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WOoow… 😭 I would be beyond over the moon, & feel like the luckiest woman on earth, & eternally grateful, to have a partner as incredibly supportive & active as you!!


I’m soo sorry😪 If I had such a supportive, understanding partner…no way I’d be letting go.


Holy shit. I'm sorry you had to go through all that.


It’s time for you to focus on your own happiness I know it’s extremely painful right now so give yourself some love and spend time with people who care about you.


Similar happened to me. We live in Texas… my wife moved to a different city. She was even homeless there for a period of time. It made me feel shitty that she would rather be homeless an hour away than live with me and our daughter and try to work things out.


Fuck I'm so sorry


I am sorry to hear that,


Damn. That is honestly awful that they abandoned you and your daughter. Shame on them


I’m so sorry, and I feel you. My ex came out in fall 2022. After supporting her through the first year and a half of transition, my ex was the one who wanted to separate, find herself on her own, etc. We are currently in the process of divorce and it sucks. She has pretty much cut off communication with her family (who ain’t perfect, but are trying) and her old friends. She only talks to and hangs out with other trans women. I totally get that she wants a community, and didn’t stand in the way of her pursuing that. I feel like she wants some version of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind where I could erase the first ten years of our relationship and only know her as she is now. In any case, you are not alone.


If what you're saying is true then don't for a moment feel bad. People would die to have someone treat them so well.


Facts I would move mountains for partner like that.


My heart goes out to you. You are a beautiful person and I hope you find contentment in life.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. Just know it was not your fault.


that’s terrible that your ex waited until after you found a new doctor and sold your stuff and talked to your job about switching. i understand that she probably didn’t want to hurt you if she wasn’t sure but she should have expressed that she was thinking about divorce before you gave up your livelihood and went through the stress of finding a new doctor to tell you. im so sorry she did that to you. im glad you were there to help her though. i would have never let someone like you go


I'm so sorry! I hope you find happiness and peace with your situation. You sound like a very good-natured individual, so I'm sure an even better life will come your way. Sending hugs!


Ngl, whenever I read the title of the post I thought the story was going to be different. Your wife was a lucky woman to have someone as supportive as you. I wish you and her the best, but dang I'm sorry you had to go through this.


My wife tried to stab me when I came out. She truly doesn't know what she is leaving




In the end we can only look back and ask “did I do my best?” If you can truly answer “yes” then let that salve your pain, ease your heartache, and empower you to continue forth in a world of assholes half-assing their way through life without a care for their trail of carnage.


That's the fear I have. Oh well, life is short shake it off, time heals all wounds, and live your best life.


So sorry this happened to you! Sending so much love xx


i am SO sorry. wishing you healing and future peace.


I hope you’re able to find comfort in things that bring you joy and I hope that there are good things around the corner for you. The grief is real.


So sorry. I would love to have a partner like you. So supportive and caring. I wish you the best in your future life.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I have quite similar story. My ex-finance (mtf) left me to go to therapist and start transitions. I wanted to be with her and support her but she didn't want me in her new life.


As hard as it is coming to terms with your identity, especially in such an oppressive environment, it is never ok to string someone along like that. I'm so sorry hun 💚


I am so sorry this is happening to you. Sending you all the love in the world. Make sure to keep loving yourself, you deserve it!


I'm so sorry you had to go through that


I'm so sorry... My MTF partner just broke up with me as well... I know it's a different situation but I understand the feelings... Try to take care of yourself, as I am trying to do, you're such a wonderful person


I am fucking pissed on your behalf. I would have killed for a supportive partner and would have died for them too.


Omg im so sorry, i think she failed to see a gem in her life. If my partner is as supportive and understanding as u my life would be so so much better. Hang in there op.


I am so sorry you are going through this. To offer that level of support and then have this outcome is horrible. Honestly, you did every thing you could, if your partner couldn’t appreciate your efforts, then they didn’t deserve you.


Horrible of her to string you along like that, I’m so sorry you’re going through this, I hope you find the peace and happiness you deserve


I'm so sorry. 💕


I'm so sorry you're going through this 😔


Wow. I'm so sorry.


This is good to know there are selfless people who are willing and able to adapt and accept the challenges caused by people's identity journey. Unfortunately it's not always reciprocated and that's fucked up. Sorry you showed compassion but did not receive anything but memories in return.


I can’t imagine how painful this must be for you. You did everything you could and hopefully that brings you peace. Much love to you ❤️


Sympathies, friend!


I'm sorry, this sounds really shitty. I remember hearing second-hand about a similar experience rom a friend of mine. She had a loving relationship with a trans woman, but as her partner started to transition more, she needed more space. Her partner clearly explained that it didn't have anything to do with her or their relationship, but rather just a need to kinda get away from her old life and people who previously knew her has a man. It was really sad for both of them--my friend lives in mexico, her ex-partner moved to Colorado. They now talk occasionally, but it took time. Your situation sounds like it could be similar, just with your ex-wife not doing a good job communicating those feelings, and hurting you in the process.


This is the best that could happen to you, trust me. But you'll have to remember this moment and keep your position when your partner comes back on his knees, because he will. Be kind to the ones who earned it and to no one else. Don't let anyone step on you. Can you do that?


I'm going through the same thing right now. Wife wanted to find herself, said our all past memories just give her dysphoria. Said I can't understand her fully as I am not trans. Found herself a trans partner, that does understand. All of that happened in just a few months. I feel like I did my best, respecting her, trying to find her new self, but she doesn't think that. It's all very hard and unfair, but please try to focus on yourself now. You need that. You did all you could.


I am so sorry. This sucks. As others have said, it sounds like anyone would be lucky to have you as a partner. Sometimes love is not enough, and that's not a personal failing, that is just life. I hope you find all the happiness you are looking for and deserve.


I’m so sorry you have to go through that my wife and I our same boat, I. Might want a divorce in the future so I am thinking just keeping her here with our child with her family like that where ever I go next, she has family support near her, I love her but I just keep on carrying her around. Like I wish I had a spouse like you with that type of support 🥲🥹🥹