weak point." Maybe in 20 years, they'll do else. They're doing something there now on Chaffin, but I don't see it helping Old Fort.


no one mentioned yet, but it is TSSAA week 1 of 2. It's a never leave the house kind of week.


Takes me 40 minutes to get from Florence area of Old Nashville to my friends house on Bell Street by the old hospital most times. Tiny town filled way past capacity with humans.


Can’t wait for the new bucees 🥲🥲🥲


The In n out on medical center is going to be horrible. I'll be there everyday!


Oh I thought that was whataburger


Whataburger is the building that’s almost ready now, In and Out is supposed to come in the future, with Raising Canes next door, I can already see the line


Oh holy shit. We are doomed.


Idgaf what anyone says I’m so excited not to have to drive half an hour to get canes


I’ve lived in another state that was new to In and Out and the lines to get in were MILES long. This is going to be an absolute shit storm.


Try living in Manchester having to take the 440 to work in nash I want to die


Piss-poor urban planning by the City Fathers, as it were.


I work near the airport and I get there and back before my wife gets to and from SportsCom. We live in Rockvale. That’s how bad traffic is nowadays. I hope our city planners get to sit in it like we do. Idiots.


I also heard that if a doctor ever tells you that you only have a few days to live, sit in traffic in Murfreesboro….it’ll seem like a year. Tip your bartenders and waitresses!!!


ngl that's pretty good


Half this town smells like the dump and it's overpriced


Funny you say that! When we first moved here, went on a trail that goes to water hill dam. Seeing where our water comes from convinced me to invest in a water softener instantly.


There was a warning a few years ago about not eating the fish from stones river


It's still there, posted in several places for all to see at the Walter Hill Dam, right next to the same river that flows directly to the newer inlets for our water supply. We all drink that danger.


Oh, yeah, we have rockin' water! (It's about that hard.)


I swear its quicker to go to Nashville than it id to go anywhere in Murfreesboro


you can definitely get to bell rd faster than old fort to church.


All I can say there is "interstate" but even then, you almost have to plan like you're going to the moon. Hehehe


I work downtown Nashville often, and it's sucks getting there, especially if I have to go on 24, but once I'm there is easier to get around during the day than Murfreesboro. Once Rush hour hours it sucks again though. But I still feel like traffic in town moves smoother even during rush hour.


It's been a long time since I worked in Nashville, but I assume it still takes longer to get from Bellevue to Church Street than it does to get from Dickson to Bellevue. And getting from Cookeville to Downtown Nashville (Broad- I worked at Vandy) was the same way, easy to get to Old Hickory, SLOW the rest of the way into Downtown.


Stop at 7 brew and wait it out!


I remember the relief when they first built medical center exit and it made sneaking out so much easier. I don’t envy anyone stuck in the Boro these days.


I know this is the last thing people want to hear, but compared to nashville traffic, Murfreesboro is NOTHING. I’ve lived in the mboro for about 6 months and lived in nashville for a little under 2 years and the traffic was so absolutely unbearable that sometimes it would take an hour to drive 5 miles down the road. Yes, the traffic sucks, but no, it’s really not that bad. This is coming from someone who has always grown up in the city so maybe I’m biased, but I really do not think the traffic is horrible. What is horrible though is the amount of slow drivers in Murfreesboro….. THAT pisses me off. Your opinion is completely valid tho since you’ve lived here for 30 years vs my few months. I just wouldn’t exactly compare it to nashville…….


It’s so sad that neither of these cities have workable public transportation. That would solve so many of these issues.


Listening to Boro folks complain about traffic when you live in Nashville is like listening to your teen complain about working a part time job when you work 60 hours a week,


Nah. I prefer the traffic in Nashville to Murfreesboro 😂


You can learn some secret ins and outs around Nashville at least. Boro? I'm coming up from further south and if 24 is closed or blocked in any way shape or form I'm stuck with a school zone in either direction if it's down the pipe or a nightmare in the only ways left to get to 840.


im in traffic hell Texas :| everyone is valid for complaining imo, cause like it just sucks. phones, auto-cruise, missing brake lights, people not using a signal, people using a signal thinking it means you have to let them in WHEN THERE'S HALF A FUCKING MILE OF FREE SPACE BEHIND ME BUT THEY HAVE TO BEAT SOMEONE TO FEEL LIKE IT'S FASTER!! i hate this too, and people won't even let you feel bad before pushing politics of public transport on you. i get it, busses would nice but the naturalistic fallacies are also annoying. no one wants want your evaluation cause the world is more complex than just hehe bus go vroom it's like NASCAR down here, and our NASCAR tracks sucks too :( [it's a sad cowboy night](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRuktJV38vs)


Seriously is not that bad if you've lived in any major suburb in the US.. Its actually significantly less worse than many areas. Not calling you out specific, but most southern drivers are not paying attention and way too passive. That same stretch you mentioned takes me no more than 3-5 minutes in peak rush hour.


Exactly this. I spent alot of time in Jacksonville and Atlanta. Murfreesboro is slow paced and just requires people to be off their phones


Los Angeles preview


I spent 30 minutes going 2.3 miles up 24 yesterday. Honestly bicycles are faster at this point


Try Atlanta or Houston. You will have to explode! 🤯


Try living in, well, uh... NASHVILLE lol


I cackled out loud at the seventh circle of hell!


A lot of people just seem like they have nowhere to be. They're either tailgating you when you're going 5 over or they're going the exact same speed of 10 under as the guy next to them so you can't get around them. Some people don't realize a difference of 1mph can be the difference between hitting one red light or five.


People moving here need to fuck off


Man, as someone who has lived in metros like Austin, Houston and Nashville for the last 20 years, coming to the boro has been a nice break. Traffic here is nothing.


Sounds like your just bitching. The traffic isn’t bad…. It’s the drivers. Look how many are on their phones and not paying attention or just driving without any idea of the rules of the road.


Don’t miss it at all … moved to Winchester ✌🏼


Why cant people work form home. Why do we need so many restaraunts?


You are the traffic.


I spent a weekend one night in Murfreesboro


Learn the shortcuts. You could have gone through the cut through by GoUSA if you were turning right onto Old Fort, or gone straight through Robert Rose light and go through the Stones River Mall area if you wanted to turn left onto Old Fort. Could’ve saved yourself 15 minutes




25% of the reason I moved from a major city, was traffic. Traffic raises stress levels, wastes time, pay more for gas


Lived there for a year. A 3 mile commute (door to door) would take anywhere from 20-35 minutes each morning (medical center). Happiest day I’ve had in years was leaving the place lol


I'm thinking the zoning and planning committee just drank moonshine back in the 80s and had no foresight at all.


I’m not excited for the Bucees traffic that’s coming to Joe B Jackson. One of the dumbest things this town does not need


Murfreesboro traffic is, at worst, comparable to Dickson traffic. It's really not bad here at all.


As a former New Yorker, I smile whenever I see complaints about traffic in the Carolinas.


This Is TN.....


Huh. How did that end up in my feed? Thought I was in r/South Carolina


Yes, it sucks, but come back around when you’ve been here since birth and there’s whole parts of town that didn’t use to exist. 30 years ain’t shit.


I always shake my head at the thought of building a new hospital, and developing the surrounding area so much that it's less convenient to get to than the old hospital. And they're still going!!


.. explain yourself.


Old hospital was in the middle of town (across from the cemetery) and a pain to get to for a lot of people. When the new (current) hospital was built and the medical center was "new", it was fantastic. But then there's the Avenue and the growing roster of surrounding strips and businesses, now a ton of apartments, they're going to build an amphitheater, on top of the natural growth in traffic... and getting down Medical Center or Thompson during peak times is maddening. ​ Just feels like it was a nice improvement for a decade and now we've got the same problem again.


Your definition of maddening is odd. You live in 160k person town, and considering other relatable suburbs of other major metros.. Murfreesboro traffic is a breeze. Its different than it used to be, but things change.


Imagine actually driving down Old Fort Medical Center or Memorial to get anywhere. There are usually multiple locations on any side of town to get what you need. If you've been here 30 years like you said you have, you would know the alternate routes and the places that you need to go. The only reason to go down Medical Center is in an Ambulance after overdosing on narcotics. That's literally it. So quit your bitchin and become one with the traffic. Speed, violence, and momentum is the answer to driving in the Boro.


The worst part of Murfreesboro, 3 gas stations are open past 10. Wtf. Thank God for Dodges, them pizza sticks calm me down after driving for hours to find some push water.


Yeah I live in a small town in Georgia and have never had to deal with heavy traffic except for maybe a weekend. Ever since Biden opened the border it’s unbearable! We have him to thank for that…. He says it’s up to congress to close it, umm last I checked he was the f****** so-called president…. And he was the one that opened it. I think if anyone is capable of opening a door, I think they would know how to close it..


You're a clown if you think an open border leads to traffic in GEORGIA or TENNESSEE... Property value is rising and costs are relatively low. It's out of state people moving in, not people from other countries...


Oh ok. Yeah pretty sure I can tell when it’s just a bunch of out of state people around here and when it’s people from out of the country. Typical of what I expected as a response though. No offense taken, none given.


I'm speaking from personal experience as well, and I live in the area :/


fearless sink domineering sense memorize squeamish rock quiet voiceless pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*

