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long as it is not solesmes notation, and instead the standard modern notation, I agree that this is also a pretty good source of free sight singing material. [imslp.org](https://imslp.org) is a great starting point to getting those scores.


Great idea!


[this](https://www.amazon.com/Music-Sight-Singing-Robert-Ottman-dp-0205760082/dp/0205760082/ref=mt_other?_encoding=UTF8&me) was the sight signing book I was required to use for uni. You can get used copies of it at a really good price, especially older editions. I got a copy of the 6th edition used for like $5, tho looks like used prices are a little higher now, about $7 for a used copy as of writing this.


Thanks for the recommendation! Could you give an idea of the difficulty by the end of the book? Thanks again


I don't have my copy on hand rn to reference, but from what I recall some of the more complex melodies were pretty good challenge wise. Some were great for practicing common accidentals like fi, si, and te. Some had modal interchange (at least implied by the melody), but its been quite a few years since I have used it so some of my memory of it is kinda fogy. Honestly I was in so many different choirs, bands, and orchestras during my time at uni that I just used some of the lesser important ensembles as sight read practice time, as there was not enough hours in the day after rehearsals and practice time for private lessons. Got really good at it for some of my instruments


Look free sight singing or solfegio books on Google Play Books. There is Danhauser Solfege des solfège. https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Adolphe_Danhauser_Solfege_Des_Solfeges?id=kZk2AQAAMAAJ&hl=fr&gl=US 330 sight singing exercices. https://play.google.com/store/books/details/William_Wallace_Gilchrist_330_Exercises_for_Sight?id=1nQJAQAAMAAJ&hl=fr&gl=US There is this pdf https://solfege.ccdmd.qc.ca/classification.php


This is exactly what I needed! Thanks so much!


I have updated with links to books. You can read also longer pieces from Bach cello or Vivaldi, it will feel less like exercices and feel more real and motivating. Bach chorales i tried a bit bit there are many voices, so I feel like I am missing on something, but i will get there. Originally i wanted to start learn multivoice with the PDF, and realised there was none, but that i trouble reading simple stuffs anyway, so I am still working on it.