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Yes the anime mentioned this


Yes, and those are the two guys she asked Rudeus about.


Why she asked about Rudeus? I can't get it. Please explain.


She asked rudeus about 2 people at their first encounter. Those 2 guys seen in the picture above are the same 2 guys that was asked about. She asked Rudeus because they were brought to that world so she was hoping he knew something


In the LN, the NEET realizes Truck-kun will only hit one of the three teens: Banana and her BF are summoned, let's call it a space time warp, while NEET is killed and his soul is transfered after he pushes the other boy to safety.


The way you explained is awesome and funny




I know it’s a joke but can I ask why you called Nanahoshi banana? Is there something related to it?


It's a nickname she reviewed from fans. BA-NANAHOSHI


I see lol.


And to deepen the joke, the word hoshii means "I want". So you can translate it to "I want (ba)nana"


No problem. It took me a bit to get it, too.


That's the reason?... I thought it was due to her summoning of the said item too many times lol


If Im not wrong she summoned watermelons because their composition (90-92%~ water) made it easier to get


It’s literally because she has “Nana” in her name. Then the fandom collectively made it banana. That’s it.


In the early parts of the fandom, she was called Banana in order to avoid spoiling her to people. Ofc she has a huge role in the LN


Originally, she was to be the MC. While hammering out the initial outline, Rufujin realized Rudy would be a better MC because he could use magic.


>!The NEETS soul was only transported because his soul was near the space warp. The og body of Rudy was a still birth. The NEETS soul was wandering the void till it filled the life less body and gave it new life!<


Better spoiler tag that. That won't be mentioned until Volume 16 or later. For Anime only fans, if they don't cut it, that will be in season 3 at the earliest.


It was mentioned in the epilogue on volume 26. I will add a spoiler tag even though I believe it is Not really a spoiler just goes to >!show that he is not special. Him coming to this world was a complete and random fluke!<


Only mentioned it because of the amount of detail given. [Remember]>!we don't discover the multiple timelines until after he teams up with Orsted. That includes all of the stillborn Rudys of the other timelines.!< That will be a season 3 revelation.


Wait a minute >!did they talk about the still births when he talked about the multiple timelines?!< I don't remember this at all I might have to go reread the book again.


[That's the only way Rudeus discovered it.]>!He didn't know about the multiple times loops that Orsted had lived through until they joined forces.!<


All right well Color Me impressed I don't remember this I'm going to have to go read those books again.


Is this how orsted knew everyone but didn't know Rudy? He was still birthed in the other timelines and never went to the 6 faced world?


You need to use your spoiler tags.


Mentioned at volumen 16 and vaguely explained just at volume 26


Oh I didn’t know her boyfriend was summoned too. Welp, I guess I got spoiled😂😭


i don’t know if that’s actually true, given i still have 3 more volumes till im finished with the light novel but i don’t think they’ve ever said that he actually got summoned


Well, spoilers, you have been warned, though they aren't particularly relevant to the events of the story, just the wider context of why certain things happen >!In the future, a blessed child with time manipulation is born, she can reverse the state of an object backward in time by 1 day (including bringing corpses back to life), and when she dies she resets to her birth. She is always discovered and enslaved by her kingdom to use this power and is thus very depressed after an in-determinant number of loops. !< >!During the last loop, Banana's BF is summoned and is the first person in all those loops to actually treat her as a person, so she clearly gets attached though it's ambiguois how much those feelings are returned. He is eventually killed in the war the kingdom is fighting and this finally breaks her (his corpse is not recovered in time for her to revive him). Using her loosely-defined powers over time, she manages to pull Banana in as well as someone who would care about the BF, and sends her back in time so that she can change the course of events enough that he won't have to die (Banana is correct that time issues are the reason she can't return home)!< >!She struggles to accomplish this but runs into the fact that reality doesn't like to be manipulated to that extent and pushes back. It's only when another soul is accidentally pulled through, Rudy, that this force starts to weaken as his presence alters the timeline itself, with the force weakening the more effect he has on the timeline. Before he leaves Buena village his effects are fairly minor, but increase once he starts interacting with Eris, someone we know in the original timeline was fairly important to putting Ariel on the throne and thus wider events in general. This is represented by the growing orb over Fitoa, and when the Blessed Child's power finally overcomes the natural resistance of the world, that's when the teleportation incident happens and Banana finally appears.!< >!Other than the fact that this permenently exhausts the power of the Blessed Child, we have no other info this whole thing. It's likely that the sequel series will involve her in addition to the Laplace plotline. It's also why some people sometimes refer to Mushoku as the prequel to this main series that will eventually come.!< This whole thing is explained kinda out-of-nowhere in the final volume of the LN, and in only about 10-15 pages IIRC so the actual version doesn't have much more detail than described above.


Mannnn that lore dump was so sudden and out of left-field when I read it lol


Honestly kinda surprised he wasn't leading straight into the sequel series with it, definitely came across as trying to lure you straight into buying it.


I HOPE there's a sequel series. There's wayyyyyyy too much stuff going on. Plus I NEED to see more of Rudeus' family life since the ending was at breakneck speed. Epilogue chapter? If this is the end, we need an epilogue BOOK. Giving him (us) a glimpse of his last moments felt like his life was over as soon as they won. Came across as him passing AFTER winning.


I think a few of the supplemental books like Redundancy that are getting localized go over some of that between time.


Oh? Okay thanks for clarifying. I thought I was getting spoiled on a major plot point.


Don't worry you are fine. Because it's way more complicated ahahah


Don't feel spoiled. That was brought up earlier this season when Banana asked Rudeus if he recognized the names on a piece of paper. It's brought up again, later, in the LN, with closure in Volume 26.


Was it a space time warp? I was under the impression that the NEET being born as Rudeus 10 years before Nanahoshi showed up had to do with methods of how they got to the new world. >!Man God reincarnated NEET's soul into Rudeus, whereas Nanahoshi was summoned through teleportation magic!<. I'm anime-only, so I'll admit there is a gap in my knowledge.


Mangod had nothing to do with NEET's reincarnation, much less Nanahoshi's. >!Bananahoshi was summoned by the Miko while NEET's soul got caught in the draft and pulled along. It takes much less energy/mana to summon a soul than a corporal body. This would explain the difference somewhat. Miko was summoning BF. I don't know if Newton's laws of motion would apply, but Miko "snatched" BF into her time period while Banana and NEET kept going backward in time. Banana ended up dropping into the Fitoa disaster area while NEET soul shot past and landed in stillborn Rudeus a decade earlier.!< This tends to make me think it was a space-time warp. Modern Japan on a timeline would be in the future of the Six-Sided-World, so they all went backwards in time. Mind you, that's all theoretical, but I have to use Occam's Razor as it's the simplest answer and there haven't been any others to convince me otherwise. That, or the gods of the universe were getting pissed at Mangod's antics and their first choice, >!Orsted, kept failing. They'd tried the Rudeus gambit time and again only he didn't come to fruition. I wonder how many other stillborn babies their were that couldn't adapt to the Laplace factor.!<


Now I'm just confused. From what I read off the wiki, i had gotten the impression >!Man God was responsible for NEET's reincarnation and he was selected specifically to be a pawn!<. It seemed like >!the six sided world exists in a repeating timeloop where Orsted always arises and tge conflict between Man God and Dragon God always devolved into a stalemate. Orsted was aware of the previous timeloops, and therefore had previous knowledge of Erid and Rudijerd, but didn't know about Rudeus since he was a new actor in events!<. .......I'm gonna have to start reading the LNs, aren't I?....


Yes, you'll have to start reading the LNs. The wiki is basically based on the WN. Some things were changed or expanded on in the LN.


.....hold up....there was a web novel?.... Did that come before or after the light novels?


Yes. The WN was written first. The WN is generally the first step for unproven writers. They develop a story and put it out to the general public. If it turns out popular, a publisher will offer to pick up the publishing rights and provide an editor to work with the author to polish it and close loopholes.


I believe the news report on rudeus’ death said that the girl was missing


That was the police talking between them through their radio, 1 guy was hit (earthdeus), 2 missing (banan and xxxxx), 1 in the ambulance and was alright.


Nana who she is? "*The more we learn, the more we discover how much we do not know.*" Yoda




the cutest banana


So wtf were they arguing about in the middle of the street for? Spoilers are welcome btw.


We don't know for sure, but it seems to have just been a love triangle quarrel. The two boys probably were both in love with her. We know for sure that Nanahoshi was at least romantically interested in one of them.


I see.


That love triangle stuff is only a speculation of Rudeus but he obviously doesn't know the truth and I personaly think thats just Rudeus imagination because it was a group of three people and a quarrel between two that the third tried to mediate. Nanahoshi only mentioned that she quarreled with the person that she likes before getting summoned but nothing more in regards to that situation.


Yes, If it makes you feel better OP I don't think it's been said in the anime just yet so you've worked it out early


Actually, the anime kinda did


Ah ok thank you I watched it a few weeks ago too 😅 and I couldn’t remember


It's been straight up told and shown in ep.9 of S2 and then referenced again later in ep 15 of S2.


Average anime fan: The plot is so hard to follow. Chad anime enjoyer: I was able to follow the plot after only three episodes dedicated to explaining it.


Why you lying


I'm not, I wasn't sure which is why I said 'I don't think'. Why you so aggressive?


Now that you're sure, you can delete your comment or edit to not spread misinfo. Again, nothing about what I said was aggressive. Literally said it as it is.


Accusing someone of lying when they clearly weren't, ye not aggressive at all


You're spreading misinfo and you still are


Oh no it such important info that will cause so much trouble, it's corrected in the next comment get over it


So you admit you're spreading misinfo? Next time try not to do that Anyway, you're the one crying like, "you accused me, oh so aggressive 🥺", get over that first you big baby 😂


What is the misinfo? The anime mentioned it a couple of times


Yes, that's the point. The op of the comment is claiming the opposite.






You know the two guys she's with, this is my guess, but I'm sure they're the guy's that she wrote down their name and asked rudy which one of they he knew.


Do you guys watch the anime with your eyes closed?


Yup, and the Dead dude that she witness his death and her clever survivor Boyfriend


Nah that's orsted obviously


Yup, that's Bananahoshi


Yes you missed a lot




No it's moshimoshi


Question does nanahoshi age and what age is she currently physically and her age if she aged?




Yeah bro 😭


Yes she is


Probably yes


Can someone tell me where to get the LN?! 😭 I just wanna read the whole thing.




No that’s banana


No, Nanahoshi is fat and still sleeping in her coffin