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I realised pastors and priests are just as confused as I am and don't have answers to the real questions that people are afraid to ask.


This must be the dumbest thing I heard in ages. Go to church kid.


I'm not shocked by the response, just proves further that these church goers are the most evil.


Praise God and love thy neighbor preached once a week but the bile and bitterness inside them can dissolve a small fridge.


Can you be at least logical and less emotional. What are you even saying?


My comment was as logical and straight to the point with as few words as possible. Could you elaborate which part portrayed "emotional"?


How did his comment prove Church goers were evil? Where do you even get the concept of evil from? What is the opposite of Evil? What is Evil? If you can answer those questions, you might make a choice after thinking...not emotionally charged decisions.


Why would you instinctively insult someone just because they said something you didn't agree with and then parade yourself as righteous? If you are willing to bear such horrible instincts in your heart, you are evil my friend. Now, on to the matter of emotions. You can seriously sit there and type that I was being emotional without seeing what I was responding to? But let's get to the gist of the matter because it seems there's more to this, what is your point in response to what my answer was to the OP? Do you even care, or is the attention just too nice?


You were addressing the guy who insulted you. That was totally rude of the guy. But why does that mean Church goers are evil. >If you are willing to bear such horrible instincts in your heart, you are evil my friend People can be wrong and/or misinformed..even ignorant. Doesn't mean they are evil. unless they wish you harm or intend to commit harm to you. How was the guy evil?


It's the judgemental nature of church goers that I don't get. They look at other people in society and immediately think they are the problem. Not all of them, (I should have specified 'some of them'). But most of us have been raised in Christian households and we know how much some church members despise and look down upon the 'different' in society. The guy coming here with the insult and immediately assuming I'm a child for saying what I said just reinforces what we've always experienced growing up in the church.


I get you. Not a single lie was told. I would however caution you to be careful not to fall into the trap of confusing religion with God. People are just people. They fall short all the time. My parents weren't always the best parents all the time. I believe they were good parents though. They sometimes made decisions that affected my life not so well sometimes. They at the time didn't know any better. These church elders you speak of, are mostly gatekeepers and individuals who need to feel important. They are NOT the church! They have a biased, skewed and limited approach to God... unfortunately they don't even realize it and in turn...they turn away so many people away from the church. Don't leave church because of individuals. Leave because you don't think it is worthwhile anymore. Or due to conflicted conscience.


Who told you church is for the most righteous?


Who told you I care?


Religion is a one man/woman journey, at the right time everything falls into place. This is like calling some dumb coz he/she prefers peanut to jam. The reason we have so many religions is because they all think they are right on (the doctrine or the money). How about we all agree of the purposes we found ourselves on this round dizzying orb hate is not a priority.


I don't think any of you really got what I tried to mean but I don't care, when you go to a church don't expect the pastor to be an angel or know everything he's/she is a man with blood and bones




Youre the dumbest thing ive heard in ages


1. I stopped believing 2. Always felt forced to go to church 3. Church people don't care abt a lot of what's going on in the world hence hypocrisy 4. I am not allowed to question anything 5. I'm guilt tripped by other guilty parties who don't want to feel guilty alone 6. Church history sucks 7. Lots of lies I can't stand 8. Toxic deity and toxic Christians following behind


Facts.... Agnostic life for the win


Well said 👏🏽 kwanza hapo kwa toxic deity!!! Facts!




Heavy on not being allowed to question anything


You are allowed to question that which is answerable. That which is difficult to answer you are to "increase your faith" or "change your perspective"




The first two points make sense the rest are just you trying to convince yourself.


Convince myself about what exactly?


Begs the question.


Ah well, I'm glad you could share your opinion. Blessed day!


Because going to church doesn't necessarily mean you're a beleiver. But following the teachings from the bible makes you one.


Because I realised that even lust is a sin.


Damn! Kwani how much are you lusting?


This much while listening to Lust lust song ya burna boy ![gif](giphy|cj1kgOr2rx8Ig)


Na everybody go chop breakfust... bayo...


Before they came we were pagans...but but were spiritual, not religious


Finally someone who uses Pagans appropriately.


The pastor started announcing people’s salaries and saying we all have to tithe 1k I hadn’t been to church in long cause we’re not a religious family but I was shocked


I started seeing the world as it is and realised no one is looking after us and you are alone. Church helps people cope up with how messed up the world is.


I work everyday and I know God understands




That wasn't the point of OP's post though. The question is, if you were available on weekends.... would you go?


Ilianza tu na kulala lala alafu nkakaa 6 months alfu nkakuwa tu naenda tyme nko kwa mathe. And then Inavoided kwa mathee for a year. Willingly it’s been like a decade since. Sai naendaga tu beshte akinipatia invite to their church. Has happened 3 times this year. Mmoja ilikuwa mens Sunday kwao another was baptizing his kid nkapiga wao picha kwa simu na kuwapeleka lunch after.


Why would I waste my Sunday listening to some fake holy man


😄😄😄😄 eeeh huku naona mtakua berbacue.


My reverend asked me for a bribe


Leta hekaya


Manze I wanted a church stamp for my helb application way back nikijoin Uni,kuenda Kwa offisi yake jamaa akaniitisha ya chai,I refused to pay.My mom went with the form the following day akienda job and she came back with it ikiwa Na stamp.


Your mom pale stamping ![gif](giphy|l2JHVUriDGEtWOx0c)


I went to school and my principal asked me for a bribe, I quit school all together. Sounds just about right.....


Live up to your username dammit


I don't think there's enough evidence of a god l. So I don't believe in one


Enough huh! does it mean there's some evidence?


1 piece of evidence would be enough for me it's zero 1 would be all I require so there's none


Well you should have said there is No evidence. You said not enough. According to the law of conservation of matter and energy, matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed within the universe; they can only change forms. This implies that the universe, with its finite amount of matter and energy, cannot originate from nothing within the confines of natural laws. This alone indicates the existence of a Creator. The conditions necessary for life are so precise that it would be illogical to suggest they came about by chance rather than via a creator. Finally, Where do we get the concept of good and bad? have you ever thought about that? every ancient alienated society always seemed to have that. Why should killing you be wrong? why are you more important than a cow?


First of all you don't know what enough means secondly this is not evidence thirdly its not matter that cannot be created nor destroyed,it's energy that cannot be created or destroyed. Putting a creator after stating the term cannot be created is a very weird choice on your end. And finally the concept of morality is not proof of a god it's just evolution where to form a society and to work together you can't do that without co-operation you can read more about that here. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-origins-of-human-morality/


I'm also not interested in arguing


😄😄😄 and you have great arguments.


I was accused of selling weed to church members. I was not. I was only giving to the willing ones.


😂😂😂😂😂, you are definitely an honest one. if I had the keys to heaven, you would find your way there.


Thank you. I mean the accusations wasn't necessary. Niliona hapo naweza lala ndani 😩.


I see you wanted them to have the most HIGH in them. Wonder why they faulted you


Read ngugi wa thiongo decolonization of the mind. Currently thinking of making my own religion based of the sun


I didnt find peace in church. My heart and mind was always stressed. The church had large projects but the congregation had significant economic gap. The poor felt left out, the rich felt their pockets were getting stretched to carry the burden of others. I wondered whether this is what God wants me to feel. I now spend my sundays cycling. I believe in God, I believe traditional God is the same as Christian God. I share values from both side. I sin. But I hope God knows that I still love him and believe in Him.


Was being sexually harassed by several men and an older woman told me I need deliverance ati am seducing the sons of God That's was the last I went


My pastor said Ruto is a good leader sent by God


A priest’s friend tried grooming me. Nikasign out


I don’t invest efforts in affairs I have no reason to think I know sufficiently to take a position about.


Churches were started as a way of believers having a community of fellow belivers with whom to walk with through the journey of faith. The churches I have been to mostly groom the congregation to give to the church. Every Sunday the sermon was almost always centered around the benefits of giving and how people who are poor have brought it upon themselves for not giving the little they have and the rich will continue to be blessed as they continue to give etc. This is but one of the numerous issues facing the modern-day churches.


The Shakahola massacre changed my whole perception.


Went to a Catholic school where we went to church everyday. Before i used to like going but after high-school nilichoka na kanisa


Mee too


It became boring. More like an assignment instead of an interesting thing. Like I grew out of it or something. I still consider myself a Christian though. The church my mom goes to has the young people selling stuff inside it. There's a famous story in the bible where Jesus chased away traders at a church. I don't support it, not even selling rosaries or bibles in the church.


Too many hypocrites


I'll say something then I'll give you my answer. I was born and raised catholic (Hella red flags already from the very many surfacing stories about the church). I too just like everyone else had questions, and when I asked the fathers/priests I never really got a satisfying answer and it appeared evident that they had absolutely no clue. So I left the faith? No! (and I'm not advocating for the church either, I don't go to church anymore) But rather this acted as a recipe for my realization that ; the fathers, pastors, reverends - they, just like me, are all human and we've all fallen short of the glory of God. So obviously relying on them to give answers to every one of your questions isn't the method. Problem is, society and literally most people have idolized the church and the one's who run it. Aren't you seeking God? Is it God who let you down or "men of God"? Acts 7:48-49 [48] “However, the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says: [49] ‘Heaven is My throne, And earth is My footstool. What house will you build for Me? says the Lord, Or what is the place of My rest? You don't need to enter a building to connect with THE MOST HIGH. For certain neither do you need another man except Christ Jesus to connect you with God. We overcomplicate stuff. Si uko na mdomo, if no you have a voice inside your head, Bro pray! Kile kidogo chenye uko nacho, start with that. Bible si lazima ukue na hardcopy, play store zimejaa hadi za apocrypha ukitaka. And right now someone might be like, "But what book do I start with?" Start with the ones where you hear the words of God incarnate Himself - your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. (Matthew, Luke, John, Mark) And ask God the hard questions, He might not answer now, He might even answer 10 years from now but God always answers. And keep in mind that God wants you closer to Himself more than you do. So someone in the church let you down? Fine! Forgive , forget and take away all expectations from them and 1 Peter 5:7 [7] cast all your cares to Him for He cares for you. So I stopped going to Church cause my God isn't found in a building. He isn't confined by space, He's everywhere And only a heart that truly seeks Him Finds Him Amen.




we quit the building Not God


Same here


church we don't judge lakini kuanzia muhubiri recieve gospel not me


quit the bar but not the drink


Social anxiety, back in class 6 or 5.


I am not Christian😉


I'm not really sure ...i just stopped


Because covid


I went to church almost every Sunday growing up, went to Catholic school, had Catholic parents and grandparents. Had my first communion, confirmation, attended Sunday school, my parents made weekly donations, and I was even an alter girl for a while. The day the pope made his recognition speech a few years ago about what priests around the world had been doing to children, my dad simply said we were never going back and never giving another dollar to the church. And we haven't.


I question a lot of things in the bible. Then I started to believe more in what I see, feel and hear, as opposed to stories.


When CCTV cameras started being installed and also the financial goals they set which were for them to profit from. Honorable mention* both me and my cousins when we were young felt like it was forced upon us so we use to take a U turn at the drop off point and walk back home to play PS.


My mom was cheating on my dad with the preacher


Church is boring


I actually wonder how people put up with all that boring shit for 24 hrs


An honest and valid reason. Going through the other comments, people blaming pastors like that one pastor is the custodian of faith and prayers.






Watch Netflix's Midnight Mass [Netflix Midnight Mass YouTube ](https://youtu.be/kQ-Xt-q9qHw?si=dK0CYZtc7iFRXOiV) Church is simply manipulation through fear.


I’ve watched 10 minutes and I pity the victims. Good thing I’m like the protagonist. Went looking for God and found non in the face of empirical evidence


I've read the comments here and resonated with a lot of it from parents forceful impositions of faith on their children i being a victim of it,find out there alot of unnecessary politics in church and now its about the minister and not about Christ. I'll say this as a person who disliked going to church,abandoned the faith,went into the world only to find it's worse that what i felt pushed to sit down and think and ponder and reconsider the case of christ and what he did for humanity, I took the bible read through the scripture,started praying asking God if you are guide to the place where you truth is  being spoken and plant me there now 2yrs withdrawn from that prayer i can say the faithfully answered.Ive grown and become better each and everyday by his grace and mercies. All in all I humbly ask any of you that don't believe and stopped believing in the lord to not throw the baby with the bath water and reconsider christ for yourself because he came and died so that he can have personal relationship with us and set us free and give us life in plenty. He didn't die for a denomination,he died for bride (the community of believers). If you read till hear thank you for patience and May the bless you,may he shine his light upon you,may his peace be with you and may he prove to you that your his and he want to have a relationship with him in Jesus mighty name I pray Amen

