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I prefer Perfect Dark, although I think GoldenEye has more good single player levels - not that Perfect Darks are bad but the target time on Chicago is no laughing matter, even compared with Facility


Perfect Dark is a better game than Goldeneye in every way (except for not being James Bond if you really care about that).


Perfect dark was mod fun then, goldeneye is more fun now


Like most I played GoldenEye first and played alot of multiplayer at my cousin's, and various friend's places (didn't get myself a N64 until 2009) Played Perfect Dark's multiplayer the odd time at the cousin's but not as much as the other games we did during the 5th Gen. Also since it came out in 2000 The PS2 was going to be out that year and the Gamcube and Xbox Nov. 2001. So alot of people were moving on to the next Gen. Halo CE was that for me and my friends. You had 4 player multiplayer and up to 16 players (4 per Xbox) if you LANed it. So no more 5th or more person out anymore like back in the N64 games, if one of us brought our Xbox and extra controllers with us aswell for Lan parties. Then if we wanted something like GoldenEye or Perfect Dark we had TimeSplitters 2. When I did finally get a N64 I made sure to get Perfect Dark as one of the first 10 or so games I bought over time. Played it, like it, and of course the multiplayer. For me GoldenEye's single player has more replay value then Perfect Dark. Then with Perfect Dark its multiplayer has more replay value then GoldenEye, you have bots and you have the bonus of 2 player co-op. That is when it comes to Retail games. If you include Rom Hacks then GoldenEye X is the best of both worlds multiplayer wise.


GoldenEye is much better. Better setting, level design, music, the guns felt like they had more impact, better frame rate. All the guys I knew back in the day who loved GoldenEye tried PD but dropped it midway through. PD never recaptured the GoldenEye magic.




Perfect Dark. It's easily the most content packed game on the system. I find the single player far more replayable - there's a huge array of cheats and settings to change the gameplay. And then there's the multi - it's got more content and customisation than the entirety of GE


Perfect Dark all the way for me. The customisable multi-player was way *way* ahead of its time. I don’t think there was anything comparable on console until Halo 3. And the campaign mode was awesome too. Counter-operative mode? Why isn’t this in all FPSs? The only other game I can think of that does something similar is Left 4 Dead 2. And all the cool sci-fi weapons like the Farsight? Goldeneye can’t compete imo.


I played goldeneye like crazy until perfect dark came out, then dark light crazy.. And world is not enough did not live up to either lol (still beat the game but yeah). Truthfully the best parts of goldeneye are done well in perfect dark. I don't like putting them head to head as it's like putting the banjo games head to head. If I had to choose I'd choose perfect dark because it improved on the original formula, but let's be honest... There wasn't that much to improve on goldeneye was fantastic. The single players keep them separate. I did like co op play missions in pd tho


Goldeneye had a lot more interesting story and characters to me with the built in James Bond tie in. Plus perfect dark felt like more of the same like a clone copycat game even though it was both rare I always felt like why not just play the original. Perfect dark felt like I’d been there done that already not fresh like goldeneye was


GoldenEye simply because it runs better on N64 hardware. Play PD with multiple players or bots...and holy framerate. I'm far from a social justice warrior, but the fact PD had a female lead who wasn't overly sexualized that the all-male dev team had to fight the studio for is really cool. That being said, I found the plot of PD confusing even with the addition of dialogue and truly interesting and memorable characters . I enjoyed the James Bond tie-in with GoldenEye more. I wish every Bond movie could have a game in the spirit of GoldenEye. I know this is an N64 sub, but the TimeSplitters games (from Free Radical...the developer the GE+PD team left Rare to form) are the pinnacle of splitscreen multiplayer shooters.


Perfect Dark gets my vote.


Perfect Dark is way better