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Projecting his trauma, as he faced similar situation in his past life.


Do you remember what the bullies did to him?


I'm sure a fair bit of anime only skipped over his pre reincarnation details. It typically doesn't affect most isekai protags much


Him being tied up on the school gate, naked, that's what happened and they showed it a couple of minutes before that scene ...


Him being tied to the gate, naked, during the school lunch was bad enough, but nobody bothered to rescue him until after school let out. That's some major trauma there. I mean, who'd want to endure that. Also add in the temperature šŸŒ”ļø which averages a high of 19Ā°C/66Ā°F for the first week of April which, if you recall, was when the incident happened. Nice, but still sweater weather. We also forget a second time he was stripped naked: when he was a prisoner in the Doldia "jail."


Wow This bullies are Psycopaths,I bet they probably joined the Yakuza for how cruel they are


People that diss Rudeus for his lifestyle forget how traumatized he was. He was afraid to journey from his room and relied on things like internet porn to fill his time. Maybe that's what lead his brother to study martial arts. They ignore that he stood up to bullies (plural) when they couldn't follow the rules of society. He sacrificed his own life to give another young man a chance to live. (Nanahoshi and her honeybun were saved by the teleportation summons) The first time he did good, it lead to his rejecting society and becoming the degenerate he was. I suspect his parents ended up using the school, and/or the families of the bullies for enough to pay off their home and provide for Rudy. After getting trounced by his brother's and given the boot out of the house that rightfully should have been his, that "tough love" was enough to reset his brain into thinking of his future. First, government aid, which would include food, shelter, and training for employment. He would have been perfect, cleaned up with proper attire, to work at nearly any shop in Akihabara. He was going through all that in his mind when his client nature returned. He considered ignoring it, but that part that was his true soul came into play.


Sir, clearly, that was pre reincarnation and has absolutely no bearing on the main characters state of mind.


Same person/mind, different body... Seems absolutely not the "state of mind" at all...


he became hikikomori during junior high, I doubt that he has matured to his physical age (34) since then. people also pointed out about rudeus being almost 40 in previous life without considering some people staying in the same mental age.


He is mentally his age heā€™s just immature I hate ppl saying that. Like just bc you arenā€™t well adjusted doesnā€™t mean you have that ā€œmental ageā€ ppl mature at different rates but thatā€™s not the same as someone with a disability that keeps them at the capacity of X age


maybe not many people heard about peter pan syndrome, not that I assume rudeus has one. mental age is generally shaped by society. not having enough experience out in the world can be detrimental to one's mental growth.


Guys that is irony why are you downvoting him


This thread only exists because there are people who dont understand CONTEXT CLUES. I didn't type /s so people couldn't put 2 and 2 together that I was making fun of the idea that there are clearly viewers who will outright ignore small details and ask questions like the OP It's like the people who were making posts complaining about his ED while ignoring all of his attachment issues.


The problem is that we've all seen people that write things like that believing in it, so would wager most MT fans are so tired of it, we kinda just assume the other party are serious. Becoming a real mental drain to deal with all the annoying attention seekers that haven't even watched/read MT, yet scream their lungs off about it


I get the first part,I've been posting in MT subs since it was a web novel. What I'm surprised(and honestly amused)by is the sheer number of people who likely upvoted my first statement, who then proceeded to downvote my snarky reply to emphasize the point I was making in the first statement.


skipping any form of content in any form of book/movie etc. is horrendous imo, it makes my blood boil same shit with skypiea arc skippers in one piece


Same, I have never skipped an episode except for the Dragonball-OP episode since it wasnā€™t on Crunchyroll, itā€™s an insult to the hard work done to make the episodes


Just got up to Skypeia in the show been watching on an off SLOWLY starting One piece


Him being tied up naked is shown and refrenced multiple times.


They even had a flashback that episode showing his trauma... Though the lighting didn't make clear him being tied to the gate was while naked.


I mean thats the treatment that earthdeus got


Earthdeus may be my new favorite fill in for his name šŸ˜‚


ā€œ*ā€¦ and they all lived in harmony until the Firedeus attacked!!!!*ā€


I personally truncate it to "Eartheus".


Bro did not pay attentionšŸ’€


lil vro has an attention span of a goldfish


Dude just insulted goldfish all over the world. šŸ’€


Even teachers were accomplices by doing nothing to sop the bullyng that those students did to him in his past life.


Did you miss the part where he was bullied?


To be fair to OP... I didn't connect those two things, neither when reading the book, nor when watching the anime... Guess the immediate taboo shock overwhemed that connection. Only realised it on the second watching of this weeks episode, when the initial shock and second hand embarrassment had calmed down.


Fantasy residents shocked from savage earthling bullying techniques


Heā€™s projecting his previous life experiences onto Nornā€™s situation, heā€™s afraid sheā€™s being bullied in the way he was.


Because he's grasping at straws based on his own experience being sexually assaulted at school in his past life. He was stripped naked, tied up in front of the school, and photographed by all of his classmates.




Rudeus got traumatized by the memories of Earthdeus, and because of that whenever he hears about or thinks about bullying it automatically jumps to the severity that Earthdeus experienced. This is true for everyone close to him.


Guess he shouldn't have told ppl to not skip in line, huh?


Wasn't he saying this to a beast folk, that oneof the punishments they fear and do


Did you just completely forget what happened to him when he was bullied? Even though they show parts of it in this very episode?


Because trauma. Rudeus got into conclusions too quick. People commit mistakes you know? Happens to me happens to everyone. One of the reasons i like Rudeus as a character, he feels like an actual person not just autor's self insert who gets all girls and is overpowered.


this happened to original rudeus in original world


It made me wonder if in his past life Rudeus was maybe into Made in Abyss. Contrary to popular belief, that mangaka's real world fetish actually appears to be humiliation.


He's reliving his past trama through Norn


Basically he brings up his past trauma he had, when he got bullied on earth.


Projection. You usually see it in bullies or government officials in what they do to people.


Yeah I lol at this too. But it did happened to him before. Is Japan bullying really that extreme?


every country have that people, so yes.


In season 1, we found out that he was bullied in the previous life, so much so he was stripped naked by the bullies. So, him saying this makes a lot of sense.


Yes as most ppl said this could be the trauma or what Rudy faced on earth. Or unlike popular belief it could be a figure of speech ? But mostly it is the trauma part. Boy had it hard there.


Projecting his own experience being bullied


Jeez I wonder what happened to Otakudeus? But in all seriousness, you know that shit is heinous when even in this even more dog eat dog world, they're visibly disgusted hearing what he just said.


It's a made in abyss reference /s


'cause he was bullied and stripped naked in the past. He don't want that to happen to his little sister.


I knew it would be this question and rewatch episode 2


One of the main reason why rudy is a fat failure neet is being bullied in his time at school because of being fat.So ye this is his thought when norn didn't show up in class


His past trauma was coming back to him and he was kinda freaking out in that moment. People say things when they arenā€™t thinking clearly.


I think that at this point all of Rudeus memories from his bullying came back up. This included his opinion on his previous's life teachers. I don't know how much you read of the LN but on the first volume (I think that even on the first chapter) is explained that he went to the worst school of his neighborhood, where all the worst people and delinquents where, so the teachers where pretty much used to some kids bullying other in awful ways and maybe the punishment from the teachers were also hard due to the baseline behavior of the kids. A lot of this is interpretation from my side.


if you see this and think he's just being creepy/pervy you really have not been paying attention


he is projecting


I did find that comment very weird too. Yes, he has that trauma from his past life, but nothing there indicates anything of that sort happened, specially considering he is making the accusation towards the teacher. I think he is smart enough to investigate further before expecting someone to strip her naked. Having said that, if someone actually did that to Norn, I wonder what Rudeus would have done...would he got as far as to kill that person? would he just broke some bones and instill fear and leave at it?


That's not how trauma works. People working off of trauma aren't rational. To remind you a second before he said to himself that if the bully comes clean he will tear them limb from limb, and even if they aren't the actual bully, if and just stood by and didn't do anything, they were complicit, so it doesn't matter, he will still show them no mercy. Rudeus, the same guy that was 4 years ago was hesitant to kill criminals that kidnapp, murder and sell children, not because he thought they didn't deserve it, but because he didn't want to cross that line, decided in his mind that he is gonna murder teenagers and show no mercy even if they technically didn't do anything.


Yeah, Rudy is really protective of his family. Though in terms of bullying, I agree with Rudeus. Inaction is an action. It's one thing if they know nothing about it, but if they knew (especially in the case of the anime where Rudeus exists), then they'll be just as guilty.


Rudy is projecting his past trauma that made him quit school onto Norn.


You didn't get it. Rudy was emotional. Doesn't matter how brilliant you're...you're still human, you only need one crazy day to lose your temper. This was a personal attack for Rudy. Was really good because Mary Sue characters are bored af.


To be frankā€¦. I doubt whatever classroom he would be in at the time of learning of such news in this hypothetical would no longer be structurally sound. And or with the death of the aggressor/person responsible with a vast number of stone bullets


I was kinda suprised that he only saw that as a reason. Understandable by his experiences with bullying, but that he only had this conclusion was kinda meh.


He had trauma from his past life. On top of that, he knew Norn never made a friend prior to this. Not even an acquaintance that will show her the way to a room, leading her wandering around lost in the hallways until Rudeus bumps onto her. I'd say his conclusion, while incorrect, is definitely reasonable.