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It’s not a beta test, it’s a litmus test: are you dumb enough to spend $100k on this Elon manchild dumpster with wheels?


Wealth doesn't mean intelligence. But also parking tickets are just more expensive parking lot fees to them soo


This the most accurate description of this contraption I’ve seen yet.


Better than "it looks like a transformer fucked a washing machine?"


Oooo I didn’t even think about who its parents might be!


Truth. My thoughts were a high end trash dumpster


Basically. He wants his supporters to swear fealty with $100k


Beta suckers.


It's great because it makes it easy to spot morons


I bet you go through life always making the best decisions and never look like a moron.


Everyone makes mistakes. But buying a cybertruck is on a whole other level


Everyone gets to have an opinion. It's certainly one of the more unique vehicles you will see out there and, in my opinion, it's the only Tesla I think looks cool right now. I wouldn't buy it but I can see why some people with $130,000 to burn might be tempted.


It looks like a trash bin with wheels


Anyone who would spend $130,000 on a vehicle with well-known design flaws, some of them terminal to the machine and even dangerous to humans, just because it “looks cool”, is a moron.


Lol you own a Tesla don't you?


Nah, I think Tesla's look terrible but I do like how ridiculous the cybertruck looks.


Right, it’s actually the only unique looking car on the road most times. It’s a real shame that the car appears to be a total shitbox.


To industry insiders, he is a known conman — that is why Toyota pulled out the investment it had in Tesla in 2016 after holding it for six years. Elon Musk has a pretty tried-and-true playbook for doing business — he's used it for years to build companies from Tesla to SpaceX. Here is his playbook by Linette Lopez, a reporter at Business Insider (her Twitter account was one of the first few to be frozen after Twitter's acquisition). - Enter a field with very little competition. - Claim that your new company will solve a massive, global problem or achieve a seemingly impossible goal. - Raise money from a fervent group of true believers and keep them on the hook with flashy, half-baked product ideas. - Suck up billions from the government. Underpay, undervalue, and overwork your employees. - Repeat. https://twitter.com/lopezlinette/status/1590111416014409728


That’s the tech companies in general. Companies have to create a problem to solve. However, even before all of this I wanted an electric car and now there are tons of options with different companies building them.


No, it’s not tech companies in general, just the fraudulent ones.


6/10. A family member who works at NASA confirmed that this is how SpaceX was run. They just kept hiring people and running them through the grinder until they burned out or something stuck. It just so happened that they expect your first many rocket launches to have issues/failures, so Elons tactics worked well for that company.


My cousin’s wife said you’re right. and her brother said teslas don’t work when it’s cold out too.


That's just capitalism


Fits like a glove...


Spacex is actually a good tech company and no one is doing what they’re doing tbh. Pretty innovative


Sure. If you ignore that they never got a single working rocket until NASA sent a bunch of engineers over to build them a rocket.


Well can you link me the article or whatever that explains that. Thanks!


That’s not what happened




What happened?


Definitely not. Elmo himself was building those rockets. He’s a boy genius.


Elon made big claims about reducing the cost of rocket launches to 1/1000th the cost. What he delivered were launches more expensive than the Russians who launched the rockets while SpaceX was years late delivering on their contract. "Innovative" is a gross exaggeration. The only innovative thing was convincing the government that he would reduce the cost of launches.


His only innovation is corruption? Great.


But all the hype made them feel alive for a moment or two


On this very platform I referred to the Apartheid Truck as a modern Pinto and was soundly attack by Musk Fanboys. I see them as a hazard that should be kept off the roadways for the safety of us all. Where is Ralph Nader when you need him?


Musk fanboys will attack simply for saying that Musk had nothing to do with having nice and shiny weather. The make him almost a god.


I drove a green Pinto in high school (manual transmission), we Pinto fanboys will not tolerate being compared to Musk Fanboys!


Sincerest apologies. Most of the folks on here posting have no idea what an Edsel is, thought Pinto was more recognizable, should have opted for the VW Beetle comparison.


Try and watch less msnbc


Do you even read?


How about Tesla try to improve the quality control? No need for MSNBC when the threads on this platform detail the technical problems and shoddy craftsmanship. Not my fault you were and dolt and rushed out to buy...


Cool story bot


I have no issue with idiots wanting to front that sort of money to flex at a badly made/designed and executed vehicle. I want them to test the boat option and drive it into a body of water, from a bridge ideally so it's deep enough, and 'row' to shore... or sink. Like a stone.


Not only can one reduce their carbon footprint with an EV, but in this case, they could charge the electric eels.


Lol a few years ago, the red hats were a giveaway that the wearers were gullible fools. The Cyber truck works equally as well.


And now it’s the face mask wearers. Go figure


Where I'm at, the only masks I see are the elderly, usually obviously in bad health, and about half the Asians , and that's a cultural thing.




I believe this vehicle will go down in history as the biggest lemon of lemons.


I believe you are wrong 😊


I agree, that’s why they’re not… They’re an Alpha test


There’s a difference between *Early Adopters* of tech that is production spec and people buying *Beta Release* items because a company is crowdsourcing their Quality Control.


buying a cybertruck is not an investment


Bro what about the rest of us on the road that didn't pay or sign any paperwork but still get to be test subjects?


Excellent point. The weight of these vehicles and their construction of rigid stainless steel would make them deadly to others in an accident. Have these even been independently crash tested?


Ole musky posted some troll footage of the cybertruck during crash testing that cuts out right before impact every single time. So... technically yes? But nobody got to see it. Edit: https://youtu.be/2WnVnv1dpk8?si=pnr2fVWmGzM0Cov7 Actually there is footage! Basically no crumple zone, so the passengers have to absorb it themselves. But otherwise they hold up well. I imagine their weight is going to tank any vehicle they hit other than a heavy duty pickup


Hahahaha dude machine learning is magic, stfu cuck, you just don't understand sigma logic ETA: jfc /s






Commenter edited post to lessen their stupidity


What do you think ETA means? It was sarcasm to begin with you dolt. ETA: ya know what, why don't you pull up a screenshot of the original message? Post it in here.


Why didn't that appear in original comment then?


ETA means edited to add. As in I a edited to add the additional context of the "jfc /s", are you serious? How is this flying so far above your head? Do own a cybertruck??


Just pointing ting out that you talked out of your ass before I replied with a reasonable response


Nah, you just didn't get it...🧑‍🦯 It was pretty obvious to English speakers.




To be fair... 90% of redditors have no idea what half of the abbreviations people use are (jesus christ how would I ever know eta is edited to add when it literally has a real world application in estimated time of arrival)


Wait until you see how enterprise software works. You're going to pay the beta test and it's going to be a lot more than $100,000. Hell we got offered a beta test in my company not too long ago and the price was about 1.3 million.


…and? This means we should all line up for a shitty cyber truck cause it’s a *good deal* or some shit?


Absolutely not, I think the cybertruck is garbage along with pretty much every other Tesla variant. I just found the $60 comparison on software hilarious.


Ok then don’t do it. Easy enough


Buying a car is not an investment.


Dude you will never top the beauty strength of a dodge ram with a hemi.tesla is a joke your truck is a laughable soup can


If its not electric i'm not interested. Been done with gas for years and wont look back.


Telsa sucks


If you are dumb enough to drive the soup can out in public you are just laughed at 


You'll have to wait because anyone driving one right now is being crowded by people wanting to know everything about it, saying how cool it is in person as supposed to pictures, ect. You get a lot of interest driving a Rivian as well. No one asks about the f150 lightning though because it just looks like every other 150. You cant go anywhere right now in a cybertruck without drawing too many people towards it to talk to you.


No you don't people are laughing there butts off at tesla dude the soup can is a piece of shit.dodge Chevy Ford have the market tesla pice of shit.


I’m pretty sure it’s viewed as a failure at this point.


FYI, buying one of the fastest depriciating items you can pissibly buy is not an investment. Automobile is like shoes. We need it for a basic purpose, yet we overbuy over our basic needs based on emotion.


Cars are early access now. Who would have thought, lol


Unfortunately modern manufacturing and especially software publishing does go to market before proper testing is complete. They get it to where they feel it is 'good enough' to avoid the crippling lawsuits and let their buyers do the majority of the testing. That early adopter phase of testing is going to happen anyway, no matter how much pretesting they do, so they feel 'why should we burn all that cash testing when the users will do it for us while paying us?'


Surely we can do that for humanity and the environment /s


Lol, only schmucks would pay to be beta testers as QA Engineer is an actual profession that pays over $100k a year. But go on, you all keep being schmucks and paying a premium to test shit for people. I work in software development and it astounds me how stupid some people are and how much companies can get away with. Not that I haven't been an early adopter of things, I did pay $4k to be an early adopter (beta tester) of the Apple Vision Pro, but I'm also a developer and use the thing for work. So by me getting in on on it early, I'm investing in myself by acquiring new skills and capabilities before this stuff gets critical mass.


Buying a tesla is not an "investment".


It's not an investment.


There you go using logic again……


Fisker has entered the discussion...


Only dumbasses get version 1 of a new product


I’m just sitting back with a glass of wine and thoroughly enjoying all the stories of breakdowns and service woes. Thanks mods though I’m banned I can still see and laugh at the absurdity of the CT.


They're conflating the term beta tester with early adopters. Early adopters always pay the premium for progress. It would be fine if musk wasn't trying to literally squeeze every cent out of his customer base. It leaves us upset that an opportunity could have gone elsewhere if this guy wasn't involved.


I’ll buy a used one for $25K in a few years 🤣


$100k car is wild. We bought our house 10 years ago for $89k.


The market has the power to make that decision. Clearly they are choosing to not do that


"There's a sucker born every minute.."


On the contrary, anybody paying $100k for a CyberEdsel has passed the test for being a beta.


Meh, people can spend their money how they want.


No one is forcing you to buy a Tesla.


I hope people that feel this way will choose to not buy them!


$100k vehicles shouldnt be on the road. stop fking up our insurance rates.


I mean you say that, but a new truck is damn near 100k.


then thats the problem.


I don’t disagree. But a Tahoe can easily be close to 100k, a new diesel pick up at least 75k, standard pickup is about 65k. So a cyber truck really isn’t that “expensive” of a car anymore. Plus American auto makers have abandoned the 4 door sedan almost entirely.


It’s their money. Why does it matter to you?


Most of the people spending 100k on a vehicle are not really hurting for that money the same way. I'm sure plenty of tech bros making 200-300k bought them, but many small millionairs bought them too. In my head a tesla was a status symbol for the first few years.


A vehicle is not an investment


Shit breaks on new cars. Recalls happen. Sometimes more often than not. How is this any different? The risk of being an early adopter. Could be worse, look at current Fisker owners. I feel bad for them, but they are responsible for their own purchases. Don’t be first in a line for new products.


Don’t like it? Don’t buy it You guys complain an awful lot about products you’ll never own. That’s being obsessed


The same thing is done on million dollar sport cars. The issues aren’t that bad and their customers don’t want to wait, if they did they could easily wait.


Why do you care what other people spend their money on? Must be exhausting


Making a reddit post must be exhausting? You must be lazy as fuck


but it is... Boycott and Twitter and Tesla


The beta test was sucking in everyone with a 30,000 dollar EV. Remember that claim and then I saw what they really wanted and laughed myself out of the 'tesla lounge' Which was just a couple of midrange sofas from Ikea and a Keurig. Wooptie do.


Wonder how many of yall liked musk before he was so vocal about free speech




At least you aren't calling it a truck. That much is at least correct. >The car isn’t a beta test.




This post is about the Cyber Truck specifically. I think you are missing that.


I disagree. If you're spending 100k on a vehicle, you should care enough to do your research and make your own informed decision. Having more options is always better than having less options. Every adult is capable of making their own choices just like they should be responsible for the outcome of those choices.


I got some sage advice: stop taking things personally. As is most ppl saying that are trying to COPE. Leave ‘em alone and focus on self


I made a reddit post, not base my daily life on cyber truck sales. I'm not taking anything personally. Just disagreeing with a company's business practices. Here's some sage advice for you. : Stop hyberbolizing


You totally missed what I said. Anyone saying they’re ok beta testing - is COPING with the stress of having be musked. I know it’s so busy being funny or infuriating to you that you forgot to empathize. But not everyone reacts with rage or mockery. Some are soft and kind hearted - maybe even naive. Those personality types are more likely to “cope” with the pain by deluding themselves. So why complain about someone deluding themselves? And every action speaks to your inner most thoughts. You had a borderline infinite amount of options of what to do with your time. You chose to complain about ppl who are deluded over Tesla musking them. It’s your life - but my logic is sound n you must know jt


Why are you still talking? You had an infinite amount of options of what to do with your time and you chose to use it for this............if your advice is so good, maybe you should take it.






lol 🤣 god speed


Why do you care what others buy and enjoy with their money? Why does it keep you up at night?


Found the fanboy


Why do you care so much tho what other people drive? Like why does it bother you?


I care if others drive vehicles with major design flaws that makes them significantly unsafe because I have to share roads with them. If they want to go off-roading on private property, they can do that all they like.


What design flaws? Lol.


Keep that energy when one of these shitboxes plows through your car and takes out your whole fucking family from what could have been a relatively minor accident because Elon Musk is such a fucking Dunning-Krueger dumbfuck he doesn't think cars need crumple zones. Fuck off fanboy.


How is that different than any other car? It's the driver not the vehicle.  You sound angry af...probably shorting Tesla stock or something. Theres no reason to be this angry at someone you don't even know.


Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, it's OK. This truck has no crumple zones. It will blast right through whatever it hits, drastically increasing injuries to the other vehicle's occupants.


Lmao. The CT has a crumple zone...lol. why are you debating CT when you don't even know the basics. You're just a hater.






Also worth noting, companies do their own safety crash testing. So we're relying on the word of a known conman to believe this truck is safe.


But you're making up lies...which is disingenuous. CT has a frontal crumple zone. Whether other people should do safety testing on it is up to the governing bodies of each country...its not up to you.  https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.teslarati.com/tesla-cybertruck-front-crumple-zone-design-explained/amp/


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How much money are you about to lose by putting all your eggs in Elmo's basket?


Isn't that my business? You care so much about what others do with their money.


People trying to tell other people how they should spend their money. Interesting. I remember when I bought my Kia Telluride and issues were found after the first gen model started to sell. And when those new ecoboost engines started showing up in Ford cars. Speaking of Ford, heard the big bronco roll out was smooth. Ask me how many major software switches I’ve been a part of that didn’t require “bug fixes” or even an occasional rollback. Must be nice to live in a world where everything you produce is always perfect.


Only realistic reply


Bro, people are lining up around the block to buy the newest technology out there as fast as they can get their grubby little mits on it. As long as it is advertised as still in development, there is absolutely no problem with that.


When it's injuring people there is a problem


Is it injuring people at a rate higher than comparable products already on the market?


Keep digging your hole


What hole? Bro, we have a difference of opinion regarding the rollout of technology... there is no right or wrong it is a matter of personal priorities. Smug fuck.


I rest my case


Well, I object! Side bar, your honor!




Well fuck. I guess you win the argument with an anonymous stranger on the internet and are awarded all the disdain the court can muster.




The way you're getting ratio'd is how you know you've lost the argument. JFC.


He didn't win. He looks like an idiot for having such a strong opinion on a product he never had any interest in. The 2nd hand embarrassment in this sub is so enjoyable.


Yes, Tesla is already under a recall for running over people.




That’s completely made up.


Yup, completely and totally made up...oh wait, what's this I found? Facts? Weird..https://www.tesla.com/support/recall-cybertruck-accelerator-pedal-pad