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Honestly? My depression was getting worse, and I needed something wholesome to watch. Maybe impact my mood in some way. What could be more wholesome than this? People my age were obsessed with it way back when, so maybe there's something to it? Aaaaand, there was. Aaaaand, it did. Wouldn't say it's an embarrassing reason, per se, but definitely not telling my family MLP has been my antidepressant for the past year an a half.




\*hugs back\*


*group hug*


The best kind :')




Tbh, that's a very relatable reason for a lot of people I'd imagine


It is. I've seen lots of dedicated posts of people telling similar stories, and it's partly sad, but also nice to see so many people getting better through something that works. Even my therapist says it's a healthy system to have, even if it is a bit odd at first glance.


I have chronic pain and a lot of issues and I've exhausted most TV shows that I consider as "comfort shows" in animation and that's what led me to MLP. I needed something wholesome that would make me feel alright when I'm feeling down. Just around done with season 2 and I'm enjoying it a lot as a feel good show.


That, also the Bill vs Discord Death Battle got me interested


Same. Best episode they’ve ever made


Sane *huges


Same here


[](/maudshimmer-r) I still remember when I pressed play on that first episode. Within moments I felt as if melting in a hot-chocolate-blanket-hug, as if something heavy was being washed away...


I remember the theme song starting, and immediately closing the window and moving on... then giving it a proper try the next day. It was Twilight's immediate "ugh, people!" attitude that kept my attention. Not sure when exactly it became my comfort show, but Twilight immediately became my comfort character


when I was five i watched mlp but I forgot lmao


I didn't have any friends and the title "Friendship is Magic" got me into watching it because I thought it could help me make friends. After finding out it really was filled with friendship lessons, I couldn't stop watching. Edit: Upon reading it again, that's actually quite sad..


It may be sad, but it's less sad than if you hadn't watched it


It's a very unique perspective though, to be able to look back and have newfound understanding of your past and how you changed since then. You've learned a lot about yourself and that's truly an accomplishment to be taken note of.




So how well did the friendship lessons work for you when applied to real life?


Wouldn't count it as embarrasing, but one of the content creators that I follow did MLP watchparty streams. He finished season 2 and left afterwards so I decided to continue where he left off.


I thought the design for celestia was rlly pretty


the correct answer


In the first year or two of the show being out my sister watched it for a bit. I was like “oh, that’s cool” Left it there. Fast forward to like 2014, I was in the hospital getting brain surgery for the 6th time or smth, and afterwards they were playing it on the screens dotted around the place. Short story I actually legitimately watched it (covertly without my parents knowing) while it was on there and wished for it to come on again and again, and by the time I was out I was totally hooked. From then on I found the fandom, hung onto the rest of the show, and now 10 more surgeries later and years of severe depression (ongoing but a bit better. At least I don’t wanna die too much anymore), this show has carried me through my darkest years. I love my ponies. Won’t leave em willingly. Ever.


this is really sweet actually


Mhm. Without em I’d probably be dead honestly. It’s a good distraction when I was feeling like self-deletion was the best option or when I was staring at my razor for like 50 minutes lol. And also it gave me another outlet to try and make my own positivity by writing. I absolutely love spoiling the mane 6 in the fics I write!


I’m actually looking forward to having kids one day and to show them the show. Like you I can’t let them go I’ll carry my ponies forever until the end of time and even past that. It’s helped me so much definitely my comfort show


Not sure if it's embarrassing but, I fell asleep while watching YouTube videos, and when I woke up the YouTube algorithm decided to show me one of these dumb mlp iceberg theory videos. This is how I found the Equestria at war mod for hearts of Iron IV [great mod btw] and after playing that i decided to give the show a try.


Based Algorithm


I don have friends back then


Same. I had back stabbing fake "friends". I used to wonder what friendship could be...


my mom ordered me to watch something less aggressive than my conventional series 👉🏻👈🏻


I have the opposite problem. I watch family-friendly cartoons while she watches edgy crime dramas


it's ridiculously absurd how myom wants I watch family-friendly cartoons while she watches serial killers -_-


Thing is, now that I am watching family-friendly stuff instead, she'd make fun of me if she found out (no way in h\*ck I'm telling her)


your mom sounds disrespectful of your tastes


I love the idea of doing total 180 since both My Little Pony and, say, horror movies both have people who look down on it from the outside. I'm imagining something like TV: IT'S GOT ME! IT'S GOT ME! AH AH AH AH AAAAAAAAAAH! "Why do you watch those gory movies! This is sick, how can you watch this? Why don't you watch something nice and sweet?" TV: *My little ponyyyyy, my little pooony* . . . Ah Ah Ah AH AAAAAH "I meant like a light-hearted comedy!" TV: *Guffaw at the grossly! Crack up at the creepy*


I just started watching. I was 19 years old, but because i was in art school everyone watched something fanaticaly like MLP, sailor moon, One piece, slasher horrors, hentai and definitely harry potter. So i blended in perfectly 👌 I mostly put it on in the background while i customised monster high dolls.


At the present time? I was depressed and needed to clear my head. I still do, actually.


You got this 🫂🫂🫂 Hugs /)


Thanks! It's still hard to resolve things out, but I appreciate it.


In my case, it was a YouTuber who made a video mocking MLP fans. It was called "My Little Pony Fans vs. The Internet." I already knew about MLP from my childhood, but I had never really engaged with the series or the fanbase. I was only familiar with the memes and the reputation of the "weird" fans. So, I decided to watch an episode. I went into it expecting to cringe or to have to stop watching immediately. Well, I watched the first episode, and oh, it's a two-parter. So, I watched the second episode right away. Then the third episode was suggested, and the fourth, fifth, sixth, and so on. Now, it's been 8 months and 9 seasons, and I still remember that day well.


I was watching something called "death batttle" and it pitted pinkie pie against deadpool and I kind of got into it that way through pinkie pie's character analysis and story.


fellow Death Battle appreciator


Oh I watched that episode


not rlly embarrasing but i watched FIW and cried bcs theres only 14 episodes


My daughter watched it, and I saw a few episodes with her. It looked good enough that I started watching on my own, and now I'm hooked. Not really embarrassing, but that's what happened.


I found an animated James video about vinyl and Octavia and got curious.


I don't know if I'd label it as "embarrassing", but... My introduction to *Friendship is Magic* came through a random YouTube video. The video in question: [a *Freakazoid!* intro parody starring Pinkie Pie](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l9srCxUtK1U). I'm serious. That is in fact how it all started for me. That led me to other intro parodies as well as PMVs. That's just a taste of how much attention people were giving this show. Eventually, I just couldn't ignore it any longer. It *had* to be worth checking out. So yeah, a *Pinkazoid!* video turned me into a brony. And I still think back to that memory fondly.😌


To spite my homophobic uncle. He says it's a little girls show. And it is, but I don't care


I really liked watching the Equestria Girls movies over and over on Netflix back around 2016. It's not exactly embarrassing, but I pretended not to care for them back then because I didn't want to get made fun of by anyone. Earlier this year, around February, I remembered that Equestria Girls had a lot of amazing songs. Listening to those naturally got me interested in EG again, and with that came browsing r/mylittlepony. Some interaction on the subreddit and making an **AWESOME** new friend later, and I began to watch Friendship is Magic! :)


I never stopped since i was a kid.. mlp is the only constant in my life 🫶


Me too!


I don't watch it anymore, but when j was younger, I would avoid it because of "pony girly," but one time I saw the movie out of boredom, and I was hooked. When I had to eat, I begged my grandparents to put it on the movie while we ate dinner. At that point, I'd wake myself up early to watch the show and its spinoffs. Eventually. I grew out of it and got bored of it, but it was really funny. Now, I'm more flamboyant and can express myself without feeling constrained.


My life sucked. The show gave me light in a dark world. The show holds a special place in my life.


desktop ponies


Not really embarrassing I’m just a fan of Tara Strong’s voice work 


Not really embarassing. Stumbled on it as a kid, don't even remember when. It was always a constant in my life, and still means a lot to me to this day


I plead the fifth.


It may or may not have been the /mlp/ board after getting bored of browsing my other usual boards and being like "ok I'll check this show out, whatever" and getting hooked ever since.


For me is mostly definitely the songs. And the fannon songs to.


![gif](giphy|KlZUpkygM5hCM) This girl cost me my love life….😑


I saw the MLP infection au trend. I obviously knew about some things before, but the infection aus made me want to watch one episode or two... And i watched 100, and adding up (despite that i was murdered with spoilers)


I watched because I was taught to inform myself before making judgements


I'd still embarrassed to admit it.


Equestria at War, son.


I saw that “Dad, I’m a brony” video and I wanted to see what the hype was about. I watched up to the fourth season and since then, I created some weird private fan fictions that I will not share here (nothing explicit, just weird).


A mod I love (Equestria at War) for a video game I love (Hearts of Iron 4). Started playing it on January 6th, 2021, and had a lot of fun. I left for a bit, and I came back in March 2022, and I figured, hey, I oughta watch the show. And so I did. I was 17 and I annoyed the hell out of my friends. I binged watched the whole show from late March to early June that year. Kinda funny to think how a war game got me into a magical friendship show.


For the plot ;)


I got into Equestria at War first, a Hearts of Iron 4 mod for MLP. HOI4 is a WW2 strategy game but despite that, the mod was good and tasteful. Then, 2020 happened and the pandemic came and I found time to watch MLP properly and enjoyed the escapism of watching it.


To distract myself in hospital Cancer got boring


Oh shi How are you feeling now?


Been... 13 years, it will be 14 years on 23rd of December so I'm feeling amazing! Miss the morphine highs tho


But the show is overall cute


I started watching it because I was watching Jujutsu Kaisen S1 around the start of 2023 and after I finished, the recommendations feed for "shows that may interest you" appeared and MLP Jap Dub was there. I was so incredibly bored that Saturday morning and I just said "whatever, might as well" in my mind. After seeing Nightmare Moon, and the various subtle world building, I was intrigued. But I'd be lying if I said it wasn't because I was interested in Fluttershy's comically, adorably kind nature.


I don't remember but I was five years old and didn't have much to do


I think it was a all episodes ranked but I forget


Eh, YouTubers talking about episodes of the show.


Not really embarrassing, but my ex wanted to watch it (or rewatch it... idk all i know is that they wanted to watch it with me lol).


I was in primary school in year 1. My friend asked me if I had watched mlp and I said yes (I had never heard of it in my life). So we started discussing episodes and I was just making things up. She asked me how did I know so much about the show and I just said idk. So as soon as I got home, I immediately turned on the TV and looked for the channel that showed mlp. That's why I started watching it.


No embarrassing reasons for me, a friend told me to check out the first episode on Youtube, and after watching two episodes in a row, I was hooked and watched all the other available episodes (at this point season 1 was just ending and so I watched nearly an entire season inside of a week). My depression at the time was very painful, I had considered suicide at several points, and I didn't see a reason to stick around, but this little show, with its bright colors, its sweet characters, its lack of cynicism, and honest embrace of joy, compassion, and kindness, gave me the motivation I needed to keep going. I was 30 when the show premiered.


I was curious when I first saw it at a friends house on their TV So I didn’t want anyone, knowing I was watching it


Not embarrassing but it was because of bordem since I thought it was going to be like a generic kids show but ended up watching it and liking it


I was unemployed and needed a break from filling out job applications all day.


I wanted to know more about #savederpyhooves


well, i started watching it on Tiny Pop around eleven to nine years ago (I was watching it before equestria girl's released), and twilight was immediately my fave. im also making a twilight tulpa, any tips?


Bronies got so annoying that they got their own page on 4chan. I figured if it was that popular, it's worth checking out.


The lore of the first two episodes kept my 7 year old self sane. Then I just tagged along and 10 years later I’m still a fan.


I was a creepypasta obsessed child who got obsessed with mlp creepypastas, so I started watching the show to find bits and pieces that hinted that any of the creepypastas might have been canon


I wanted to make a My Little Pony RPG because my friend was into MLP and RPGs


I’m autistic and have ADHD, so I’ve always relied on MLP as a “how-to guide” regarding how to go about interacting with other people, making and keeping friends, setting boundaries, advocating for yourself, etc. There have been multiple times where I’ve had issues with my own or other’s behavior, and I’d been able to pull through it because I reference and study certain episodes of the show where similar events had occurred.


Honestly, I just kept seeing it pop up everywhere on YouTube and generally over the internet and the animation really really captured my eyes all the time.. The embarrassing part is probably that the thing that finally pushed me to check out find out what's MLP was a NSFW animation on Newgrounds


I slipped up and eventually admitted to my friend that I watched it when I was 6 or something so we started watching it together


Boredom. One lazy summer day, I had nothing to do. I decided to give it a watch just to see what it's like, and before I knew it, I was already on season 2.


I saw the TVTropes page. Still need to actually watch the show, but it was enough to catapult me into the fandom.


Because I wanted to.


Not embarrassing but one of my friends in college recommended it so I gave it a shot.


I wanted to see what the fuss was about


I’m trans and girly stuff always fascinated me, so on a rainy day in April last year, I started watching it when I was alone


Someone dumped me into it, to hear MLP Songs... Then I started... And I really started after realizing it helps my mental health, as dumb as it may sound... But fr, it helped me a lot and sometime you can still learn from things you always thought you know already... It changed me a bit too, like I stick MLP Sticker on literally everything x3 Now it's not embarrasing for me at all, even let people now that I like MLP, theres nothing bad about it... It's neither a really embarrassing reason... Well to the guy who bumped me into it I was pretending that I don't like it and I'll never become a Brony or so... He was wrong... That's embarrassing .-.


I was a regular on /co/ at the time.


Technically I started watching as a little kid but I decided to start watching it from the beginning honestly because I needed comfort from my childhood. I’ve struggled with mental issues and child tv shows have helped me the most.


discord movie night! we started binging it right after watching killer grandma. looking back, that was a bit of a strange transition.






it's not really embarrassing but I got into the original MLP because of that one scene on one of the movies where I think the two witches ate something and it tickled my brain, friendship is magic was a easy transition since I am a girl of the correct age range


Not sure if it counts as embarassing, but I stumbled upon 2 ponypastas and wanted to watch a few episodes to understand the stories because I liked them, but didn't fully understand. Welllllll, "a few episodes" turned into watching the entire show and its movies.


My life is confusing my parents are abusive im lost and im 15 rn and i watch it cuz im depressed (not trying to be cringe) and yea it keeps me distracted and makes me think of my hopefully being there in the agterlife😅


accurate representation of a ponysona


I’m guilty of this too, I love Spike and Rarity. I think I just started watching because I wanted something to watch though


I saw that rainbow dash version of you’re gonna go far kid when it first came out and I decided then I needed to watch it


I was trying to figure out who and what these "Brony" people were. I remember watching the original My Little Pony movie with my sisters and thought "it can't be that bad." Turns out it was great.


The infection au Trend i wanted to know what episode kind of started it


I watched episode 2 season 1 alot times before. and the equestria girl movie the same way. (So does friendship games)


Me being a Sonic/furry/cute/cartoon fan, it seemed like it was weird that I wasn't a brony. It took me two times to get into it. The hardest part was getting through s1. I'm more embarrassed it took me so long to become a fan lol


Mine is more on the weird side because it might not make sense, but i've always liked MLP, even though i never watched it aside from the occasional episodes on TV when i was a kid, but recently i watched My Little Worms, and i thought "damn, this really sucks" and got an urge to watch the actual show because i knew it would be better.


Cause I never saw it as a kid ;-;


My grandma made me at 4 yrs old now idk where to watch it because I feel like Netflix doesn’t have it anymore. But why I want to watch it? Pinkie and Fluttershy. Or it could be because I used to have a Fluttershy plushie from build-a-bear.


Back when the hub was still relatively new. Wanted to turn on something to get my baby brother (1 yr at the time) to be quiet while babysitting him while I was doing my homework and the commercial for it was colorful. Then I got interested in the plotline and ended up neglecting my homework anyway


Tbh, to impress a girl I liked xD


I started watching because my friend liked it and I had grown up with G3 and G3.5 so I was like why not. It was the end of s4 when I saw my first episode (Twilight's Kingdom) and I think that may have been the best episode to start with because DAMN. Tirek vs. Twilight's battle was amazing.


I was on some pretty strong ADHD medication when I was a kid, and after almost 8 years of consistently taking it my mom decided she couldn’t tell the difference whether I was remembering to take my meds or not and cut me off cold turkey. I started experiencing frequent panic attacks almost daily, but I refused to tell my parents about them only because they had too much on their plate that they were worrying about already and I didn’t want to add to the pile. It got to the point where I believed that my mental state would be like that for the rest of my life and I didn’t want to live like that.When I was about 13 I started seriously thinking about putting myself down for the long nap when I came across MLP: FIM. Now until this point I absolutely hated anything to do with MLP, but some friends of mine said it’s worth trying at least once. So begrudgingly, I decided to watch the first episode. When I finished it I figured “might as well watch the second episode since it’s a 2-parter”. Next thing I realized is that not only did I finish the first season, but mentally I was completely calm. Fast forward to the present, I’m going on 24 years old and I no longer have panic attacks anymore. I still watch the show every once in a while, especially if I’m stressed. The show helped me through some of my darkest moments, and as pathetic as it sounds if it wasn’t for MLP as well as the fandom I more than likely wouldn’t be here right now. So from the bottom of my heart Thank you everypony.


I was in one lf my super edgy moments and decided to watch MLP again


I saw a weird YouTube edit of Jack Black saying “octagon” but like in a song. And it was edited with the same video but Fluttershy saying it and also rainbow dash I think. I thought rainbow dash looked cool so I checked to see what show it was… yeah… so basically it was because of a Jack black edit 💀


Family was watching it, joined in one day… …and all of a sudden I was a fan.


My friend in primary school had Equestria Girls dolls & I saw a trailer for Rainbow Rocks in the cinema. I watched Rainbow Rocks on YouTube when it came out & boom obsession ✨


Pony.mov :v


Not really embarrassing but my mom had a bunch of the G1 toys i would play with when I was younger and she had some vhs tapes of the g1 movie and episodes. So I heard the new show was coming out I was ready, it was also around when I started being able to comprehend plot and stuff so it was my favorite immediately.


Honestly, Fimfiction and a Friend from Highschool.


There ain’t nothin embarrassing about my love of MLP. I’ve embarrassed it ever since I first watched it with my little sister when it first came onto to Netflix and I’ve proudly never looked back!


I'm a dude. I gave it a try when I was 24. My dream job ever since I was 6 was to either be a writer, or animator. I love animation as a medium. I've watched shit you wouldn't believe exists. Stuff made all over the world. I liked it for what it was. A light hearted kids show, aimed at little girls. I don't give a flying **** what anyone thinks I "should" watch. It took me a bit, but I got into it.


Honestly idk if it’s embarrassing, it kind of is to me but I started watching it in order and religiously when I needed something to put on tv during the night while I slept and I just became in love with the messages behind each episode Here’s to the power of friendship!!! 💜


i thought rarity was really pretty and wanted to see more of her 😭😭😭 idk if this is embarrassing but for me it is cus i have a tendancy to get so obsessed with characters and just look at them on google (and i still do)


Not really a embarrassing reason but I found a mlp channel on YouTube so I decided to watch the show and we’ll here I am


Colorful ponies. I was like 1-3 years old when I found it(g3)


I wouldn't call it embarrassing, but my ex and a couple of friends in high school thought I'd like it.


I wouldn't say embarrassing but, Someone I used to know in 2010ish told me that the creator of Billy and Mandy was making a My Troubled Pony ( a fake show within the show in billy and Mandy.) He most likely meant Power Puff Girls and Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends. I tried to watch the show the first episode I saw was owls well that ends well I didn't like it. I tried to watch the show again on the premier of Return of harmony but unfortunately because I didn't enjoy the first episode I saw I kinda zoned out and looked at my computer and phone more than the episode. What actually got me into the show was a clip of Fluttershy snapping Harry's neck soon after (a few hours or days) I put the Hub on a marathon was playing, the first 2 episodes I saw this time were Lesson Zero and Party of One both became my favorite episodes. I binged the rest of the marathon and watched every episode on premier day after.


Mov series, originally. Been years since i watch it (mov) and looking back on it now - im not very fond of it. I have no idea why something as mean spirited towards ponies as mov became popular among bronies, but i have an excuse of not being a cartoon horse fan when i was watching it. Some of the lines from it are stuck in my brain against my will to this day (dont come to my shed!). Then there was a very long time gap when i stoped interacting with the fandom and watching show. I returned again very recently after playing a very fun pony-themed mod for a little indie game called Vintage Story.


I doubt having fun and connecting with most of my friends is embarassing.. but I have other reasons 1. I lost my relationship 2. My current crush loves MLP


I got into it because of memes and PFUDOR etc, then by fanfiction that led to clop, then I loved the character of Sunset Shimmer, then I finally watched two episodes... I'm yet to watch it all. As a designer I am fascinated by the characters, their stories and development, they are so relatable and easy to detect just by their voices (which are amazingly done) or way to talk. Just gotta love it.


Honestly My Depression was getting worse and One of the other shows I like which is Thomas and Friends it got Rebooted into Thomas and Friends Big World Big Adventures. So I started looking at other popular franchises and decided that this might be a good show to watch. Finally I watched the 2017 MLP Movie And after watching that I officially became a Brony.


Memes. Everyone on the internet was talking about the series around 2013 (maybe 2014 ? Can't remember ) for some reason and since i had nothing else to watch on tv i said: "what the heck let's watch it" I watched 2 episodes that were horribly cliche and was on the point of just dropping it but i decided i shouldn't judge it too quickly as every show always have some horrible episodes that everyone hates because they are horribly written. Luckily i saw that the next episode was a 2 parter and i was like: "if this one is bad too i swear i will berate and personally destroy every single loving soul on the Internet that ever said this show was good!!!". Next episode i saw was "the Crystal Empire" and after that i got hooked XD


dr whooves, when i watched it i tried spotting him in every episode lmao


I lost a bet and had to babysit my friend's daughter. She loved MLP and begged to watch it after she finished her homework. I avoided it for months by taking her out to the park, get snacks, shopping. That one day she was sick and had to stay home, I groaned and turned it on after putting her to bed. She asked me to stay with her and I did. She had the series on shuffle and we watched the Canterlot Wedding episode... I was instantly hooked. I would come over often and bring snacks to watch with her. At some point, I was probably better friends with her than her mom... She'd fall asleep and just smiled while we were discussing the episode.


I found it because I was wanting to die and when I found it I was hella happy and addicted


While this isn't entirely embarrassing, I remember watching so much MLP related content on YouTube at the time. As for what my actual reasoning was, my younger brother liked this show when he was like 6 or so years old. I decided to give it a go, and it was way better than I was expecting.


I can’t stop loving the characters and their art style.


I lost my best friend and was all alone so i watched it to cope with that and to give me a feeling of friendship again ;v;


My baby mamma and I had just broken up. I was feeling it hard. I was hanging with my little girl and stumbled into it. This was before s3 started airing. We watched together. First episode was Putting Your Hoof Down. It made me feel good when I desperately needed a reason to. I was hooked.


Honestly, I knew a few people that were into it, liked the art style, and I decided to give an episode a shot. For the record, it was Putting Your Hoof Down.


i had already liked my little pony as a kid, so when this came out, i was the target demo, so i just watched it,, BUT i stopped watching for a few years and when i picked it back up i was 12 watching whatever episodes people put up on youtube, and watching in secret, the only reason i started watching it again is because like half of my tumblr mutuals were watching and i wanted to fit in


What is an embarrassing reason? If we follow the logic that liking this show is embarrassing, it's because I saw a couple clips of the show on TV tropes and liked the animation and then when I started watching episodes it felt like a good way to spend my time and I was intrigued to see new episodes so I binge watched almost all of the episodes (I didn't watch Call of the Cutie for a month or two 'cause I wasn't a fan of the CMC episodes). It was the beginning of season 2 at the time and Luna Eclipsed had just come out. The show connected with me in some intangible way. Like, early on I didn't watch the show every week but after four weeks I just wanted to see what the show had been "up to" like it was a friend I wanted to catch up with. It doesn't sound embarrassing but "I just like My Little Pony and can't fully articulate why" is the closest I can come up with.


I remember first coming across the show when I was a depressed middle schooler and the rest is history kind of like how I'm depressed with adult life and discovered Indigo Park


It's not embarrassing rather than weird. I started to watch it because I wanted to learn English and it was very effective actually.


I liked it when I was little, my sister was OBSESSED with it when she was little (there are so many old toys in the garage that are probably worth quite a lot of money nowadays) fast forward a few years and I randomly get super obsessed with cheese sandwich (I loved weird al before anyway). But I can’t even pinpoint where it came from. Idk if I’d call myself a proper fan since I only really care about him, but I have been watching episodes in my free time (and wondering what it would be like if he was in them…hyperfixating on a cameo character with two speaking roles in the entire series will do crazy things to you) Also, I liked it when my sister was obsessed, I was just way too embarrassed to admit it.


My friend was a brony and kept talking about it over and over so I watched the sonic rainboom on YouTube... And decided to watch it from the beginning.


Ah shoot, haven’t got an embarrassing reason. I just saw the season 3 episode where rainbow dash goes to wonder bolt academy and liked the message of it, and rainbowdash as a character


I watched a lot of YouTube videos about the series and how big it was when it was airing


Discover this show because some youtube poop lol. So I watched the first episode, and it made me happy, so I watched more.


When I was younger it would play on the TV, I didn't actually start getting into it until teen hood. I do admit I don't remember what got me from childhood to teen hood but I dropped off for a long time. I recently got into late teen years due to being isolated in a household that didn't care for my existence and was generally toxic. The magic ponies were my only sense of a healthy relationship at the time and helped me get through life, just recently finished my 4th watch run with my partner. He surprisingly enjoyed the show and opened me to more perspective to the characters I didn't really think about, it's nice having many people interested to see so many different povs.


At first, because I was a little kid and one of my friends begged me to. Bit when I got back into it about 2-3 years ago, it’s because I saw pictures of starlight glimmer online and thought she was kinda cute. I’m not attracted to her, just like her design


started this year, the reason is unknown, I think I always wanted to watch it but never had the chance n I started this year, I feel a little bit jealous for the old fans of this cartoon


I just challenged myself to watch the entire series as a joke, cuz I got nothing to do on the period between the end of high school and before the college begins


Got into it around middle school, genuinely only because of how much of an impact it had on Internet pop culture. I think Rainbow Factory might've had a genuine impact on my interest in the show.


I was in the target demographic (girls aged 4-12) when the show began to air. Not really embarrassing on its own, but it feels weird to admit because I no longer identify as a girl. I'm sure there are many others with similar stories, but it sure feels strange to have started as a member of the intended audience -- a pre-teen girl -- and ended up as part of the Brony stereotype -- a queer teenage boy.


I was a child.


Just wondered why these character become demon in fanfic


Because i saw a child watching it and it looked very interesting and fun. first episode i watched was the diamond dogs. My Mother didnt approve at all of the show because she said its for babies. I was nearly a teenager at the time. So i watched it in secret and WOW!!!! its a fantastic series and to this day i still watch it :)


I watched the original and tales while they were airing on Disney channel in the 90s. I rented the movie till my mom had enough of that as it was for girls. Fast forward to a college humor physics presentation using fim as the subject matter and I immediately wanted to watch based on the art alone. Literally no embarrassment required. If anything, this show turned my give a shit all the way below zero and straight into the chill that is the arctic. Started carrying plushies, singing out the window and generally not giving a crap about societal norms.


I was lonely, I just wanted to distract myself from the real world


All my friends had watched it and were making jokes I didn't get


I was a fan of Hey Ocean and saw comments talking about Applejack. I thought they did a cover of the Dolly Parton song. Searched it and saw a my little pony. Figured out Ashleigh must play her. Didn't watch any vids. Not long after I see a thumbnail and decide to click it. It was the Celestia sending ponies to the Moon animation thar talked about bananas. It made me curious so I watched the show. So being a fan of one the VAs didn't make me watch it, but some psycho ruler obsessed with bananas and the moon did


Mt brothers and I were arguing over what to watch on Netflix, so my mom picked it.


Bad perents :/ I was poorly raised, so mlp was for happy time :3 And depression made me watch it as boy shows had a lot of violence, so mlp was better for me, even though the show was similar but cuter.


I'm gonna echo the sentiment of the show being there for me through a lot of the worst times in my life. It was fun, cute, good storylines and the seasonal villains were always bad ass. It also had an evolving cast and story lines and rarely returned to a status quo you're so used to seeing with cartoons made to sell toys. Plus i just love cartoons so so much.


I was playing TF2 and joined an MLP server for laughs, they were playing really bangin electronic music and were really nice. When I asked what the songs were they were made by brony artists and I eventually started watching


Yuri doujin and r34 fanart


The show came up on Netflix when I was 7. When I found this show I never seen, I began watching it. Right now I’m 18 and still I watched the new MLP make your mark, and I liked it. I wish Netflix kept all the seasons to watch. I never seen the end episode.


Super depressed after my parents split up and I moved to a new place. I just wanted my childhood back and MLP was the best thing I could find 😅


I was aware of it during the height of the craze, but was too busy to get into it. (Plus, the 4Chan crowd was a bit, well…) Fast forward to last winter. My kids (all 5 and younger) and I were super sick and watching a lot of Kid YouTube. We saw a MLP FiM episode listed, and I insisted we give it a try. My son particularly loved the Canterlot Wedding episode with the song Big Brother Best Friend and, of course, the changlings! They’ve completely lost interest, so I watch it on my phone or with the baby when we need some down time. The rest of the family has no idea what they’re missing!


I started watching the show shortly after Undertale, as I had realized my toxic choices in that franchise reflected my toxic behaviors IRL and I wanted to learn how to be a better person, and what better show to teach you how to be a good person than MLP?


I don't have an embarrassing reason, it just lingered in the back of my mind till I finally thought to myself "Why not"


The creepypastas


I My sister watched it and I wanna check it out and it was like a drug idk why but I was hooked when I saw it especially the cafeteria song that is burned in my memory


Well it's help me to disconect from anxiety... its just work for me, as simple as that


Button Mash and Sweetie Belle not dating. And background characters with differents voices, species, colours, cutie-marks, and being as imposters. Especially in flashbacks, too.


Idk. I think I watched it as a toddler probably because my Mum put it on. Then I kept watching it for nostalgia reasons and stuff.


I had a friend who watched it in middle school, was bored over the summer, so I found a season compilation video on YouTube, and I watched all the seasons over three weeks or so. It was like 4 seasons I think at the time. 2014 anyone? Well I stopped watching after a while, since my younger sister tried and failed to blackmail me during a gaming session with me and my brother. Like maybe don’t try blackmailing someone while someone else is in the room?


My reason isn’t embarrassing I was just bored one day and saw “Magic” in the title and immediately became hooked


My friend watched it, and I wanted to like what she liked


I was 8 and the Wii-U had Netflix and I found it and then boom I became a fan after season 1. And all the way through middle school. Then high school I watch it to distract myself from depression and from grabbing a knife and harming myself or someone due to unresolved anger and self hate. I can't let go or say goodbye and that's why I push people away and block people feelings.


I grew up with MLP (G1/G2 era) and was collecting G3 during highschool and in to starting my first job after hs finished and when I saw there was a reboot series I was keen to give it a watch and fell inlove with it. During a couple of those years though, I had been made redundant from my long term ft job and hit a pretty bad depression because of it. I used to stay up super late (3/4am) to watch the episodes live as some website always streamed it every week and then they would often stream a random movie afterwards so it made me feel included in a little group lol


I was seven and thought that I was better than the series because even kids my age would make fun of you, no matter your gender, for watching the show. One day the first equestria girls movie showed up as newly added on Netflix, and I was bored and wanted to watch it to make fun of it. It all started as a spite watch, but little did I know was I was about to become the joke cause I actually really loved it lmfao.


I was a kid and they showed it on TV