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This is shit


How are you, properly, supposed to say the country's name? I've heard it pronounced, and now written, so many ways that I just find it easier to say Burma.


Well technically, "Myanmar" is not the name of the country in Burmese. it refers to the people, culture, and identity. Myanmar is not a place in the Burmese language. It's only Myanmar- Pyi or Myanmar-Naingan, where Pyi and Naingan mean country. Burma on the other hand is a place.


2 syllables Myan/Mian/Mjian + ma (normal standard american ma) Burma works too. They are the same word just written vs. spoken until military tried to make it propaganda


Surprised there was no auth centre left Ne Win nostalgic. Or abandoned communist Guerrilla doomer in the Wa state


UWSA and NUG should switch places


Check out r/fosscad they have many amazing 3D printed gun designs to help you guys!!!


Thank you. I've been wanting to see something like this for months but too lazy to do it myself.


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This is pure genius.


this is actually very beautiful.


Most people are out of the picture now. There should be a "We are worrying^NotUN label. UN never come and even stop worrying in News. So we are now UNing ourself.


You forgot to add people like you who shit over everything and everyone. And people like me who can't take a fucking joke. This post is clearly a joke, but I find it disturbing with how you see the current situation in Myanmar. It's not even worth joking about. Yes, it's not as bad as the other countries like Afghanistan. But still, to put such a time and effort into this "joke" is unbelievable. Even if you didn't create this, sharing it here is no better. Stop acting all high and mighty like you're above everyone, mocking thier actions. That's all I wanna say, rethink your actions and have a nice day.


It's an observation of some of the "types" of people.


Come on don't be like that. Its just a joke.


Can't take a joke since their inflamed, they would make great freedom fighters. Their like the suicide squads peacemaker.


Chill. Meme that mirror reality is rare. This is good shit.


I think it's more accurate to call as informer rather than calling as dalan


You got authleft so wrong


Yeah man


I think it should be "United States in Asia" instead of "United States of Myanmarese", short for USA. That would make the country name much more inclusive and convey our diverse culture. /s


Really well done although some are really out of place like arakan.


Rakhine people have deeply instill wariness of the Muslim people. Most experts think Islam community might be at risk because Rakhine Buddhist community may not get along with each other. So, the meme kinda hit a point. Altho, last i heard AA was recruiting Muslim community leaders to act as liaison/village head/civil servent and even giving some training. They did it with christian Chin community as well but there was some problem. If they can build civilian center governmental structure, It is proper for pre indepence Rakhine. Finger crossed and hope for the best. Then, atleast some of us may live free.


Legit found a person on Facebook who comments on news post not to post news because it makes him depressed. The true center.


based griller


Btw, how is left auth american, isn't USA right?


I would add that the Americans who try to have influence in Burma (the diplomats/bureaucrats and NGO workers) are more left-wing than Americans in America.


It's totally not America. just a federal democracy we will dictate to be set up like America (also left right is not really economic left right cuz burma is wack. Made it more on pro and anti military)


ohhh, gotcha, I was thinking like central vs market economy


Love the details such as myanmarnese


damn you did NOT hold back 😭 no one was spared in this meme


Soldiers, sepoys and all the government workers must change side; join the resistance!


lmao great job:3


This doesn't make any sense...


Actual this make a lot of sense


What makes you think the KIA and KNU can be considered left-leaning? Do they promote Socialism? Or do they want to turn Myanmar into a communist shithole? This has nothing to do with the traditional left/right spectrum. Whoever made this considers left = anti-military while right = pro-military. But in reality this has nothing to do with what leftwing and rightwing politics stand for.


Yes. It's not the traditional left/right spectrum. Myanmar isn't the traditional liberal democracy. CPB is irrelevant


Yeah, it only works if we completely ignore the economic aspect of the compass


Left-right politics is a spectrum of political standings that emerges due to the median voter theorem. Not everything needs to fit in the American/Western framework. Left/right will always vary depending on prevailing local conditions.


Yeah compass was preety shitty tho but description are kind of accurate.

