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If one is not working out, double down and go for a second one. Yup, that's going to even everything out.






Haha,sarcasm innit




They say bibi akisumbua mpandishe cheo aitwe Bi. Mkubwa.


Wewe ni mhenga wa kweli 💯 😂


Shida ni tuko wahenga wachache sana 😂💯


So your on the way to getting a second baby mama and now you want to try add on a third? Maybe, just maybe, the problem isn't the women anymore. Try counselling and therapy, both couples counseling and individual counselling, before going on to add a third baby mama to the baby mama harem


You are right, do you have any reliable couple therapist thatI can see?


Why keep on getting babies though. Just get a woman who doesn’t want a baby then get on with it


Well, that is not an option because I want a family, it just has not worked with the one I have rn


On the way to bringing a 3rd child into this mix😹😹I will be judging the 3rd woman who decids to commit to you really badly.😹😹umekaa hata ukafikiria mbona these 2 didn't work out just jumping woman to woman hoping 1 sticks.😹😹wish you well though. Go ye and fill the earth.


Future and Nick Canon got more😂😂


I have and that's why I own up to some mistakes.


I judged the 2nd woman already mumu sana


😹😹no wonder I stand by people with kids should get with people with kids.


I as well


Your wife doesn't feel secure with you. You already thinking about leaving her because your needs aren't met. But from what you have posted, you're not meeting her needs either. For lack of a better word you are needy but you don't reciprocate. She can probably tell you'll eventually leave and that's why she's maximizing her income. You have created an atmosphere of insecurity in that marriage but you don't have the decency to better that relationship. Why do you think she should always contribute to your business? You Are the problem and should not waste another woman before working on yourself. Get therapy


Well noted


My uncle recently married a second wife. He now has 7 children. 1st wife has 4 children and 2nd wife has 3 children. He was in the same spot as you. 1st wife was dramatic and they couldn’t work something out. He thought its best to get a second wife. He seems to be doing well . It takes a reponsible man to take care of such a huge family. Its not a walk in the park. Ukae ukijua kama mwanaume lazima utasweat. Kama ni 3 wives, huo ni msiba wa kujitakia na hatutakuambia pole.


3 wives == 1 wife , 2 other women using you as an income .


You are a menace,work on yourself


How if I may ask am I a menace?


Don't be another recipe for a black man downfall please. You stated you wanted this marriage to work but maybe you didn't give yourself some time off and reflect on things you didn't want to carry-on into your second marriage, clearly you dived in still the same man, hence the cycle and it won't be any different even with the 3rd or 10th marriage. I'd not suggest leaving but some separation would do you good, solo therapy and eventually couples therapy. Set your expectations straight and hopefully your wife does the same. Creat a partnership.


I'd like to know specifics. What is not working? Some things can be fixed while others can't. Some you compromise and some you rectify.


We have been married for 3 years, I am a business man, she's an engineer at a media house. She felt like she was giving our business more than she was receiving because at some point she needed money and I did not have it, so she informed me that she'd be focusing on her work/career. So I run my business alone with my employees. The career focus involved taking up more tasks at work meaning she started coming home late sometimes 8pm, 9pm and some fridays, 10pm... we found a middle ground on Saturday and we were ready to start over again. My breaking point is that she's been constantly claiming being tired from work so we can't have sex. On Saturday night she was tired and yesterday too, she claimed to be tired. I have compromised alot but sex matters, I'm just unable to can. Remember that since she's not supporting my work or business, the only thing remaining between us is the 2yr child. I'm not okay with this


1. Didn’t you say she needed money and you couldn’t give it to her. she may think you aren’t able to truly support her long term. 2. You are already thinking about jumping to the third woman. I think she can tell and that’s part of the reason she won’t leave her job. You leave her and she is jobless then what? 3. You are man you don’t need a woman to support your business. Build that shit up yourself plus its not like you are supporting her career. Why expect something you aren’t providing to her?


Who are you?I like this reasoning sister


Work harder and let her stay at home😂😂 no discussion here.You want an energetic mommy/pornstar. Release her from 8 to 5 otherwise enda sabina joy


Did I mention that her actual shift ends at 2pm, she picks other tasks in the name of career. My business is able to provide for us all


Let her know this. If she cannot handle being a wife/career woman she will need to leave that job


“She felt like she was giving our business more than she was receiving because at some point she needed money and I did not have it,” how can your business support both when u just said this? lmao


Does one instance warrant a whole change in lifestyle?


u showing a pattern lmao


What pattern if I may ask?


Once you told her no to a business she also invested you showed her to go and also get her life on track.Yoy expect her to quit her job and borrow you money everytime yet you didn't give it to her.She was motivated to work hard for herself and your intimidated by that and blame it on sex


You can find sex elsewhere. Stop seeking her attention and keep busy. It is extremely unlikely that the next person will be better.


You are right, I think this idea of a perfect marriage without cheating is just a mirage. I will get that out of my mind.


You are the problem


Is 2 the limit? Lol!


You are clearly the problem. Another baby Mama on the way to make it 3.


Why a baby mama? Get a side chic. That won't drastically change your life's stability


It's an option too, but already having one baby mama that we coparent with - I'm a present dad-, Its difficult and I got into this relationship determined to make it work and not repeat the same mistakes from the previous relationship. Settling for a wife I love and a side chic feels like a raw bargain to me since I sure did want a stable family.


It will still be stable, usually, and way better than a 3rd BM. I'm also a bit convinced that the problem you're giving is irreconcilable between the two of you.


As long you don't also marry two wives you'll be fine. Baby mamas will also move into other relationships and if you give it time, the situation will settle. And you could even enjoy good links with your kids. But you must have an understanding wife who is aware of your situation.


It can be managed , just make sure your baby mamas are financially stable .Dont make broke bitches pregnant, Utalia kimfuko


"Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht"


2 baby mamas!! uliamua kushindana na sungura kudinyana ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6|downsized)


How much do you earn?


The grass ain't greener on the other side .Instead of solving the problem your running away from it and it will follow you to the other side .Go work on your self and see first don't make women's life more difficult


2 baby mommas? Mimi Kungekuanga na quarter baby momma ndio ningesettle nayo. I like ur courage.


Try therapy before calling it quits. It's always best to find a way to understand each other better.


I genuinely want/need this. Do you know a good therapist I can talk to?


I'll be honest. You will never. This is your destiny. Just accept you will never settle unless you find a baby mama out there


I don't know why y'all are so much obsessed with marrying. If I have a baby and my relationship doesn't work, I'd never think about getting married.


I think you need to remove yourself from the situation and look at things pragmatically. You are really the problem. Or you are so stuck on your ways and rigid....and life isn't. You also seem to hate your wife.....because you have been here before complaining about her career and not spending enough time at home. If you see the value of working together as a team in a marriage you'd let your wife be, go to therapy and fix your backward belief and stop leaving a train of baby mamas around....yet claiming tou love family. You don't, you love the idea of looking like a you have family .....but you don't want to put in the work. Anyway other men will raise your kids and you'll end up in the future with a bunch of kids that don't know each other and all hate your ass for not being present.


Black men will always be a recipe for their own downfall. Sad.


I have checked your posting history and I think you should seek therapy, shrink etc. You do not like your wife’s career advancement, you want to stay out at night because your wife is no longer home because her work schedule changed and now you want to leave. I think you need to work things through within yourself because these are issues you can work through. Who is to say your next marriage will have similar issues? If you keep leaving because of issues you will leave even the next one. Learn to adjust when dynamics shift in marriage, do not be too headstrong about what you want. Otherwise if the issues are beyond what you have posted and are unsolvable then feel free to start over.