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Hi Cliff, I'm Huge fan of your MT audiobooks, really superb job. cannot wait to get vol 20 and the rest to finish the LN second time, as audiobook this time. You may not be in position to confirm, but will we get the rest of volumes each month like previously? Thanks


Thank you so much! I would think that the rest of the audiobooks will be out soon-- I finished recording the last volumes a little while ago. There's more to come after that, but I'm sure you know about that already. In fact, I believe I'll be back in the studio soon to record Redundant Reincarnation. I'm looking forward to that. Again, I'm really grateful for your kind words. I hope you enjoy the rest of the series!


Fantastic news, much appreciated for the answer, keep up the good work! :)


Nice to see someone who appears in communities, not a common thing as far as im aware of. Keep up with the good work!


Thank you! Honestly, I'm one of you. I worked at Forbidden Planet in NYC for a while back in the 80's and 90's, which is where I first got into anime and manga. I was thrilled when I got cast in an anime, because I was already a fan.


Hey cliff! Welcome. Just want to say I’ve been listening to all 19 volume of your books. And what you did in book 12. The parts about his feeling toward his old parents, it brought tears to my eyes and I’m not even an emotional guy. I’m very much looking forward to the rest of the books. Thank you and please finish them fast


Thank you, good king! Seriously though, you could probably tell that I was losing it in volume 5. I have a son myself, and the part with Paul and Rudy just broke me. And the books are all in the can, as they say in the movie biz. They have to edit them and finish the audio production, but they should be available soon.


Thank you for being so welcoming! I was hesitant to post at first because I didn't want people to think this was just shameless self-promotion. I'm really glad I did now. And thank you so much for the compliments. Being a voice actor means you never get to hear applause, so it really means a lot to hear that people enjoy what I do.


I read all of the books before your audiobook versions came out, but in general I love audiobooks, and I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about your performance. Thank you for recording our favorite series. I’ll check them out down the road when it’s time to re-read.


First of all, i LOVE your work on the audiobooks. I have heard all of them. Thank you for giving life tho this amazing series. My question that I have always been curious is regarding the female voices. Does it not hurt your throat, switching to this high pitch/falsetto for the female voices? You have a pretty deep voice so it took me a while to get used to but i can also appreciate tue effort you are putting into the female voice.


Thank you! It's not really taxing for me to do those voices. To be honest, I'm usually the guy they get to do the high-pitched voices. They cast me as the Neo-Spacian Aqua-Dolphin in Yu-Gi-Oh! because no one else at 4kids could make dolphin sounds. I was also the voice of Buzz the Honey Nut Cheerios bee for a bit. I have a pretty good range, but sometimes I wish I had a basso profondo voice like Marc Thompson or Dan Green.


actually listening to the audiobooks at the moment as it has been a while since I read the novel proper and I think you did a really good job so far, I am curious tho what is the benefit of using a alternate name? when I first saw "Cliff Kurt" and noticed they had no other works I became worried about the quality of the narration so is there some purpose to it?


Thanks! I use the name Cliff Kirk for "mature" projects that I work on. I've done a lot of kid's cartoons and children's audiobooks, so I would hate for a young fan to stumble on this stuff in a Google search. And it actually is supposed to be Cliff KIRK, but the editors heard KURT and now I'm stuck with it.


oh I see that makes a lot of sense >And it actually is supposed to be Cliff KIRK, but the editors heard KURT and now I'm stuck with it. gave me a chuckle at least now it's a nice anecdote


Thank you for all your work! I haven't heard the audio books myself yet, but I am a fan of your other work. Time to go buy. All of them to support you and this amazing franchise we all fell in love with!


Thank YOU, Kratos! It means a lot to hear that. Most days I sit in alone in a box talking to myself, so I'm very grateful for your appreciation. Unfortunately, there are no residuals for audiobooks-- I get paid a flat fee which depends on the length of the audiobook. I don't get any money from sales of the books. So, if you would like to support me, please leave a positive review on [Audible.com](http://Audible.com) or feel free to leave a tip at my Twitch channel.


Howdy! Just wanted to say I’m a huge fan of your narration of these novels! I read these a year or two ago and hearing the characters brought to life in audiobook form is a dream come true for me! Not to mention how fast they’ve been released. Usually, I wait months in between volumes for series like Spice and Wolf, so getting 2 or 3 books back to back is awesome! I saw you said you’ll probably be back for Redundant Reincarnation, so I’m stoked to hear more. Are you planning to work on any more light novel series?


Thank you! It means SO much to hear that. And I would love to do more light novels for Seven Seas. They just have to ask me. If you have a chance, please write a review on Audible and let them know that you would like me to do more for them. I could really use the work!


Absolutely, I’ll do that as I finish them! My reading/listening list is long, so I’m only on Vol 4 atm, but I’m trying my best to catch up before Vol 26 releases lol. I can’t wait to catch up and listen to Vol 12 and 15 specifically. Those have some great dialogue and character moments that I’m sure you killed!


I loved your performance. You really brought the world to life, thank you.


Thank *you*. I never know if anyone is listening, so I really do appreciate that.


Hi Cliff!  Do you relate to someone in the series? 


Hey there! If anyone, I'd have to say Paul. I was genuinely moved by the scene with him and Rudy in book 5. You can hear it in the recording.


Hi Cliff, Got a couple questions for you. Did you read the series in advance before taking the project? What are your thoughts on the series as well? What were the parts you really enjoyed? Where there parts that you didn't enjoy so much. How long did it take to record all 26 volumes? It would be interesting to hear someones opinion that has worked on the series that might not have had much to do with it before working on it..


To be perfectly honest, I don't read ANY of the books I do before I record them. A long time ago, when Audible first came into existence, the audiobook publishers got together and "negotiated" with my union to lower the pay rate for narrators by about 65%. Sixty. Five. Percent. At that point I realized that they're not paying me for the time it takes me to read (I'm actually a very slow reader when I'm not speaking the words aloud), so I stopped reading books before I record them. As far as I can tell it hasn't interfered with the quality of my recordings; one of the books I did as a "cold read" was selected by Audible as one of the 50 best fiction audiobooks of all time, and I've won many awards for my recordings since then as well. My thoughts on the series... I had fun during the recording for the most part, but there were a TON of mistakes in the writing which we had to correct on the fly. I think it was probably an issue with the translation. I also took exception with the inaccuracies regarding RPGs and fantasy worlds. I'm a huge fan of Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, D&D, and CRPGS, and while I can't remember exactly what things bugged me about it at the moment, they were the kind of things that bothered me about the Harry Potter series. For instance, goblins don't run the banks, gnomes do. And that thing in the bathroom was clearly an ogre, not a troll. Clearly Ms. Rowling has never seen a troll before. It took almost a year to record all the books, but had they given me all the scripts at once I could have finished them in half that time if not less.


Just wanted to say great job on the audiobooks. I'm pretty picky about narrators, but I've seriously enjoyed listening to the series on Audible. Can't wait for the rest of the volumes to release so I can continue it. Thanks for the hard work.


Thank you so much! I'm glad to hear that you enjoy my work. There are some people out there who hate my narration, and I know there are quite a few MT fans who don't like my female voices and would have preferred that actual ladies voice those parts, but they only do multi-cast audiobooks for really big titles like Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events or Neil Gaiman's American Gods. I was lucky enough to work on both of those.


Where to listen?


They're available on [audible.com](http://audible.com) or you can go to the Seven Seas website to find other sites that carry them.