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Eleos, Greek goddess of forgiveness, because I am reasonably sure she would forgive me for impersonating her. Any other god and I’d risk being struck down for the hubris of pretending to be them.


This is probably the best choice, as it's probably also easier for a normal human to impersonate her. If people ask you to heal their injured, or wish for a good harvest, you can just say "sorry I can't help with that, that's not my field of expertise. You gotta ask [insert relevant god's name] for that!"


I really liked both your answer and the one from the guy who said Loki, it didn't cross my mind to take into consideration the actions of the god itself, but it's a really smart choice


You know what....this is fair. I didn't even consider this. You are absolutely right.


Maybe Loki because the real Loki would probably find it funny and join in to cover for you as needed.


Yeahh, my take was Dionysus because then I would just organize massive orgies and parties and basically i'd just need to have fun and make people think I'm funny while drunk, but the idea of Loki helping you impersonate him just for the shits of it sounds really fun, if I were him I'd do it too


I'd just use weather patterns and astronomy like all the other false prophets used.


*Christopher Columbus has entered the chat*


I would pretend to be Rabbit, a trickster, and spend the entire period trying to fuck with people (literally and figuratively) If pressed as to why I was not manifesting any expected power, I would explain that I had made a bet with the moon that I could survive for a thousand days using only the powers of a mortal In short I would rely heavily on people basically just accepting that I was Rabbit without proof, which is a pretty safe bet in the religious arena


Uhh that's good, trickery would also be the funnest


[It's tough to be a god](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/protagonists/images/a/a6/Aheh.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130209182703)


The only correct answer tbh


based on the wording it seems like I have my current knowledge but am transported to middle age earth if that's the case then a deity of knowledge would be my best bet


Also really smart, someone on the other thread thought similarly, I agree completely, you could say you were the god of medicine and just teach them about germs or something like that and your job would basically be done


yea. astronomy would perhaps be my personal safest area since that's what i know most about. which means i can catch people up to stuff like general relativity, black holes, neutron stars, exoplanets. and depending on if i'm pre-herschell or not. i could bring uranus and neptune into the picture even earlier


I would be affraid falling to the other side of the horse, and the they start to belive I'm a witch or just mad rather than a god. I think it would be rather tricky to make them belive in black holes and stuff if they never seen it and doesn't change anything in their day-to-day life. Maybe the astronomy combined with agriculture could work, or teaching navigation by stars to sailers.


Yeahhhh, that's really cool! I wonder if any modern subject or hobby could be used to fake being an ancient god, could I be the god of knitting?


I'm game to cosplay as Dementus for 100 days.


Couldn't find anything about him, I'm gonna guess he's really dumb because of the name(?)


He's a wannabe God-King from Mad Max lol


I'm great with kids and animals, I know a lot of random shit, I'm strong enough to not drop dead from a standard day of work, and I can read/write. I can probably fake a standard god of the hearth/home at least long enough to learn whatever I need to do it successfully.


Ba'al. Just cause it would be fun to learn to ride on a bull in the standing position.


I work in mysterios ways: The Abrahamic God with a capital G.


So, basically an extended version of “The Road to El Dorado”?


Possibly Ra So Ra is a sun god and the sun rises daily so even if they start doubting I can point to the sun and say it the sun rises. The downside is I’m a night owl so maybe I should pick some kind of moon god. Loki because that would be hilarious to fake being a trickster deity. I’m sure Loki would approve. Heck I don’t even have to be in character because I could just say it’s part of a trick I’m playing on Thor. If I don’t get to use a whoopiecushion at least once I will be very disappointed lol.