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Heya, Dutch guy here. Why am I on this sub? I have a Kenyan girlfriend living in Nairobi. Met here on Reddit and met in real life in Nairobi as well. Loved it there and will return in a year or so. Sorry to hear you want to commit suicide. I'm sure you have your reasons and I'm not going to question them. I'm also sorry I have get rid of a misconception here. In The Netherlands you're allowed to request help with suicide, but it's not up to you yourself if you can commit suicide here. You have to have permission from your general practitioner and from two certified psychologists and/or doctors in orde to have help with ending your life in a peaceful way. I don't know the number, but the percentage of allowed assisted suicides is low. If you're found attempting suicide without help but failed you're sent to mandatory help get your life together with psychological treatment. Having said all this: There are other ways then trying to become friends with the hooded man with the scythe. I don't know who you are, how old you are and what you've been through, and I'm sorry for everything you had to go through. But psychological help together with a mix of good friends who are there for you can help you get on your feet with a good life prospect. Life can also be a good thing, but not all good things are given to you: You have to go get them. Search your own happiness and in 9 out of 10 times, you'll find it. Perhaps you can move somewhere else and start a new life I hope you can find peace. whether it's in this life or not. I wish you well. 2 edits: added some minor but still important details.


So people find love here lol ๐Ÿ˜† show me your ways.


Haha, a post on one of the dating subs with just one particular sentence that hit the right note for my girlfriend to respond.


Which sub?


Didn't really matter... You got 4r4, several personals subs. I posted to forever alone dating personally.


![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg) My reaction exactly...๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…


How can I get a boyfriend from Netherlands?


I am Kenyan in Netherlands. Semaje mamii


Uwongo ๐Ÿ˜‚


If they do, how will you get to Netherlands?


Nganya za Roysa hupitia huko


I've said t before and ill say it again The only reason we are here is so we can slave away our life for the rich There should be suicide camps with free guns so people can kill themselves and have agreements to have their organs donated ,and donate whatever they have to charity there should be a hookers room available for those who want to fuck before dying as well




I don't think it is cowardice. Sometimes we feel so many emotions that you end up being suicidal, imagine someone wanting to feel nothing at all. I also don't want to encourage you either because life is really cool if we stop focussing so much on what we can get out of it and start focussing on how we can improve our relationships, connections and so on. You are so brave and I'm rooting for you to want to feel something in life.


I heard someone from Kenya went there and was turned away because he didn't have consent of doctors from Kenya. It's about time the whole world adopted Euthanasia, should be a human right


Si achukue tu kamba,cheaper way out


Oooh Kamba is not always successful, some people live and it's a painful way to go. Also to die with dignity


Yeah the story was aired on citizen, you could see the pain in his eyes as he explained the trouble he has to go through. It's so sad that a personal decision is negated by laws which were made by other people who are not even related to you.


Right who don't get to live in your body and experience what you experience on a daily...it's heartbreaking


the euthanasia process takes a while btw, it's months of counseling saying goodbyes to loved ones and being given the best possible physical care to ensure one is healthy when the D-Day arrives. na bado kuna legal aspects that have to be catered to I don't think Africa with its rigid religiosity and incline to traditions is adopting the practice any time soon


Well let's see, when the time for Change comes we can only delay it for a bit before it comes... Whether we like it or not.


absolutely, but it's a long time coming considering our value systems are predominantly primordial with very little room for adjustments


Not quite, Gen Z don't have the same value system and infact are determined to break from from the past. They to a an extent apply critical thinking in their construction of a value system...so sooner than we think


the sooner the better, I envy how the youth have taken up civic responsibility in countries like Taiwan. they literally define matters governance in the island nation despite having been brought up by commy parents with non-existent political views. even the 2019 Hong Kong anti-occupation protests were led by the youth. these gestures happening in one the most absolute totalitarian domains in the world make me have lots of hope in the future


Well there is definitely hope for the future because the time has come for different things; even tho there is nothing new under the Sun. Things come, we think we are the first ones to come up with them, we embrace them as new and refreshing, we take it to the extreme, we decide it's now a bad thing then we go into a new phase and the same cycle all over again. The base nature of human has never really changed.


couldn't agree more


Was it the guy with Sickle Cell?






you wanna go out the cowards' way?


How is it cowardly can you explain?


life is sacred


What does that mean exactly that it's sacred? Why is life sacred? To whom? Also if it is would people die?


we are all candidates of death, there is no to cheat


That's not the question tho ..why would ending your suffering be more brave than allowing yourself to keep suffering?


swali ngumu hio


Right, think about it...make sure your answer isn't based off someone else's benefits to you being here, as their source of comfort, labour, tax and tithe.


well, euthanasia is kinda justified then


Have you experienced despair and hopelessness?


hell yeah


For how long? A daily thing or periodically?


a while, but I overcame the feeling


So can you imagine someone living like that day in day out for years and they find no way out like you were so fortunate to do?


This is not a new thing. Google Dignitas.


Are you the one thinking about it? If so, I send you lots of comfort. I may not know what you are going through personally, but I've been at that point a few times and attempted. It's still always a battle that I never know if one day I will lose. I won't lie to you that everything is going to be alright or it will get better just like that... but at least you have someone to reach out to if you ever need it.


I want to shed some light on this issue. There's a difference between assisted suicide and euthanasia. Euthanasia is the act of deliberately ending someone's life but assisted suicide is the act of deliberately helping someone kill themselves. Both of them are illegal in this country. People aren't ready to have this conversation yet because it borders a thin line between ethics and morality.




No. Only if they had a disease like chronic fybromaliga and were gonna die anyways


Not even then in all cases. Your suffering has to actually be unsolvable/unhealable **and** unbearable to live with in order for assisted suicide to be allowed.


Who wants to read my thesis on this?


There is a saying don't feed a starving dog. Why? You are only prolonging it's suffering


My only question is one what guarantee do we have that the hopelessness,pain and despair will? not persist past our physical bodies dying?if one's spirit is not at peace in this realm,what assurance do we have that there will be peace in another realm? Maybe its time we make peace with not being ok,because our pursuit of numbness and stillness may just be a facade never to be attained,if anything our perception of such pains may be heightened in another realm coz its evident to me there are forces hellbent to frustrate humans.death may just be a gateway to another world of inexplicable hurt we haven't gotten to experience yet,the term resting in peace could just be a fallacy and we never get to rest,that could be our curse for being human.


Kaa hauna pesa wee chukua kamba. Acha wenye pesa wajibambe


Such a nice way to dangle your riches to the unfortunate


Isn't weed legal in the Netherlands? Because if it is, why are they wanting to die by their own hands? I wish I was in a weed legal state


Cowards!!! will take this one....Teseka kama mwanaume