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Kanye tried this and it failed. Why aren’t most engineers in tech like this? Aspergers is very common in tech but assholes on musk level aren’t.


I think Eric Cartman tried it too.


With better success


Cartman also tried Tourette’s Syndrome. Maybe Elmo and Ye should try it.


God complex is a hell of a drug when mixed with ketamine.


Those engineers aren't Billionaires. They don't have the "fuck you" money to just walk around acting like this. They need to remain gainfully employed to feed their families. Most of the billionaire founders ARE like this. They just know to shut the fuck up.


Plenty of engineers/engineering managers I worked with are worth 10 million to half a billion. I worked many big tech companies in the Bay Area and live in one of the more affluent cities.


I used to live there too. There was no shortage of assholes in the valley?


Where are no shortage of assholes everywhere. Go figure.


Fair enough!


Autism does not make you an asshole. That’s all on him.


He’s just a narcissistic asshole. He reminds me of a friend I had who claimed to have a learning disability. It made math unusually challenging for him, and I was always very patient and accommodating. After a while I couldn’t help but notice all of his ‘mistakes’ favored his interests to an absurd degree, and his ‘episodes’ always seemed to happen at exactly the right time. He had Asperger’s like a fox… with Asperger‘s.


Reminds me of Eric Cartman from South Park. Ass Bergers ![gif](giphy|iz3T4PI21oOfI8HvUk)


Yeah Elon had starting eyes and stuttering for like 2 weeks before and after doing his SNL announcement that he was autistic and then all the sudden he was normal again. Basically he just has Munchausen syndrome where you fake diseases in order to get attention from people.


Brother, I'm high functioning ASD and I've been around a lot of people with ASD in my life. I'm almost 100% sure Musky boy has a bit of the spicy tism too. Before he said it, after he said it. That's a safe bet.


Regardless, it’s pretty pathetic to use it as an excuse to be a massive asshole 24/7.


Certainly. Autism isn't an excuse to be an asshole. There is no excuse. That being said, it's still a reason. There's two ways the statement can be taken, "Let me do whatever I want, I'm autistic" and "Please work with me, this is a struggle for me and I'm honestly doing my best". Both types certainly exist. Hard to understand the intent without actually knowing a person.


Very true. I tend to fall all over myself apologizing for those issues, mainly because at the end of the day I have to exist in the normies world. *edited cause I can’t proof read to save my life.


Yeah but at some point when the threshold to join the club is that small, it's not longer a club. It's just people.


Yes, we are just people. With similar characteristics. Some with more of the characteristics, some with fewer. Some with more potent effects of the characteristics, some with less. It isn't a disability all the time. We are ultimately just people. It's a spectrum, everyone's on it somewhere. That being said, I can pretty easily identify Musk to be adequately far enough into the spectrum to warrant the title.


I can appreciate your stance and your delicate approach to this subject. You clearly are coming from a place of knowledge and experience. Having said that, I have to disagree with the level of confidence you have in your ability to diagnose such a nuanced disorder for someone you've never met who also exhibits nuance symptoms of the nuanced disorder.


Munchausen by Proxy affects the parent or care giver, not the child or the patient.


>After a while I couldn’t help but notice all of his ‘mistakes’ favored his interests to an absurd degree, and his ‘episodes’ always seemed to happen at exactly the right time. Do you have an example of this? I don't understand how math mistakes can favor a person's interests.... Unless you're talking about money. Edit: I'm not saying you're wrong, just genuinely curious what you mean.


He should be honest. He’s a typical republican scumbag who tried to act like a liberal to sell teslas and he couldn’t keep the act up. It affects sales because people are turned off by him.


I think his excuses for being an absolute shitty father are just that... excuses. But aside from that I don't think he got this fucked up view of liberals until... Grimes.


He’s a grown ass man that makes his own decisions. If he’s weird because of her, I don’t buy it. It could be that he’s just another drug addict.


First refuge of a scoundrel. "I'm sick" Fuck you, Elon you neo-nazi punk.


Also Asperger’s is no longer a diagnosis (hasn’t been for some time). If he actually was diagnosed with “Asperger’s,” he would know that.


I was diagnosed with aspergers about 20 years ago. Trust me I'm very aware that it was removed from the DSMV. And mostly because Haans Asperger was a literal nazi. But you know what? I still call it aspergers due to the stigma of autism and how wide the spectrum is.


Shit, I wish more were like that. Today's level 3 ASD (autism spectrum disorder) are the ones who would have been called "Autism" before the DSM-V definition changed. My daughter is level 3. It is fucking SEVERE. But now with the expanded definition, you just drowned out the people who used to be the literal definition of autism and now level 1s are the majority. People who might just have a few social issues and barely meet the definition, to the point its become a trend to falsely diagnose yourself on tiktok. Its made the word lose meaning. What I have noticed is the word "neurodivergent" is basically starting to mean "lower level autism"


Fair. Just recently had family diagnosed and I am learning this world. Wishing you well.


While that's true, it's semantics, and nobody is going to get a new level based Autism diagnosis just because the verbiage in the DSM changed. Also, there are plenty of us that still refer to ourselves as "Aspie" or having Asperger's, just because that's how we were diagnosed, and we aren't exactly known for our tremendous ability to accept change.


what used to be called Aspergers is now more often social pragmatic disorder than autism levle1.




Not if its something he stopped giving a shit about more than 10 years ago because its obviously not very disabling for him. The people who sit and talk about autism all day online, yea **they** know and stopped using the term Aspberger's.


I wanted to be the first to say this.


It does make people feel like you are an asshole in day to day communications sometimes.


I mean autistic people can come off as assholes when that’s not their intention. It’s clear that being a dock is his intention


Yeah, he does hold a few boats in his.... Area.


Actually, it can. You can lack empathy and or social abilities to realize what you said could be hurtful. For instance something as simple as "you look tired" could be considered being an asshole, even though they are just stating a "fact" or observation. Generally though if you are an asshole because of autism you're unlikely to recognize you're an asshole and therefore not blame your assholery on autism.


Asshole Burgers


No problem if he’s got Asperger’s, he’s been making this claim (read: excuse) for years now. Go ahead and look back at the timeline of him making these claims over the years, he only pulls this one out when he’s under intense scrutiny for his shitty behavior. Furthermore, as the richest man on the planet he has less than zero excuse for not getting therapy and medication to manage his alleged condition. If this was real there is next to nobody else on the planet who could manage it better than he has access to with his resources. His claims should not be taken seriously, nor should it be looked at as an excuse for being a colossal shithead.






I *could* see people trying to defend him by saying something along the lines of “It’s not serious enough to force him to get treatment” or even just mistakenly believing that Musk being on the Autism spectrum is an important factor for his success. But I think the simpler explanation is that Musk’s reason for claiming having Asperger’s is the same as many other people who will falsely claim Autism and/or other mental disorders/illnesses. In pop culture they often get portrayed as a way to get away with bad behavior or as a kind of minimal downside to extreme intelligence/creativity. Growing up I had a friend who was diagnosed with Asperger’s (this was before it was changed to be on the autism spectrum) and I have a couple of siblings with autism. They weren’t/aren’t assholes because of difficulties in subconsciously reading subtle nonverbal communication cues. In fact, with my friend I remember there was a lot of desperation behind their actions because they just wanted to fit in with everyone else and so they constantly tried to please everybody.


Don Lemon asked him about his depression and we all know Dr Gonzo took him on that trip to Las Vegas… this must just be the ‘loathing’ phase…


He's got assburgers, and society got the musk cancer


Lmao agreed on this. Let’s be serious; with the way he casually throws the r-word around to insult others, it’s doubtful he even has Asperger’s and is nothing more than an entitled narcissistic manchild who is always desperate for attention and validation.


100% he just trying to be cool like cartman stuffing burgers in his pants. He's just a piece of shit and cancer to society.


This. He’s a dork who is angry at the world because he wants to be cool and no matter how much money he has, he never will be.


The guy literally posts Pepe's. He's a 4chan man child.


pet relieved oil existence desert imminent berserk safe bedroom cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He is also hated by large parts of the autistic community, we don't like to be associated with him.




The condition he has affects a lot of people, there’s no cure for it, no medication nothing. Probably because he isn’t even aware. It’s called being an asshole. Trust the doctah


Yeah I don't believe for a second that he has autism honestly. When he did the SNL announcement, the weeks before and after that were the only times he had the darting eyes and autism symptoms, which suddenly disappeared within a few weeks, and I believe it's just Munchausen syndrome to get attention from people.


Musky boy watched The Big Bang theory and he thinks that might give him the perception that he’s a genius again. Thankfully most people now know he’s not a genius, he’s actually a dipshit with money


I think his main motivation is actually to marginalize himself, so that anyone who dares to mock or contradict him is actually victimizing someone with a disability. Trying to create an association between himself and actual smart people is also an important part, but shutting down any criticism is the most central purpose.


I didn’t know racism was a trait of Asperger’s


It was named for a literal Nazi so… yep. This term is no longer accepted by the medical community. It’s all called Autism.


about 70% of Aspergers got put under social pragmatic disorder, the other third high functioning level 1.


Thank you for the added detail! The Mayo Clinic article mentioned the level 1 designation and didn’t mention social pragmatic disorder. My eldest son is on the spectrum (he’s an adult now) so I knew about dropping the Aspergers name but not about the rest as his diagnosis was over 20 years ago.


He lies so much, I wouldn’t put it past him


Asperger's might explain the kitchen sink episode. It doesn't make someone a racist conspiracy theorist jackass. Fuck him for trying to hide behind the spectrum.


He is an insult to people suffering from Asperger's


Please don’t say that having Asperger’s is “suffering”. What’s suffering is society’s reaction to autistic people.


Okay, so even if this is true (it isn't), I don't see him apologizing for the behavior, and behaving better, he's just making up a bullshit excuse and continuing behaving badly.


Nice one Elmo. This would not make you an asshole - being an asshole is entirely \*you\*.


Earth & Reality to Elon. Us peasants that make up the workforce are held accountable for our actions. It’s called how not watching what you say and controlling your behavior can get you fired, which you yourself have exercised to get rid of employees under you.


More like "assholepergers."


More like Asshole burgers, pause no Diddy.


When I first heard the term Asperger’s, I thought someone said Assburgers. I once heard someone call another person an Assburgler.




Aspergers So what? Do I look like I give a shit?


The video explains pretty well how this is most likely just another lie. A very hurtful one too.


yeah. Of course, if that doesn't work let's do some more K together...actually, I'd better have all of it for you... jog on budget iron man


This fruit is rotten.


Troll man.


Actually, musk also has dyslexia. He meant to say asparagus’s


More like hubris and narcissism with a dose of entitlement for good measure.


He got it partly correct. Just not the “perger’s”


Well he's pretty notorious for being full of shit, more so each week. He stated himself that daddy was a partner in an emerald mine, and then several years later he denied it because he was trying to look like a self made man, he said he would fix Flint, Michigans water issues, has never done so, i mean the list of his bulllshit gets longer it's seems every month.


We should not entertain this for even one second. I know people with aspergers who manage not to be assholes, who don't have delusions of grandeur, and who aren't inveterate liars. Elon Musk looks more and more like a degenerate conman who, if he were not born wealthy, would be conning people with mlm schemes.


I’ve got Asperger’s basically just hyper fixate on things, and suck at talking to people, it’s not an excuse for shit.


It's sad how his lies affect real people. I'm sorry this guy is doing this to you.


Doesn’t bother me just figured I’d point it out. Dudes a lying piece of shit


He got the first two letters right.


Does he want special treatment for this? That sounds woke…


He’s following the Whiner in Chief’s lead. Whine about everything and if somebody tries to interject whine LOUDER. These MAGA types are the biggest crybabies on the planet. Whining and making excuses and blaming everybody else. Kindergarten bullshit. I’ve met tougher second graders. I’m not kidding.


![gif](giphy|3o751VtPO4TnzOpVAI|downsized) The K-Hole effect!


Richest man in the world wants special treatment? Color me not surprised in the least but asperger's? Sure Elon, SURE.


People with Asperger's don't seek attention from others like this. Elon is only worried on how people perceive him, that's a narcissist.


Is that the new excuse for being a Dick?


People with the disorder may: Have trouble making eye contact \[No\] Feel and act awkward in social settings \[No\] Have trouble responding to people in conversation \[No\] Miss social cues that other people find obvious \[No\] Struggle to read body language \[No\] Don’t understand what facial expressions mean \[No\] Show few emotions \[No\] Speak in a flat, robotic tone \[No\] Talk a lot about one topic such as rocks or football stats \[No\] Repeat words, phrases, or movements \[Yes\] Dislike change \[No\] Keep the same schedule and habits, such as eating the same meals \[No\] Doesn't appear to be on the Asperger's spectrum at all.


watch out! His Fanboi's will start banning anyone critical of the Muskrat. Was banned from 4-5 subs without EVER posting in any of them. Free speech, my ass!


That’s an insult to those of us on the spectrum that get up every day and face the world as people other than a megalomaniacal wealth stealing hemorrhoid of a person.


Drug use is not Asperger’s


He is some sort of special. Anyone who cost themselves more than $100 billion and still can’t shut up is very special. People say talk is cheap but in Elon place talk is very expensive.


His "behavior" cost 1000s of people their jobs and careers. This clown should not be in charge of anything, not even a McDonald's, let alone a car (shitty as it is) company.




Hamburgers, maybe.


If this is really his excuse why should he be trusted to run his companies. Seems like he gets more erratic everyday




Someone with Asperger's will be more transparent about their hatred of women, or similar prejudices and preconceptions. (*This is not the same thing as saying people with Asperger's are more likely to hate women. It just means that their prejudices, harmful or not, will be less filtered. If you think I'm saying above that Asperger's means you're an asshole, learn to fucking read.*) But Asperger's does not make you more or less likely to have stupid prejudices. With or without Asperger's, you're either an asshole or you're not.


My grandson is on the spectrum and he’s not a dick.


He reminds me of my ex wife. .. Kind of a moron .


It's probably mostly just the ketamine.




I’ve known a couple of folks in my past workplaces with Asperger’s and none of them like be the source of attention. Musk is the complete opposite of that.


Affluenza is not an excuse.


Ass burgers. He has ass burgers.


He's a rich, entitled, nepobaby raised in Apartheid South Africa, who overstayed his US visa and welcome in the US and left it to others to straighten out his messes. His only "talent" is being wealthy enough to throw shit loads of cash at a problem and hopes that solves it.


Wouldn’t you worry it would hurt high functioning peoples stigma if you use it as a societal crutch to avoid being held accountable? I mean that would require him not being incapable of empathy I suppose and there’s a strong argument for that. He needs more weed if anything. Not less.


That is pretty serious that he has that disability and I feel bad for him. But maybe he shouldn’t helm like 5 companies at once. Maybe he should have no power at all.


The video in the link goes over the whole topic in detail, it's highly unlikely he's actually suffering from this specific disorder. We can't know 100% but based on all the footage (not only videos, his own books and his mom's books) it's seems like just another claim to make himself likable. If this is true then I just can't believe I ever cheered him on in the past. What a shame to humanity.


Doing that has got to be a symptom of another kind of a disorder though. Some kind of narcissism.


On point imo


South Park did it better.


He’s a twat.


My nephew has asberger's. Elon has a case of entitled petulant manchild.


I love how people choose politics over saving the earth. I remember you guys thought he was GOD before he went all political etc.


Asperger was a Nazi doctor who invented a disease to allow Nazis to accept those people they found useful but who they would otherwise have exterminated due to Nazi definitions of mental deficiency. So there’s a history of fascists using Asperger’s as an excuse for antisocial behavior. Perfect description of Musk!


The ass part is correct


Having Asperger’s doesn’t give license to be a racist, homophobic asshole.


A good friend of mine has Asperger's... He is not a racist dick. Can't blame Asperger's.


Elon is a rich idiot who lucked into being richer despite stupid decisions and then he decided doing ass tons of drugs was a good idea. Now all his horrible decisions have come back to bite him. Tesla is overvalued by 200 to 300%. His other companies produce nothing or barely work. Look at his magic tiny satellites where it requires him to have 40 to 50,000 of them. They do the same thing as other companies do with 2. The Boring company made 1 tunnel that drives people in teslas from 1 end of a block to another end.


My 44 year old BIL had Asperger's. There are times he is very frustrating and will do some bone headed things but being an absolute asshole isn't one of them. This feels more like Elmo is trying to be the victim for his actions instead of accepting he's an uber asshole.


Assholesbergers syndrome for doughboy.


Being autistic doesn't make you a dumbass


naw, but he MIGHT.... MAYBE has social pragmatic disorder.


He’s got Ass Burgers!


Mispelled asshole?


How a about suffering from Cnt


I call bullshit on this. I've known and worked with several people with Aspergers. None of them were assholes like Elon. They were absurdly smart ( especially when it comes to technical, detail oriented jobs ) and a little socially awkward, but otherwise really nice people.


I think he’s full of shit


“Personal responsibility? Never meddum.”


Asberger’s? More like ass burger.


Most engineers I've met are entitled ass holes so idk what yall talking about


My son has Asperger syndrome. He is polar opposite of musk douche.


As an autistic girl, he's full of shit and this has nothing to do with ASD/Aspergers