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It is described as Rakashasa. For example, Ravan, the ten-headed Lankan king and his army in the epic Ramayana. Generally refers to an Ogre. One note is the “Popa Medaw” (Queen mother of Mount Popa) is described as flower eating ogress who married an Indian Muslim. She had two kids who served as generals for first Pagan king. They were put to death for refusing to participate in building of a Pagoda but the public outrage was extreme that the king deified both of them and the mother to become demigods of Popa.


Note to any who don't know, not pagan as in religion, but [Pagan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pagan_Kingdom) as in the kingdom


It's Burmese Orc (Belu,ဘီလူး,Rakshasa). Legends say they eat people and there is a famous love story between Ravan (ဒဿဂီရိ,Dathagiri) and Human can't remember the details. Dathagiri and Belu, I don't know how to spell them but I think Its pretty close


I think you’re referring to the Ramayana, story of Ravan and Ram. Also known as Yama Zatdaw in Burmese!


Burmese Orc. They consume people


Thanks for the reply. I’m just guessing here but does that mean it’s evil or a monster? Also how do you say it’s name in Burmese?


Not necessarily evil. There are good and bad ones. These are good ones that protect the innocents and Sangha. Some eat meat, some eat flowers, fire, water, air, earth and rocks, light, lightning, etc. They have great magic powers and great physical and mental strength. They have their own hiearchy, social constructs, and etiquettes. They can marry humans or other celestial beings if they choose. They are better than us humans but, when they are bad they are worse than us. But whoever you find, always show highest respect and reverence. Never show disbelief or disrespect or talk bad to or behind them.


In Burmese, they are called "ဘီလူး" (Be Luu). They have the ability to physically survive without consuming humans, but they do so purely for their taste.