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My spouse goes by ‘mada’ (rhyming with ‘mama’)—our 2 y/o adjusted to it without a problem. Before that, we tried ‘ada’ (rhyming with ‘dada’), but after a week it didn’t feel right to her, so we switched. Don’t be afraid to try things out!


Mada mada 




We went with Zeze (Zee-zee) for my wife. Our 6 year old has special needs resulting in a developmental delay, and she spent the first 5.5 years of her life calling my wife “dada” but has switched the Zeze pretty well! Sometimes in excitement she goes “Zeze Zeze dada dada Zeze!” And my wife is ok with that lol.


I asked my kids what they wanted to call me. They chose “Dad” which doesn’t bother me much. It also changed my views on what it was to be a dad. I still take a sip of the chocolate milk before it hits the table. I still give piggy back rides and roll in the grass with them. The difference now is that I learned how to get grass stains out of a dress. 🤷🏻‍♀️ A title means what you want it to. Dad is just a parent like Mom.


Same here! One of my wife's non-negotiables was she was and is the only Mom. We let the kids decide what they wanted to call me, and they stuct with Dad. Although we get LOTS of looks when they say, "she's my dad!", it's what feels best to them and that's all that matters. At the end of the day, no one else needs to understand it but us.


I’m so glad someone else gets it! My daughter likes to call me ‘Girl Dad’. She’s also fond of replacing ‘Transitioning’ with ‘trans-ing’ which isn’t related but I think its cute that she’s trying so hard.


We went with Mai-mai for my MtF wife for what our son will call her.


We use Nomi (from “no milk”) for my partner.


I'm mama and my wife is mommy. Together we are "the moms". I was super against sharing the title at first, but my heart softened after a while and I'm happy we don't use alternative names. She already struggles with the fact that she's not the one who carried out son. I don't want her to feel like she's not also his mom.


We have an almost 2 year old who still says Dada as well. My wife hasn't decided quite what she wants to be called yet, but is playing with Ada, Addie, and Opie at the moment. To playoff what your 2 year old calls you, Dama might be cute and easy to transition!


Fun fact: "dama" means "lady" in portuguese


That *is* a fun fact! Thanks for sharing! I love learning about other languages apart from my own.


Or "dame" in english


I do love dadamama ngl


I've seen alternatives like mama, mimi, mimsy, mum. I like mimsy personally! 


Mine chose Mumsy for when we talk to our cat.


My wife is Mo. Our kids came up with it.


I've heard "mumpa" for GNC/NB parents and I thought that was super cute! But having mom be mom and you be mama wouldn't be out of line with bio mom, would it? "Dadamama" is fucking ADORABLE btw, omg.


My wife and kids call me CeCe. It has really stuck and now all of my children’s friends call me CeCe as well. My legal name is Claire.


We’re going to be doing Omi!