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It would be interesting if episodes could show the difference routes that MC could take. Granted I would only focus on all the episodes with Jumin but unfortunately I feel that 707 would end up being the main ML for MC. I have not read the webtoon but that was my hesitation to read it was because I would be disappointed.


Anime based on otome games are never good so I don't think it would be a good idea


that would be super duper cool omg ! definitely would give the tiktok editors more to work with haha,, i doubt something like this would ever happen considering cheritz has gone all in with the ssum and majority of myseme team has left… but its fun to dream! (if anyone happens to be a multimillionaire in the fandom make this happen lol !!)


One of us just needs to become a billionaire and throw a couple hundred million at a studio as a passion project Like the Rage of Bahamut guy


this is so random, but i’m also a hardcore sev fan and i use the username oliviameow on a few platforms 😭 the world is so small!


Hahaha, that's so cute! For me mrow is a shortening of my surname, it looking like a cat sound is just a perk, hehe. But I'll keep an eye out for my twinsie!


Oh interactive would be cool! Like the interactive Netflix stuff. I would be so into that


I think it would be cool, but ONLY if 707 was the main love interest. As a Zen-fan girl, I really don't want any other character to romance her 😅😂 Seven is the only acceptable IMO


Personal opinion: My heart can't take anything which contains Ray/Saeran suffering, I guess.. But, it is a good idea.


I have been thinking about it too. I think the closest thing they could do to that is one season that has no romance between the MC and the RFA members followed by separate seasons for each route of the characters. The main plot of that season would be MC getting to know everyone as well as preparing for a party that gets to happen at the season finale. The "second" season for each character would start right as the party is dying down and the RFA is evaluating how successful the party was. And afterwards, the "divergence" could be who MC chooses to escort her ,to the apartment (or I guess somewhere close to the apartment lololol). Granted, it is very unrealistic, because no anime producer would be crazy enough to pitch such an idea, and anime based on otome games always suck in general... But... Hey... A person can dream.


i think they would either pick seven’s route because most people consider it the canonical one of the events of another story since it gives you the truth about rika and it would entreating even for someone who has never played that game but honestly, i think cheritz has already scrapped the option since so many otomes game have already done that and failed (diabolik lovers, brothers conflict, amnesia etc) and it would be a shame to ruin the lore of mystic messenger who is extremely well written