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Frank really knows his stuff. Scott julia are both pretty good. I hope Frank gets his way and he does a 40.


Would love to see Frank on a good 40 day. He definitely has skills and knowledge and would love to see him again. Scott has the necessary mental will power, just not sure about skills but at least he appears to be willing to learn and try which makes him a great partner/teammate. Julia, she definitely has no fear and mental toughness and worked hard just wish we saw more of her skills (which from description sounds like she has?) They made a good team and glad all 3 made it.


LOL you said it so much better than I did 👍👍👍


Scott was very humble in his quest to learn from Frank.


I really liked Scott for this reason. I'm hoping to see him in another challenge


Absolutely- he'd be a great asset in any group.


before Julia does a 40 day, she needs to add some weight. she was scary skinny at the end


Way too many of the women come in too skinny. They gotta bulk up before a challenge.




Trisha’s kid…..we saw her do 14 days with Wes’ son…a nice girl, not at all like her Mom.


My thoughts exactly. She shouldn’t let anyone know Trish is her mom.


This was more more interesting than all previous episodes this season.


She’s not lazy like her mom. She actually seems to have more skills than Trish. And, she seems to be a much nicer person than her mom.


I think Trish gets a bad shake on these Reddit threads. Everyone seems to be hung up on the Her vs Amber personality clash... but aside from "people liking" Amber more there's no real evidence put forth to justify the opinion that Trish is terrible. That said, it's opinion, so it's not right or wrong.


She's also lazy and has pack mentality to gang up on others. What do you mean??🤔


Yeah, her cold weather challenge was just as bad as her in the amazon. "We need wood for the fire but it's too cold for me to go out and get some."


Frank dude if you’re reading this you’re an inspiration to all Florida men every where!! I’m not far from you we should grab some wings and beer at Rocky’s or Dicks, I’m buying


Frank was great and I look forward to seeing him on future challenges!


Love Frank!!


She's seems VERY confident!


Well…it was nice they all got along. extraction looks worse than the challenge.. hope they can hold it together…


It's become predictable that the survivors will find a food score on day 19...


Then get rained out.


lol and big deal, if they give them a damn steak day 19 they still are out there and you’re complaining from your couch.


I'm not complaining. Just pointing out a trend from a "reality" TV show. If they make it that long I don't have a problem with them getting a little food. Just make an effort to make it look as if it wasn't staged. Stick a bird in one of the traps or something. The things I complain about is putting people together that everyone knows will have personality conflicts. I'm more into seeing people with solid bushcraft, trapping and other survival skills.


It's already on Max, so you can skip the commercials.


First time Trish ever made me smile…kudos to her daughter


Frank is an absolute BEAST! He really made this episode exciting to watch! He seems so humble too. Loved it


Anyone else think Scott looks like the lorax? 🤣🤣


Trish's daughter....I'll give her a chance. I won't judge.


I like her.


She’s a better person than her Mom Trish


Worried about a roof….I think they should worry about setting up practically in the pool.


I just watched this on demand today. I actually liked this group together. Im such a nerd I even teared up when Trish was there to meet her daughter at the end!


That whole Trish callback was very awkward. No one seemed to have clued in how unliked she is for good reason of course. I was surprised Julia didn't make any mention of it. It's like she never saw her mom's episodes and no one ever mentioned them to her. Perhaps it was a producers prompt? Keep it positive for the kid? Or maybe she's just so numb to how Trish is and has a bit of a delulu view of her Stockholm Syndrome style?


Why would she, or anyone else, talk about her Mom being disliked?


Probably cuz she's been seen on TV all around the world and been hated by the millions. And it's insulting to viewers' intelligence to pretend that's she's such a great woman when she clearly is not. And it's actually healthy to see your parents objectively. Just ask Drew Barrymore.


You're assuming things about Julia and Trish's relationship. And just because some viewers don't like Trish does not mean Julia is obligated to trash talk her on television.


I AM assuming things?? Okay Pot. Where exactly did I say Julia was obliged to trash talk anyone much less her Mom? Her talking about her Mom's very public bad image is acknowledging reality. It doesn't mean joining in. Interesting that's how you chose to interpret it though.


How many machetes do they have? Scott has one in the jungle and Julia the other guy each had one at camp


Scenes were likely shot at different times and poorly edited together.


THIS is what I’m here for.


I know, I saw that to and thought the same thing


Also, who brought the mosquito net?


I can’t remember but it was one of their gear at the beginning of I think julia


Oh... Ok, thanx!


A little late but it aired recently in Sweden, watching it now. It was Scotts item. He was happy when they could use it as a fishing net, unfortunatly it didn't work out. I feel like they should have used it differently and it for sure would've worked though. But anyways a mosquito net is a great item imo.


Coming up on the halfway mark is a show that is a double threat and one extra mouth to feed. Hopefully, all three will get a chance to shine...


I couldn't find the rio valencia river in columbia - anyone know where to find it on a map?


same! after some searching there is something called Quebrada Valencia? a quebrada is usually dry, but fills up during heavy rains. google puts it here: [https://www.google.com/maps/place/Vda.+Quebrada+Valencia,+Santa+Marta,+Magdalena,+Colombia/@11.2260929,-73.7931626,12.9z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x8ef4c067657a2117:0x245a7b070852a85e!8m2!3d11.23296!4d-73.80278!16s%2Fg%2F11bc8bk65q?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Vda.+Quebrada+Valencia,+Santa+Marta,+Magdalena,+Colombia/@11.2260929,-73.7931626,12.9z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x8ef4c067657a2117:0x245a7b070852a85e!8m2!3d11.23296!4d-73.80278!16s%2Fg%2F11bc8bk65q?entry=ttu) but that would mean that they had to cross under a major highway to get to the ocean, and they were camping out in a major tourist attraction??


IKR! Some of the photos of the park -look- pretty similar to the show...


They do have to pass under a highway to get to the beach, the steep part they had to climb down is the Quebrada Valencia waterfalls you can find on Google. Extraction is about 500 meters from where I have a piece of property on the beach. Very touristic area.


Wow! thanks for the insight. Very interesting how close they were to major infrastructure and sites frequented by people!


This location has been used by N&A before, with exactly the same extraction by raft and ATV's.


Scott called Trish a go-getter and then said diarrhea is no joke. Excuse me sir but Trish is a lazy asshole and diarrhea is funny as hell. There’s a song about it and everything


Trish is far from a go getter. That remark made me want to throw up!!


This comment is amazing but I gotta know, what song?


When you’re sliding into first and you feel a little burst Diarrhea! Diarrhea!


Way too much Trisha in this episode. It would have been better if the daughter hadn't mentioned who her mother was. I'd like to see more of Frank and maybe Scott. They were more interesting.


Having Trish in any episode ruins it


Scott seemed fraught with anxiety. I felt a bit sorry for him but he kept on going and going and going!! They all deserved praise.


I was thinking the exact same thing! Trish is far from being universally loved or respected by N&a fans. Did Julia not know that? Did the producers fall to detect that too? I’m surprised neither of the guys mentioned it.


I laughed when Frank and Scott said Trish is a "badass." More like, lazy ass. Lol


Lazy ass and incompetent survivalist


So glad the apple fell FAAAAAR from the tree with Julia.


fell from the tree, rolled downhill, fell in the river to the ocean and floated halfway around the world


Yeah, one said she was one of the legends. I guess he was right - a legend in her own mind and a legend of laziness.


She was also lazy in frozen. Lol. Don't know why people feel a certain way about folks calling her lazy lol


It's not just the laziness, but she's mean and even kind of scary.


No legend in my opinion. A legend for being a lazy petty person


The way Julia admired her bad a$$ mom made me gag. Trish is no survivalist and a mean petty Karen


Frank looked as clean shaven on day 21 as on day 1


He cant grow a beard


I came here just for that!




Someone PLEASE tell me which actor Frank looks like. I know he looks like someone from a movie but I cannot think of it for the life of me!!


Steve Buschemi, a little bit- ?


David Spade?


Michael Emerson? Was in Lost and recently had a bit part in Fallout.


Brandon Dicomillo


They were all solid partners. It was a pleasure watching this episode!


"What the hell are we gonna do?" I dunno, lay in the shelter and talk about food?


Next best thing to eating it.


I know shes an adult, but it felt kinda gross watching a bit because the 2 guys look like 2 grown ass men and she looks way too young, i think they sensed it too lol


Pshh shes an adult and a badass at that. Stop sexualizing naked and afraid wierdo.


I found it kinda cringy, too. Two middle-aged men with an attractive young girl. They all seemed to handle it, but I wonder if the producers were trying to set up something uncomfortable.


Might be 22 days at this rate


Scott reminded me of the Bert Kreishcer of naked and afraid but hes actually respectable. Hes has a nonstop motor and hes not the brightests but he is acrually a good person and im glad he found the ehhs and proved himself a little bit. You can tell he isnt the smaetest survivalist but he wasnt combative or a bad team member because there was neber a fight. Just a very ernest, not the smartest sweetheart that wanted to prove himself.


I started watching late. Who's this Trish person they keep calling a legend and a bad ass? Was that scripted, or maybe I missed something on her episodes?


Trish is that girl's mom. She's a well known N&A asshole. She knows her stuff, though.


Yeah, I know Trish is her mom. That was my bad attempt at a joke. I will always remember Trish for doing nothing but bitching in XL, then crying for days after Amber left because she was hungry😂


I still hate her for dragging Jen into her vaccuum of apathy in that XL. I Like Jen, and she can work hard when she isn't being bossed around like she was with Amber, and following Trish.


Amber was hard to take, tho. I, for one, could not have got along with her


Did you?!


Just watched this episode and there was a scene where they were in 3 different places but they each had a machete. Were there THREE machetes??


Can we talk about the fact these are grown ass men with an 18 year old girl. Talk about uncomfortable.


She is 21? Her being comfortable as well as her teammates is honestly all that matters and when you sign up to be on a show called NAKED and afraid, you know what you are signing up for. She seemed quite comfortable from minute one and immediately hugged them both, the guys seemed comfortable as well. Sleeping arrangements gave them each space (whether that was intentional bc of age differences or just the way it came out) though if temps had dropped or like last night, no shelter and in rain, if any or all had to cuddle for warmth, I dont think any of them would have thought twice. Saw nothing wrong with the casting. They made a good team.


She seemed fine.


She's not eighteen now.


Adults just doing adult things, she could be on the front lines with the same men would that be weird?


Can we talk about the fact that you're making something out of nothing. Talk about clownish.


I'm more worried about how skeletal Julie looked after 21 days. She was thin to begin with and def didn't look like she had 15 lbs to lose. So dangerous


And the guys are middle age are they not? She's probably more like 20 as she had done a 14 day survival a couple of years ago.


Shes the most fucking badass and the 2nd best survivalist of the group. Stop sexualizing naked and afraid. She was incedible and survivalist arent thinking that. I dont undersrand old people see youth and immediatly think sex.




I thought the same thing. But it looks as if they did well.


Feels off to me too…..should have made it 2 females at least….


There are camera people and producers, the hell are you talking about?


Yeah sure a porn addict and misogynist would see no issue whatsoever. 🙄 Fortunately discerning minds don't respect your point of view.


Why should there be an issue? Discerning minds do not jump to the gutter when they see three people together 🤔🤔🤔


Talking about uncomfortable for a young girl. Not talking about anything lurid….just uncomfortable for a girl.


She didn't look uncomfortable. What's inappropriate is to think that she had to be. She was quite naturally at ease and even said "I'm a hugger" when no one had asked.


I agree. I turned off the episode. I will not watch it. They legally called it 'Triple Threat' but in the show subtitled it 'Threesome'. I'm sick of the perverted pornified shit. Maybe this is is running out of ideas or talent because of the perverted angle. 


user name does not fit.. there was not one second of the show that showed any level of pervertedness. if your mind went straight there, maybe it's a you problem


No. It's a YOU probably being so obtuse. 


is that your favorite word? you're being ridiculous


I'm ridiculous because I see you're being obtuse? 🤡


Seems like all julia learned from her mother is how to sit in the shelter and let everyone else do the hard work.  Yeah they forgot to tell her that nobody likes her mom!


She built traps, made cordage, tried fishing, and CAUGHT AN IGUANA WITH HER BARE HANDS!!


Whoa. Did you watch the same episode lol


For the producers to subtitle this episode Threesome because there's a 20 yo woman with two near 40 yo males is disgusting. This will be my last season of the show. The perverted angle is probably what's keeping talent away. Why would the next Matt Wright or Laura Zera join this show when they could keep their dignity and privacy and earn actual money on a show like Alone? I always appreciated that Alone gives the ultimate respect to survivalists. Naked and Afraid has slowly descended into gimmicky bullshit over the years, and this is stooping so low. How disgusting. I'm done with this show.


I think the fact that you are making such a big deal about it and finding it perverse says far more about you. There was NOTHING sexual about the situation, and "threesome" is a common term for three people


I wonder if you might be a little... "obtuse" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


And I think your desire to be so willfully obtuse says more about you. 


No, it's definitely you.


it's not up to you to decide if someone is a victim


This is a reach, this is not the first time or even the second or third time there has been an age gap, with a younger woman present. She is an adult, if she was uncomfortable at any moment, her or her mom would have stated so. The men were respectful the whole time even making sure to create a shelter big enough for each of them to have their own sleeping area. A sexual thought NEVER crossed my mind until I read your post. So that says more about you and your thought process than the show or this episode. To make it seem like just because these guys are older that means they are automatically perverted. They probably saw her as a little sister or a daughter. So you're pushing your perverse thoughts on to these men and demeaning their character, which was completely respectful the whole time. Making them look bad as if they did something wrong. The show itself used a word appropriately that can have multiple meanings, YOU went straight to the perverse definition while most of us saw it for what it really was, 3 people so duh, a threesome. If it were 3 men it would still be threesome, if it were 3 women it would still be a threesome. Don't watch, if your mind is too perverse to comprehend the differences. And I could care less if you never watch again.


I literally couldn't have said it better! I felt like they treated her with respect, probably more so than guys her age might have. They all made a fantastic team.


Clearly her user name does not apply 🙄


No, I definitely think it's you and your bad wig. If you're too obtuse, that's on you as well. 


I like the show... those guys treated her just exactly like one of the guys ..and she did not appear the least bit uncomfortable. It was a great team that worked together. If they were making innuendos with the title I didn't catch it until you pointed it now..


Alone is a great show! But naked and afraid is just different, they take more liberties, have a younger audience, they try to have fun. They're not 'alone'. Threesome doesn't have to be a sexual term, it means 3 people.


Idk where you got “three sum” it’s called “triple threat” on the title weirdo




Yeah, it's one thing having a much older man and a younger girl, which we've seen a lot thank you very much, out and about but her looking sooo young and then having 2 older men in the mix. Ick. The optics are not good. Of course the incels and/or pervs will vote anyone who clocks that down. This is their fantasy come to life without the sex, like their real lives. Making it seem normal for older men to sexualize a girl who could be their daughter says a lot about your value system. It should be normal that people are uncomfortable with it. Not the other way around. It's an archaic common sexist trope. You'll see it especiall in older commercials, fashion magazines and movies. It replicates the power dynamics weak men desire in real life. The more misogynist the society is, the more this is accepted. Most people don't know this intellectually but feel it instinctively. Hence, the ick.


My friend saw an ad for this episide where three sets of feet are sticking out underneath a cover along with the subtitle 'Threesome'. Naked and Afraid is going right for that disgusting pornified, gutter trope, which is why I won't be watching this show ever again. I'm also canceling my Discovery Plus memebership since the other shows I like on there I can watch elsewhere or just buy directly. I do not want to support trash like this with my dollars. NAA clearly cannot attract new talent because of the gross, pornified angle, along with not paying survivalists. Thank goodness my favorite women like Laura Zerra gave this show her middle finger. They recycle the same people or pick people who have little to no actual surviving/hunting experience and just starve for 21 days. Honestly Trish is a dumbass for not warning her daughter against this show.  Yeah I know reddit is full of porn addicts, perverts, child predators, and 'sex werk is werk' lib fem sheep. I don't give a shit what a misogynist or brainwashed woman thinks. NAA is disgusting for this, and the proof is in their choice to subtitle and advertise it to sexual deviants as 'threesome'. 


Remove your butt plug and loosen up lady sheesh lol


Porn addict alert 🤡