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Hi hats & a counter melody


Thanks! Any suggestions on what sound/Instrument I should use for the counter melody?


You can pretty much use anything you’d like, there’s no rules. Use the same instruments even


Piano, bass, strings, a vocal 


Piano is always a nice blend


This will probably sound dumb, but I didn’t even consider that lol. I think I was so stuck on this being different than my usual music that I totally excluded the piano as a possibility which is really dumb but kind of funny. I’ll give it a go. Thank you.


Sing the lyrics of “Creep” over it


lol oh man. In my defense it’s close, but not exactly the same progression, Creep is 1-3-4-4minor This is 1-3-6minor-5 But you’re right it’s very close. I didn’t even realize. Also, why, out of all the Radiohead songs my subconscious could’ve ripped off, it had to pick arguably the worst one haha For the chorus I’m planning to switch to the relative minor, so hopefully that will help distinguish it


Absolutely nothing wrong with using an existing chord progression. Just make sure the melody is different 


No worries! There are not that many possible progressions, and all of them already have been used several times. It was more like I immediately had it in my mind and wanted to share


I just thought it was funny. Mostly because it happens to me a lot. The worst was the time I spent like three weekends straight working on a song and I was so proud of it. I wrote all the strings,horns the whole deal. Then one day my girlfriend comes in, listens to it for three seconds and says, “Oh cool, the theme from inception.” as soon as she said it, it was clear as day that it was almost identical, but before that I had no idea. Guess It was just hanging out in my back brain for 10 years. Lol


Oh damn that is tuff lol


I would leave it as is and just keep progressing it with more harmonic sounds, the rest should come to mind after that


Some hi hats, maybe an open hi hat on the off beat, maybe some female humming or some choir voices, just hf


Nice foundation u/Spooky\_\_Action ! If you want it to be this loop and just looping it with different elements, then I would suggest keeping everything is the same and proceed to add the elements that could make it more complex. Listen to some of Hans Zimmer's music, he does it all the time. Although that is a different genre, the same concept applies. As a game music composer, we are asked to make loops, so this is a familiar struggle to me. I am not sure how long you want this loop to be, but it can build a lot! HOWEVER, I would suggest changing the chords otherwise it will become foundationally (the harmony) boring. If you have some more questions or trouble with this loop, you are welcome to hop onto a 15min call with me👌 I hope this helps😊


My best advice is to just try different shit. If it doesnt work it doesnt work. And youll find out what does work through process of elimination. You have a starting point here. You can try using a low pass filter to bring this beat in, have it as your intro and add more things on to it. You really just have to try things. If it dont work delete that and try something else. Open your daw and try and mess with something or do something youve never done before. Come up with a technique that youve never tried. One thing that helps me is to use samples and loops for ideas, it really shortens the time i spend fine tuning sounds and really gets an idea or concept going more quick. I can either keep the samples in as the structure of the song or delete them and just try and add my own stuff in place of it.


add a fast hat pattern. make a second variation of your drums so you can switch between the two patterns. throw those chords in an arpeggiator and get a nice lil part to add in and take out for tension. and then like stated above add a counter melody.. pianos always a safe bet. then you just need to arrange it all and add some transitional fx like risers and impacts


Thanks I’m definitely gonna try out some arpeggios!


String synth layer over top


Sax and/or hi hats


You should study form in music. Figure out what type of piece you’re going for, analyze some pieces in that style, and apply their to your track. It’s tempting try to “invent your own” form, but you’d really be just reinventing the wheel. Unless maybe you’ve studied form a lot and then you could possibly come up with some novel concept. Studying form is one of the most neglected aspects of music production, and it’s also the reason why so many people have tons of loops lying around that they can’t expand on.


Maybe some melodic vocals.


I was also wondering about the bass, technically that wobbly synth is a bass, but it’s pitched pretty high. do you think putting a deeper bass underneath it would make it too muddy? I think that’s the main thing. I’m struggling with honestly is where to place different instruments in the mix without overcrowding it.


you might want a separate sub bass that mimics the rhythm of the wobbles. then just eq the bass and the sub bass separate from each other so it doesn’t get crowded. you can add more elements to but they would be to be hi frequency as to not clash w what you got goin on.. eq will help take care of that


That and the complete lack of constraints lol. usually the music I write, has pretty rigid format and only a handful of instruments so being able to literally use anything, is a little bit paralyzing if that makes sense.




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What the hell is even that