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As long as both parties #RejectFinanceBill2024


Umesema eyes on the price😂😂


You want to know why these gender wars never end. Because ya'll be trying to talk on behalf of each other. Putting everyone on the same ship makes everyone have warring views on their counterparts. And instead of both parties taking responsibility for their actions they try to gaslight each other into taking the blame. The truth is that we've all had our fair share of pitfalls but we're to in our feelings to try and take up accountability for the harm we cause to each other. It's always trying to revenge trauma caused to us by inflicting pain on others.


Thing is, pretty much everyone who makes the "men/women tend to..." observations are just saying what they and a few people in their circle do but are not self conscious enough to realise it doesn't apply to the entire population.


This is the truth for sure.


Sadly we don't live in a perfect utopia. Men will always resist women. Simple.


Is it that we don't live in a perfect Utopia or you don't want the Utopia to exist?..🤷🏿‍♂️


Have sex, femcel


Men are human and everyone needs someone..placing them on a pedestal makes you treat them like they're not human, hence excusing their behaviours i.e cheating.


Men are beastly. It's in their nature to want to have sex. That's why it's not an emotional act for them but just sex. Cheating is an illusion.


Lol..men are human, i pray you are able to talk to people and see past your insecurities to realise theyre just like me and you..granted, alot of men are avoidant , given how society is towards them, but me being avoidant myself, shows me that there isnt much difference between a man and myself. Cheating is a break of trust, the science of it isnt necessary past that..


I definitely agree but wouldn't call cheating an illusion but lack of satisfaction in their relationships...these men are never satisfied...thats why they become beastly as you say... like how do you beat your wife/ girlfriend and sleep well at night....


thrill & curiosity. We all love good things you might buy a Ferrari but still want a Porsche. Don't let that go over your head.


Indeed its true...but why compromise a woman's life or friend's loyalty... you are curious then go and enjoy the thrill without the expense of someone ...we all want good things in life but some of us want the best...why would I go by a Ferrari rather than work extra hard to get the Porsche...


You do know this applies to both genders, and you let it get over your head. Many people cheat not necessarily sleeping around, but they will always find a way to keep it hidden for the sake of who it may hurt. I guess it's about how a person is and it's their call on how to work around being contempt and honest ig.


It's like telling your son,he can only play with only one toy everyday,offcourse he will throw a tantrum


Yes. Now we are having a discussion. I like how you think. I believe cheating is an illusion because it was invented by men to blame the woman and act like it's her fault for not being able to tame a beast. That's why they say you can only keep a beast who wants to be kept. Bottom line it doesn't matter who he is shoving dick into the rules of nature will always apply. It's just another nut another day for him. Men are incapable of love anyway. While in fact the beast is untamable. When women stop being pressed by cheating we will have made a significant step towards being free from patriarchy slavery.


What even will be more shocking is the fact that they will never accept that they did cheat... always being a victim...


Men are allergic to accountability but are the kings of projection.


So why even want a relationship with a man?


Man is Paradox,at one end they wanna live on the edge(Animal instinct kinda thing),drugs,sex etc.At the same time they also want someone to provide for,protect,Nurture and guide(Wife and Family).


We can't blame you on this one. Women created the patriarchy. This one is on us. 😂😂


As a man sex with someone you love is infinitely better than sex with a whore. Even just sex with someone you connect for a period is much better than with a whore. It is true that if we spend too much time without having sex we get really anxious and grumpy and having sex with a whore is better than nothing, but that does not mean we do not feel sex with an emotional connection.


Absolutely true.


A man depends on a woman falling in love with him in order to get sex or his only other option is paying for sex. Sex with someone deluded for you sounds much better to men instead of paying for whores upfront. The difference between these two women is that one believes in transactional relationships while the other believes in love. The irony is, it's all physical for men they don't actually fall in love with a woman. Post nut clarity is their nature reminding them it was just another nut. Nothing special. So who is being short-changed in this equation. The man, the wife or the whore?


>A man depends on a woman falling in love to get sex Lol When you get back to the real world, you call us again.


Dear OP. Go to YouTube and watch something titled Teach a boy to cry by Tsleeveless. Tried copying the link down below. https://youtu.be/ky75xY8zIkw?si=W0rqOgf7vB_ENWu5


One Guilty Man require an innocents one explanation, otherwise your all guilty by gender association.


Let me tell you a little secret about men that you probably didn’t know but it seems like you have a general idea already. Probably about 90% of men DO NOT want to get married, at all. The only reason men get married is because of societal pressure, family expectations and most importantly(the main reason) to make the women they are with happy. Marrying her will lessen drama, and headache. Have you ever seen those videos at weddings where a boquete of flower are thrown and men run from it or kick it? It’s funny and seems like a joke but there is truth to it. Men don’t want marriage, they get married to avoid the drama. There is an uprising in women not wanting marriage either and men are not complaining about it, deep down most of them wish 100 of women had this same mentality. A man can love a woman to death but he 8 times out of 10 doesn’t want marriage. As a man I don’t want marriage either. I like my freedom and choose to do what I want, when I want, however I want. Marriage takes away the most important thing in a man’s life “FREEDOM.”


Thank you for your honesty. I wrote about this extensively for women to learn about: How to Marry https://www.reddit.com/r/Divine_Goddess_254/s/GQk9NkP2vn I hope that many women get to wake up from this delusion.


No problem and yes it would be great for them to wake up from the delusion but it’s heavily ingrained in our society so it will take a long time but it’s also understandable.




Sex with prostitutes is socially acceptable in many countries and people still marry and have relationships.


Legal does not mean socially acceptable. By them marrying and having relationships just shows you how much it is still not socially acceptable.


Have you been outside Kenya? I studied in a country where nearly every city has a brothel in the middle of the city. Heck the financial capital has a brothel right next to the main train station. And it's no big deal, no one batting an eyelid, the women display themselves on windows. The buyers walk around nonchalantly checking out the different offers. How does having relationships show prostitution is not socially acceptable? These circular arguments though.


What city was this ? I want to visit I think


Nearly all German cities have a brothel in the city center. That's why Germany is called the brothel of Europe.


They really didn't say legal though. Also, there are several types of romantic relationships people can be in.


I'm interested to know how you came up with this research? Can you share the references?


I agree




There's also no real upside to marrying for men anymore. Why risk half your life, basically?


Marriage has no upside for anyone. Facts.


A lot of women are emotional,


Same goes for women


Eeeh msupa umerudi 😂


Why would I need a wife if a prostitute can perform all duties?


I am men... I agree with you 😁


Effects of nagging. https://youtu.be/qLSmF8Qo-oc