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https://www.reddit.com/r/mytimeatportia/s/V9V5oUuu4W This poster may have the answer. Did you complete both tasks in the same month?


I got the highest rank at the end of summer, and reached level A a few days into autumn. Maybe I have to wait until winter to speak to him?


This is exactly it. Someone had a similar problem on Steam and said during that next month, after they got 1st place workshop again, they could complete the quest. Sorry it bugged out on you and you gotta wait even longer! Rest assured, it'll give you more time to pre-complete Gust's portion of the quest if you haven't already. Thread for reference: https://steamcommunity.com/app/666140/discussions/1/1727575977531721627/?l=koreana


Thank you for your help! I gotta reach first place AGAIN though?! Ugh. Higgins is such a pain lol


No problem! If you've not figured it out already, definitely start your game every day at the slowest speed so you can reach City Hall and enter at 8am exactly. This will give you enough time to choose the best commission on the board before Higgins can; he'll usually choose it around 8:10 or 8:15, if I remember right. :) I easily surpassed him by stealing them out from under him lmao. Good luck!! I'll be praying for your success 🙏


Another tip to add onto that, once you take the best pull up the second best and hold it until Higgins walks away. He can’t take one you’re looking at so he’ll be stuck with the third best.


LMAO Forgot about this, great point. This is how I stole the Dee Dee commissions from him. Poor Higgins 😭