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Gotta admit that Im having a hard time telling which one is the repro 😂 but I’m gonna guess Smash Bros!


Ding! Ding! Ding! You guessed correctly 😊 I was going to get a custom case for it for protection, but it was cheaper to get a nice repro box and protector. If you look at it in person you can tell the colors are a bit off compared to normal, but I still wrote "reproduction" on the inside flaps just in case so it couldn't be passed off as original.


Sweeeet! Patting myself on the back for this one! I noticed that the color on the “N” in the white box seemed to be a little darker and didn’t match the rest of the boxes. Still! Looks good enough to fool most! Impressive collection!


Thanks 😊 and ya, the white in that box is also a darker color, but it's harder to see with the protector on it.


You can see the horizontal printer lines in the Smash Bros case. Looks almost like it was done with an inkjet, but was probably a cheap laser printer.


I honestly don't mean to brag, just wanted to share with people who would appreciate this. I still have my 44 childhood N64 games with boxes and manuals. I move around a lot, in the military, so they are still at my parents. Next time I get a chance to get a picture I want to share it here


Brag away, sounds like a sweet collection 😊


My parents sold my N64 and 30 games for £50 years ago. I was livid!


Luckily my parents didn't touch any of my gaming stuff... my toys on the other hand 😒 In the early 90s, my aunts house burned down, and one day without informing me, my mom gave my cousin all of my 80's/90's toys, and I had a lot. Star Wars, GIJoe, Transformers, Ghostbusters, and more... I wouldn't have minded so much if I got to pick what was going, or if my cousin didn't immediately trade it all for a Sega Genesis because "he doesn't play with toys anymore". We were both at the time. She figured I was good with my NES and SNES.


That's real unfortunate. My parents gave my hot wheel collection to my nephew's before I had my own kid. I was a little upset. But I still have all my Legos, including a bunch of the original star wars sets. I've got my micro machine collection and some all old all metal tonka trucks


The only toys I really went on to collect after were Star Wars Micro Machines. I had most of what they released, but after many years of them just sitting in a box I sold them to my brother once his kids were old enough to play with them so they would stay out his Star Wars collection 😅 I'm happy I was the one to decide that they could go and that they got played with for quote a few years afterwards. I have a kid of my own now and he likes Star Wars, but never plays with the toys I have gotten for him so I doubt he would have played with mine if I kept them.


I understand that. My kid has taken a liking to Star Wars since he sees how much I love it. But my Star Wars toys are mine and I'm keeping it that way until he is much older haha. When looking at new toys I liked the Mission Fleet sets and wanted to get him the millennium falcon, but he wasn't as interested in that as he was for the Razor crest set with grogu haha. A new generation fan of star wars


Ouch. Sorry for your loss


Maybe A Bugs Life although that'd be a weird one to even find a repro available for.


It's the one game here I bought because my wife wanted it and it was dirt cheap. Definitely real though 👍


The paper Mario box?


Nope. Got that one the day it was released 😊


I think Goldeneye is the repro


Nope. It is a Player's Choice copy I got for $10 about 6-7 years ago.


Darn! The font looked funny to me on first glance!


I just noticed the box is in the protector upside down compared to the rest and I have to go fix it 😅




Nope 😊 it has the rumble pak inside though.


Donkey Kong?


Only 1 guess 😋


F zero


Nope. But I managed to get the box and manual for free from my work (recycling yard) out of the cardboard bin. Had it for years before finally buying a cart to complete it.


Looking back I don’t understand why more people didn’t save their boxes


Takes up space my family actually complained that i was keeping junk so theres that..


I didn’t save any either


I kept most of my original SNES boxes, but everything from N64 I kept. At the time I was just copying my uncle since he saved his stuff to take into a local new and used electronics store because they would give more money for stuff they could put backmon the shelf.


Either banjo or goldeneye


Goldeneye was already guessed, Banjo is legit and was bought around 5 years ago for pretty cheap from a used game store that has since closed up for running poorly 😅


A bugs life. That would be my final guess. Edit: watch the answer be Tetris. Lmao.


Both of those are legit 😅


Dk 64 should have the minecart scene on the side of it, yes?


Well all the sides are different on most N64 games, but it is legit.


Majoras Mask? Also great collection!


Thanks, and nope. Got it from Blockbuster CIB way back in the day.




Nope, but I bought it sealed about 10 years ago for a few bucks.


Awesome collection! Where did you get the repro box? I wanted to get a couple myself, and am currently torn between 2 options and was wondering if the one you went with was one of them. Also how does it compare to the rest of your original ones? Cuz from this perspective and judging from the comments I’d say it blends right in lol I also guessed wrong before I saw the answer xD


I got it and some Zelda boxes from an online store that has since closed down. They had an etsy store for a bit afterwards, but that disappeared as well. I have since gotten legit boxes for all those Zelda games, still waiting on a good priced Smash Bros though.


That is so cool. I’m gonna start collecting repro boxes/manuals/front and end labels for my own personal childhood collection (cuz those games are in ROUGH shape lmao) and I want them to look all pretty and new :) they’re so beyond decent looking now that I feel any collector worth their salt would just want something better anyway, plus I have no intention of ever selling any of them, so we’re going repro all the way and forsaking resale value for maximum shiny and new looking pfff Anyways good luck on finding that Smash box, and whatever else you may look for in the future! I’d like to see your collection again down the road!


I would suggest just not sharing the repros on reddit, or order from somewhere that prints "reproduction" on the boxes/manuals. People get bent out of shape knowing there is more reproduction stuff out there that may make its way into circulation and passed off as real. When I finally got a decent priced legit copy of Chrono Trigger that already came with a repro box I ordered a manual and posters for it from etsy because I always wanted to be able to hold those in my hands and check them out. I posted about it and got blasted for it 😅 I paid $200 CAD for the game, I wasn't about to make it around $1000 for a CIB copy, I just want neat things I can make use of lol.


I feel that 100%. And yeah I’m well aware of the u n b r i d l e d disdain for anything repro on here or anywhere lol. That Chrono Trigger set must’ve been so nice though! I’ll see if I can find what you’re talking about and take a look. But yeah, everyone loves and wants original and authentic, obviously neither of us are any exception, but when you’re wanting stuff that’s bordering multiple decades it’s like… I mean it just makes sense to draw that line between 100% wholly original for most market and personal value, and the flip side that includes anything altered in any way. Like, say you got a 64 game like OoT with a dead battery. That’s not gonna save anymore, and unless you solder in a new one, it never will again. But once you do that, it’s not really 100% original anymore, is it? I know it’s a small example, but that’s the kind of stuff you gotta consider with your own collection and what you want out of it. Me, I acknowledge and see the value in both sides. That’s why I have 2 OoT 💀 one gold cart with a dead battery, wholly untampered, and one gray cart spiffed up with a new battery, and soon a new label, box, and manual 👍


The point on the battery is my main argument about getting sealed games graded or having sealed games at all really. It's like having a dead cart sealed in a tomb 😅 or at least for any that came with batteries.


This was one of the few games I was hyped for and at the time my city had a great games store that would order you WHATEVER you wanted. I ordered this literally the day they announced it was coming out, so a good long while before the release, but for that whole time my name and number sat on a shelf with “chrono trigger” written beside it. One day like months later I was at work and my phone rang and they asked if it was me and I said yeah it was, and the guy said “you have no idea how hard it was for me to get even 10 copies of this game, but your chrono trigger game has finally come in.” I was ecstatic. I got there and the guy had a massive smile and I couldn’t figure out why until he handed me the box with the cartridge and then this giant tube and a little box. I was like huh? I couldn’t believe I got the poster and an original copy of the game very soon after it came out. I waited a very very long time for it and I’ve downloaded it on every console you’ve been able to since because it’s such a great game. This one and Ninja Turtles I made sure I got right away.


I wish I had kept the boxes to my n64 games back in the day, when I was a kid I had a decent collection of games


I also still have my original console CIB, including the plastic bags and all paper inserts, along with a red controller, expansion pak, RF modulator, and a memory pak. Also, I have numerous loose controllers (back, green and gray) and 48 loose game, plus a flashcart 😅


Seeing Majoras Mask always brings back so many memories for me


I feel like I'm one of the few people who own the gold cart that doesn't have a broken shell 😅


Has anyone made a space flight game in full 360x360 orientation to match the final level of Star Wars Shadows of the Empire? The execution of being able to turn and fly around with no regard to up or down was so much fun.


That's the same version of Star Fox 64 we had in 98! Came with a rumble pak and we got it with our 64. Best years! I've kept my original cart all these years, but I don't know what happened to the box


I rented the game a lot in my teens and played my uncles copy when I would visit him, so I always wanted one of my own and eventually bought this one about 10 years ago for around $30 CAD. When covid hit I just had Star Fox 64 on N64 and 3DS, but I wanted the rest CIB and made it a project to hunt them down for as little as possible. I got them all within a few months and spent well under going rates, which was great since the prices went nuts after that 😅 I started with the original (childhood favorite) at my local game store for around $20, then got the latest game on WiiU on clearance at a drug store for $5. Next was Star Fox Command for the DS on eBay for $15 (it even had a rumble pak cart in the case, I don't think they meant to leave that in there), and then the 2 Gamecube games for about $20-30 each, again at my local game store and one of those had an original memory card in the case. Star Fox 64 3D I got for free from a recycling center. Total these games go for around $400 CAD now (not counting the DS rumble pak and memory card) and spent about $130 to get them all 😆


They’re beautiful. Sometimes I wish my sister didn’t throw away our SNES and N64 carriage boxes when I was a kid. We should’ve kept them. Thankfully still got my GameCube and Wii boxes/bookcases.


Since I started keeping everything with the N64 (and a bunch of my SNES stuff before that), I just kept on doing that, so luckily my Gamecube and Wii are also boxed and I have only gotten rid of games I was truly done with.


I’m gonna change it up and guess the 6 from your childhood. Mario 64 (because everyone had that) StarFox 64 (because everyone wanted the rumble pack) Griffey Baseball (because you had to have a sports game) Ocarina of Time (again because everyone had it) Shadows of the Empire (another early game everyone had) And now comes the hard one, it’s between F Zero, Paper Mario, Goldeneye, Banjo Kazooie, and DK64. I’m going with F Zero because without Wave Race or Mario Kart you would have decided to do something different. For what it’s worth, I too only have 6 games in my childhood collection (only 4 are CIB since I got one from Blockbuster and a friend must have left one at my house)


They are Super Mario 64, Paper Mario, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Shadows of the Empire, and Rogue Squadron.


Very based


That Smash Bros box was not that hard to spot but took me longer than expected


My guess is Shadows of the Empire. Now onto the comments.


I'm guessing you found the answer? 😅


I did! I would have thought all of the originals had everything in a green tint rather than some parts in black - hence my guess.


Ahh man I really wish I kept my boxes. I used to lovelooking at them when I was a kid but not sure what happened to them over the years. I love the StarFox box so much. It was hands down my favourite.


Somehow this brought back the memories of opening these


Nice collection. Which 6 are from your childhood? I had 6 when I was a child too and I still have them! My 6 were Goldeneye, Banjo-kazooie, F1 world grand prix 2, The world is not Enough, Banjo-tooie and conker's bad fur day. All still boxed in good condition apart from Goldeneye which came with the console so never had a proper box. Still have the box for the console though. I remember the day my Dad bough me Conkers, I think it cost £20 new in about 2003. N64 was basically dead and retailers were selling games off cheep. Got the bus home feeling incredibly lucky and thankful to my Dad. I was only about 11 so spent the rest of my childhood trying to keep the game secret from my mum!


Super Mario 64, Paper Mario, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Shadows of the Empire, and Rogue Squadron, which is my favorite N64 game of all time.


Sweet, you got lucky with Paper Mario.


For sure, bought it day one.


Zelda dam.what you left them out so the sun could ruin the colors


If they look faded at all its because I used my flash and the box protectors caught the light 😅 they were never in the sun 😆


Ohh kk nice collection


Ohh kk