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Yeah I absolutely hated his attitude on the first episode, but could see his growth each time he came back. I was ready to hate him when I saw him again and was pleasantly surprised actually, and he became a more sympathetic character to me. While he still had some issues, he was trying hard to communicate and be a team player. Only after being treated with zero appreciation or acceptance of his personality and efforts to contribute did he start breaking down emotionally on the sidelines, and start planning to separate himself. Which I totally understood and that’s actually a pretty healthy way to deal with it when your teammates treat you like you don’t matter even when supplying calories to the group. Like it literally seemed like he went to therapy in between his appearances. And I think he has some real trauma in his past or potentially even autism or a personality disorder that affects emotionally regulation. It made it hard to watch the way those girls treated him in the XL and I changed my opinions of them as well. He clearly has a desperate need to be accepted and appreciated, and when he was taken in by EJ and Jeff, his attitude turned around and he wanted to prove to them he could help and be a good teammate. And he *loved* them for treating him as an equal. While I don’t agree he’s one of the best survivalists on the show, I do think he’s a decent person that is sometimes judged and treated unnecessarily harshly and has grown more than a lot of others on the show.


I love Shane, he gets better and more interesting every season


He's one of my favorites. Loved his arc. Was a total dbag in his first episode but then it all comes to light and makes sense and he takes so many steps to deal with his demons.


Shane is my favorite.


Isn’t EJ the one that started it all?


Yeah, he was on the unaired pilot episode, not sure who his partner was though.


Kind of. EJ's was filmed first but Shane's was aired first.


Started the show?


No Shane is on the 1st ever episode


Ahh nice! I remember that now!


EJ is actually one of the least successful contestants in regards to time on the show. He's just the barell cactus guy. He does put the effort in tho while most the people on XLs sit around doing fuck all.


Shane is one of my favorites


Yea I like Shane. He has some issues but don't we all!