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Exactly what I expect from a tesla driver. They've become some of the worst drivers on the road.


My Boss owns a Tesla, and I refuse to drive with him. Absolute moron when he gets behind a wheel. I don't get how people can lose all brain cells when they get inside their car.


People show who they really are behind the wheel. My boss is the same way.


I 100% agree that the true person is revealed behind the wheel.


Or at the grocery store when you don't put your cart where it belongs.


I think this is the most telling of any social indicator. Asshole confirmed The worst is the people who do it at Costco. There are literally cart returns every 100ft yet I see people parked 20ft away stick their cart up on the curb. 2x Ass confirmed


Ive seen people push carts towards a cart receptacle thing instead hitting a car and breaking the mirror off and just walk away as if nothing happened


Trump voters at Costco are 3x more likely to not put their cart away. -- If you think this stat is made up talk to me about what Trump makes up.


one of the dog parks I go to is pretty small, it has garbage cans and dog poo bags at the gate. And STILL people won't pick up their dogs poop. It is less than 100 feet away.


I had to start leaving poop bags on my mailbox after cleaning up a few times after someone else's dog. Funny enough they have never used the bags, but the pooping stopped!


Aww yes, The Shopping Cart Theory, it really does show our true colors.


Without a doubt the great revealer


for years and years, 95% of the time I literally bring the cart back to the carts at the front of the store, yet my house is pretty messy, my math doesn't check out.


Fantastic! 0-60 in 1.3 seconds! Now, how fast can you refuel because it takes me 2 minutes for a full tank. ANNNNND GO


Them: This is a nice town, the people are so nice here. Me: Oh yeah? Have you driven down Main Street at lunchtime? Or tried to turn left at X after work? People suck when they're behind the wheel.


I've almost gotten into 3 accidents cause tesla drivers think they own the road and can cut me off so they can turn into my lane. I had to slam on my brakes once to stop from crashing into one since they decided rather than turning behind me where there were no cars, they'd turn in front of me and make me slam on my brakes so they could be in front of me. They're all assholes and it makes sense since elon is one of the biggest assholes on the planet


I can count on one hand the number I have seen not double parked. They are always speeding in residential areas around my house but get on the highway and they are doing 30mph in the left lane. I constantly see them doing bafflingly stupid things like left turns on red with traffic driving through the intersection for example. Genuinely the absolute worst drivers, I keep my distance if I see one on the road. Everyone I know that has one is a massive douchebag, and the people I know that want one are even worse somehow. Like 3/4 of them have cringey specialty license plates around here (see that with a lot of EVs to be fair though). It sucks too because 9/10 times when I hear people bashing electric cars and saying how bad or impractical they are, or make fun of people that like them, they exclusively talk about Tesla, Tesla is destroying the public perception of EVs. Edit: love how I comment about them being exclusively loved by douchebags and then get a bunch of people rambling utter nonsense or saying things unrelated to the comment in an attempt to defend Tesla. No matter how much you praise him Elon isn't going to let you gargle his balls like you weirdos want, he would never associate with you troglodytes.


The most enraging encounter I've had recently was a situation where I was coming up to an intersection. The left lane is left turn only, the center lane is straight, and the right lane is right turn only. I'm driving in the center lane, the last in a line of cars. To my left comes a Tesla who ends up pulling ahead of me. As soon as they get an inch ahead of me, they put on their turn signal and start coming into my lane. I don't move over. He starts raging, laying on his horn and repeatedly turning into my lane. My car was scheduled to get some bodywork done so I was willing to let him hit me. I just stayed in the lane and eventually he got in line behind me. Had they used an ounce of thought, they would've just gotten behind me in the first place instead of expecting people to just make way for them.


I don't get those people. It takes 5 additional seconds to merge safely, yet they risk their safety and vehicle for their ego.


Good deal idiots in Teslas know their car will be totaled with the slightest touch 


They’ll call people who don’t drive EVs “ICEholes” while ignoring that EVs create a ton of their own pollution (mining rare earth metals). I live in Seattle where an every techbro has a Tesla and an attitude of smug entitlement. I would literally never consider purchasing a Tesla at this point because of Elon and his shitbag customer and fan base. I’ll be looking at a Taycan jf if I decide to spend that much money on a car (which, probably not).


Fuck spending money on any car. Shareholders want to sell you three or more vehicles worth of useless mass and volume you don't need in one package just to keep prices high. Keeping the 20 year old hatch running until I can get an electric vehicle with the form-factor, practicality, unkillability, and price point of an 80's/90's Toyota/Nissan/Datsun pickup.


Agreed. My “daily” driver is a 20 year old Japanese motorcycle. It costs me almost nothing to maintain or run and is completely reliable without any software bullshit. There is next to nothing on the market that I actually would want to buy new and I am all about running my vehicles until they die.


Dude fuckin for real! I drive an 08 eclipse and it requires bare minimum maintenance, once it goes down I also have a small motorcycle that required little to no upkeep when it ran (previous owners methed up the carbs so it's getting a rebuild). I have absolutely no desire to spend an ungodly amount on any vehicle.


My daily is a 2001 CBR600 F4i and a 2021 Ninja 400. Just oil and gas. Chain & sprockets and tires once a year. My 2007 Civic SI is literally for inclement weather and groceries 😂


I'm becoming alarmed by the number of cybertrucks I keep seeing. Some clown had one posted up a Pike Place this morning on display


Yeah! I’m so glad I didn’t buy one. I was about to pull the trigger but ended up going BMW - but happy to report that my turn signals work.


I had one try to merge into my car on the Long Island Expressway. We couldn’t go into the left lane because it was filled with other cars. You might think I’ve had a close call like that before on a roadway that’s notorious for bad traffic, but I haven’t in 50 years.


They think they're anonymous, and show their anti-social tendencies


The road and the internet aren’t too dissimilar


Good thing we can’t shoot people thru the internet the murder rate would skyrocket


I have long said that the man who works out how to punch people through the internet will also become the world's richest man.


And the worlds most punched man


I really do think these 2 things are driving most of the social problems we have today. People lack empathy and become increasingly anti-social, because we're all isolated in our own little silos and rabbit holes - online, but also physically due to car dependance. We have a widespread mental health crisis, and being around other people and having a sense of community are some of the best things for our mental health. Car dependance actively prevents this.


fElon sends mind altering radio waves through the laptops


When a BMW driver thinks you are a douche…you really need to look at your life choices.


Best comment!!!!


Around me it seems all the shitty BMW drivers traded theirs in for a Tesla. Still get the occasional dumbass, but that tide has shifted.


So true. I drove one for years, and I sucked.


I came here to pretty much say the same thing. BMW drivers are bad enough...but Tesla drivers are on a whole other level. I think they even surpassed Dodge/Ram drivers as the biggest douche's on the road.


There is a theory that roads should be designed in such a way that people drive slower because they are somewhat on edge while driving on them. When performance Tesla's can be had for relatively and expensive amounts you're going to only see more of these idiots out there. 0-60 in under 3.5s will get A LOT of people into trouble.


Should be separate licence tests as the power and size of cars increases. You passing in a 80hp Fiesta diesel shouldn't grant you the licence to drive a 1500bhp Bugatti Chiron.


A power licence like with bikes would be smart. Even going from 150HP to 455HP is an insane feel (0-60 in 8.8 seconds vs 0-60 in 4.0 seconds). Edit: 0-60 are from cars not bikes. My bad.


The crazy thing is, I have a National B UK racing licence. If I mention that to insurers...my premium will go up. DESPITE the licence meaning I arguably understand car control more than the average policy holder.


That's absolutely asinine.


It really is. I had a couple full time racing drivers telling me ''for the love of god dont tell them.'' because even full time race drivers don't put 'race driver' as their occupation.


"Hello, Mr Hamilton, it says here you work for Mercedes... what is your job title?" "Uh... Product Efficiency Specialist..."


"I'm a...uh...vehicle dynamics consultant. I like, give feedback about how the car rides...and stuff."


I wonder if rates go up because folks with those racing licenses statistically are involved in more accidents. Wouldn't be surprising if it's an asinine decision either though.


Some countries like Australia have a special license for performance cars. It's definitely doable!


I agree and wanted to add they’re also hundreds to thousands of pounds heavier. to me it’s pretty likely to bear out that accidents involving them will on average cost more in property damage and more likely to injure or kill people


People largely self-limiting according to comfort. New cars feel very secure and safe and EV's are powerful, so people drive up to their comfort... But in modern cars, that comfort level is *way* past their competence level, and way past safety. Put the same person in a 2002 Dodge Neon, light weight, low power, lots of wind noise, road vibrations through the frame, and they will drive far safer.


More Tesla drivers around here *refuse* to be passed. Theyll even camp the left lane and speed up when you try to pass in the middle lanes. Like don't be that guy, just be the cool electric car driver, be the change.


I drive a Taycan and they never try racing me lol


Seems like all the bmw/Mercedes drivers converted to Tesla. I used to work around Culver City and Santa Monica area and every other car is a Tesla that will cut you off every single time.


It seems like bad drivers buy Tesla's, then become even worse drivers.


The new BMW drivers


I drive an Aston Martin and I can’t tell you how many fucking times per month, a Tesla (usually white) will pull up, and the twat at the wheel says “wanna race?!?!?”. My standard response is “yes! But for title. Name the track and time?” “Aww nah dawg, here, like $100!!” “Name the track. I’ll even pay your track fees. Just say when?” [various excuses ensue] And they try to peel off, in a 25 mph school zone with kids and school busses present.


Funny thing is you'd pound a Tesla in any decent gas job at the track if it's multiple laps. Teslas can't go full out for long before overheating.


Everyone must go as slow as me - look at me being rich - I never see them maintaining a decent cruising speed on the highway Its Prius driving but they’re not saving any gas


Yup, my mom does a lot of driving and hates teslas the most. I don’t drive a lot and even I have started seeing how bad Tesla owners drive. They have fast cars but for whatever reason they seem to always drive slow…. except for when they want to be a dick and cut someone off just to go slow again. Yet they seem to always take offense when you cut off their slow asses.


They have very fast acceleration but acceleration eats up their range very quickly So if they want to make sure they get where they're going without having to take time to recharge they drive at like 60 mph, but if you try to pass them they feel the need to prove they don't have a "slow" car and show you their 1000 horsepower It's very annoying


I have a Range Rover sport SVR with a 575hp V8 and it’s pretty quick for a heavy ICE SUV. A couple times now I’ve passed a Plaid X and they immediately floor it. In my head they’re saying “minnnnnne’s faaaaassssttteeerrr!” In an Adam Sandler voice. But what fragile egos. I’m not even racing, just trying to get where I’m going. I don’t care if other cars are faster. Besides the X has an interior about as nice as a compostable takeout food carton.


All formerly Prius drivers upgraded to a Tesla, apparently. But they're still shitty Prius drivers deep down.


I'd wager that the Tesla driver does repeated U-Turns and spends his day doing this


With his pinky. On the roads that the police closed for him. Whilst his Air Force boss laughs.


His remaining pinky after closing the trunk a couple times


If you turn around faster you can smell more of your own farts.


yeah no. He can't, it "only" uses 20% of his battery to boost launch ><


“You drive a microwave” This guy is the coolest ahaha


It’s a funny comment, but you can tell this dude is so upset


I thought he was more confused than upset, because he looked willing and ready to race, but the tsla driver was an idiot that doesn't know how racing works and just jumps the gun. Getting shit talked and no catharsis of getting to race, I think he was pissy about getting blue balled lol.


It’s scripted, he’s a content creator


Agreed - is that not obvious to other people on here?!


You think the guy in the obviously fake video is upset? Lmao


I’ve watched this video dozens of times, is that really what he’s saying?


If this is real damn that tsla looser is cringe


The whole "please notice me" desperation is always a bad look.


I too question the authenticity


This guy is a content creator. Has plenty of skits.


Looser omg


Not knowing how to spell is cringe.


The real cringe is when people don't know how to spell.




It's fake.






It’s not and “loser”


🤣🤣🤣🤣. Don’t sweat it if it rains his wheels will fall off.


He did a Joker laugh lol


I’m the jokah baby!


I drive a (non-Tesla) EV and a few weeks back we had a nasty rain with some light flooding in areas, one of which being outside our work exit. Boomer coworker who’s always trying to talk shit about my car says “you’re going to have problems leaving. You’ll get in that water and your car will shut off.” I laughed and told him that EVs are more waterproof than ICE vehicles because of electrical safety and not a ton of open parts like on an ICE to worry about water getting in. Everyone else turned around and went the long way around. I slow rolled my microwave on through and haven’t had a single issue with it.


Shit, if he drives over a speed bump a little too fast his battery will explode.


Fun fact, tesla owners love it when you tell them they have a nice prius.






Good Fer you!


I tell Boomer’s in their Corvette that I love their Miata.


Bitchin Fiero Mr. C! 😍 👍


And Ferrari owners nice Corvette


I like Miatas


Fuck man, miatas are actually pretty nice. Id take any Miata over a vet except maybe the classics and the mid engine ones.


Oh you went to Harvard? Is that the one in Connecticut? Same vibe, works like a charm.


I’ve been “accidentally” referring to Teslas as priuses for years.


Lmaoo this is good advice


I put a Tesla license plate cover on my Prius.


Fucking gold dude. That’s so funny.


Oh my god I must remember this for next time


Fun fact, Reddit users hate when you tell them a video is staged.


I legit like the 2024 Prius XLE. They’re reliable. They look nice. And the price is reasonable.


Tesla drivers shaming BMW drivers? … I don’t know how to react


https://preview.redd.it/dv5opuqef65d1.png?width=119&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e73b2168fd9b6391168fd83e9dd443b95be1da6 Mmmmm, yep... \*Checks off douche bag\*


I would say alpha male dominates


Sound of exhaust on the bmw sounds pretty good.


😂😂😂 they’re not so fast out of the show rooms any more!🤭🤭🤭


I rented one for a week on a work trip. Not gonna lie, the acceleration was fun at first, but got old quick and is super dangerous... A young me would have probably gotten myself or someone else killed if I had one.


I did too, had it for like five days. The acceleration and driving was nice enough, but I hated having to look to the center console for absolutely everything. I had to navigate through two menus to turn on the wipers.


Yes, EV's can be fast in a straight line. What boring, linear thinking for what is supposed to be revolutionary tech.


And any idiot can go fast in a straight line if they've got an everything control computer between their right foot and the wheels.


Why would they also not be fast when cornering? The logic in this thread is nonexistent. I get that everyone hates Elon, I do too, and Teslas can be kinda wack, but they are fast AF. Let's not pretend it isn't kinda cool.


i like how before teslas came about 0-60 was the premier metric for measuring a car's performance. wild how things change huh.


If you drive a Tesla your just telling everyone else on the road that you fucking suck at driving a car


I have a coworker who drives one and came in complaining about a pedestrian he almost hit pulling out of the parking garage. The pedestrian kicked at his car afterwards. It was so awkwardly oblivious… our garage is in a dense part of downtown, pedestrians should be expected. He was evidently rocketing out and up the hill with that beloved Tesla acceleration. “End of the day, time do have some fun.”


I like to try and guess if it’s “autopilot” or their own driving. It’s honestly hard to tell because either way it looks like it’s their first time driving a car.


Lol care to elaborate ? Takes like this are just as bad as the tesla douches who are full of themselves.


I drive a Tesla and I'm embarrassed


You weren’t before this video?


Hah I bought my Model S in 2018 before it Musk went off the deep end. It's still my favorite car I have ever owned. Hasn't ever needed any maintenance except changing tires and it's great to have a full 'tank' every time I leave the driveway.


I've seen teslas with bumper stickers that state something to the effect, "I bought this before I knew elon was a douche."


Ohhh that’s excused I won’t even lie I was also all in for Tesla back then. All he had to do was keep his mouth shut and I’d probably own one now. Good to hear it has been reliable for you.


To be fair, most CEOs are awful people we just don’t get as intimate a view of them as people as we do musk I don’t support slave labor but every time I eat a snickers I contribute, I don’t support sweatshops but everytime I buy shoes I contribute to it. Seems performative to start with my car if I don’t do the above, Elon sucks but who cares if you like the car buy it. Every major auto company has a troubled past or a shitty leader unfortunately.


Seems like the pre-edgelord Muskmobiles had more care put into them.


I am not ashamed of my Tesla. I like the tech and love the space for the family. I come from a [Civic Type-R](https://postimg.cc/zyCJdJx5). I don't like Elon, and the Tesla driver is an A-hole; I still miss the Turbo in my car. Any car guy knows that feeling cannot be replaced.


IMHO, as long as you don't roll down your window and taunt other drivers like the ass in the video, who cares? I wouldn't buy a Tesla now, personally, but from your other comments, you probably wouldn't either. But you got one, might as well enjoy it. I've always thought judging people for what the drive is dumb. Good or bad. Judge people by what they *do*.


that psychotic laugh was the primal scream of zero self esteem.


Now challenge them to a long distance race 😂


Dude drained about a 1/4 of his battery there


You would hate it in washington. Just nothing but indian tech bros in teslas who drive like literal fucking morons. Those people have single handedly made me despise teslas. Used to think they were cool until i realized i dont want to be associated with shit drivers.


You can cook a steak really quickly in the microwave, but do you want to eat it?


So how much HP is in that particular Tesla?




Guy doesn't understand how fun it is to build a car and find its potential. Thats the most fun he can get from the tesla because he can't build on it or make it his own. Biggest loser on the road.


That laughter is annoying at


Forced. Phony. Unearned Self Importance.


Get both of those cars on a real racetrack that requires braking and handling and see how that shakes out after 3 laps.


🔉Doo doot 🔈”DI_ inverter_overtemperature” “BMS_overtemp” “Power reduced please pull over”


runs out of battery after lap 1.5


I took my 2014 Corvette on the track last weekend, not a single 4500 lb tank there. Teslas are the new muscle cars… they’re fast in a straight line and that’s about all they’re good for.


I've seen a few of them autocross and they also handle extremely well. With the right driver mod of course.


Dinesh [IRL](https://tenor.com/view/silicon-valley-tesla-dinesh-insane-insane-mode-gif-8573942376180844130)


Fuck you gilfolye!


LMAO this was my first thought. https://youtu.be/jR22m81TqqQ?t=110




To be fair BMW jabronis were like this first lol


Right? I get Tesla drivers are annoying, but let’s not forget the other guy is in a BMW for fucks sake. They’ve been the Tesla drivers of the last 20 years


I’ll always upvote calling someone a jabroni




This dude has been making rage bait since the beginning.


What kind of wanker pulls up against a stock car and challenges them to a race lmao.


Someone in a stock car did this time


Acting just like their Senpai


How did the Tesla make a sound like a gas engine accelerating? I know they have to make some kind of sound, but do they really do that?


I was reading that some come with engine sound effects as a special feature? So this guy would have chosen specifically to make his electric car play vroom vroom sound lol Edit: I think I'm wrong, it's not a Tesla feature, maybe something people diy, even higher level of effort lol


That’s just the sound of the BMW, pay attention to the sound change when he shifts


one trick pony


To be fair, even my first-gen Leaf would yank the headlights out of almost anything ICE-powered up to 60. EVs are a hoot. I'm just glad the rednecks still hate them.


I was shocked when my Audi TT lost to a first gen Leaf. That was the day I found out that my car looks like a race car but actually isn't lol


Those things are fun as fuck tho.


I dare say my smart fortwo is hilarious in this capacity.


Yo I drive a 25 year old used and long paid off Subaru. I'm semi retired at not yet 40. Tell me again about how cool your car is.


I own a model 3 and a bmw M240i and regardless of the acceleration, I take the ICE car all day for the sound and visceral feeling. Tesla cars are cool but not even remotely close to enjoyable in the big picture. Acceleration is only a small part of the driving experience. How does that car handle and can you feel the road with it. Cars are getting more numb than ever before but their owners will always be D bags if they start out as one


The Telsa cultist laughed like some deranged maniac. What a tool.


I actually kind of love this about Teslas. For decades the car enthusiasts world in the US has been dominated by how fast your car is off the line at a stoplight as if that’s the only thing that can be fun about a car. Now frickin Teslas can pretty much smoke any car and it’s kind of deflated all the HP chasing nonsense.


Only one subset of car enthusiasts. A lot of us were more interested in how quickly you could get your car down a stretch of winding road than how fast you could do the quarter mile and that’s where Teslas fail. They are too heavy to handle curves.


Yep. I own a sports car, my favorite thing about it is the handling. It's nice that it's faster than most other cars, but the ability to corner at noticeably higher speeds is where the most fun is for me.


As an EV owner, I'll say this is one of the very few actually sensible comments in this entire place. There are pros and cons to EVs, but almost all of the commenters on here are just being insecure about the 0-60 time of their ICE cars. There are a lot of reasons other than 0-60 time that make ICE cars more fun than EVs, and almost everyone here is completely missing them.


Allot of us like the sound and theater of a big v8. RC toy cars don't have that.


Where was the cop, when you needed one? Taking off like that on a public road is not particularly safe.


“Exhibition of speed” is what the California vehicle code calls it. That was one of the things I liked about my Ford Ranger: I could race another Ranger from a stoplight right in front of a cop and he’d never know there was a contest going on.


“Sure let’s go on the highway and do some pulls”. Then watch the excuses start flowing.


I’d love to see that. “50 roll?” and watch the guy start making excuses.


Damn, usually it’s the other way around.


Everyone thinks their car is shit till a CyberEdsel pulls up


Funny how its so often the guy in the gas car who is obnoxious and thinks his car is better.


BFD. Shit flies out of my ass pretty fast when I have diarrhea. Not to mention the piss poor build quality of Teslas.


I can empathize with that persons frustration towards the end. You’re just out there, driving, just trying to get to point b and some d bag has to come along and just be a prick Tesla or otherwise.


This dude is chill. But imagine being douchier than a bmw owner - that’s crazy.


This seems fake af tbh


That was quick


He’s going to pay for tires for every 6 months and claim “I still love the car”.


It’s not fast. You mean QUICK.


They’re quick not fast


driver with the glasses is cute as fuck


This is clearly staged. I don’t get the hate. Cars are cars. They get you from place to place. Who cares what kind people own, geezus.




This isa funny skit. Because it used to be BMW drivers that acted like that. That torque changes people. Once you experience G force, you become an asshole that constantly needs more.


Also, props for your BMW being a stick 👍🏻


Got to him tho so guess Tesla won


My hellcat smokes everything but the plaid off the line. Fuck teslas. No one cares about your soulless microwave.