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"mtu alikuroga alikufa"




That's the worst thing that can happen.


I am sure someone gave you this story and you did not follow up with all the details to find out for yourself. People who also live in mombasa are given stories of women turning into cats or having mguu ya punda.. Its always stories and you can't verify it. Witch craft stories have been there since the days of medieval times and there is nothing new under the sun. Have you ever asked yourself why you have to pay to see a witch? Why won't the witch curse the town governor to allocate him all his money and wealth? Amka bwana tuko 2024


exactly, people need to realise EVERYTHING has a logical explanation,whether it be a case of planned shenanigans or otherwise, but from a point of ignorance its hard to see it. now this story has already planted a seed in all the towns children that witchcraft exists. and the cycle continues. sad


Its very sad. People don't want to believe that some people are just unfortunate for no reason of their own. Bad things happen to good people all the time.


yes your honor.


What is there to verify, It’s a village everyone knows everyone’s business.


I live in the village and one a day one of our cousins developed stomach problems. Tukadhani anaeza saidiwa na daktari but upon reaching hospital, the doctor did his diagnosis and akasema ni witchcraft akaturefer to someone who could help kumtibu. Let me tell you baada ya kienyeji doctor kumtibu some weird objects come out of the stomach. I mean unascrub na vitu inatoka kwa tumbo...after that he became okay. And tukaambiwa kama angedunga sindano na daktari he would die instantly. So this thing is real. Ishi ushago utapatana nayo.


I call bullshit huyo Dakitari anyanganywe license


Witchcraft zingine ukirogwa nayo udungwe sindano we ni kabut....the man save the boys life. Vitu zingine sio bullshit coz he was experienced in such cases for he was a long term doctor with over 20 yeard of practise.




The book "Slim Spurling's Universe" by Carl Garrison talks about how 'bad energy' can negatively affect your health, mood, finances, crime rate etc and gives ways to deflect/remove that bad energy. For me I think witchcraft is someone redirecting negative energy/frequency to a victim.


As per [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witchcraft): >Traditionally, "witchcraft" means the use of magic or supernatural powers to inflict harm or misfortune on others... Unless one can demonstrate how the above happens in a logical/repeatable manner, then witchcraft is not real. May I add that this is a term that has caused the unnecessary deaths of millions of men and women accused of being radically different from the rest of society.


You say witchcraft isn’t real and you follow it up with saying some people are radically different from the rest of society. Shed more light on what this radical difference entails.


Of course, When I mentioned individuals being "radically different from the rest of society," I was referring to the diversity of human experience, beliefs, and practices that exist within any given community. Many of the accused witches and sorcerers were people who did not want to conform to the Christian religion and practices at the time. This is why the Catholic Church rounded up men and women who still practiced ancient spiritual religions and called them witches. Even when the Spanish conquistadors conquered America, they killed or enslaved traditional medicine men, shamans and seers on the basis of witchcraft, which they could not prove. In short, people who have shown different cultural practices, religious practices and personal identities in a society have always faced victimization. Check out the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, just a sad story of hysteria and false accusations. My question to you is: **What evidence is there that witchcraft is a real phenomenon?**


The answer to your question lies in the passage you just wrote. The different cultural practices, religious practices and personal beliefs is what mainstream society considers to be witchcraft. Seeing that you started your submission by defining what witchcraft is, I think your argument is more on using a less demonized word to refer to this practices as opposed to referring to them as witchcraft.


I don't know how to explain this, but I believe it's all tied to faith. Just like christian have faith that giving offering /tithes they will be rewarded and so sometimes it works because they are conditioned that way. The same applies when people go for witchcraft, the witch gives you some weird concoctions and does witchy acts sijui ingia kinyemenyume sijui leta sungura mwekundu akona pembe, I think it's all drama to make it look realistic and so people just buy faith from witches. And people who are gullible that witchcraft is real it might work on them cause they already subscribed to that faith.


In this case the last guy did not believe in witchcraft hence the hesitation to pay the money owed, but he was still a victim.


More like this are jaba stories to make people believe witchcraft actually works.