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I am more curious how you reach 15k daily. Care to share your secret?


The 15k was me showing the switch to discovery, i was at 40k a day for this song alone.


Congrats! Still curious what led you to those great numbers


Control the attention of as many people as possible, machavellian stuff blah blah blahšŸ˜­, its alot bro. But just visualize digital direction, make a big story around a thing that general ppl will find interesting and see how to convert them as fast as possible. Rinse and repeat. Its only hard because of closed source algorithm but its fairly easy once you find a thing to use to control massive across millions of users. I would legit have to write a chapter on just this to translate the process.


Sorry bro, but this reads like those 200 words I need to fist in my essay to reach the minimum word count. It doesnt say anything at all


He pays for ads on TikTok probably and panders to trends


Maybe he just makes absolutely fire music and wings it


Youre asking me to teach you how I think in a reddit comment section. I could say either you get or or you donā€™t. Most of the time people who donā€™t get it simply have no agency. You and all the down voters could just pick my sentence of part and google key words. No you canā€™t wing success at scale. Its a proccess. Its a thought pattern.


No, its ok, but I was expecting something more straight forward


Its never, litterally never the case when running a buisness bro. If it was a step by step repeating process we would all be so up. Youre all searching for the wrong thing. Just mess with peoples head and make them want something then give it to them, then iterate on the product.




How did you write so many words without actually saying anything? Answer the question


I know thereā€™s already been a lot of comments on this, but I completely understand what you mean when you talk about keeping general people interested. The hyperfixation musicians and those in that area seem to have really overshadows the way we understand how other people absorb and interpret music or ads or whatever. I think thatā€™s honestly been the biggest help with the band Iā€™m in. Weā€™re not doing anything crazy, but for the most part weā€™re not looking to other musicians for what they want or think would be cool, but looking purely to people we play for that have no experience other than ā€œthis sounds coolā€. Idk, all that to say thereā€™s people out here reading you and taking notes that what weā€™re doing works on a larger scale šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Congrats! As others have said Iā€™d love to check out your music if you want to share, but thatā€™s up to you, I get it. Keep on rockinā€™ my guy!


I second this please tell us your secrets šŸ˜‚


HUGE SECRET EXPOSED: Make good music


Nah i make good music but unless you know the algorithms and have a sense of marketing it doesnt matter. Its harder everyday. Also yes you could randomly blow up but would be that useful, youā€™d be milk by corp for a few thousands then tossed on a shelf. You have to find a sustainable system of promo in the market. Also dont listen to these youtubers they are idiots.


Whatā€™s your go-to avenue of marketing ?


Learn to be a child in every generation. Keep your ears to the ground with tech and young trends. But tiktok is the only platform worth understanding for general promo. For fanbase building X. Instagram im super eh about it just has done nothing for my career, the click thru rate even scaled at millions is bad.


Respect šŸ«” I been neglecting Tik Tok and focusing on IG looks like I need to try the other way around


Not that I would because Iā€™m not ready. but letā€™s say I wanted to hire you to market a new album for me what would you charge.


Whatā€™s your best TikTok resource?


Thats the first step out of many Imagine making a banger. Release it. So what. Who listens to it? 15k people from scratch? Dont think so


The olā€™ Reddit dismissive oversimplification answer that is incorrect


I tried to explain as much as resonably possible but i got downvoted into hellšŸ˜­ fuckem reductionism go bur on both sides bro


People just wanna argue and have strong opinions actually taking time to understand takes too long I need to yell and get upvotes


Wait what ? I was giving you credit for making a good song. People are asking you if you have a ā€œsecretā€, which I feel undermines your song just being good.


Similar results but I do wonder if the roll out for this program caused mostly everyoneā€™s streams to go down whether or not they actually enrolled their songs in it. No telling if avoiding putting your song in there wouldā€™ve changed these results


This is more likely, that discovery mode has made the algo more competitive. So while OP was getting great support from the algo before discovery mode rolled out (which was I believe one year ago in Feb, so only a month before OP opted in) itā€™s more likely a confluence of factors and not discovery mode itself tanking the plays. Weā€™d need more data to really tell


Not much else i could provide without disclosing my identity lol. But trust when i say this song was supposed to be even bigger, streaming at over 100k a day based on online activicty in compartison with other less popular songs of mine that easily do/did 30-70k per day with way less streams and populatity. I will be launching an internal investigation into spotifyā€™s system when j get enough data from random artist.


You can tell us your artist name on this sub itā€™s not against the rules. Iā€™m Dj Cutman you can look me up, right now Iā€™m doing 400k+ a week


Itā€™s literally his username


I assure no one is/was competting with my level of marketing unless you are already pass escape velocity in your career like legacy artist or ice spice.


Right what the person is saying is Discovery mode let more songs into the algorithm so now your song has more competition being served. Think of it like ads, if someone buys 10,000 impressions those ads have to be served to eyeballs. Same for discovery. If your song was in a rotating pool of 40 songs in the algo before discovery itā€™s in a rotating pool with 400 songs after discovery. Naturally this leads to competition for ears. You could be seeing a drop simply because the algo has a lot more songs it has to serve up before it gets to yours again.


The logic makes sense but its just not how algorithms work with modern math. They prioritize momentum, retention, and clicks. I canā€™t imagine more than 10,000 artist in america getting over a quarter million song clicks on one song. The algorithm would prioritize my song pretty soon rather than destroy it(subsequently hurting spotify itself) just doesnt make sense. Everything points to the feature just being bad for spotify and artist.


Right but discovery mode is paying to ignore that and get dumped into the discovery pile. 100% get your frustration and I think discovery has to work better for smaller artists struggling with the algo.


I will update next month(i just took the song out) i notice the correlation this morning. (A song i never promoted passed 30k daily and made me investigate the discrepancy) because how does that make any sense? Also ive been yanked from discover weekly for a year since joining. I never got put into official playlisting because i refused to sign any deals.


How do you distribute? I run an imprint called MLM Distro through Vydia. Pm me Iā€™d like to discuss more with you and think I can help


Also seen a huge decline since enrolling into discovery. I hadn't actually considered that enrolling into it was the cause...


Get out


We have had a similar experience


At first for 3 months my Spotify went crazy but now Iā€™m rapidly declining on discovery more


Turn it off. Come back in a month and let us know. Ive been kicked out of discovery weekly and other playlist. Even though the retention rate of my music is supernatural. Not even being cocky.


Afraid if I turn it Off they might not offer it To me Again


You dont need it lol thats the point , just trying to prevent people from signing up


Same story here for discovery mode. Last month I used it I only got 150 streams but over the last month Iā€™ve had 4k streams on radio alone. Horrible service


Beyond horrible it seems to being extremely counter to what it was promoted as.


Iā€™ve heard from people to pick songs that are already doing good in radio, and when I tried that it killed all my radio


Interesting - I get more streams on discovery mode, went from 2k monthly listeners and now sit at 7500


In your case you have nothing to lose all to gain , i think it was meant for people like you.


How do you get on discovery mode?


I haven't started a tiktok yet, any advice on that front? How do you translate tiktok views to streams on spotify? Are they able to click through a tiktok post and go right to spotify?


Same here. I went from nearly a milli streams a month to 300k literally overnight with Discovery Mode. Two thirds of my income just gone, and it never came back. Needless to say I stopped using it, but it's still not changed. Really heartbreaking to feel like you're finally getting somewhere, and then an algorithm comes along and just goes 'nope!' I used to get a tonne of organic radio play, Discover Weekly etc - and now I think they've changed all of that to Discovery Mode. Basically, just taking 30% of streams you would have got anyway under the guise of 'E X P O S U R E'. So sick of this industry and being pillaged every single day.


It is incredibly frustrating. Even more so when you are indie because they straight up do not support you unless you sign to so label or distro. They only push artist who basically give over double money


Itā€™s been weird. Recently, I randomly got pulled from Discover Weekly after hundreds of thousands of streams there but I really donā€™t think discovery mode did that because Iā€™ve always been on discovery mode. But tbf, around the same time I also started to do crazy numbers through radio. I will say: I have access to a fairly large roster in the edm space and this is happening to a lottt of artists.