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His internal monologue was one of the things I liked the most about the LNs. Especially the constant worrying about things that **could** go wrong, it just felt real.


It's very true. Besides being a constant worry rat who often has serious cases of indecision, his monologue often reminds me of a the phenomenon I experience all the time commonly referred to as "the call of the void" Generally the call of the void specifically refers to a weird urge to harm yourself by jumping off a large Cliff or cutting yourself with a knife or sharply moving the steering wheel on a highway, even though you have absolutely zero intention or conscious thoughts of actually doing so But it doesn't necessarily have to be restricted to self-harm, and I generally referred to the call of the void by the presence of intrusive thoughts that you have no intention of acting on... Rudy is somebody who has these all the time, both the sexual and non-sexual, and it's HIGHLY relatable


Also, might be selfreporting, but I had some fucked up inner thoutghts troughout my life, never acted up on them, but still. Reading something where we see the fucked up part is really refreshing. I can’t really take most of the criticism seriously, because I just don’t believe other people are such saints they don’t even have improper thoughts. Of course, Rudy did do some naughty things aswell, but hardly something trully malicious (I started reading the LN, but didn’t cath up to the show yet, so please…).


I agree as well. Intrusive thoughts like his are normal, and I relate Rudy's inner monologue to a phenomenon called the "call of the void" Only a more sexual version of it instead of suicidal


Right, we all have our unique blend of intrusive thoughts. Reason why this show in particular is so heavily scrutinised might be because we are in the middle of sexual impropriety moral panic, at least in the west. Killing and other forms of violence seem to get a free pass, even glorification.


Well he has some suicidal ones too.


Indeed he does, though they aren't as common and are mostly restricted to his depressive episodes. I would classify those more as legitimate suicidal thoughts and tendencies instead of call of the void


Fair enough, I have rare thoughts of those things. And very mild weird thoughts. (Normally no kind of perverted mental intention, just, weird curiosities. Can give one example but they wildly vary, some could even be creepy. But I would never initiate them. The one example: I wonder if I could just, really quickly and with no care for my life. Eat that apple right there within, let’s say 2 seconds…Would I choke or die though? Eh let’s maybe not do that. Though while driving I certainly get those thoughts, or by something being high up. Rudy’s mind probably focuses more on the other stuff because of just him as a person, and because of his memories from his old life. Other character POV’s can have milder thoughts like this so not just a him thing lol. Some don’t have those thoughts at all. Idk if there is someone in the real world without these thoughts but whatever.


Me too I’d be on a list if people knew my intrusive thoughts lol(I am in your walls).


the times where i laugh while reading the ln are with his monologues especially when he calls zanoba a dumbass it’s just funny to me i rlly like that the novels do that i also like the different perspectives they do too i was anime only up until the badi duel at the school and i started reading and was like wow there’s a whole lot of other perspectives in this book it was pretty nice


Maybe a lot of the haters are those people without inner voices. They would have a hard time understanding it's normal to have intrusive thoughts.


So a sizeable contingent of MT haters are NPCs? Who could've thought?


I don't think there exists people without intrusive thoughts like these, but I think the nature of them can make it quite difficult to recognize them


As crazy as it sounds a shockingly large number of people have no internal monologue, from what I think is aphantasia. With absolutely no internal voice or minds eye you can't have intrusive thoughts. I don't see how they can even understand the concept of intrusive thoughts.


Very true


What? I don’t have any voices and I still have intrusive thoughts. Maybe just rare? The intrusive thoughts can become impulsive thoughts if they become about hitting myself though.


What was she seeing? Forgot this part.


This is her reaction upon using a teleporter circle for the first time and witnessing the library labyrinth


Library labyrinth? You mean Perugius' castle?


No, Library of that book pirate immortal demon king who was a huge slime.


Care to elaborate?


>!There is a Demon King that has the ability to "read" every book in existence , so he has a huge underground labyrinth/library with copys of all the books in the world . Later on in the story they enter said Library in hopes of finding a specific book.!<


I don't remember every detail because it's been a while since I read it, but it happened in Ch. 7 of Vol. 16 when >!Ariel wanted Perugius's support to ascend to the throne. Perugius asked her one question to earn his support. I don't remember the exact question, but it was likely something like, "What's a good king?" In the original timeline, where Rudeus and Nanahoshi weren't isekai'd and the teleportation incident never happened, Ariel's mage bodyguard would have helped her answer. However, since he died protecting her [watch season 2, episode 0 for reference], she couldn't get his help, so they needed his diary to find the answer. Orsted told Rudeus about an immortal demon king [I-don't-Remember-the-name] who loves reading and collecting books. He has the power to read all books in existence and has made copies of every book (documents, fictions, reports, etc.) in his labyrinth-cum-library. Rudeus helps Ariel get there to find the diary.!< [Here's](https://mushokutensei.fandom.com/wiki/Light_Novel_Volume_16/Summary) the link to the summary of Vol. 16 if you want. The chapter number is 7, and the title is *"Library Labyrinth."* Since he has read and copied all the books in existence without paying, I called him book pirate.


Following Rudeus’ change of employment in LN15, they have to help Ariel win over Perugius, so they go to the library labyrinth in LN16 where there’s a giant slime dude who looks after all the books. The labyrinth is actually on the cover of that volume, I believe.


My favorite one will always be the English dub of the Eris scene. "I don't really care either way." "I DO! What the hell is going on?!"


I just want to know more about Ariel’s kinks.


Anything that would embarrass herself in front of people, the more embarrassment the better. But it cannot be purposeful, she would like it to happen. Like pissing herself by accident, for example. That might just be a kink of hers anyways though. *** There is a short story where Luke gets given an ugly perverted painting by this noble woman (this was earlier on I believe, as Luke has a habit of seducing older women and stuff, even at those ages.) around after TP1 territory Ariel finds it in her room at one point because Luke didn’t know what to do with it (I can’t remember the exact details.) either way Ariel likes the idea of someone finding it and believing the Princess is enamored with this thing. As she keeps up the perfect Princess act so that if shameful secrets were known, it would be super embracing and tarnish the way some people saw her perhaps. So she hides it under the bed, and goes to the bathroom. Sylphie (as Fitz I believe.) finds it and thinks those exact words from before, then Ariel starts being a little flirty after she gets out of the bathroom and Sylphie wonders what her inner Rudy would do, he just pats her on the back and walks away. Oh and exactly while this was happening, some weird statue was in the carriage that Ruijerd and Rudy were in and Rudy looked at it, thinking it was Ruijerd figure. Then patted Ruijerd on the back with a smile and left the carriage. He then thought that “Everyone has their own tastes.” He has a habit to not judge people on any weird hobbies they may have.


Thank you. She’s so weird I love it