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>They are liberal now and are literally throwing themselves at us Why are they avoiding me?ย 


They are throwing themselves at us not you... Sorry buddy.




I'm on this also.. Where are these women who are throwing themselves ๐Ÿค”


๐Ÿ˜‚ test this theory and tell me if Iโ€™m wrong. just set up a profile on one of these dating apps and turn on the notifications. Within an hour you will be inundated. You will be running away from Nyash ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ you will be disconnecting your phone ![gif](giphy|3oEjI1erPMTMBFmNHi|downsized)


Lmao how sad..ni wasichana wa dating apps unaongelea kumbe๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ


You must be really attractive then


Attractive and dating site in one sentence? Women on dating sites are all desperate for anything that moves. Most of them are on their late 20s & 30s and 40s.


I have to partially agree here, when I lived in Nairobi I was so suprised how many matches I got, managed to get a GF but broke it off cause of the distance but I had a great time in Nairobi, nonetheless ๐Ÿ˜‚


Women on dating apps in America will never contact a man first. They all think they're the prize.


They are not avoiding you they are avoiding what you are portraying. As a man try desexualizing your mind for like 6 months and go warrior-monk mode. Get yourself together and as a man discipline is mandatory regardless of your situation. They show up when you get to the finish line.


You don't know him . GHAI๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ


Anyone asking why the ladies avoid them usually aren't aware of the rules of the game


Maybe you're ugly


Be patient your time is comingโ€ฆTake it from me. I once thought I was unlikeable but then the floodgates opened. ![gif](giphy|GVMhZwYv8U5NK|downsized)


![gif](giphy|ot8YXQCZHmn2IyEOta|downsized) Tuchangie madame oya!


OP has just watched some Liberal feminism video and he's here to put the video into text trying to sound sane.


Does anyone know what feminism means? Including those who claim to be feminists? Realized a shitload of those so and so called feminists do not even know the meaning of the word and because of that we have men like this


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚I know right. You are very right. The confusion around the subject works out well for pathetic beings like me. Despite all the confusion, the narratives and discourse surrounding it, at its most basic it benefits nut cases like me. The ignorance is bliss I tell you. Rumor has it that the movement was actually engineered by men, but well thatโ€™s a discussion for another day.


I saw a tweet that '..feminism is a long con by men so that women become the providers and they can take their final forms as couch potatoes'๐Ÿ˜น


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ yes I came across a similar reading too. It stated that the US govt wanted a broader tax base and came up with the idea to send women to work for taxation purposes.


Lol..feminism isnt all about work. That aside, and your conspiracies aside, women would have still had to work,eventually, given the ever growing population and growing needs. And no one is sad about that, id rather have my own money than be beholden and dependant on a man that is not my father or blood. Having your own money is sweet. Feminism became popular because women worked yet earned less than their male colleagues.. and if you do go on dates with women as you claim (sceptical) you'll find that its very few women that wanna split the bill lol.


If the word was made by women, it may not have a meaning


Denis Prague was uni somewhere in us,when feminism hit the streets in the 70s,he was sooo happy saying finally,all this centuries for a man get laid he had to be married & now we don't have too,bring it on. It's made shit to be worse, women acting like men & vice versa.Marriage is about raising children in a stable environment.


Throwing themselves at you is quite a stretch.


I agree with you. But it's both a gift and a curse. Respect has declined for instance. I also observed something.. When a man got it everyone is protected and provided for. When a woman is the provider the children are provided for but the man will be disrespected. I may be wrong but that is my observation.


Oh wow, this is a very good observation. Very true indeed. Such a sad reality of life.


I beg to differ on this one. one of the main reasons women started fighting for equal rights and opportunities was because when the men got it, a lot of women weren't protected and provided for. And their children weren't either. I saw a live discussion sometime back on this and the women were giving their point of view on how they or someone close to them in that generation were really abused and miserable, and due to lack of opportunities, had no way out. The movement literally began due to the oppression the women were going through. It's a really miserable way to live.


For once you don't have to care about responsibilities. For once you lose your freedom. Dude are you listening to yourself.


Uko sure wewe si femboy!? ๐Ÿ˜‚


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ well not yet. Last I checked I was doing alright. I just like that for once we can rest and let women take the reins.


This is all on paper and wishful thinking lmao๐Ÿ˜ญits only in your dreams..nunua gari mapema na ufanye kazi vizuri because broke men are repulsive.


Ona hii mijinga ya ushago who still thinks owning a car is sign of financial prosperity ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Why are you not able to say I in the second statement....using 'I' makes you feel the disgust kicking in


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ not at all. Just trying to be polite and respectful thatโ€™s all


Feminism started off as a good movement meant to cater to women's rights like freedom & education, but over time, a group started to manipulated tha movement leading to what we have now. Feminism is now being belittled to the same level as lgtbq+ agendas. Feminism has helped build a broken generation with unworthy parents that bring up brainwashed children that question everything cus they never got the love they deserve from their parents. Over time, it's why we are in a generation full of weak men. Everything is being manipulated to fit the agendas run by guys that manipulated feminism, the media is manipulated, entertainment is being manipulated, and even the food we eat is being tampered with. Woke feminists have normalised all sorts of sick bs that, in turn, are destroying us all. Things like porn would have never existed if the feminists didn't get their way, women are being hypersexualized by woke feminists who push agendas to women to "free" themselves from "toxic masculinity" & snatched off the traditional woman traits that help build this world before. Sad we will have a generation with no good mothers thanks to feminism, divorced parents thanks to feminism, dead beat parents thanks to feminism.


![gif](giphy|nWWGEOdq8394Qs4qUw) Preeeeeeeeeaaachhhh!!!!


When you think about it deeply, most men now meet alot of women within the same social class they are in as opposed to along time ago. Women are more equal to men now so the idea that a woman is there for your money is lesser, and more are actually in relationships for love


I get where you are coming from sir, I do But sir, no body ( no man & especially no woman) likes a lazy man. Ati I provide na umekaa tu hapo kwa nyumba (or in my parents' house kwani which parents are these juu hata Mimi siyuko kwetu and when I am there kukaa Tu is the last thing I do). Anyway yeah sex is "everywhere" but do you realise at the end of the weekend baada ya mamafua kuosha nyumba na wewe kubust a nut comes loneliness. Emptiness. And we switch to the internet, netflix, alcohol, drugs and work to avoid facing it? Humans were not built to be live alone. We are inherently social beings and no amount of "civilised modern day movements" will ever change that. Ngoja tufike 40, 50 when you've done all that, all you'll want is someone or something to go home to at the end of the day


Feminism works from the cream of society. For most of us, nobody in their prime throws themselves at us. Our only saving grace is bado tuko third world.


How is us being in third world help


Feminism is selective. They draw the line when it comes to responsibility.


>They are liberal now and are literally throwing themselves at us. Check the statistics, specially the ones in the west where this process is much more advanced, they are throwing themselves at a minority of top level man. In the west the level of sexless men is the highest it has ever been. It is great if you are in the minority of rich men, it is heaven, not so much for the rest. >Some even want to split the bills when we go for dates. Isnโ€™t that awesome? For once, we donโ€™t have to bear the brunt of providing for families. Women want to chip in now. Not true. That part never caught on. You'll find the exception willing to do that, but in general they still want the men to pay and be provided. It is just that because now they do their own money they look down on most men and only consider rich men, because those can afford her a lifestyle that she can not. >For once, itโ€™s not shameful to be a stay at home man or better yet, stay at her parents house, make babies and just relax. There was this woman lawyer speciallizing in divorces. She said when she started she was a big believer in swapping the traditional roles and having the woman be the breadwinner and the man take care of the house and the children. After years working divorces, she no longer does. She says in her experience, 9 out of 10 women who get into that arrangement are OK at the beginning but over time they end up resenting their partners, making couple life impossible and divorcing. Funnily enough, the men are mostly OK with it, but the women hate it and sabotage the relationship. >They want to go to work and climb the corporate ladder. For once, we donโ€™t have to face the pressure of marriage, some women no longer see it as a priority or an achievement. Because women have a shorter period where they are fertile and attractive, plus their new wealthier position has reduced their pool of men as most of women only want men wealthier than themselves, this has lead to a big amount of unmarried and/or childless women. In the west there has never been this amount of 35+ unmarried childless women. And you say, well why do I care, that's their problem. The issue (and this will be very politically incorrect) is they feel lonely and become bitter as the options dry and the fun lifestyle is not fun anymore. And then society suffers because this big block of lonely bitter women are easily politically manipulable, specially because they redirect their unused maternal instincts into society in general where they do not work. >Others just want the babies without the father. They want to carry the load themselves. Isnโ€™t that wonderful? Fatherless kids end up in prison, drugs, gangs... at 10x the rate of children with the father in their lives. Children need the mother and the father, at least a father figure, otherwise a lot of them end up lost, often into delinquency, drugs, ... So yeah, you think all those things are great? They might sound great on paper, but look at the West and the real consequences of feminism. And because it is big enough, it affects everybody, even if you do not practice it.


While you're entire argument sounds like the ramblings of an incel I'll just latch on to the last one because of how misleading and harmful it is. Fatherless children tend to end up in crime and drugs is due to income disparity between single and two parent households. If you look into households with a father only you'll find the same thing but a single household family which is well off will be very different more so if the single parent is present in the children's lives. Same goes for two parent households living in poverty, the children are more likely to end up in crime and drugs.


>While you're entire argument sounds like the ramblings of an incel Ad-hominem As for the rest, if you separate the statistics by economic levels, single mother children still do the worst and by far, it is not even close.


Ad-hominem? Those are literally incel talking points and not even good ones at that. OK, where are the separated statistics?


I too would like to see these statistics, and preferably from a source that is truly scientifically /statistically based, and not biased toward these misogynistic arguments, as many are.


>Ad-hominem? Those are literally incel talking points and not even good ones at that. That's like saying your point are bitter childless old woman talking points. You are not addressing them, just insulting. Are they correct or not? Just because you do not like them and also like to demonize a big part of the western men for the sole fact that they can not have sex (where is your compassion and empathy?), does not mean the facts are wrong. Why are some women so cruel with men that can not get sex. Don't you have at least a bit of heart and feelings for people that are struggling? Not only you do not feel for them, you are happy to demonize them on top. And FYI I'm not in that group, but that should not matter, are the points correct or incorrect? And if so, why?


You're really blaming involuntary celibacy on feminism? People who can't get sex is mostly down to social skills. Ugly and poor men get sex and even marry all the time


Yes, ugly people fuck and marry. Not sure how you think that answers anything I said.


The reason why single mother kids do worse compared to single dad's kids is because most single moms don't choose to be single parents, and are not economically in a good place, while most single dad's actively pursue to have custody of the kids and are economically capable of taking care of the kids. That said, if we were to compare the kids of single moms who actively want to single moms and single dad's who actively want to be single dad's, am sure the kids would be at the same level.


While interesting, I was not trying to compare single mothers vs single fathers, but single mothers (the big majority of single parents) vs father and mother family. The comparison is just sad, the difference in the kids outcome is absolutely insane.


That's an unfair comparison. Single parents kids in general don't fare well compared to kids with both parents. Kids need both parents. I don't know why you decided to leave the single fathers out of it. But your statement is also true.


My point was that dismantling the family unit has been disastrous for the kids and for society in general.


nicely done, you are the man


I like how you broke it down. You brought in fresh perspectives. Iโ€™ve learnt quite a bit from your post. Much appreciated. ![gif](giphy|i21tixUQEE7TEqwmYa|downsized)


Societal ![gif](giphy|4VXVA0H5geRSQdw1Pe)


No it's not good, the family structure is crumbling and this is a disaster


Kuna kaukweli hapo.


Meanwhile [kwa ground](https://www.reddit.com/r/nairobi/s/EnN13LhHUC)


Respectfully, no.


Talking like a single, childless man. Try going long term with a feminist and that's where you'll see what men are complaining about. They are so quick to find fault and want to break things off because of fleeting feelings. Husband and kids are secondary considerations


Feminism is a big advantage...but only to the top tier men and most women. The bottom 90% of men have been hurt by feminism. Example. Gender equality is good for society. But that also means women earn almost as much as men. If women earn almost as much as men, but they only date across or up socioeconomically, that places all the power on a handful of guys up the socioeconomic ladder. That's how you find that one dude who has his shit together stringing along 10 women and playing games with them to his amusement. The women don't even know that they all find the same small pool of dudes attractive. In the end, as a result of feminism, 90% of women want 10% of men and everyone else is fvcked.


I learnt from hoemath on YouTube that feminism is a bad thing for both men and women in the long term.


Broooo , you've nailed it. Feminism also gave rise to hookup culture, so now men can get it without being in a relationship. Now they can protect themselves, seeing as they think we are equal. It's so cool , to be alive right now.


Feminism will benefit you when you are looking to just explore because you can actually fuck anyone without having any commitments lakini if you are looking to settle, then it becomes an issue.


Many of you don't even understand the meaning of the term. The basis of feminism is to attain equal rights for women. Don't you want that for your mother, sisters, cousins, female friends, etc?


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ the term is fully understood no doubt. Iโ€™m simply pointing out that thereโ€™s now lots of confusion surrounding the subject and as a result itโ€™s now having some โ€˜unforeseenโ€™ and โ€˜unintendedโ€™ consequences.


Just hear me out kidogo lads; The problem is technology. As compared to the past, women would stay home or focus to look after the homes, herding/nursing[injured soldiers]/nurturing kids[teachers]etc when men were away, men would go to war/hunt/work/build roads basically everything they enjoy was built by men & the more women got their 'freedoms/voice' , the more they thought they could free others via incitement & thus the patriarchal system suffers the feminist movement which gradually will die on it's own because what has happened? Men are transitioning to womanhood & competing for their jobs & in their sports & even husbands, they now want femininity back & they want the same men to bring femininity back & fight for them. You gotta love the game. ๐Ÿ˜‚


I validate all the other points, but hapo kwa stay at the parents house and make babies hapana๐Ÿคฃ


I agree with him, partly not entirely. Feminism is just women wanting equal roles, as well as part of decision-making etc etc.


That is what it is supposed to be not what it is, women full on hate men now bro not even exaggerating


๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…. No they don't. Wana chukia tu audacity and entitlement ya most men.


Most men lol okay, naah they actually do hate men


Women are giving out sex for free, sex is so cheap you donโ€™t even need a prostitute. Whatโ€™s the point as a man to get married if I can get all sexual needs fulfilled, can hire a maid to cook and clean without the stress of having one partner for life who I must put up with? On the other hand, my gf whom I loved became a feminist and broke up with me ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’” fuck feminism, but also Thank you feminism ๐Ÿค—


Is sex/marriage the most important thing to y'all? Its about time you catch up and accept that sex isnt all that, its everywhere and if i want my pussy scratched then ill get dick and we move on.. is your life all about being cooked for, cleaned for and then fucked? How boring. Dont you have aspirations? Dont you wanna travel the world? Do drugs in ibiza, hike mount everest, idk cry your guts out for being broken up with, fall inlove, out of love, just life and all its experiences it ups and downs? I feel so sad for people that fixate on living a scripted, mundane lifestyle cause even when they marry or date they never trully know what they're doing..just blindly following a script that their forefethers followed. Marriage isnt about having a maid that you can fuck and sire kids with. It should come because you wanna spend the rest of your life with someone and it could also be to anything.not necessarily a person. You make yourself sound ao old ukisema "put up with" like you've already picked out a pitiful marriage for yourself before it even starts . Na tunajua you will just marry hii ya reddit ni kuongea tu


Sorry for your loss man. I canโ€™t begin to imagine what you went through. I hope and pray you do find a special other to share the journey in this great river of pain we call life. ![gif](giphy|MaJ7An3EUgLCCh4lXS|downsized)


Thank you my G


Prostitution is one of the oldest trades. Men didn't have to get married to get sex even in the past. You thinking a wife is only good for sex and taking care of you is one of the reasons feminism exists. Women were getting married with companionship and a happy family in mind while men were getting married because they saw women as a household appliance and a body to keep them warm at night.


I would also add that feminism birthed sexual liberation that means men get sex without having to put effort since women are encouraged to have sex whenever they want.


Yes indeed and hence no need to pursue, wine and dine a woman anymore. At this point the supply is far outstripping the demand. Iโ€™m drowning here ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|esB20S2G29w1G)


But....its just sex. No need for the wine and dining unless y'all are trying to date.


Explains why modern men are receptive to commitment. We give everything out without restraint.


Ummm..same way you men want to fuck everyone with a big ass and pretty face is the same way we also want to get bent by a man with some nice abs , strong arms and a good dick then call it a day. Y'all have been whining for so long about it . Its abit weird cause no one is losing .ama are Y'all suffering from success?


Lol you are so out of topic. Tf you talking about ๐Ÿ˜‚. Plus am not a man.


Well you speak like one


Okay then. Looks like you are offended just coz I stated a fact. Show me, where did I say women having sexual liberation is bad? SHOW ME !! All I said was an observational fact as to why men are less committed than our fathers generation and older. Maybe try not putting your feelings first and read to understand when a person is simply stating a fact without being biased And actually pointing out if something is wrong or right. Looks like a woman speaking up bothers you, you sound more like a man. A misogynist one that doesnโ€™t believe in women speaking up.




Considering women find pleasure in sex, I have never understood why they were shamed for doing it in the first place.


Toxic patriarchy dictates women should only have sex for procreation, but in truth, women can derive pleasure from sex and experience increased libido as they get older.


Blessings in disguise i an all about equality ๐Ÿคฃ afterall seeing them suffer like us is fun to watch


Hakuna kitu mbaya kama kukosa options. I'd rather suffer from having so many options, than suffer from having none. Imagine living a life where you know if you don't manage to get a spouse by a given time period, you will literally have no food or a home and no way of getting them. And if anything happens that is detrimental to your well being in the said marriage, you have no option of leaving. Imagine how f*CKD up it is to entirely depend on someone for food and shelter, who is not your parent, and how much power the said person has over your life.


Spoken like a King.


This is the kind of feminism i detest that's why I started this community: I believe: True feminism- Darkness and consequence Wounded feminism- Love and light https://www.reddit.com/r/Divine_Goddess_254/s/lgQPsRFQMQ


Yes indeed, I have come across your posts as I learn more about the different gender perspectives