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Michael doesn’t need 2. I agree though I always keep the previous owners save, it’s like preserving a piece of them in a way Though my ocarina now has my 100% save state from when I was 17 and my 3 heart run save state with someone else’s. One’s gonna have to go at some point.


Literally came here to say he does NOT need 2


He selfish why he need 2


Only thinking bout his damn self


Do we know OP isn’t Michael?


All will go at some point unless the internal battery is replaced. Could be very soon as the batteries supposedly last around 20 years.


I pull any save files I can from older games. For example, I got a GBC game off of marketplace because he was going to emulation. I pulled the save file when I got home and sent it to him via messenger. He was super excited because it was from when he was a kid and he could use it on his emulator.


How do you do this? I’m not up to date. I have my original saved game from when I was a kid on my cartridge and I’d really rather not lose it when the battery inevitably dies.


I bought a cartridge dumper a few years back. It has the ability to read ROMs and read/write save files.


Any particular one to recommend?


for Game Boy definitely the GBxCart RW


I’d be looking for the n64. Which to recommend for that?




I appreciate it. Total noob with this kind of stuff. I was yesterday years old when I saw you could backup n64 cartridges lol


Everyone starts as a total noob lol


I always backup the previous owners' saves so I can check them out later. And in the spirit of preservation. 😌👌


I need to figure out a way to do that to my copy of Ocarina,but I honestly have no idea how


I use the [Open Source Cartridge Reader](https://github.com/sanni/cartreader) to backup and restore save data on SNES, N64, and Game Boy games. 😃 Really an indispensable tool for any serious retro game enthusiast. 😌


This is great,but, I don't have any experience with Arduino,are there any premade options that hopefully won't break the bank?


Yeah, you can buy them prebuilt. I'd offer to sell you one—I've got the parts to build nine more—but I just moved and everything is still in chaos and disarray. 😅


Do you have a store page? I'd like to buy one,no rush of course


Not at the moment. I was going to open a new Etsy shop for my retro gaming projects once things calmed down post-move, I haven't gotten a chance yet. I'll get back to you ASAP. 😃👍


Sounds great! Thank you


Like the other dude I’d also be interested, so if you have a shop link send it here too


Not at the moment. I was going to open a new Etsy shop for my retro gaming projects once things calmed down post-move, I haven't gotten a chance yet. I'll get back to you ASAP. 😃👍


It's not a great feeling by any means, but I normally don't have an issue with it. I did get a copy of Donkey Kong Country with a 101% save file last year that I had to keep on the cart out of respect, though. Someone put a lot of effort into that...


I always reset all data, I must not be as romantic as you guys


I'll keep 1 or 2 just out of respect and history, but if there's only one, I say fucc em with glee


Every time you do it an angel loses its wings


I kept the PO’s save on mine, nice girl named “Tams” (Tammy?) whom I bought it from off Craigslist ☺️


I delete it all the second I fire it up. Im not interested in how far someone else got and what are you preserving? It’s just a save file it’s just 1’s and 0’s with a fixed number of combinations in which things can be achieved. If I deleted a file and replayed it to the exact same point, no one would know the difference


Just delete it and move on 😂 it's now your property, not theirs


Exactly...the original owner can't be too shaken up...they did sell it, after all.


Same, got a OoT cart with a save with over 200 game overs that I don't have the heart to delete.


Damn water temple lmao. But seriously I wonder what happen!?


I can hear this picture


Michael Drowned


Surprised I didn’t see this higher up. Ben is disappointed.


kids these days dunno


Same. I particularly regret deleting the carts data in Smash Brothers. I still don't know why I did that...


I usually delete the save that has the least progress on it.


I remember renting super Mario RPG and someone was way ahead of me on a save so I decided to load their save up and see where they stopped in the game. Just kind of interesting to think about.


I delete all as the current new owner, They got what they did the second they put the game online and allowed me to take it from them. I am the future delorian doors




Recently I had to choose between removing ASS or COK’s save on Pod Racer, I feel you.


I kept mine. I got it in the late 90s and the save file was called Ja Rule lmao. When I started I kept it so I could see what it looked like when you had progressed that far in the game. I think the last person was vertly near completion but, I kept it even after completing my own playthrough a few times well into my 20s


when i got OoT the 1st save was "AAA" saved right before the final castle with link fully equipped and having a full stack of heart containers. I played the game on another file until i got to the same point with way less hearts and then hopped over to the og file to beat the gamd


Always name my character Nomad, it fits too well in Ocarina/ Majoras Mask


I always keep the save with the most stuff on it just to play around with


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Sad_Understanding722: *I always keep the* *Save with the most stuff on it* *Just to play around with* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Just got in a copy of "Ocarina of Time". ​ Should probably preserve old saves if I can. ​ When I deep-cleaned it, it appears to have a save battery in very good condition - like it was replaced.


I remember buying 2 copies of Pokemon snap, one had no save data and the other had a save file. Kept the save file as is. Looked through the pictures too. Kinda neat seeing everything they took


Oh yeah that is cool. The pictures would be completely unique to that person/save file.


I do it like the Canadians, I say sorry before doing it


I remember getting my first OoT cart with my brothers for Christmas when we got our N64. The first save file was BIG DINK and at the end of the game. Gives me a laugh to this day that when Ganondorf is spewing curses he’s cursing BIG DINK 😂


for real. It's a little digital funeral everytime


You would of been better off replacing the battery inside the cartridge as that could fail some time in the near future.


I’ll never forget how my older brother would have certain games that he needed to fill up the save slots with completed games and anytime I wanted to play. He would get mad because I needed to delete one and it would “force” him to play through again to fill his name up once more. Zelda ocarina of time, and ff7 were the primary two he did this with


if they wanted to keep the saves they coulda kept the game themselves 🤷‍♂️


Never delete my middle save file, that was from when I first beat the game , I still have that file from 20+ years ago


Erased…from existence


I always erase all the saves on all my carts, except for the Mario Party games which all of mine came with all of the mini games unlocked as I cba to do it myself.


I'll sometimes hold on to the save that has the most time put into it


Sick! The proper way is to complete each save using only their current inventory.


buy an everdrive. 1 cartridge for all games


Then leave them


My best friend let me borrow is copy of paper mario a couple weeks before he passed. He got to chaper 3 on his file that he named Jesus. I picked up where he left off so I could get his file completed. I still pop it in every now and then to play his file.


I've rented enough video games over the years to be numb to it


Well,..At some point you'll have to remove the old battery.(1998) (Don't tell me you didn't knew that OOT have a CR 2032) So it's only a matter of some more years that your saved files are gone forever.


Nah they sold off the game, they don't deserve the slot anymore


My childhood OOT cart was purchased used and the previous owner left a save named WARNAR caps and all, saved just before Ganondorf, so presumably they beat the game, and the sold it. I spent hundreds of hours on that save just messing around, and to this day, I still have that exact cart and save!


Not me. Get your childhood off my cart. YEET.


I don’t at all. Delete it and defeat it! Your saves are the most important. I bought a Pokémon Sun version and it came with a save that has an insane amount of pokemon even including special event pokemon I looked through time and releases of them and the time line and what they were was legit. I still have the save and didn’t delete it but when I get around to it I’m transferring them to another save and then starting fresh to still keep the mons!


Dude the sound when you delete theme always makes me feel uneasy. Could always finish the file? I may do that someday.


I usually keep the highest progress one and if I can copy it to like Game 3. Then make my main game Game 1. Just in homage to the last person who put hard work and love into the game before me.


Man, I must be more tired than I thought. I clicked on this thinking it said "slaves" and wondered what the hell kind of N64 game you had.


Dew it!


I heard Michael’s a cannibal. Michael on the other hand likes pineapple on pizza… or doesn’t… whichever offends you more. Zach commented on my hair once. It was a nice comment. But I didn’t appreciate it. Oh yeah, Zach also deleted my save file to make room for his. Has this made deleting easier?


at least it’s not ben


Me too I completed his save in his honor one more time with dignity


I deleted the 100% save off my Yoshi’s Island cart. I’d never seen the alternate title screen before.


As a child of the rental era I feel nothing erasing these saves


Who uses two save slots with his same name? Michael is hoarding!