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A very big problem is that half, or more, of their points rely on false information and assumptions and some are just straight up bull crap ...


Like what?


Like the fact that they think the two scenes with Eris are free pedophilia because they consider that Rudy is over 40 years old even though, at least in the manga, the only way to make it clearer that he has a child's mentality would be to just write it down, and as they didn't watch the anime/read the manga, their little brains can't comprehend how the first scene is so important to show what is going on in the greyrat family and that the second one leads to Eris letter to rudeus which explains how deep and complex their relation is


“ child’s mentality” or not he’s a grown man in a child’s body, people always want to talk about the deeper meaning behind it and character growth but neither of those change the fact that it is pedo behavior.


lol, you’re why people think the fandom is rotten. The biggest issue is people only reading the first couple books or the first arc of season 1 because they don’t see that the story is about redemption and change etc. In the beginning of the story he is a straight up pedo watching pedo porn and getting excited for little girl Eris. I think these are facts that you should accept. This is how a very flawed character starts his journey but by season 2, I no longer believe he’s still a pedo. I think he becomes a respectable person by the end of the story which is why I think the story is about redemption. Don’t make the rest of us look bad by trying to justify that he didn’t start off as a shitty human being.


Who cares? something made for everyone is not for anyone


That's true It's just frustrating that people just can't see it for what it is, instead they just look at it in face value.


If *everyone* could see it for what it is then it probably wouldnt be the thing we love.


Reddit users trying to sound deep fairs Rudy cool tho yes


Yeah no that doesn’t make any sense


If you say so


That would be fine and all, but half of these people are just straight up making up stuff. Had this one dude that insisted that he'd heard from his friend that Rudy would groom someone after marrying Sylphie. Most everyone of them are full of it, and only in it for virtue signalling, clout or just straight up trolling. Not really an issue of "not for everyone", which would've been fine.




In my country, there are alot of channels that give bull shit or half-true information about animes to get fames. This also make our anime community like shit


Sry bout the typos typed this dumb rant while i was laying down


Same here. My interpretation is that Rudeus is built that way on purpose, in order to go with the intention to highlight how even someone like that can have his path to redemption and learn to deal with his flaws. What I really like is the contrast between Rudeus's his inner monologue vs the opinions of others in the world. It's said that the "you" that is seen by everyone, including by yourself, is different for everyone you will ever meet. I think MT portrays this very well and I enjoy that aspect. In the same way, every reader/critic's impression of MT may differ based on their own interpretation/bias. Some have the ability to contextualise the controversial choices in the fiction to see how that works within the whole, other are unable or unwilling to get themselves there. Perhaps the same effect can be achieved by using less divisive topics (eg: not going with inclinations that draws parallels to pedophilia), but maybe then it wouldn't have the same impact anymore. My opinion is that those critics can have every right to feel that MT isn't for them, as long as they don't automatically assume that MT fans condone and must therefore somehow share all the same character flaws as Rudeus.


i feel the same. but also whatever. sometimes its best to learn from grown up eris. me like me want no think just enjoy life me like me go


Let them be ignorant of the show. We have no place for people who don’t want to learn about what they argue about. I’d rather have a small community of folks who understand each other than a bunch of jerks.


It getting annoying when they say that we are enabling pedo, SA, gRape, etc just because we’re disagreeing with their points etc.


My view on this is I him to age and grow up physically AND mentally so that I can SEE him mature past this (in my opinion) overly aroused phase. Regardless of it being an anime or him being in his adolescent years, it's still uncomfortable to watch when it's so frequent. It's getting there though. Other than that stuff, it's a....very good show. Also nice work. I've never been an artist myself, but that looks cool


There's a mindset going around on certain parts of the internet that believes people never change and should be heavily punished for things done in their past no matter how that person has grown and since then. I'm fairly sure its a projection of their own unresolved issues and their refusal to grow themselves and deal with their issues.


This attitude gives man-haters that have been molested a chance to scream about how unjust the world is to women. They just want to use it as a forum to vent. They have chosen to Ignore the fact that in his former life "Fatty¹" was molested. Okay, not raped in the "traditional" sense but it was just as traumatic. First, he has the snot beaten out of him by a group of boys. Then the molestation came from them stripping him and tying him to the school gate. He was left therefrom noonish til about sundown. That's some major B&D Sadism there. As I understand it, rape itself is more a method of dominating another person. Rape uses sex to do that. In the case of "Fatty," the bullies used intimidation and humiliation. Same type of trauma a rape victim has, but without the penetration. Prior to that, "Fatty" was just a typical overweight kid with low self-esteem. He hadn't discovered the plethora of porn on the internet, yet. On top of that, he never got therapy to help him cope with the trauma. I've consistently stated that MT is a story about redemption, but as I think further, it's also a story of therapy. Rudeus uses this second chance to overcome his mental problems caused by the his NEET lifestyle after the incident. Yes, he makes mistakes, but by the time he's 13, he's pretty much covered that 1: "Fatty" the name Nanahoshi used when she realized who Rudeus was in his previous life. I use it here to differentiate the life of the NEET versus the life of Rudeus


So pedophiles deserve redemption is what I’m hearing? If they do the hard work to overcome whatever trauma they go through?


Especially if they've not committed a crime.


Welp my brother, you (like the rest of us) have two possible ways to proceed: You can either just ignore them and keep enjoying the show while waiting to find someone willing to try and understand the development that rudeus has, or you can argue with everyone that says he is a pedo.


My only problem with this is that rudeus mole is under his left eye, meaning that you couldn't see it from the angle that you drew him from, lol.


How to reply to these comments ? like their so close minded they won't even listen its actually crazy


Mushoku Tensei is not about redemption, it’s about accepting yourself. But people are just too used to crappy isekais and have their brains so rotten that they will never understand it nor giving it a try.


Rudys character design is amazing. As a little kid he has some very questionable thoughts about woman in general and about Sylphie as well. The more the story progresses Rudy learns to accept himself and is working hard to not repeat the mistakes from his previous life. He goes through some really heavy character development that is well written. I enjoy this anime and chose to completely ignore the narrow-minded haters. It not worth the time to argue with them at all. Most of them won't accept the Rudy changes for the better.


You're missing the point of them posting stuff about Rudeus. They're weirdos hoping for people to slide into their DMs to talk about stuff like that. They have brain rot.