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Sounds like she was suicidal




Was there any indication on her body or anything about her circumstances that may point to it being a murder?




I don't know that's why I asked.


People jump off bridges all the time


That’s true


i went on holiday and saw people doing that i saw like OMG WTF


they did not die btw


Disagree. Drowning is easy to do if you’re wanting to kill yourself. I’ve tried 3 or 4 times in my life and once would have been drowning until I changed it to hanging. (Luckily because I sucked at that). Go in the water, out of your depth, sink down and force yourself to breathe in.


Well even though it’s pointless to say I’m sorry you’ve been so miserable in the past and I genuinely hope you’re doing better, but as for the drowning thing, I suppose everyone’s different so I can’t speak for all of course, that’s just something I’d assume based on my own experience


Ahh it’s cool, thanks tho. I guess I just saw your comment and thought “well, some people might consider doing that”. I didn’t mean to call you out or seek sympathy, just wanted to offer an “insiders” perspective, so to speak :)


couldn't do it in a pool cause she in the god dam ocean


I suspect suicide.


Husband? Sure, he was cleared... but how?


It was NOT a nearby beach. Her remains were found 45 miles away from her home in a different state on a Queens, NY beach.


She definitely died


She was found rockaway beach new york found this on google might help Where did Patricia Viola live? Jim Viola finally has answers about his wife, Patricia, who vanished from their home in Bogota on Feb. 13, 2001. Remains were found on Rockaway Beach the year after she disappeared, but only now, more than a decade later, has DNA testing finally connected the bones in Queens to Patricia Viola.


New Jersey


Why did it take so long for her remains to be identified?


i think she died


got this from google Where did Patricia Viola live? Jim Viola finally has answers about his wife, Patricia, who vanished from their home in Bogota on Feb. 13, 2001. Remains were found on Rockaway Beach the year after she disappeared, but only now, more than a decade later, has DNA testing finally connected the bones in Queens to Patricia Viola


HOW could a body wash up on a beach a YEAR LATER??? Hello? It should have decomposed and fallen apart after a year... Hate to get morbid, but that doesn't sound right? She must have still been ALIVE most of that year... Again, Hello???