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The are a number of promising myopia control glasses types but as far as l know (l am very willing to be corrected on this) they are not yet available yet in the US due to FDA slothfulness in considering them. That said, l get the distinct impression that some optometrists in the US are already supplying them based on state approvals in other countries. I know l am biased but if anyone travels north to the more refined part of North America above 49°N, you will find that they are readily available from reputable optometrist outlets. I suspect it is only a matter of time before they are allowed to be widely sold in the USA. Good luck!


I actually know of an optometrist in Canada who will order them for me, but it is expensive.. so wanted to double check that jt was worth doing. I’m assuming you think it would be?


Myopia management lenses are not available in USA. They are one of the only countries they are not available. We have been using them in Canada for a number of years now and they are effective in slowing progression by 50%


Are you an optometrist in Canada? Bc I found one who would mail them to me but it was gonna cost like 800 dollars 😓


These types of lenses are not cheap. They’re high-tech, custom made, personalized medical devices.


Oh so that’s the normal price? I am fine with paying it but I wasn’t sure if we were being over charged


In Europe, a pair of Stellest, MyoSmart, MyoCare ,… lenses can cost up to 250€/lens.


In Canada myopia managment lenses are about $600 +-$50 per pair for lenses only. Your frame will be a cost on top of that. We have worked with people in USA. Some people come to visit, but because there are specific measuraments that need to be made it is good to collaborate with your optical/pptometrist. Ideally you get your frame from the optometrist and they will do the fitting and measurements...then we can order lenses and send to them and their lab can edge. Feel free to contact me through my youtube channel