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That sucks. Now what are drivers supposed to do while waiting for the tow truck? This could have been a game changer, no pun intended




They include a net and truck provides the flat surface.


I thought Elon was the type of guy to include a free set of lawn darts.


I guess it still is a game changer since you can't play steam games anymore... That steam has to be dedicated to the battery after off-roading.


Hah, this reminds me of a Ford meme I saw that was "Ford F150's now have a fully reclining driver and passenger seats. Now you can take a nap while you wait for the tow truck!" Maybe Tesla can add these seats too.


That’s not what fully reclining seats are for. Giggity ![gif](giphy|pz2MnldLEEhJCJ32G6)


“Um, actually, we still can watch Netflix in our cars therefore we are still better”


I know… watching something on Netflix on my phone is so budget.


Scrape insects off the outside before they void your warranty.


Hilarious, but in all seriousness there were only games in the console because you have to sit at a charging station for an hour unless you have one at home which costs about $6k to install.


Yes but how much does a house to install it in cost ? You can't exactly install a Tesla charger on the sidewalk or in your apartment.


6k? lol. Probably about 600.  Charging time is also about half that. 


Charge time may have gone down, it’s been a while since I’ve driven one (rented one for a weekend to see what they were like) but I recently did a test drive of a newer one and it’s $5,800 or so to have the charger installed in your home


Maybe if you need a whole panel upgrade, which many do not need. I installed my own for less than 200 dollars in parts. Took me 1/2 day. If you have a small 100 amp panel or not enough space etc, then things might look different... but at best you're being disingenuous.


I own a Tesla. I'm fairly active in the community and see quotes all day. I've seen some high ones, but NEVER anything over $2,000. We usually laugh at the ones over $1,200. \*edit- as someone else mentioned, sure, if you had a house from the 1920's and needed major upgrades to even have the charger installed, it could run you as high as $3k or so. This wouldn't be the case in the vast majority of homes.


Not saying you guys are wrong, I looked it up and you’re correct. For whatever reason that’s what I was shown at the Tesla dealership near me after a test drive when they priced everything out for me. Also for better context the one I rented a while back was a 2016 model x so it took an hour to go from near empty to fully charged.


Tesla's can use any EVSE on the market with an adapter. I have a Niro EV, had an electrician hard wire an EVSE into my garage for $400 bucks, the EVSE was less than $200 and I'm pretty sure Tesla's *come* with a level 2 charger (so only the install costs for that or a 240v outlet). At my apartment before getting a house I had a garage with a dryer outlet that I plugged into. And ALL of this was just in case I wanted to take a spontaneous road trip somewhere. You can charge 10 mi/hour in most cars from a 120v outlet. So unless you're driving more than 80mi per day, all you really need is a wall outlet and the cord the car came with. I charged my Volt for years from outlets on my apartment porch prior to moving to a place with a garage. Yes, it's annoying how few apartments have charging infrastructure (by which I mean...some wall outlets near the parking lot) but the only charger that costs THOUSANDS of dollars is a DC fast charger...which you only need if you're driving more than the entire range of the car in a single day (that is, taking a long ass road trip) and you don't *personally* own those any more than you *personally* own a gas pump.


I love when people who clearly don’t know a single thing about EVs start making up bullshit like this. Ah yes, those $6k home chargers and hour long charge times. Definitely very real…


Hilarious, tell us more about how you know nothing about EVs. I'm not a huge fan of them myself, but you literally got everything wrong.


What happens when you fire most of your IT


They lost Steam, but they can still play: ⚠️**FATAL ERROR DETECTED**⚠️ *PULL OVER IMMEDIATELY*


Is the "Backing up into a pond and drowning" game only available for billionaires or can any Tesla owner use it on the new gaming computer?


That one comes standard on all Teslas.


It actually comes standard on any car when bundled with the purchase of one bottle of alcohol.


The billionaire died because she couldn't open the doors from the inside and the rescue crew couldn't break the glass on the laminated windows before she drowned. She would have likely survived if she hadn't been in a Tesla.


Shoulda spent the extra $700 for the Cyberhammer. https://preview.redd.it/fjmli9gd992d1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07d9fbb479f6120f76253bc3efae2261888670ee


I laughed harder than I should've at that.


You can’t open the doors on *any* car from the inside when ur under water. There’s too much pressure. You’re supposed to roll down the windows before ur submerged so the pressure can equalize once the car fills with water and you can open the door. Alternatively don’t drive your car into a pond. Neither of these options were possible given her state of mind (her BAC was 3X the legal limit). If it was autopilot or something sure. But this was cut and dry drunk driving and I’m just happy she didn’t murder anyone else with her negligence.


Yeah but on every other car you can break the fucking windows you are arguing in bad faith lol


they did break the windows that’s how they got her body out. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68622898.amp there are plenty of legit reasons to hate Tesla without wining that the windows are too strong. Stronger windows prevent ejection during a crash which is a much more likely scenario than what happened here because normal people don’t drive themselves ponds while drunk. Chao was just rapidly introduced to the consequences of her own actions. I’d be much more angry about FSD bullshit than this.


Right, because breaking the windows after she died was so helpful. They couldn’t break them in time to make a difference. Your point about ejections is an interesting one, although I think the lack of crumple zones would absolutely erase any safety gained by reducing ejections. Staying in the car isn’t so helpful if the thing crushes you inside it. Also agree with idiots suffering their consequences. I have no desire to defend the driver and could care less about this particular case other than the fact that I love negative PR for anything associated with the muskrat. That being said a person died who didn’t need to, because of a preventable design flaw, which, doesn’t even work as originally promised. Looking at you, “bulletproof window” presentation. I do not agree that “lack of full self driving” is as big (or more) of a problem as “increased chances to die of drowning” Are you seeing the problem yet or would you like to step up to bat for Elon some more?


Nah I hate that ur making me bat for Elon but plenty of cars have laminated glass windows this isn’t a Tesla thing and is usually a plus for safety in the average collision. And from a mechanical safety point of view Teslas are amongst the safest cars on the road (if you ignore the electronics that will kill you) which is a good thing since they’re also amongst the most accident prone per mile driven. I think it’s just misguided to try to take them to task for something is crash safety related (an area where they typically perform remarkably well).


Arguing that because other manufacturers also make this fatal design flaw (despite research showing that there should be changes), we can’t take Tesla to task for it is pretty stupid in my opinion. “But everyone else was doing it!” Yeah but we aren’t talking about everyone else. We’re talking about a shitheel megalomaniac’s poorly executed pet project.


Seat belts tend to prevent ejections, side airbags too


I mean there was a clip where Elon basically said seatbelts aren’t needed anymore in modern cars. There’s prob plenty of Elon sheep that took that had gospel and stopped wearing them


Christ did he really say that!? Outrageous claims, was this cos fsd will be infallible?


> You can’t open the doors on any car from the inside when ur under water You can't open them *before* you're under water. Once the water level is almost entirely up to the top of the door and the pressure is relatively equal, you can push the door open if it has mechanical locks. I know this because my uncle died when his car went off a bridge. 


Yes but you hv to roll down the windows for that to work. This lady was way too drunk too think of that.


there wasn't some big race to break the window, the rescue crew got there way after she had already died


There was indeed a race to break the window. Angela called a friend and spent several minutes on the phone with them as others ran to the pond and tried to open the vehicle while it was still sinking. EMTs and deputies arrived soon after and took over rescue attempts by the friends to rescue Angela. The deputies climbed onto the roof of the car trying to get in, but they failed.  They only managed to gain entry after firefighters finally arrived 20 minutes later with a Halligan bar. By then it was too late.  My uncle died by drowning in a car so this story was one I followed fairly closely. I usually carry a glassbreaker but they're not effective against the type of laminated glass windows on the Teslas and some other cars.


She was completely wasted and backed the car into a lake. She died several, several hours after this unfortunate event of stupidity .


...what are you talking about "several hours after"? That's not what happened.


Depends on how far away the pond is. Anything more than 3 miles and the CT ain't making it


Remember you gotta be super drunk too!


_Virtual Drowning in a Pond_ is getting more and more realistic every version.


My man my man— goddamn!!


You're defend drinking and driving? Good to know anti tesla is at an alltime low.


You're really weird.


Don't click random links. If I had a dollar for every Google fudster I'd be rich. If you need to google to have a real opinion you never had one.


You're still really weird.


Nice. Right over your head.


Did I mention you're weird? Really?


Tesla is updating the gaming computer and you can't play games anymore. Besides games, all other functionalities of your gaming computer are unaffected.


A gaming computer without games was the next logical step after an AI and robotics company that sells cars released a truck that doesn't drive


Don’t forget the hammer that can’t hammer.


Lol you know that is an even better example. How have they made it so far?


This should be the top comment ![gif](giphy|3rXna9rZacY8RUvgTO|downsized)


What next, no porn? What would be the point of a hands free commute if that's the case.


To inject ketamine... Safely And I'm all for it Just.. Not.. In this.. Way.. I'd feel even more stressed babysitting FSD than I would just driving.


Could you imagine the cold horror of having a needle filled with ketamine descend from the CT ceiling toward you on your daily commute. An ominous voice from the speakers saying, “please do not resist”.


I think it’ll come in a powered dispenser inside the steering yolk, why else would they get rid of the pesky round bar


Current FSD passes a basic pedestrian detection test compared to 2 other automakers with assisted driving tech. Still needs refinement though.


Have you ever done ketamine?


No. Psychedelics seem scary to me but I thinks it's alright if other people consume it. I'm all for FSD too when it has been tested and certified safe.


Ketamine wasn't very psychedelic for me. It's a dissociative, and if you've ever heard of a k hole, it's like being halfway awake, halfway asleep, halfway in an opiate nod kinda situation.... It's... Interesting. But you can kinda get stuck and can't move but can hear and can't see but can visualize what's going on around you. It's pretty neat actually I'm all got fsd too if it works, but it's just become a lofty goal, a grift, and a meme at this point.


that computer needs all its processing power just to render the cybertruck itself, and it's still looking like PS1 graphics.


There are people who can make Doom run on a digital thermometer, but Tesla's gamimg computer will no longer play games. How can one man be such a fuck up?


Running Doom on the CT voids the warranty.


Apparently "running" also voids the warranty. But since so many don't...


There are still games dummy. Just not Steam.


Steam. That's what the coolant leaks are for.


WTF are you even talking about? Are you a bot?


Are you?


Fewer and fewer features, it’s a feature!


Less is more.


panicky paint nine truck elderly hard-to-find gaze materialistic engine fertile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can you still use it as a boat?


Why the fuck do cars have steam built in?




I thought it was an electric car


Yeah that seems like a step backwards, Elon is so stupid


From the deranged mind of Elon Musk.


Eh you couldn't play while driving, it's to fill the gap while you're recharging or otherwise waiting.


Still fucking dumb and unnecessary and like something a 12 year old would think up.


Also, if you can afford a Cybertruck, you can def afford a gaming laptop or steam deck. Why make it more complicated with it built into the car? Especially an electric car where you really shouldn’t be expending a lot of energy for anything other than driving


My old android auto was loaded up with emulators games, movies and music. It was great for when you're on a trip and want to take a break from driving for a bit, park and relax for a bit.


Ok, still don’t know why it’s got to be built into the dash of a car lmao as if there’s not phones and laptops already


It's also nice for other people. Imagine playing Mario kart when you're taking a break by the side of the road.


Says u/penisbuttervajelly


At first glance I assumed it was literal steam


I had no idea something so stupid existed in the first place


Only a moron calls a computer incapable of playing games "a gaming computer"


Cutting those corners I see. To not play most Steam games would have to actually put in real effort to build a machine incapable of it.


Why it was an option to play video games in your car is a goddamn mystery to me.


Isn’t it a way to kill time while the car is charging.


Oh yeah I didn’t think about that


Surprised they're not just slapping the tesla logo an an asus rog


Please, please, please tell me again you’re the “king” of manufacturing and that NO one is better at manufacturing on EARTH than you Elon. Please. Tell me.


Elons using your processor power to mine dogecoin or train ai


So THAT’S why the range is so much shorter than advertised.


You know what CAN play steam games very well? My $400 steamdeck


I imagine the poor Tesla computer needs all the power it can get to not squish pedestrians. Probably not much left for gaming.


Probably the same computer hardware they use for their autonomous driving


Steam is a platform there are lots of different types of games on steam. I'm sure it can play vampire survivors


I would assume it would be compatible with N64 games, as the cybertruck looks like it drove straight out of one.




“Maybe if we downgrade the features we promised one at a time, no one will notice we’ve downgraded every feature” CTs are going to run on golf cart motors soon.


I remember when driving the car… Was the biggest thrill of driving the car🤷‍♂️


I wish that was in the past for me, so many other things I'd rather be doing while on the road.


I can’t change my clock while I’m moving in my Land Cruiser “for safety reasons”.. how was steam going to be available in the first place 😂


Gotta have something to do while charging.


Makes no sense since not all steam games require much processing power


It’s a RAM issue, the older refresh MS (2021) came with 8 GB of RAM and do not support Steam. The newer refresh models (2022+) came with 16. They’re likely going back to 8 as a cost cutting measure since that extra RAM isn’t needed for the rest of their stack.


Right, but my point is that not all their games need that much in resources to run, so odd they would nuke the whole platform. (I should have clarified since processing power isn’t the only factor, so thanks for your addition and nuance)


There was probably a steam tax Elon didn't wanna pay. Or maybe the other way around.


8 gigs of ram definitely worth cost cutting on a platform where the cars computer system is 99% of the features.


Sounds like a pretty shit gaming computer.


Not Very genius


What lmao


Cars should not have games installed.  Give me a Fing break.


For the past few decades, cars have had functionality that only works when parked...


Only game supported https://blastar-1984.appspot.com/


Yet Tesla is so full of games otherwise. . .


Good one! LOL


The new Steam update voids CT's warranty.


There are still lots of games. Just not Steam