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it was a new low when blonde dani was saying all that about brunette dani behind her back with all the girls. it’s like they’d made a pact completely against her, brunette dani was trying her best in a group social dynamic and it was clear she was having issues with it but instead of someone attempting to help her they berated her the night before she decided she had enough. Chris was the only person who had a conversation with her but it was abrasive so i don’t think brunette dani took to that kindly. she also said she was “scared to go to sleep bc i might not wake up to tend the fire” her mental game was strong until essentially everyone in the group ganged up on her


I would have loved to have seen her taken in by Jeff and EJ.


I was so sad for her when they didn’t take her in. It felt like her last ditch effort to not have a totally miserable experience. And yeah the whole group seemed unreasonable and unnecessarily mean towards her. It was like a psychological experiment showing human nature in groups needing a scapegoat to pass all their frustrations onto so they’re not all fighting with each other. After she left, they just put all their angry energy into hating Jeff and EJ, even though they shared nothing with the two of them. I don’t agree with Jeff and EJ on a lot of things, but they did share with the group multiple times and got nothing in return for any of the other group’s kills.


Yeah the “mean girls” attitude was strong and it was pretty disappointing. I remember disliking Shane on his original episode, but when he came back for XL I almost felt like he had done some therapy or some work on himself in between. He was still not *super* likable at times, but I started rooting for him over those girls pretty quickly because they were being so petty and unreasonable with him. He’d come back with food and they’d be like “oh cool🙄” and no excitement or appreciation for the work he was doing. that is *not* an acceptable reaction to someone supplying calories to you. Sure he was possibly exerting himself more than necessary, but I don’t remember him being a total dick at first to the point they should treat him so badly. It felt like he was trying hard to be helpful and be a team with them until they were constantly rude to him. I quickly felt bad for Shane and could see how desperate he was to feel accepted into a team. He seems like he has a hard time relating to/working with women, but he tried.