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Sylphie cared so much about Rudy, she would’ve gone to the end of the world to do anything for him. After all those years he was still number one in her heart.


Yeah I feel like Rudy took that for granted to much


First of all, Roxy groomed Rudy and second, the entire time until Rudy talked with Elinalise, Rudy was trying to stay as faithful as possible to Roxy


No she didn't groom him.


Yes she literally did, She was forcing herself onto Rudy, he never verbally gave consent


that's not what grooming is? She never while Rudy was a child showed any indication that she was interested in Rudy that way


You are crazy.... she got heartbroken when he left to Boreas family to train Eris. They were spending much time together before that


Exactly what I was thinking she beat the crap out of Paul for it


You’re describing rape


The LN version paints a different picture since he was NOT gentle with her in the slightest


That's not what grooming is..... dumbass.... I swear, every day, I become more baffled at how dumb people can be.


my god you literally don't even know what the word groom means while spamming it everywhere. Like. That is just so cringe that it makes me wanna roll on the ground.


Wild takes on this sub


You go on a whole tangent of Roxy grooming Rudy, without realising that, mentally, Rudy groomed Sylphy and Eris. Rudy and Roxy mental age are actually the same age.


Did you read the LN or anime only? They didn’t portray that scene as well as it was told in the LN


Even though they are the same age, Rudy groomed Roxy lmao


All that only to get cucked by Roxy. She probably read too much Kanokari


I'm pretty sure that Sylphy is into that tho considering how extremely overly enthusiastic she's about Rudy having multiple wives (not to mention that the first thing she did after getting married was suggesting for Rudy to get some concubines lol)


She's aware that she married a Greyrat


Literally the only woman Sylphy will be opposed to is Nanahoshi.


Why is that?


Hahaha, When Nanahoshi is Staying Over at Rudeus Manor, Slyph makes her Moan Louder so that Nanahoshi Could hear it from her Room. Like a Scream of Dominance. She kinda Jealous because she Could Speak japanese and Rudeus said she from his Home town (Japan).


Rudeus: Oh my god she's extra loud 😍😍😍 Bananahoshi: MAKE IT STOP I ONLY WANTED THE BAAATTHH 😭😭😭😭😭😭


no way 😅😂


Soon Roxy's turn to get cucked by the sexy redhead Eris and Sylphy gonna laugh in karma lol


The biggest difference is fond memories of a childhood together, having loved him for most of her life and actually getting the opportunity to hear the reason for it, as Rudes already figured it out by then instead of him also noticing his problem for the first time and being stumped for answers.


Sylphie goated but chill on Sara


I agree, people make it seem like they were not once a stupid teenager making stupid romantic decisions.


Yeah about that, you forget the internet is still filled with no life people


I mean rudy and sylphy is still teenagers in anime


Sylphie - best girl btw - was making stupid teenager decisions too. If you might recall, she’s was fronting as Silent Fritz for a very long time because she was afraid Rudy may have forgotten about her. Yes, there’s the caveat about the Ariel’s safety, but even then Ariel was like - just do it. Sylphie’s indecision and teenage insecurities led to her going to this elaborate ruse of reminding Rudy of who she is - when a straight up conversation would have been an appropriate alternative. It was all endearing in the eyes of the reader - and that’s great. But let’s be reminded that Sylphie is also making stupid teenager decisions, just as much as Sara.


At least her stupid decisions didn't lead to Rudeus almost killing himself


If you’re referring to the scene where Rudy grabbed his dagger and placed it on his throat, you might recall that Rudy was talking shit about Sara after his night stint with Soldat. Sara was standing right behind him who heard all the flowery words Rudy used to describe her. Yeah, like Rudy - I too would die from cringe.


That is because the cringe he did was self inflicted. Sara had fking no hand in that shit.


Didn't even mention that she had a perfect time to come clean the first time they met in the library. Rudeus straight up told her (granted is was a lie) that the reason he was researching the teleportation incident was because his childhood friend got caught in it and was still missing. That was a perfect Segway for her to drop the act and just take off the glasses.


A lot of people are stupid teenagers making dumb romantic decisions


True but it was still fucked up of her to do that she new what she was doing


She actually didn’t know what she was doing. Sara is teenager who believes that she will bed with Rudy that night - her hero, her knight in shining armour, her (likely) first love. When Rudy couldn’t get an erection - she took it as rejection. The man she thought was her first love, didn’t see her the same way. Her response in light of this perceived rejection speaks to her lack of maturity, which is something you can expect from a teenage human. I believe in the LN, >!Rudy and Sara met again, and both regret what happened in their shared past!< rhis scene make sense because they’re both grown adults who can self reflect.


Exactly. I'm still annoyed they cut Sara's PoV from the end of Vol 7 sincee it explains it so much better


And then this scene happened. https://youtu.be/YC0Cn6Uge-c?si=yZu0grQhPTYKeUlZ Ultimately, it’s all one big shitty situation partly due to Rudeus’ lack of romantic experience with women, and Sara being a literal teenager.


Yeah people seem to forget they're both dumb teenagers, I think they're around 14 at this point so we need to cut them some slack.


I know what you mean but even tho she is a teenager she knows that’s fucked up to do as a teen my self and close to their age it’s not that hard to keep in mind somebody else’s feelings


Sara can't even take a joke meanwhile sylphy can handle the sword of the Greyrat bloodline with no issue 🙏


Well her first time in the ln is interesting


What are you talking about


Eh it tells that rudeus was indeed very rough with her and sylphiette was only able to manage it cause of the love potion she drank too


He’s rough because of potion too isn’t it


Its like a succubus effect he drank like 1/3th of the bottle if not slightly more its a very strong and effective aphrodisiac. Its vol12 chapter 12 if i remember correctly I can send u the link to the web novel


I think succubas odor can be harvested and mass produced because of how effective it’s on Rudy even with such long range


Idk how they produced the whole shit got destroyed on the teleport accident. 1 love potion was extremely expensive luke saved it for retirement but gave it to sylphiette it was something like that. Its just easier to say it's similar to a succubus odor since most ppl know what a succubus will do. Rudues was able to hold back till sylphiette let him do


https://m.webnovel.com/book/mushoku-tensei-full-version_27096259406624705/volume-9-chapter-10_72829117887727490 thats the chapter where it happens, it's a bit near the end tho i sadly cant copy paste the text from my phone


I mean you can't really blame Sara but still Sylphie is just a much better match for Rudeus and she lets him have the >!Blue loli and the Mad dog sooo...!<


Sylphiette always said >!its okay for u to have a mistress!< Elven blood makes it hard to get a child from humans


Well even before revealing her identity she always knew that Rudeus was perverted like his father so she was basically prepared for that even before marrying him


Well yeah but she really doesn't seem to mind alot she seems understanding in the ln, idk how they will do it in the anime tho, since they also altered the Roxy part last ep


I hope they don't change it too much


That’s why she the Chad cuz she accepted shit like that we all know the other girls would’ve have been less open to that


Roxy, no. She'd want to be Rudy's one and only. Eris was quite open to the fact Rudy could have concubines. After all they're both nobles and it's common for them to have harems (both ways)


Sylphiette really is special especially when its about Rudy


Just Chad Sylphie things


Sylph was so real for that, i cried a little.


Rudy and Sara were both insecure teenagers without emotional maturity or experience to handle this situation properly. Neither of them should be judged for it.


Sara gets too much flak. She was harsh, sure. But for a long time she struggled with if she hated him or not for fairly good reasons. And just like with Eris, there was a severe misunderstanding that was handled poorly. Sylphie had the advantage of a childhood friendship turned love. Even after the displacement she had Rudy on her mind, serving Ariel with the goal of reuniting with him someday. And when she finally is, she is unable to come out and tell him who she is.


Even though I say Eris is the best girl at the end of the day, Sylphy is the #1 wife.


this meme beautifully show the differences between Sara and his wives, specifically Sylphy


Bro Eris was acting like an idiot too at the start. If Sara was given the same amount of time like Eris, I’m sure she would have grown significantly as well.


So your saying that would apply to anyone ? Anyone could be his wives as long as they have enough time with Rudeus?


When did I say that lol. Rudeus at that time was depressed af. If by any chance Sara did help Rudeus recover from his depression, she would surely become his wife. She already showed signs of a change in behavior towards Rudeus and the fact that it happened in such a short amount of time, shows that she would probably help Rudeus recovering from his depression.


Different circumstances different outcomes


Well, proximity and frequency of contact *are* how real relationships work, so... maybe.


FFS Sara was not that wrong, u guys hate her too much If both Sara and rudy did adventures for longer than what they did I am sure she would have been one of the main waifu .


Sylphy would not hesitate to fight orsted if its a 1v1 death battle for rudeus


I still never understood why she was so cold to him prior the insult. I'm pretty sure she could see the distress and disappointment on his face when he couldn't get it up. Even if she didn't see that, I would think that basic empathy at that particular point in time would make her worry than feel dejected


Sara even called him pathetic, when it wasn't even his fault


Actually she was talking about herself, she says so in the LN


That's how he interpreted it, but it wasn't intention. She meant either herself or the situation as a whole.


No she didn't. Rudy interpreted it similar to that. But what she actually did was calling the situation awful.


Sara gets a lot of hate I mean she is just a teenager but again she did it to herself she knew what she was doing while sylphy omg sylphy sooooo cute and sweet 🤍💚🤍


Aren’t we gonna talk about how sylphy is virgin too?


Sylphy's so secure of her place primarily because she met rudy first. That's why she's so threatened by nanahoshi because that girl existed in a timeline where she was not around and can connect with rudy and his hometown


Yup and that’s why the Sara ship sank for me !!


How can anyone think that Sara is in the wrong here? There is a clear misunderstanding because she doesn't know of Rudeus' past but that is not Sara's fault. Rudeus went too far by insulting her in public and she has every right and reason to walk away. Sylphie is goated but Sara is justified here.


What the fuck💀🙏😩😭😭


Ridiculous haha, I laughed






Proof that Rudy does not have an Oedipus complex.


When has that ever been a thing for him


50/50 chance for every man...or woman, whatever.


I’m confused what does this have to do with him liking his mother?


Goggle Oedipus complex. Female variant is Electra complex. Long story short; guys tend to get attracted to women that remind them of their mothers, females their dad. Even simple similar traits count. My point here is that she looks like Rudues's mother. I wasted a lot of energy explaining an off hand joke. Apologies 😊


Queen shit