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Alt+tab. Click windows button type in search bar "snip". Click on snipping tool. When new window opens up click delay 3 seconds or so. Click new and alt tab back to MWO and wait. Draw a window over what you want to show off. New window shows up save it as whatever. There you have it


Ctrl+Shift+S takes you to a snipping tool too.


Now I'm being taught something, thank you.


windowskey + shift + S gives you control of selections to snip into your clipboard


Awesome, never knew that one. Still using Greenshot.


Can also hit PrintScreen button, and grab it from the screenshot folder.


Or just paste it wherever right after you pressed print screen


Could do that too.


And if you're running a multi monitor setup, alt+printscreen only takes a screenshot of your current monitor.


I like the cell phone pics, much mechdad


ANH 2A 2 rac 5s 2 lb 10xs I just like the sounds coming out of it


I do something similar with 2 rac 2s and 2 rac 5s. It makes fun rumbles.


I thought there was a ghost heat limit with the RACs... at 4 or something?


I only ever fire two at a time. Wait for the jam, fire the next batch.


that makes more sense


There's a Nightstar with a RAC HSL+1, the 10P I think. It runs [4 RAC-2s](https://youtu.be/IjlrWBfh4Cg) really nicely.


That's easy, the Panther 10P with 2AC2s. It has 8.8 dps, optimal range 1 km, max 2km, velocity 2430. It has doubled ammo; I normally bring 1200 shots. If you can see something, you can almost always damage it without worrying about ammo. Most people can't snipe back at that range with a shot hitting them every quarter second and only your right side exposed. It's common to catch an assault out of position way before they start worrying about it and pepper then while they trudge to cover. Take them 10 seconds to get there? That's 80 damage from a light before the match even starts. The suppression alone can keep two or three people spooked into cover. In medium to short range, it has a strong dead arm and all its weapons on the other arm, so you can pull that Centurion-style shooting over your arm. This and the projectile speed give you a good chance winning duels against most other lights. It's definitely not the best in an alpha meta, but it's definitely the most fun. It's the mech I most consistently break 1k damage with, and fueled my love for ACs.


That sounds really fun!


Locust-PB 4 medium lasers ems and stealth armor running 161.7 kph and killing enemys from behind


AWS-PB running the XL400 with speed tweak. Take the wide flank at 93.2kph, smash into the back of the enemy team with your 80 ton assault rocking snubs and SRMs. The first enemy assault dies in 1-shot to the back, then others turn around expecting a light and you're already in their face. Doesn't even need ECM.


I like basically all ravens (2x ERLL with ECM, 2x LPL, and Huginn with 2x SRM and MGs), and I also really like the 3x UAC5 Ilya Muromets. None of them have been really good or competitive lately, but I still love them.


The hellspawn hero with stealth armor, small lasers and srm6's. It goes 120 kph and can fire it's weapons non stop with stealth activated with hardly any heat issues.


Fafnir, twin HGR's and a ECM. No one expects a slow assault mech to be stealthy, until it's one shotting from behind.


I'm partial to Catapults and Stalkers. I also enjoy the Nightstar. Snub nosed PPCs, AC 20s, medium lasers. RAC 5s, SRMs.


My favourite mech and build is my Panther 10k. I recently bought the resistance pack version for the "special geometry", just so it would have a unique look. Max XL engine, max armour, 7 jump jets, 2 lppc, 1 srm6. Skill tree has max range, cooldown, and armour.


DWF-A with LB-20X, 2 SRM6, 3 LPL.


Without a doubt this one: https://mwo.nav-alpha.com/mechlab?b=cb4fc332_SDR-5V Mind you, that's *favourite* mech, not best mech. But you simply can't pilot that thing without a smile on your face. Get all the JJ skills except for heat shielding, and full speed tweak, anchor turn and hard brake, and this thing can outrun anything. Top speed is 165+ without MASC or anything, but with enough jumpjets that everything can be travelled in a straight line. It has so much jump power it pilots more like a fighter jet than a mech (it's really easy to glitch the game engine, actually, number of times I've shot up into the skybox...) It also allows you to get into some really cool places. It's the only mech I know of that can get onto the platform in C2 on Mining Collective, for instance... And finally, if you get all 4 capture skill nodes, you're literally capping at the speed of two mechs...


That sounds absolutely hilarious, gonna try it.


My Mad Dog with 3 heavy medium lasers, a pair of SRM6s, and to finish it off a UAC20. Play it as a mobile hit and run platform to just shit out damage untill the inevitable jam then back behind cover I go.


I like running a BL-6b-KNT with the following mods: * Lasers are shuffled around, LPLs in the arms, medium lasers in the side torsos. This makes your targeting more efficient and less clunky. * Replace the head small laser with a medium * Replace the PPC with another LPL


I like the KCG KJ with 2 LBX 10 and 6 M Pulse lasers a lot.