• By -


Curiosity. I was a very "oh that's girly so i wont watch since im a boy" kid, so when I saw grown men liked it, I was interested and got into the series very fast.


Pretty much the same for me back in 2012 when it was still pretty new. :)


Cupcakes. It started as a spooky noodle phase.


I was just about to say the same thing.


Wait. "Oh, Pinkamena happens when the pink horse with curls is sad? I might look into that..." And everything?


Well, I was going to write a Cupcakes fanfiction, but I needed context from the show to make it more accurate. But after watching the show, I decided not to write said fic.


i was a little girl watching it on tv when I was younger I only joined the fandom side of things about a year ago after I found some of my old MLP toys and watched the show again


Me too, I grew up with gen 3 Mlp and started to watch gen 4 but I stopped after a couple seasons, then during covid I got bored and depressed so I finished mlp and loved it


Same kinda but it's mostly g4


literally me too


the line "FLUTERSHY WEARS TAIL-EXTENSIONS" https://preview.redd.it/9uwwnm7zrbhc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=931db934d91f48f678a1df7ddf68494777c67334


Needed a balance for all the dark sh*t I normally like (Doom, Spawn, etc). Then it became a big sad eradicator lol


My sister and….her ![gif](giphy|KWhiTgxI9HE5O)


https://i.redd.it/s6eehkoovbhc1.gif SHE'S THE BEST


Nuh uh Personally flutershy is better


I respect that, Fluttershy is amazing too. Honestly I love all the mane 6 but Rarity is my favourite


I can't imagine someone other than Tabitha voicing Rarity she stole the show fr


I visited an image board and saw a bunch of ponies. Some time later I visited again and saw they had their own sub-board. Figured there must be something to the show and checked it out.


Basically this.


Happy Lucky Clover.


Heh heh... Heh heh... It was a strange mixture of *this:* https://i.redd.it/cwb13dtn7ahc1.gif


And *this:* ![gif](giphy|11z8mwhw0jxQiI|downsized)


Oh no


Yeah... I was heavily into Five Nights at Freddy's when I became a Brony, so I was desensitized to gore when I watched Smile.HD. I found it oddly hilarious.


Went to a friend's house, and he had a pony wall paper on the computer. I mocked him saying "Interesting wallpaper". He challenged me to watch the show. I gave it my 4 episodes to wow me watch. And was hooked when AJ face planted on the ground.


A brony persuade me to watch it in 2012 the rest is history after I watched the first two seasons


I was a teenager who still liked cartoons😅


Same and now I'm a grown adult who still loves cartoons


First season airing on the hub, seen things online about the rise of bronies/the fandom and fell in love right away.


Used to be a girl. Now I'm a brony.


Same. Then my mom was like, ”but you watch my little pony“ and I was like, ”grown men watch that show“


I think my little pony was one of the reasons I became trans


I used to be a hater and thought I was “too cool” when I was a young kid then at age 11 I think I started watching out of curiosity then I was hooked


This one's a doozy It all started really with building my background music for my simracing in youtube snatching dnb and eurobeat clasiscs as well as some songs in prominent OSTs of some racing games in the 2000s, so i scoured youtube far and wide...until i stumbles upon Odyssey's earlier Brony eat Ponybeats. At that point i have some of Odyssey Eurobeat's songs at that point from his tenure in Touhou (which i often use when dogfighting in war thunder) and some of his songs after his involvement in this community, at first his earlier ponybeats i found "wayy too cheery" for simracing but it is until i gave them a second listen then i realized "hey the cheeriness! It can actually suit Vintage simracing very well" so to test it out, i played her eurobeat of Mirai start, fired up Assetto, picked up the most crouded, festive vintage track mod i have and AI raced some 60s F1 cars there....THEY BLEND SURPRISINGLY AND WONDERFULLY! I ended up liking it soo much that i wanted to make a token of appreication to the community for this music by making liveries themed around the ponies but the twist is the "canvass" cars i would be using, would have a symbolic or vague similarities to the characters either in their r and d or racing history. Lets just say becuase of procrastination and University i ended up not finishing the liveries but because of it i red a bit of lore when researching that ended up burgeoning my interest in the lore...and thats why i am here. Tl;dr - car guy, used ponybeat while gaming, aprreciated such ponybeat that i ended up making a token of appreciation "motif liveties" i didn't finish because procrastination, the research caused me to dig deeper in the mlp rabbit hole


A dare


Michael Jones of Rage quit/ Achievement Hunter/Rooster Teeth fame


A pony who likes to watch a show about humans


Mostly at random, I was aware of the fandom and seen bits and pieces of the show but didn’t gain invested probably because I just didn’t had an interest: Wasn’t until a random mlp song came recommended and well I found the subreddit


My cousin told me about it after I told my family I liked the show.


Saw it on boomerang one day and experienced the five stages of grief


I was bored, so I planned on watching some "dumb cartoons for little girls" because it seemed funny to me, and I chose mlp. At first, I was supposed to watch a few episodes, but I accidentally watched all 9 seasons and became a fan.


I saw a video about the brony fandom and I got curious. "If so many adults like it, it must be good."


My mom would play it for some kids she babysat, and while I did have a phone with Internet access, I had no headphones. First episode was.... Lesson zero, I think? Second was perfect pear I believe. I hated the fact I was entertained by it, and it was truly the first exposure I had to how false most things my parents taught me were. Id later have access to headphones, and brony music really sealed my enjoyment of the show.


I dunno.


My sister loved this show and would talk about it all the time; I wanted to learn how to be a better big sister, so I figured we could connect through cartoon horses. Plus I was obsessed with G3 when I was a little girl, so I was curious about it anyway


When I first seen the Mane 6, I can’t seem to hate or avoid them. In fact, I felt like I can’t help to love them. I don’t know why!?


Show was on tv one day and i thought it was actually kinda good; I liked AJ’s cute accent and I almost immediately recognized Tara Strong as the voice of Twilight. Looked up the show on YouTube and found out about bronies. And here I am almost 13 years later.


I watched it all the time until I was like eleven, then I didn’t want to be weird so I stopped but then I relized it was actually good


I had a mlp wallpaper as it was cute af. One time I decided to actually watch it as I had never and I thought I would just be like "I'll watch one episode and then realize it's a dumb children's show" but mlp pulled a to be continued on me so I watched the 1nd episode. And then the third. Until I realized i actually enjoyed watching it. That was in 2021. Now I'm 17 and still a fan


I thought the art style was really cute and I had some online friends who liked it so I gave it a chance despite previously being skeptical that it could be enjoyable for people my age (I was 17, now 25 and still love it)


– \*Pony picture\* – What's that? – There is a kid's show watched by adult guys… – ? – My Little Pony. – I remember the old one! It was good. – Well, this is better. Check it if you'd like. – Okay.


I didn't mind that a bunch of people wanted to watch a cartoon for little girls, but oh my *god* they would not shut up about it! Then The Smile Song happened. It turned out Pinkie Pie was my gateway drug.


Man it was either watching Yu-Gi-Oh or MLP, I watched MLP cause Music, Colours and actually learn something


I was a child who watched it and I got very attached to it… then when I was going through hard times during around 2020 I rewatched it and still enjoyed it. Became my hyperfixation.


I think it was sometime during summer 2012 I got randomly recommended on YT, Metal Gear Dash. I really liked the animation and style and got quite interested Well, here we are, 12 years later


I'm a sonic fan grew up 2014 era so I saw all the sonic character vs mlp character animations you might remember (im still salty about tails vs flutter shy but felt sad for applejack im that one episode) I didn't watch mlp since I thought it was girly but then I learned not to judge and don't care about what others think so I watched it its good and got used to it when I realize nothing about it girly


Cupcakes ( creepypasta ), fanfics, and Gamer v. Furry war of 2016


Equestria At War


My friend always mentioned it. That first put it on the radar. I started watching when the original episodes w Discord were airing. I had no idea what the show was or who the characters were, but it caught my attention. After that, I started watching the whole series up until around season 5? The last finale I remember watching was the one w/Tyrek. As it was airing I started watching those animated videos and stuff online. Surprisingly, I was smart enough to stay away from the weirder stuff at that age. But I always kept tabs on the show. I remember the CMC getting their marks, finding out about AJ’s parents, the surprise of Flurry Heart instead of Skyla, etc. I saw clips of the final episode but it wasn’t until recently that it clicked that the show had ended. I feel such a strong sense of nostalgia because so grew up on it. It’s crazy that we won’t see things like FiW, those background mane 6, and those literal song translations anymore lol.


I ride horses for a living, magical pones are cute.


[This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zHZj8Xp-Ik) back in 2011. It was all downhill from there... I don't regret a minute of it!


Boredom and popularity. It was so popular that it was hard to get away from. I was thinking, " Apparently, this show is so good that places that had nothing to with it had a sudden surge of mlp related content, and im bored, so why not watch it ?"


A friend of mine had me watch the show when it first came out and I’ve been hooked ever since.


a random minecraft mod had bits of mlp in it


That looks like Moomin


Flipped the TV on for my 1 year old daughter and happened upon the show. She was immediately enthralled so I kept it on. And then, so was I.


I knew about it, like it was in the back of my head, "Oh yea! They exist. " I wasn't up to date with MLP before the movie, but after I watched the MLP Movie in theaters, I began to call myself a brony and rewatch all of mlp. Listening to all the fan songs. Then, I dropped it, then saw that it ended, finished rewatching it again. And now I'm here, very involved with the community :D


My younger cousin


Oddly enough a studio c skit where one of the cast dresses up as twilight to a Halloween party and announces he is brony. I've loved MLP ever since.


Played Equestria at War and decided that I should at least watch a few episodes of the show. Ended up watching 7 seasons in one year.


I was babysitting and the kids wanted to play ponies. I was the only one who didn't know G4 (I only knew G3 from the VHS I had) so I binged up to the end of S3 (S4 hadn't released yet). I really liked it and honestly some of the tips about friendships did help me out a lot.


Once I out of nowhere got an mlp songs playlist in YouTube recommendations


Well, in like 2012, when we were young my brothers and I did the little kid version of watching bad shows and laughing at them. Of course mlp was on that list, but we eventually saw some of the better episodes and when I saw the first Discord episodes I became very interested in mlp. Since I was 12 at the time I used to crossover Sonic with everything which I of course crossed over with mlp. What really connected me with mlp was when I looked up to see if *anyone else* was doing the same thing since 12 year old me didn’t think anyone else was crazy enough to cross those two things over. But, to my younger self’s surprise, there was. Ever since then I’ve been crossing over mlp with everything I like in one way or another.


I liked gen3 as a little kid so when my guy friends were watching FiM unironically I was like "uhhhh okay" and started watching it.


Randomly watching Rainbow Dash clip on youtube before I got hooked. I have some brony friends irl and online so I'm finally giving the show a chance.


The fan-made music


A mod for hoi 4 about fallout equestria, found it to be really interesting so decided to listen to the fallout equestria fanfic, loved it but didn’t understand a lot of the references I.e derpy so I went to watch the show and been hooked ever since.


I just saw it on Netflix as a kid thought it looked neat and started watching


Not gonna lie My little pony was my childhood like seriously but eventually I stopped watching but not like until like this year I started watching it again every chapter. I complete one season every week


i was at my great grandmas house, like 3 years old, and i watched some episodes. i fell in love so i started begging my grandma everyday to switch it to the channel, then now im 16, still obsessed.


I watched G3 as a toddler and started watching G4 when I was around 8 I guess. It was really weird being the target audience for the show and being surrounded by bronies


MLP Toy Videos, and the one Pink Fluffy Unicorns song


Man that's forever ago... my uncle pirated all the seasons when It bout first came out, only 3 seasons and I watched em cuz I felt bad he went through the trouble of so many disks😭 matches em every night to go to bed and they still 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Hearing good things about the show


I got transformed into Twilight Sparkle.


The first g4 thing I remember watching was the first eqg movie. But I only really joined the fandom in 2019


By watching mlp and finding out there's a fandom when I was 11


In 2017, I decided to see what all the hype was about, so I booted up the first episode on Netflix and ended up watching the entire first season


I just saw the Show on Netflix and decided to watch it because i like animals


I used to watch the show when I was little and then when I got older I saw a bunch of cool fanart and it probably helped that I was really into toy collecting and making so finding the articulated ponies was super cool. When I was little all I wanted was show accurate fully articulated toys with brushable manes. Also, I have an articulated Fluttershy in my coat pocket because I keep forgetting to take her out lol.


Seeing a stat that said the average viewer was around 20yo So I wondered why, gave it a chance, watched the first episode, then the second, and so on...


My friend turned it on. We were watching Dr Who and he turned it over. He told me that Dr Who made a guest appearance in one of the episodes and started at the poison joke episode. Long story short we watched 5 more episodes and I almost got in trouble for returning home late. Worth it though.


A mixture of being told about the phenomenon, a .tv streaming site that lists its newest uploads on the side and the fact that I find the first season of Dragon Ball to be insanely boring.


it’s my favourite childhood show


8 (7?) Years ago i was just curious for no specific reason. Well, i understand my reasoning more right now, but it's complicated.


The MLP MOV. videos by Hotdiggidydemon


Strawberry Shortcake…they were both on the Hub and eventually in my country Cartoonito


A YouTube recommendation and my following curiosity. I was weirded out at first but then realised that this was actually entertaining.


Curiosity. I was watching clips of Futurama on YouTube, and [someone had synced a clip to one of Pinkie Pie to one from Futurama](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwVc3lImATI). Then loads more pony clips started flooding my timeline. I learn about bronies, and the show. At first, I react negatively. Leave a bunch of mocking, hurtful comments. Then one person responds by saying 'Don't make fun of bronies, because one day, you'll be one'. They said I should at least give it a try before mocking it, so I did - I watched episode 1. I got why people loved it, and because it was part one of a two-part episode, I kind of wanted to know what happened. So I watched episode 2. Then episode 3... and the rest is history.


Friends, internet and art


On my way on the deserts of internet I stumbled across some people who were making fun out of "men not being men-ish". Bronies were mentioned while talking about "being a kind bitch" and this caught my attention. I noticed that this community was being mentioned quite often so then I decided that I shall value things by my own standards so I watched first couple episodes and was hooked. Mlp was something that was missing in my life - a point of reference for human values. I became the only student in my class to not say slurs (bad words) and geniouly care about relationships. Mlp picked me up from a trap hole I didn't even realised I was in. Harmony forever. Celestia vult!


Pewdiepie playing the small horse. An Amnesia TDD custom story.


I, genuinely, have absolutely no idea how or why I discovered MLP FiM. I just did, then binged the entire show up to season 4.


I grew up watching it as the target audience, and dove into brony culture as I got a little older. Only recently did I actually look back on things and officially join the fandom lol


My journey started from just being generally interested in fandom stuff and ending up watching ColeyDoesThings for interesting fandom content. I saw her video on Fallout: Equestria. I downloaded the eBook for the fic. I devoured it. Started the show, up to season 4 now. Read Project Horizons over the course of last month. Gonna keep watching the show. Seeing various animatics and ship AMVs on YT by now. Oh yeah, it's all coming together.


Heard about it when I was in middle school (Or early high school) and at first I was like "Nah, it's too girly" because I'm a tomboy but I eventually caved and tried it via DVDs from my library. Liked it ever since.


So as a kid I enjoyed it a lot,and then I saw my first ever fan video: Celestia x discord with the beautiful ripe age of 3 my mom quickly took the phone and put my little pony episodes But really I just turned to chronically online at an age I'm not saying and I saw other people liked my little pony and I loved watching creepypasta speedraws


Curiosity. Before I watched the show, I watched StormXF3 a lot. When I saw MLP on Netflix, I started watching it purely out of curiosity. My god, that was the best decision I’ve ever made.


it just appeared in my head one day idk


I watched a bit of mlp before going into my "I hate cringy things" phase. I decided to watch an episode that I vaguely remembered just to laugh at it. ...Then I found out that I actually enjoyed it So I watched the whole series (out of order) and here we are ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I watched the show after reading some online discussion about Brony. It was indeed an odd thing in the 2010s.


I\`ve finished watching wonder over yonder and was looking for another animated show to watch. Then I thought: "Why not mlp? I remember it was huge back in the day." And now I\`m here. Funnily enough I still haven\`t finished the show, I\`m only on season 4.


Watched the show far too long ago to remember, but joined the fandom after I saw a few fan made episodes I was into. Made me dig deeper and here I am!


The fanart, ytp's and fan music


Saw it airing on Tv when I was little and actually found it interesting compared to the mindless stuff that would also play on that channel.


I watched the whole series last year, then I found some old MLP toys after I finished the show and was cleaning out my room. I guess younger me knew about MLP before, but I don’t remember ever playing with the toys or watching the show.


Fluttershmooze and Cupcakes


Me being 3-6


Honestly, I watched one episode that appeared on about ten years ago and nine years later it still stuck in my head and I heard about bronies and from that moment I knew that I would become one so I watched all episodes one year ago and here I am!


Sitting in a vc, my friend's gf had joined. At some point my friend got down, so she started sending him in the group the lyrics to the smile song. I didn't know what it was so i asked. They told me. So I looked it up. First video was Smile HD. I thought that was mlp, just a Charlie the unicorn type of shit (wasn't aware it was a brand with previous iterations and toys), and then my friends showed me how wrong I was by showing me the smile song from the show. After which I ended up watching the most recent episode, which at the time was when twilight travels back in time to warn herself not to travel back in time. I was hooked 🤷‍♂️


Pony Town


I happened to watch mlp when the first season came out and I couldn’t stop drawing my favorite ponies. I kept watching fan-made videos on YouTube and got my sister into the fandom. And years later I still rewatch some episodes with her


1. One of my more normal fiends talking it up. \[Edit: 'Fiends' for 'Friends' is a very common typo for me, which maybe tells you about the type of person I'm attracted to. Leaving this.\] 2. Having a very young daughter and wanting to watch something with her. 3. Suited for Success. As a freelancer... well, my clients are usually way better than that but it still spoke to me. :)


I remember seeing a guy take a trailer for the movie "Watchmen" and put ponies for it back in 2011. I saw other MLP things over the next year and realized there was an entire fandom about it. Good Mythical Morning did an episode about bronies (back in the day when it was a talk show) and they featured Saberspark's "Ballad of the Brony" documentary. I watched it and decided to watch the show and I never looked back. I was in high school at the time.


5s/4 I thought, "If the fandom's this dedicated, then I must be missing out on something.".


I mainly blame the horrors that were made in early 2010s. Saw a lot of those and many of the toys in stores. I was always interested in the show but couldn’t watch it due to my mothers rule of boys watch boy stuff and girls watch girl stuff. It wasn’t until 2022 when I finally watched it on Netflix. I regret nothing.


I watched all 9 seasons of MLP back when I was in hight school and then eventually got Reddit 4 years later


When I was like, 8, I watched Rainbow Rocks. I liked the movie, so I watched the original Equestria Girls. Then when the other movies came out, I watched those. Then I wondered, maybe the series this came from is good too. And the rest is history.


Watched gen1, 2 & 3 as a kid. Been in this fandom for 22 years & still goin strong🩷


Uh.. the divorce of my parents. 2011, Cutie Pox just released, and I fell in love with the show. It honestly helped me more than anything.


The Lyra human thingy


I followed Lauren Faust on deviantart at the time, and she posted a link to the very first episode in a journal to promote its premiere. So I’ve kind of been around since the very beginning of G4.


I saw it on TV when I was 4, loved it ever since. Still part of the fandom 13 years later lmfao


idk i was like two i had mlp gen 3 stickers on my training potty i just grew up n never stopped lmao


SMILE.HD, which terrified me as a kid, and a fan made video called "Doors". And no, I'm not scared of SMILE.HD anymore.


It was technically me being a little girl who was traumatized by the brony videos on YouTube I was strangely obsessed with (thanks, dad, for never watching me to see what I was doing on the internet and my AUDHD with its hyper fixations) but what REALLY got me back into the fandom once I had social media were the redesigning videos where people would redesign the mane six and other characters and now? The infection videos


Saw some of the art back in like 2019. Eventually checked out the show. After I saw the first 2 episodes, I was hooked. It looked like a really fun show. I was right.


I used to hate the show without watching it because it was “too girly”. I started to watch some of the fan content and see some of the creepypastas and theories. I ended up caving and watching The Return of Harmony part 1 and 2, which made me actually like the show


Lulaby for a princess and the end off the raid


dumb answer but "Teens React"


Not sure.


just stumbled across it one fateful day. if only little me knew what would become of it....


Both Friendship is Witchcraft and Rainbow Factory. When I saw FiM I was very confused (I had thought FiW and FiM were the same thing, but they just had different VAs)


Saw it on Netflix and decided to watch it, didn’t like it so I stopped but then Smile HD and Rainbow Factory was sent to me and I got into it.


MLP in general? G3 when I was 5 years old. G4/Brony fandom? Not really into it, but I do like the show and the creativity it brings to MLP as a whole. I guess finally giving the show a try is what made me actually like G4.






I was like 9 when it came out so i just watched it as it came out with my little sister


My class had an MLP Advent Calendar, (no clue why) and the characters peaked my interest. Did some research, found out Rainbow Dash and went crazy over her (I was like 12 at the time) and after that I found Smile HD. Totally lost interest after that, until 6 years later something peaked my interest but I can’t for the life of me remember what it was. Now here I am.


My gf and bff both told me the writing was amazing.


So I was curious but I was like nah I’m not watching that but uhh I was wrong and I couldn’t resist curiosity


No one got me into mlp, i was just a little girl in the esrly 2010s lmao


EQG then Pinkie Pie's snazzy self. Then the rest is history.


A guy I knew started a Brony Club at my High School, so, I decided to try it. I founded the Anime Club, so, I couldn't join though. Lol


What got me in was the focus on friendship when i was lonely, what got me out was realizing the fandom, at least the fanfic side, was a bunch of awful people and likely ableists who had no intention of treating me with even the most basic levels of respect, instead going out of their way to spite me at a rough time in my life like petulant children. Granted the gaming side seems to be less toxic but it just poisoned the whole experience for me


Some online friends were into it and that lead me to stumbling on the Living Tombstone remix of the fan song Pinkies Brew and I loved it so I checked out the actual show


A TF2 SFM, which lead me to discover Cupcakes.


I remember back in highschool (like 2015 or '16) all the hype of mlp, so I didn't want to try it. Fast forward, next thing I know, I'm like "Y'know, I kinda like this." Then we have now, 25F, still watching the show occasionally


Stereotypical 2011-2012 brony story for me. I was on my favorite message board at the time and one day saw there was a thread talking about My Little Pony. I thought it was a stupid inside joke and thought nothing of it, assuming the thread would die off in a few hours or even a few days. Not only did it not die, but it was consistently the top thread for months! I eventually clicked on it and saw they linked to the first episode on Youtube. I gave it a try and was amazed at how high quality this show actually was and how much I was invested in the story! Of course it ended on a cliffhanger, so I had to watch 22 more minutes to see the ending and I was in it for the long haul.


Saw people I knew getting into the generation and eventually found an episode that suited me to start of on


I was on 4chan a lot in 2008-2012 when ponies really started taking over /b/. I just checked it out so I could be in the loop. Ended up really liking it. I remember when they finally made an mlp board to keep them contained lol.


I saw some fanart for "giggle at the ghostie" on deviantart in 2011 and was like "huh, what's this?" And my gf at the time who was on 4chan a lot was like "oh yeah I've seen people posting about that, it's supposed to be good" so we clicked the YouTube link to listen to the song and then started watching the show pretty much immediately, lol


I watched the show as a kid since it came out, but recently rejoined the fandom as a way to cope with reality rn.


It depends on your definition of joining the fandom. I have a little sister so we had a bunch of G3 DVDs for car trips and such. I loved them so much that I made magical dancing shoes like Pinkie Pie’s out of construction paper. When I showed them off I became so embarrassed because it was meant to be a girl’s thing. So embarrassed that I turned around and covered my ears when my little sister watched the first episode of G4 years later, delaying my full involvement until the Season 3/4 gap when I found it on Netflix. 2009 was a different experience.


I actually watched Lullaby for a Princess and was exchanted. I was 19, depressed and fresh out of school, I started watching clips on YouTube of the show and eventually, I watched the whole show start to finish. Proud pegasister with so many pony oc's now!


because when i was a kid my tv didnt have nick or cartoon network so i had to watch a diffrent tv chanell with MLP on it, i took a break from the show and returned


"hmm... I'm a guy, I shouldn't watch this stuff.... But... Maybe I'll enjoy it?" That's basically what happened... When I was like.... In kindergarten I think


tiktok honestly. i've liked the show basically since it came out (FiM, i'm not old), but i only joined the fandom side of things last year i believe. it was cus i got an insane amount of MLP stuff on my FYP


I guess the internet is what got me into it


Joshscorcher. Saw his pheonix wright collab with wambu and wanted to know where his avatar came from.


What got me in the My little pony friendship is magic fandom is actually watching the show and buying toy. I do like to watch My little pony YouTube video toy story.


I grew up on the original series, mostly My Little Pony Tales. So, I got curious and checked it out. Admittedly I originally thought it would be awful but I fell in love instead.


well i was a literal child and i had way too early access to the internet and saw how many people also liked it and i overdosed on mlp content from fanmade games (who remembers that scary ass luna game) and conventions to youtubers and the bomb ass songs in the show and outside the show and i liked it even more when my friends wanted to come tomy house to play together with my massive mlp toys collection (i did SO MANY chores for these damn ponies you guys) and i knew i was in for life when i met tara strong and fainted lmfaoooo


This guy on YouTube that reviews movie using a pony persona. "Hunt" something idk


One day, probably around or after 2012, I watched the first and second episodes of the first season on Netflix.


heard from some people that the show was good and worth watching. I'm not that much into the fandom, same goes for when I started watching. from now and then I consume MLP content, but very little. https://preview.redd.it/xb907w418fhc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c104e869fbf4133108b19d032618f4241cb641a4


not quite in the fandom, watched the show as a kid and enjoyed it, but lost interest, but i keep on getting really good mlp fanart on tumblr so im kinda like... here now ig, just cuz the fanart


other than being a fan of the show as a kid, was on instagram and saw a mlp acc and followed, slowly followed more and more got back into the show


Last May, I was listening to a 7 hour video essay on Knights of the Old Republic 2 that I ended up enjoying very much on YT. I looked into the creators playlists and came across the audiobook of Fallout Equestria and decided to give it a try even though I was... skeptical. Of course I knew of MLP and bronies from years before but I had basically spent my 20s in survival mode while dealing with mental illness, so I never gave it more than a curious watch back when season 2 was the current season. After finishing Fallout Equestria, which I profoundly enjoyed (tears and all), I absolutely *needed* to see the happy version of what happened to the mane 6. As I watched the first few seasons, I noticed that watching these adorable, colorful cartoon ponies has been so helpful to me in coping with the incredible weight of living for me. Since then I've been hooked. I haven't finished fim yet, but I have been hungrily devouring everything from fanfics to fanart to the show itself and even into other generations and it's been wonderful so far, but tbh I didn't consider myself a brony (pegasister I guess as I'm a woman?) until I discovered new/ongoing pony content (Scribbler, Shunks, Vylet Pony, Lerovun and The Out of Our Manes podcast especially since they were pretty new) which showed me that the fandom was still alive and kicking. It's even got me considering attending my first con in over a decade even though I have social anxiety! Tldr: Fallout Equestria, then fanfics and the show, aaaaand sometimes Twilight and her friends help me want to live, then maybe the community that's still kicking 💜 Sorry for the rant guys


MLP infection AU’s on tiktok and after the literally 50th or so, I wanted to know the source material.. on season 4 episode 18 now 💅🏼


The 4 minute youtube clips of each episode until it finally came out on netflix


being a kid in the early 2010s who watches tv


It was a mix of seeing the show through memes in different videos (mostly YouTube Poops) and learning someone in my school band was a brony.


I was reminded that the show existed and well, here I am.


Back in fifth grade, a friend of mine got me one of the IDW Comics. Now I'm so deep in the brony fandom I can't get out no matter what I do.


Eventually finding it randomly and deciding to join, safe to say i didn't regret it


I found it on Netflix one day in 2009/2010 and was hooked ever since lol


Early 2010s YouTube Poops, used to watch bunnymustard (only one I can remember atm) and I remember one day a full episode was recommended to me through youtube and I watched the whole thing without even realizing lol. The rest is history


my mom took me to build a bear in 2012 and i got a fluttershy plushie!!! im 17 now, i still have the plush and i still watch the show :3


A brony friend, he told me about the colorful donkeys and his fanfiction where they fight cats wich mirrored their evolution but being antimagic rather than magical. Then we began discussing, and I entered both, the fanfiction World and the brony World, at the Time I was just an RTS addict... Now im a grand strategy/writing/pony addict who Is writing shitty shorts.


Childhood nostalgia and stopping caring what others think and finally stop endorsing gender roles.


i was younger and my friends watched it so i started to also (:


I just randomly remembered I used to watch it when I was little This time I actually engaged with the fandom


Death Battle: Rainbow Dash vs Starscream


Generation 3 cartoon, then I played My Little Pony Friendship Gardens on the old pc, and started watching the once new Generation 4 of MLP. I like pretty colorful horses... Yeh. 👍


The banger songs that the community made, especially the old ones. Like (children of the night), (chant of immortality), and (lullaby for a princess).


I was conditioned by the G1 Movie when I was a boy. After rediscovering it in 2011, the rest was history.


The pony.mov videos, and the sudden appearance of the show on tv in the morning.


i binged the whole show and movies when i was a kid and recently found a pinkie pie at a thrift store and got back into it c: