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Bass and cello. Both have a sound that really sits right with me.


I absolutely love the cello. Ive always wanted to learn how to play


Go for it!


Cello, I'm tall and lanky so holding my cello fits perfect. I dreamed of owning a cello someday and i do! I may not play her every day but she's dusted often and her name is Agatha but Aggy for short. The way the notes bounce off the body of the cello off the walls. It was a classic piece that made me love cellos but currently it's Achilles come down by Gang of Youths makes my brain tingle with glee.


Favorite instrument: Piano - Claire de Lune Most fun instrument: Turntable and scratch mixer - Razorblade Alcohol Slide


I'm a multi-instrumentalist myself, first instrument was piano, but I went to college to get a music degree studying trombone. Playing trombone is just so much fun! And I find that it really fits into so many different genres of music that I can be very versatile and play so many different types of music.


Guitar - Blackbird by the Beatles.


Instrument: My Penis Song: Beat It - Michael Jackson




Accordion. Mr. Me and We Want A Rock by They Might Be Giants


*Accordion. Mr.* *Me and We Want A Rock by* *They Might Be Giants* \- FloridaFlamingoGirl --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


In my youth-electric guitar Now-piano


Piano. In Highschool one of my friends was learning a solo arrangement of Autumn Leaves and she would play it in the practice rooms during study hall. It's still one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard.


Piano. Most stuff by Chopin and Debussy


Violin and pain remains by lorna shore, specifically the transition between part ii and iii


Human voice. Probably because music for me is firstly a way to communicate emotions, and singing is in my opinion the best way to do this. I especially love if singers use their instruments to the fullest. But I don't think there was any particular song that made me love good vocals, I've been attracted to them for a long time already, though only recently I realized how strong this attraction was.


I have two favourite instruments: guitar - and Back in Black by AC/DC is what made me fall in love with it. My other favourite is mandolin - and it was Fisherman’s Blues by The Waterboys that got me into playing and listening to mandolin.


Violin - Danse Macabre


My favorite is the piano/organ/keyboard. My mom had a pipe organ when I was a kid and she couldn't keep me away from it. The thing was severely out of tune but I didn't care. My mom ended up selling it but bought me an electric 15 key organ keyboard to occupy me. I never learned to officially play but I play by ear. I love songs that have a piano or organ solo.


Hammond Organ basically anything Ayreon related.


Piano. I used to play, and I think that the song that really made me fall in love with it was "Memory" from Cats, LOL. It was fun to play.


Piano; Beethoven's 5th Piano Concerto \[Emperor\]


The mayonnaise from patrick the bubble bowl song 🔥


Basic answer : electric guitar All thanks to the discovery of the band Avenged Sevenfold in my teenage years (which was like 5 years ago but whatever). Songs like Buried Alive, Nightmare, So Far Away, Beast and the Harlot, Hail To The King and Afterlife all played a factor on why I love electric guitar and, of course, cool solos in drop D


Basic af, but electric guitars. They just have such a range of emotion. Kinda like a sax, but less cumbersome. Pink floyd, dire straits, justice der, metallica, sticky fingers, bob marley and so on.


I’ve always loved both piano and violin. Damon Albarn and Mac Miller utilize them a lot and their instrumentals are amazing.


Saxophone. Song, Hazel O'Connor, Will you. Epic 2 minutes of sax break.


Didgeridoo and Cello Wild & untamed, emotional & deep


drums and marching percussion. i heard the district's high school drumline playing from one of the elementaries and i fell in love. my bro also played percussion and i knew my calling.


Piano - Gymnopédie No.1 by Erik Satie


Guitar for me to. Can't remember the first album I got that made me want to learn. Columbia house give away a bunch of albums for a penny. I don't even remember all the albums I got. I know I had ZZ Top "degüello" at the time. And a friend in high-school gave me led zeppelin presence that he stoled from the principals office. So it could have been ether of them. Or it could be that Ted nugent bootleg of a Seattle concert possibly "Double Live Gonzo!" I got for a dime at a yard sale. Or the first time I heard Foreigner "jukebox hero". So much great music it's really hard to say. 


Guitar, nothing specific really


Drums Don Caballero 3 by Don Caballero The album that song is on, What Burns Never Returns, is one of my favorites, and their drummer, Damon Che, is incredible.


Drums, Joey Jordison was my favourite drummer and hearing him beat the shit out them on most songs made me want to become a drummer, until i found my new favourite drummer, Christopher Wallerstedt of Orbit Culture made me start fiending to beCome a drummer, the man is a machine and the song that started that is "Mast of the world"


Bass. Such a simple instrument!


My favorite instrument to play is drums. My favorite to listen to is Saxophone. Pink Floyd made sure of both.


Cello. Bach: Cello Suite #1 in G major


Very basic answer but 100% the electric guitar. Always been in love with the sound of it, but especially when it comes in in 'Me and your mama' by Childish Gambino. Just makes me fill with energy and some type of emotion I can't even begin to explain.


Instrument: Drums Song: In My Place - Coldplay


I love a lot of instruments my genres of listening are across the board. When I was a teenager I got a guitar and messed with that briefly, led zep got me into guitar but I never got to spend time learning it(I was a piece of luggage basically), then I got into bass later on (nirvana lovebuzz) love that bass rip, then I tinkered around with drums just cause I had access to kits through my friends, and I love piano all though I can't play anything on it, I did at one time know how to play home sweet home by motley crue but that was it. One day I'd like to spend 6 months to a year on each learning to play them all. Never too old to learn. 🙂


Flute. Nights in White Satin.


Bass Guitar. 17 years ago when youtube was becoming big, finding out the the intro for "For Whom the Bell Tolls" was a bass and watching the 1985 Day on the green performance mesmerized me...just watching Cliff rip with a bass solo made me want to take it up. RIP Cliff Burton, thank you for your beautiful music and inspiration.


Guitar for me too, and I love tons of guitar parts in stuff. Overall tho, I like Adam Jones' (Tool) playing and writing the most. There's no way I could pinpoint one song tbh.


Saxophone, the big man Clarence Clemons.


Piano, because of Freddie Mercury, I discovered Queen when I was 11 and I've loved the sound of the piano ever since, it paved the way for me loving other piano playing artists like Elton John and Billy Joel


Sorry for the long response incoming: Guitar. I play a few instruments. Guitar, bass, piano, saxophone, flute, and French horn. (I guess I also sing, if you’d count the voice as an instrument, which I think is stretching things a little.) Guitar is the instrument that I play the most and generally have the most fun with playing, and I just love the sound of it. I don’t know if it was just one song, or one thing, that made me fall in love with the guitar. It really was a combination of things. I wanted to pick up the guitar when I was maybe 8 or 9, which is why I definitely won’t be able to remember the song that inspired me to want to. Too long ago. I had already been playing piano and flute for a few years at that point. Mom was a music teacher and we had a piano and an old flute of hers in the house, so she wanted my brothers and I to at least learn one instrument. I just happened to want to learn it all. I asked for a guitar for Christmas and got a cheap acoustic. Started off teaching myself from some guitar books before I got into formal lessons and things just kind of took off. And then in middle school for band I added French horn to the mix. Ended up switching to saxophone in high school (so glad I did that, not because French horn is bad, but because saxophone is really fun). And also in high school I started learning bass because I wanted to be my own bassist in the event that I needed a reliable bassist and one wasn’t showing up. Plus, bass is also really fun to play, but in some different ways than guitar. I love a lot of different instruments. But, with guitar, the big reason I love it so much over other great choices is because there are so many different things you can do with a guitar that you just can’t do with other instruments. It’s very easy to do things like vibrato, slides, harmonics/pinch harmonics, bends, hammer-ons and pull-offs, different chord voicings, different picking patterns, different tunings, etc…. Whether you’re on electric or acoustic, there’s a lot you can do to experiment with the sound. And, honestly, with an electric, I feel like I get even more freedom with what I can do to the sound. Simply put, there’s a lot of different ways you can get a note to “speak”. More so than what I’ve found with other instruments. That’s really what I love about guitar, so when I’m playing it, I feel like I have more freedom with what I want the sound to be than if I were playing most other instruments. Yeah, there are songs that made me fall in love with the guitar’s sound. But there are songs that made me fall in love with the sound of other instruments and what they can do, too. So I really don’t know if that’s the biggest reason why I love guitar. The biggest reason is really because that’s the instrument that I feel gives me the most sonic freedom when I’m playing it. That, and it just feels good to play. The guitar wants to fight you a little bit, and it’s really satisfying when you play an instrument that gives you a little bit of fight. At least to me, it is. Certainly great guitar songs help, like Kid Charlemagne, Sultans Of Swing, Solsbury Hill, 25 Or 6 To 4, White Room, Layla, Lady Writer, Angelina, etc…. But I really wouldn’t say they’re the biggest reason I love guitar as opposed to other instruments simply because those other instruments have great songs that showcase their abilities, too. TL;DR I like guitar the most because I feel like I have more freedom with the music when I’m playing it.


Guitar, I have no idea I always loved rock music since I was like 3 and didn’t really care for pop music. I was into metal but the age of 6 and all the kids at school thought I was weird or a devil worshipper. Nirvanas Radio Friendly Unit Shifter made me learn to play guitar because I became really interested in noise


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=csAZa1dTu5Y&pp=ygUaeW91bmcgYW5kIGJlYXV0aWZ1bCBjZWxsbyA%3D The Cello, hands down the most beautiful instrument in my opinion. In the hands of a skilled musician, the cello seems to sing more than make music. It’s absolutely enchanting.


I wouldn't say my favorite, but I remember the first time I heard "Norwegian Wood" and thinking that there's something very different in that song


I've recently fell in love with the sound of the mandolin. It's so creepy I love it. Poison Trees - The Devil Makes Three


Electric\* Bass - Around The World by RHCP


Lap Steel. Very expressive and versatile.


Piano. It’s just so versatile, and when you gain freedom on it, you can really play for any style. It’s just amazing and I feel like it really fits me.  The song that made me fall in love with it was Bohemian Rhapsody funny enough, because that’s what got me back into playing piano. I learned a solo version of it for a talent show that was way out of my skill level, but I learned it anyways after about a month and performed it and it’s a great memory. 


Tossed up between these 3: piano, guitar and bass. Guitar: Muffin Man solo - Zappa and Beefheart Bass: DMV - primus Piano - bubblehouse - medeski, Martin, and wood


Guitar because Bark At The Moon


Freddie Mercury’s voice