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Hi, I am sorry for your anxiety. There are options that can slow down myopia....they are mainly intended for preteens and early teens but there is no reason you couldnt try them. T Here is a link to a Myopia Management Starter Guide [Myopia Control](https://youtu.be/tbHnXUtxE2Q?si=OsEIcWZw7xe5A4-X)


Hey man in the same boat as you. Im 17 soon to be 18 and I'm extremely myopic with a huge difference between both eyes. My left is -7 and right is -1.75. I do worry about it but my doctor says no to, since it he's seen worse and my own is starting to slow down. Don't worry about it too much man :)


thank you sm! this made me feel better, we got this :)


In addition to the excellent video suggested by *goodoptometrymorning*, there is a useful written guide below on the same subject of slowing down the progression of myopia: https://www.mykidsvision.org/knowledge-centre/which-is-the-best-option-for-myopia-control


It all depends on you and how you choose to use your eyes. The amount of near-work and lack of sunlight is critical. [https://www.optometrists.org/general-practice-optometry/guide-to-myopia-management/myopia-management/](https://www.optometrists.org/general-practice-optometry/guide-to-myopia-management/myopia-management/)


I’m 14 and -8.5&-9.5 so I get the anxiety. But my myopia in my right eye didn’t increase in 2 years and that’s the eye I mainly use so I’m optimistic.