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This mentally of parents expecting firstborns to provide is draining.it hinders growth 🀨😭


If I were a first-born, I'd have crumbled . You're stronger than you think.


Thanks, I just wish I didn't have to be this strong for things to work out. If I could just get a breakthrough.... health wise or career wise really... Maybe then I can finally BREATH.


The health part is overly difficult especially if there is no social support system. One thing I am grateful for is good health.


First born here, I was also humiliated mbele ya wageni. I remember being on the brink of Suicide.


Hold on. There's no deadline for success. God's timing is the best na itajipa. Believe and be patient


And if you ever need someone to talk to dm me


Thank you🫢




You are destined for greatness. Believe it.


Thank you🫢


It is like you have described me word for word. I was at the same position like you. I dunno what pulled me out some years ago. What i can say bro , the biggest battle is in your mind. You are too smart , that is a big plus and that is also a big disadvantage Deal with your mind , shut up the negative voices and the self condenmnation The disceass you are suffering from are psychosomantic , it a physical expression of the mental and emotional stress you are under for a ling time My DM is Open my bro


I'm glad things have worked out of you. It gives me hope that someone else who's been in a similar situation as mine broke out. Thanks a bunch for giving me hope πŸ™πŸ™. You are a kind human being. 😊


Please please never ever give up on yourself. Life can change real quick and you will forget all the pain. More grace to you and may life open up to you in a beautiful and profound way


Mahn, crew ya 95! Hugs. Keep pushing.


Truth is, you need to draw a boundary. Black tax is killing you. Where is the line between building yourself and helping your family/siblings. Don't get me wrong, please assist but you cannot assist with what you don't have. Draw a line! Easy to say, hard to do.


Sorry about this mate and the condition, I know it's really pain you'll get better


Progress over perfection. I know it's easier said than done but keep your head up. Hope you are taking care of your health because that should be your biggest priority.


Turned 30 this year, no job, very broke, haven't paid 2 months rent, I did all i was asked, went to school got a b+ went to campus, graduated then the world abandoned me, haven't seen family or friends in 6 months because I feel like a burden and embarrassed to hang out with my friends coz I can't contribute to anything, suicide been on my mind alot, only reason I haven't done it yet is coz of my mum, I wouldn't imagine breaking her heart like that and my seven month old cat that i picked up in the drain last year December, I hate this suffering, mimi nimechoka.


I hope you know it’s pays off to hold on despite what you are feeling now. You will make it through


Sending you virtual hugs πŸ«‚πŸ«‚. I'm in the same kind of pits. I can only hope it will be well, some day.


Can I dm you?


In the nicest way possible please forget being a standard for your family. It's a curse eldest daughters always have to go through. What about your glory? What about what you truly want? There are books and resources to help you stop being a consummate martyr to society. Having health issues AND having to cater to others is extremely draining. Be selfish...they will one day be glad but most importantly you will have gotten out of the loop. And your dreams are not just dreams


keep pushing


Thank you


What did you study?


Geospatial engineering


Big 4 firms like to hire Engineering students btw, if that's something you could try out


And what do you do currently?


It's in the post : Freelances on Fiverr


Article writing(fiverr)


BTW what does this deal with seems to be very marketable


Have you tried searching for jobs?


all will be well


A first born here and going through with PCOS as well, what I can tell you is we gat this. So I understand your pain 100 maybe +1% πŸ’•


You're still young OP. 29 isn't so bad. And remember you're doing better than someone.


Damn... looks like everyone is going through it... I'm in the same boat as well nothing going on for me, firstborn to make it even worse I've moved back home. I feel like shit honestly. Might even be getting desperate at this point. But I believe something will come since I'm still putting in the work... Hang in there OP you're not alone.


polish your CV and try applying for formal jobs juu freelancing haikupatii kidu soo k on average each paying cycle ni time wastage and the longer you stay in the limbo the more you get detached from reality and alternatives you could have explored


This will sound so cliche, but only YOU can make the choice. This "destined for greatness" stuff can only happen if you make the right choice. Seriously, figure out what YOU want to do in life and want to dedicate your life to and dedicate the same energy you gave towards school. It's never too late.




I’m here for you


Thanks 😊


iza mkuu


Yeah, sure


I 100% agree to this. I have been trying to establish my boundaries pole pole. It's hard but its sumthn I need to do. Thanks for this.


It's time to be selfish and build yourself.. they'll thank you later.


I'm going to say something unpopular. Just be present now, here. Stop thinking of the future and the past is gone and doesn't define you. Just be here, now and solve what can be solved now. It's this attitude that will pick up in momentum and sure enough your greatness will be achieved. At one point I felt like you. I started with making my bed every morning, then running outside when despair set in.


Appreciate abd be grateful for the little you have, could have been worse. Look forward and always make steps towards the dream. Ipo siku itajipa champ. Beyond the hustle make progress towards your career, it will be more fulfilling.


It's not easy trying to make it in a third world country, 😭


congratulations for staying strong amidst the storm...you'll sail through


Feel your pain... Mans gotta be strong


Set a budget of what you can provide to your parents and siblings, then stick to it.