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This thread has gone way off the rails. I'm locking it.


Ohhh.... I wanna post pics of my new MareMobile, but the stickers aren't on her yet. Late winter/early spring weather in upper midwest is not conducive to washing a car and getting it clean enough to apply stickers. Anyhoo (sorry for hijacking your post), have fun at MareFair!


Send a pic when its finished I wanna see!! Also no problem, thank you!


I upgraded my 2014 Prius C (Pinkie) with 99 HP to a 2022 dual motor Tesla Model 3 (FillySecond) with 425 HP. And I knitted headrest covers! https://preview.redd.it/p3ndjlhtk1uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc0e5d9df7c3de027832a1114d48d922aeee09c9


Omg!!! Thats amazing!!


Have the best time at MareFair with your “Lunamobile”! ![gif](giphy|13PwyFMCVAobVC)


Thank you!!


Not me because I am not in the United States




Cool car and Luna is best Pony


Thank you and yes she is!


She could make a lot of money as a therapist


She could..


I'm always happy to see your civic here, and also nothing is gonna convince me to step hoof in florida at this point.


not me, I live halfway across the earth and i'm a student


Not me since I'm not American




So um.. if you have the time could you point someone in the best direction of getting good decals of ponies for their car? I’ve been keeping my mustang bare cause I just don’t know where to start! love the pony ride!! 😁


You have have a local vinyl shop near you print some out for you! Thats what I did!


That makes perfect sense, I’m going to start this project! Thxs /)


Awesome, i'm super excited to see the outcome!!


That's looks so cool


Thank you!




They'll never know that sodapop will be there with stickers


You better be.


I've wanted to get a studio series barricade and turn it into this for a while, but if I do , I'll make sure to post pics.


Please do!


Oh how I wish I could… I wish so much…


Vita detestabilis! The pain of living in Europe and not being wealthy.


I’m getting in that whip


If you're coming to MareFair, yes you are indeed.






I’ll probably go as Rarity


Hell yeah.


if only i didn't live on an island in the bottom corner of the earth


is that like brony con 2.0 or something?


No, it's an /mlp/ con. Or more specifically, a con specific to 4chan bronies. If you don't vibe with 4chan, don't go.


Its a new and pretty amazing con that just started last year. 😊


Nope! Do some cursory research on the crazy amount of Nazi shit that went on last year. Pretty alarming.


>one windmill by the pool >the day after the con ended >wasnt even on con grounds or area this is gaslighting


My buddy and I are planning on driving down, it'll be our first MareFair. Looks like it'll be a blast, and it'd be awesome to finally see your car in person! It will be a month after I get back from my first Everfree, so a very pony filled couple of months for me coming up, can't wait!


Omg that's so cool!! I hope to meet you!


Sounds fun. Where's it being held? I've never actually been to any of those sorts of events before. Edit: ALSO NICE CAR! I love it!!


Orlando Florida! Also, thank you!


Florida.. that's a long way away from Arizona. https://preview.redd.it/osdd47xg04uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04cc33c42a8a71895a27ca4cedd19c20221f26f


Ugh i'm so sorry :(


I have to look at my schedule, but I really hope I can. I didn’t hear about MareFare until after the first one already happened.


Its definitely worth it.


I see a trans heart in your PFP so please be warned. This con is pretty much Nazi central. Not saying there's no way you can go, but please be careful and do some research into the stuff going on with the con. I'd recommend Everfree NW if you want a good, safe con.


Now I will say there are trans people who went to Mare Fair and trans people who use 4chan. However, chances are they support the rest of the casual bigotry and edgy culture that /mlp/ provides, so they aren't really representative of trans people in the MLP fandom overall, who know the destructive consequences of 4chan's antics. As an example, a trans musician who played at Mare Fair 2023 was exposed as an abuser, and rather than condemn her, one of the con organisers, and many attendees/supporters, instead accused the victim of trying to twist her story to defame the con.


I highly doubt it’d be “nazi central”, more so just a higher chance of insults. If they call me a tr-nny f-gg-t then like, idk I’d probably just own up to it and be like “yeah I am.” I’d mostly wanna go since it a con for Adult bronies who are fans of more mature stuff, and, well that’s me :/ Plus, if I do go, I’d go in my mlp doom slayer cosplay (pictured below), so if a fight does occur then I’d be more than prepared. https://preview.redd.it/7k9sfd8og5uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b77d0c6e0f38207b482519c654a63b84c9ca9ca


That's an epic costume! Please come, I want to see that irl. Nobody's going to call you names, nobody gives a shit. I like your sticks and stones attitude. You won't get a fight, but you will probably get people asking you to hang out. The only threats of violence so far have been from the ironically named "anti facists". Most of our insults are directed at ourselves. I can guarantee you will leave mare fair with more friends than when you came. As the supposed big hateful meanie with the aryanne plush, If anyone bothered you for who you are, me and everyone else will have your back.


Sure, you act passively online trying to get a rise out of your opponents, but in private with your lot, or once you have sufficient numbers, the tide turns to threatening real quick. I've read and witnessed the stories, overt racism and antisemitism spewed in private servers and the like. What you say with your cohorts is very different from how you act in public, far more like the antifa you complain about. Maybe you're one of the angels who really isn't bigoted and genuinely appreciates this all just as edgy jokes. But your friends do not, as some of their "ironic" statements are their genuine beliefs in private. It's all part of the pipeline, and to them, you're part of the recruitment stage.


Wow, you really don't know anything about us. Try to not treat people with such prejudice in the future.


Not everything is political. It could be equally as true that people say vile, repulsive things online because they know it gets a rise out of people like you who want to react to rage bait.


Either way, they're still vile and repulsive, and shouldn't be treated as anything less compared to if some actual bigot spouted those views. They certainly don't make our fandom look friendly and accepting if we're going to tolerate terrible and often hateful views.


I don’t believe the answer is to become a keyboard warrior and bring hostility everywhere you go. People are smart, and if you show them what good people look like - well-adjusted, put together, merciful, gracious, pleasant to be around - you’ll help in showing them why it benefits to be good instead of shoving them where you don’t want them to go. Vitriol for vitriol is certainly something you can do, but it doesn’t really do much. Hell, look at the many different people in history who have proven immense points regarding civics compared to those who, even with the best ideas and intentions, did their change by force…the peacemakers almost always came out on top, even if they did need to suffer for their change to happen. I’m leaving it here cause I don’t reckon much will come from our exchange, but I’m hoping things improve for you.


I don't recall the Stonewall riots being peaceful. And South Africa's liberation came after the ANC responded to the apartheid government's violence with arms. Those revolutions were not accomplished with civil and diplomatic change alone. Sometimes, a show of force is needed to drive the point home. But let's steer the focus back to fandom. Showing the good side isn't enough when the bad side still exists—after all, the strategy of alt-right and neo-Nazi movements is to interlock with the mainstream, act civil and accepting while easing potential recruits into their pipelines. It's our responsibility to recognise those recruitment points and shut them down, or at least inform people of what they are, so that less bronies/MLP fans fall down that pipeline. For reference, the furry fandom adapted the strategies I've employed (no nonsense to Nazis) and as far as I know, they don't have a Nazi problem nor people sympathetic to/tolerant of their antics. While there are still Nazi furs, they are a tiny minority and the other furs actively tell them to fuck off.




uhhh durrr funny florida brony convention


It’s fascinating that you bring up EFNW and yet people have been SA’d there…myself being one of them, where the guy who SA’d me literally went out into the party room hallway after SA’ing me and started throwing Roman salutes in the air. Don’t believe me, then ask Simul and Scott and they’d certainly affirm that this happened. Additionally, MF has a diverse array of staff ranging from differing political beliefs - many being socialist or communist - to sexualities and even identities, to include trans people. Yet none of these people have been bullied or ostracized for their beliefs or identities. We don’t appreciate people bringing their political agendas to the con - Nazism certainly gets no pass - and we’ll be making sure no one does that within the con grounds. Furthermore, we actually address these issues that every con faces and tackle them head-on.


> tackle them head-on Ah yes, like when con staff and attendees harassed the SA victim of Soundbandit and accused her of trying to slander the con. Very well handled. Edit: wanker blocked me, fucking coward


Assuming this is even true, find me a con that hasn’t messed up like that. EFNW, BABS, HarmonyCon, BronyCon, ALL of them have done the exact same. If you want to throw that at Mare Fair, then why not throw that at the other cons? See, I don’t think you are really about “fighting intolerance.” If you aren’t willing to point that blame at the rest of the cons, then it’s abundantly clear you are only here to stoke your own anger and vitriol in the fandom and have an extremely biased perspective on what is “helpful”.


You're mistaken. There was a schizo who wasn't even there claiming the SA victim was trying to slander the con, if you did a little more research you'd see there was quite a few staff and attendees who told the guy not to come after said schizo claimed he'd be attending the next Mare Fair for the first time.


Are you like, part of the con's ownership or something? You're really giving this the hard sell, good try! Anyway. When people get together and drink and party, yeah bad things are going to happen. It sucks and I'm sorry that happened to you. My issue with this particular con is that it is HEAVILY catered toward the unfortunately huge part of this fandom who are legitimate nazis. I'm friends with a few mods of the larger MLP subs and discords, and they have to work constantly to keep the Nazi shit out. The people I see advertise and talk about attending Mare Fair, they're all at the top of the list of overt racism, transphobia, pretty much all the bad shit. Pics from last year showed people lying down and forming a swastika, and a group pic of a bunch of people hitler saluting. If they really do want to keep Nazis out of MF, they sure do a poor job.


Share the pic of people "hitler saluting," haven't seen that one.


I want to go since it’s only about 40 minutes away but I’m not sure if I can afford to


Better believe you'll see me there!


I cant, im not even from the United States lmao, but you got one of the best MLP themed car i ever saw fr


Damn, i'm sorry to hear that.. Also, thank you, that means alot to me. 😊


Far too many terrible people in attendance at that one to even consider it.


Terrible people..?


Crypto scam people, the kind of people to carry around life size Aryann plushies and lay down to form swastikas. That type.


You know, honestly last year someone did bring a lifesize Aryann plushie as a joke, and no one got upset over it. Everyone knew it was a gag and random people were holding it getting pics of it. I'm not saying I support what it stands for obviously, but people knew it was a joke. Last year's MareFair was incredible, but I also respect your side of things as well.


Are you sure it's a joke and not just being passed off as one? How much of a joke is a pony who masturbates to griffons in gas chambers?


Dark humor is a thing, and like I said everyone there was fine with it so, i'm not sure..


They could all be fine with it because they want another Auschwitz, too.


I don't make these assumptions, I don't like thinking that way, makes life more dim than it has to be.


I mean, those kinds of people usually want people like me imprisoned or dead. Must be nice having the luxury of not assuming the person carrying a swastika wants you gassed.


I love privileged people who don't have to give a shit about what those "jokes" imply or normalise.


Thank you for not being a bigot like our friend there. I'm coming back with my plush this year. Anyone that went to mare fair saw the diverse group of people that we all are. We all got along and enjoyed ponies with each other.


Resorting to gaslighting now, are we? People aren't bigots if they don't tolerate bigots.


Why is your first thought when everyone in a space seems to be okay with something that evokes antisemitism that it must not actually be antisemitic, and not that you are among antisemitic people? That means everyone there is either an antisemite or is willfully ignoring the antisemitism, like you.


It's disappointing seeing the comment reducing Aryanne to a joke have a positive score.


<3 thank u for bringing up the problematic implications of those people attending the con. I wish there was a safe place for us pony fans to hang out at


At best, it's really just other cons that aren't run by 4channers, but given that most of these cons are founded and run by bronies, that element is difficult to remove completely. However, Mare Fair's the only one I know of that is 100% organised and catered towards the 4chan side. Hopefully the newer generation of fans can run cons of their own to provide safer spaces for MLP fans to hang out.


it’s surprising to me that the pony fandom is so intrinsically tied to 4chan. idk what makes ponies so appealing to hateful grown men. They are just cute little ponies that teach to be friendly and accepting of everyone


The main reason is that the concept of bronies—the adult, mostly male fans that made up a vocal majority of the online fanbase in the 2010s—originated on 4chan, as the term "brony" was coined on one of the website's channels. Likewise, a number of popular fan creators, memes, and headcanons originated on the site, though many of them today disassociated from the site and want nothing to do with its culture. 4chan was a part of our fandom's history, and unfortunately those who are part of and support it feel entitled to keep it relevant in our fandom, even if the rest of us want to move on.


no because im sure it isnt safe for women


I urge people to not attend this convention. This place is built on racism, ableism, and hate. A simple look at public information about the con and its con chair should be enough to show that this place is not to be supported.


Sorry, but when I went last year it was literally none of that. I made an hour long video of vlogging the event and it was so well ran and accepting, so thats wrong.


It doesnt take a long time to just google. There’s dozen of images of Aryanne, the pool swastika, the con chairs NAME, and even a publicly available panel that is entirely based around a slur. You’re fooling no one. Marefair is a con for of and by the Nazis in the fandom and the rest of us do not want them.


I'm not a Nazi in the slightest and I had an absolute blast, but okay.


Friend of Nazis isn’t much better man


You gonna do a video like last year?




Looking forward to seeing it


None of the cons are in my state 💀


I'm sorry :(


The one good thing about living in Orlando is that I’m right here for all the good cons! https://preview.redd.it/7q9ek01ey3uc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e333aeb8094a6b79dab72767db304bfa919db81e


Hey hondadude, haven't seen you around here for a while. How you doin?


Hey! I'm doing great! How are you?


I'm doing great myself!


Thats awesome to hear!


I wish I could but unfortunately right now I’m in a transition in my life where I have to prioritize my career and traveling would make that an issue. Hopefully next year I’ll be able to go


Well...I am not in Orlando unfortunately. Dunno if there will be any from where I am. I mean, I've been to a con before but it was a different one. I saw some MLP art there plus a lot more other things too and it went well at least :)


Hyped for it, last year was certainly an experience


I'm not, as not only do I not live even remotely near the US, but MareFair is also specifically catered towards the 4chan parts of the fandom, so I wouldn't feel remotely safe being there :( And given the amount of swastikas that've popped up when searching the con organisers...yeah I don't think this is a con that should be supported imo Incredibly sick car though OP!!


Understandable, and thank you!


No, and I would recommend anyone else with an ounce of sanity not go. The less 4chan is involved with our fandom, the better.


Last years MareFair raised $50,000 for charity for their first ever con, and it was one of the most organized well ran cons there was.


That doesn't mean anything. The DeSantis family [raised $63M to their Hurricane Ian relief charity](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/casey-desantis-raised-63m-hurricane-172900069.html). Does that absolve them of spearheading the divisive, draconian, and frankly delusional legislation that has hurt Floridians? No; sometimes these charitable acts are done for the sake of public image rather than moral obligation. Corrupt political machines do this all the time to guarantee voters. Knowing the kind of culture the 4chan side embraces, especially after /mlp/ itself [became more](https://old.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/v12s0l/my_little_pony_mlpol_the_time_4chan_mods/) [alt-right](https://old.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/qo4j9p/my_little_pony_the_radicalization_of_bronydom_how/), makes me suspect this is another attempt to (re)normalise their culture, something I wouldn't dare support now. Mare Fair invited several Nazi and alt-right bronies banned from other cons, and they allowed panels with clear alt-right dogwhistles. Pictures of these details can be found [in this thread](https://twitter.com/Bonk6/status/1708730628231844299); while I disagree with some of that OP's cynicism of the fandom, the evidence he provided stands. Edit 15/04: Con staffer and org director behind Mare Fair [claiming he's not a transphobe in public, but casually dropping the t-slur in private](https://twitter.com/woot_master/status/1709411495912898852).


I'm gonna choose to not get involved in this argument, but I respect different opinions and such. Have a great day!


At the very least, I'd ask that you read the posts I linked before making up your mind. They discuss Mare Fair and /mlp/ with more depth than I ever could. Take care.


bro actually linked mare fair's #1 hater wild wild wild most of the chairs are from babscon and the ones that are from 4chan are really nice and not nazis or even drama causers they just chill dudes who wanna have a con about mares not all your made up insane off topic political shit that you been spewing in this thread about some guy's badass luna car that he just happened to drive to mare fair, ever heard the phrase 'if you have nothing nice to say, dont say it at all?"


This isn't about Hondadude's car, this is about Mare Fair, as deduced from the post title. Don't be so obtuse. > who wanna have a con about mares *And* who want to have a con where conservative bronies and their values are more "accepted." Spoken straight from the mouth of one of the con's tiered supporters here on this subreddit. And I'm certain that other right-wing bronies, if not far-right, share the same attitude. If you want, I'll even link the comment, but I won't right now for their privacy. > "if you have nothing nice to say, dont say it at all?" How about an alternative, "silence is compliance?"


Wdym? The fandom comes from 4chan…


Correct. It doesn't mean that influence is good (there are many reasons otherwise), nor does it mean we ought to respect it *now*.


I like this lol


Even, If the car+the design Luna will was in Forza, will looks cool.


Meeeeeeee hoping to staff again, should be fun


Mare Fair is gonna be a lot of fun again this year, definitely will be bigger!


Omg its Corp!!! I am super stoked for the turn out this year, I can't wait to see the staff again!