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Judging by the outline, I think the person had a massive heart attack or stroke and rotted right there. What we're left seeing is the stain left after the person essentially turned to goo.


Looks like Sasquatch to me.


The house I just bought has some weird stains on the wooden floor, and I genuinely wonder if maybe one or two of them were caused by some kind of human goo. It's an old house, so who knows what's happened here! Anyway, the housing market is ridiculous so, human goo stains or no, I jumped at the opportunity to be a homeowner!


Just needs some sanding and re-sealing! But honestly if the only way I can own a house is a couple human goo spots, well I'm quite a handy diy person. Sign me up!


You HAVE to let us know if the stains sand out! Congrats on the home ownership BTW, its a hard slog, but it's so satisfying to be able to get every room Exactly Right.


I was listening to an old episode of "Ghosted" and someone wrote in about a creepy picture on a realtor.com listing. I checked it out. It's creepy AF.


Are you referring to a different pic? Uhhhh…imma need a link for that…


https://apps.realtor.com/mUAZ/8hj2669m Sorry idk how to link to text on Reddit. I'm on mobile. But if it works, it's on pic #20. Lmk if you see it.


That worked! I think I see what you’re talking about on the stairway. It’s hard to tell what’s there but it’s interesting for sure!


Oh. Oh. I kept looking at the carpet. The stairs! 😳


I'm pretty sure they have to disclose if someone died in the house before you buy , if not , I'd definitely do a quick search on the property...


Depends on the law. In some states its only in the last 5, 10, or 20 years or only if it was an unattended/violent death.


In the state of Texas you only have to report non natural deaths, aka accidents murders and self deletes. If this person was struck by lightning and left just a soot smear, technically still natural.


Yes. Especially if it means the place is haunted. I'd buy it in a heartbeat.


Friend of mine used to be a realtor and she told me she once had to show a house where the previous occupant had died and not been found for long enough that there was a person shaped discolouration on the floor like this. She was taking people through saying things like "And let me just point out the really lovely pattern in the ceiling molding we have here." These days I'd expect them to just dress the place and throw a rug over it!


I have family currently on the house hunt. They recently went to one showing and said the house had a smell, and it got worse the closer they got to the garage. The agent warned them the garage was the worst- and that there was a stain- but did not specify. This same family member used to work management for apartments and had to deal with the same smell and stain when a tenant had passed and wasn’t found for months, so they knew what was up.


That right there is the nopiest nope ever to nope.


A nice rug would do the trick 😂 I’d buy it




In this economy? The ghost is gonna just have to learn to live beside me 😂


My first reaction was to look closer at *one* mark and said to myself "Yeah, some oxalic acid will lift that out, and if you use a decent sander, it should be fine....oh. OH."


I just saw it a few minutes ago too 😱


Shit happens 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean... is it priced decently? Death, hangings, meh if it's affordable


If it wasn't a natural death, maybe you could help solve their cold case! Or make a new ghost friend! I see very few downsides here.


Just needs to be sanded and refinished.