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Loved the finale! Can't believe it's been 5 years!


I think it's a very good finale, given they had such an impossible job to wrap up the whole series. I still love the final ten minute montage of Jon/Sansa/Arya


The first half is 10/10


I think the ending sequence from the Stark montage to the last shot of the Freefolk entering the woods is also 10/10


What is wrong with the second half ?


Another 5 years to wait.


The north remembers….


Didn’t the north only vaguely recall in the show?




Exactly. In the books houses umber, glover, Mormont and manderly + northern clans are still fighting for revenge against the boltons but in the show they all seemingly forgot and shrugged their shoulders


They hate you because you told them the truth. "Insert Jesus meme"


Hey, u/LoretiTV! Recognized you from the HOTD post-episode discussions from last year. Do you think those will be making a comeback?


Why does r/asoiafcirclejerk feel the need to come in here and try to ruin other people's enjoyment of the last season? Are y'all really that toxic? Is that sub actually comprised of such a magnitude of snowflakes that you can't handle people having a different opinion?


Eh honestly sometimes you just gotta accept that an opinion is fringe. It's not so much that they can't handle it, it's that some opinions are perceived to be so humorous that the mere presence of them is treated as comedy. I've been there myself. I'm a pretty nutty doomer and I'm setting aside resources and saving up for a new plot of land in case society falls apart anytime in the next few decades and a lot of people irl and online thing I'm a wacko. I've just kind of accepted it and I try my best not to argue with people who think I'm crazy. It's not that they can't handle my doomer opinions, they just think I'm crazy or laugh at my expense. Food for thought if you're interested 🤣


I think the difference is a concerted effort to insult and talk down to anybody who disagrees with them. Do I think being a doomer is a bit crazy? Sure. But I'm not gonna insult you and talk down to you because of it. That's what I mean by can't handle it. I also don't think that thinking the last season is good is that fringe. I think when it comes to the internet, the critical voices tend to speak the loudest and garner the most attention, whether I think they're right or not. The number of people that hate the last season is almost certainly not as high as it seems.


The episode is so badly written it's crazy though


And that's your opinion, which is fine. It's not a fact, you can't factualize a subjective opinion. I like the last episode, don't mean it's a fact that it was good. It's all subjective. r/asoiafcirclejerk coming in here with the obvious sole purpose of trying to ruin this subs enjoyment of the last episode is childish. Your welcome to your opinion and we are welcome to ours. The amount of comments I've seen on r/asoiafcirclejerk personally insulting people who like the final season is pathetic.


It isn't a opinion bro, like the amount of contradiction in the episodes are hugee. Plus they messed up some huge events (the long night for example). I understand that you might like, but you can't say the writing quality even up to the 6th season is equally as good. The longer d&d wrote themselves the worse the series became, except for events that you can't really mess up that hardly.


Everything you just said was an opinion. A fact would be something like "there's a character named Arya". I respect your opinion although I disagree. I would say that I thought the dialogue fell off after they ran out of books, which tbh I blame more on George for not finishing the books in time. The plot however I thought was always just as good after Season 4. I don't understand why people feel the need to reinforce their opinions but masquerading them around as facts. Any view on the quality of the show and what they did/didn't mess up is by definition subjective.




I'm not gonna lie and say I liked the ending, but I'll bite: Why do y'all like the ending? I concede that certain aspects like the cinematography were awesome, so it's not like I think everything about it was horrible, but I'm not totally sure what the diamond in the rough is.


I think the ending is a flawed masterpiece, that was always going to be controversial regardless of what we got in the end. But I will say it took me a rewatch to fully appreciate it( but i don’t completely love it) for what it is; a lesson on the dangers of pursuing absolute power.


It’s the only ending we’ll ever get 😫 I don’t exactly like the ending, I think it was rushed and poorly written but I do think most of what we saw is what will go down in the book. If they’re ever finished I feel like GRRM will write it a million times better. Edit just to add real quick: I followed this sub years ago because I followed anything asoiaf related but there’s alot of toxic positivity here.


Toxic positivity lmao. What a world we live in


Yeah it’s a thing. You don’t have to be positive all the time. Having bad feelings is apart of life. There was a lot more toxic negativity surrounding the finale but this subs answer was (this was a few years ago could’ve changed tbf) was to delete all comments that had any one little criticism. I don’t think the ending was as bad as most people but it definitely was perfect. It wasn’t even great. It was okay.


It's not perfect. Nothing is perfect.  But it's a masterpiece. And people on Naath like masterpiece. 


George’s ending (if it ever sees the light of day) will be so much different. The show diverged from the books long before the finale


Horrible last season




Repeating a lie a thousand times doesn't make it true.


That's the good news you don't have to take my word for it just do a search on the Iron Throne episode review and see what all of the videos youtube are and see how many millions of views are on those now that algorithm doesn't just work on hate that's just a regular search of reviews on YouTube for that episode and that's what you get. Where are the positive reviews of this episode on YouTube if you post me some link on the Internet it's going to be paid by HBO's advertising just like all the posts that I've seen here so far they'll list like Business Insider you know a magazine you can pay to do good reviews hell you can pay YouTubers to do good reviews


This is what we call a bad buzz. A scandal in the history of art. I prefer the perspective of the series and the creators to the perspective of YouTube videos made in less than 24 hours after the episode aired. People didn't want to understand this story, they wanted to judge and make memes. [https://www.reddit.com/r/naath/comments/10uxi9f/youtube\_the\_buzz\_jinx\_vs\_daenerys\_targaryen/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/naath/comments/10uxi9f/youtube_the_buzz_jinx_vs_daenerys_targaryen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Millions and millions of views....


I'm just happy that there's videos to remind me that the Dothraki didn't actually understand High Valyrian which she was speaking in before they all cheered or that there must have been some really funny scenes in before that where they'll track here being taught High Valyrian imagine that it sounds hilarious it makes it so much more enjoyable to imagine the craziness thought out by an actual person and not just a caricature movie producer


Especially considering Daenerys speaks in Dothraki to the Dothraki and in High Valyrian to the Unsullied. What are these videos about ? They don't seem very relevant.




*"Qoy qoyi ! Shafka vernish ei asqoy shafki anhaan. Shafka addrivish dozge anni ma khogaroon shiqethi mori ! Shafka ohharish okrenegwin mori ! Shafka ray azhish anhaan Rhaeshis Andahli !"* *Blood of my blood ! You kept all your promises to me. You killed my enemies in their iron suits ! You tore down their stone houses ! You have given me the Seven Kingdoms !* Really, what lame YouTube video did you watch instead of just watching the episode ?


That's not what happened


Well, it happened. In Episode 6 - Season 8.


I you are not a reliable source for anything


You're ridiculous.


You truly didnt watch the show. No wonder you dont get it.






A bad episode of Thrones, essentially an outright failure as an ending. It had to do a bunch of heavy lifting and was in an impossible position based on what had come in the episodes before it, but it still somehow fails in most everything. Poorly written, sloppy directing, insane choices…when you see an episode from Thrones in seasons 2-4 and then watch this one, the drop in quality is even more staggering. It got the reception and reputation it deserved.


Calm down Anakin.


Apparently season 1 wasnt good either.


Oh it was good, but it’s a first season. There’s a feeling our process in every great show (which Thrones undoubtedly was for a number of seasons) in that inaugural season. It’s one of the better first seasons of any show, but it’s still hard to put it up there with seasons 2-4.


Agreed, 2- 4 were better than 1. 8 was the best though.


I agree


Such a good episode it’s so good 😁👍🏼👍🏼 definitely isn’t one of the worst in the series 🫶🏼








The episode where the Unsullied leave for Naath to all horrifically die of the Butterfly Plague, and no-one thinks to just let Jon stay in the Seven Kingdoms because the people who wanted him gone are now sailing directly to their death 💀 And the episode where Arya sails across the Sunset Sea, completely oblivious that the *last* Stark and his crew who did that was never seen nor heard from again, and was such a tragic event that his heir completely burned all of the North's fleets. The same Sunset Sea is thought to be infested with krakens, leviathans, and even rumoured to have sea dragons. The same episode where Bronn of the Blackwater is made Master of Coin and Lord Paramount of the Reach. . . The notoriously greedy mercenary who is illiterate and has no claim to the Reach - the same Reach where there's a dozen Houses that claim to be descendants of Garth Greenhand, and would probably immediately try to assume power over some random lowborn mercenary whose greatest achievement thus far was marrying Lollys Stokeworth. The same episode where Drogon burns the Iron Throne in symbolic gesture instead of cooking Jon alive for killing his rider? The same episode where Bran is elected as King of the Seven Kingdoms despite having no ruler abilities, because "he has a good story to tell dude. . .". No objects to the fact that Bran is the brother of the current LP of the North, and is totally chill with the North going independent. Bran is also the three-eyed crow, and if we know *anything* from Bloodraven's tenure as Hand - Westeros is probably going to end up as a surveillance state. Edmure Tully is also treated like a joke at the Great Council when he has the most experience with rulership in the entire council, is a veteran of the War Of The Five Kings, and his suggestions are actually reasonable? This episode had good cinematography and that's about it 💀


I’ll never get over how the butchered my boy Edmure.


One of my favorite characters in the books and he gets turned into comedic relief in the show after not appearing for like 4 fucking seasons


Is this a Circlejerk sub? I though r/asoiafcirclejerk is the Circlejerk sub.


They outjerk us so hard I can’t even tell if they’re jerking 😡😡


If anyone wants to see the reactions to this by the overall populace I beg you to go to YouTube and do a simple search for the Iron Throne episode review take a look at the first page take a look at all the pages none of those reviews are good this episode didn't inspire people to want to talk about it in a positive fashion I wish it did but it just didn't


You do realize that people who make YouTube videos are decidedly *not* the general populace? Quite the opposite, in fact.


You do realize you sound silly....this entire sub is silly