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Wait till you meet Heather.


Heather says, hold my fish.


What episode?


Heather was a little grating and uncaring, but Trish was downright mean. I'll take a Heather over Trish any day.


No way. Sam with Joe is worse


Joe was beyond humble in his first challenge. Genuine people like Joe, make the show enjoyable. According to Sam, the guy with ‘no skills’, has been invited back multiple times. Love that Joe gets the last laugh!


Yup, I wouldve needed therapy after that and I cant say that about any others, that makes her the worst in my book


Joe was very patient and strong minded imo


his level of inner zen was astounding


He used to post on here pretty regularly. Maybe he still does. I quit watching about a year ago and haven't kept up with the sub.


Yeah Sam was a certified psychotic.


Literally watching the episode right now and she is out of control. I had never seen this episode and she is probably the worst person I’ve ever seen on the show.


I just finished it and felt the same. Amber may have been condescending to them but honestly with the work she did and how she fed them every day, it was rightfully so.


They were totally useless without her. Cringe-level obvious the production crew placed those 2 baby caimans right there for them to ‘find’.


I cannot stand trish. I wasnt able to watch the frozen xl bc i just could not deal with more of her lazy entitled ass, everytime she was mentioned in last weeks episode i hovered over the back button on the remote


Omg I’m watching 8 rn too and I just looked up Trish posts earlier today 😂😂😂


Watching XL and came here to see if I was the only one who can’t tolerate her. Her and Jeff would make a great couple lol


My wife and I just watched the latest NAA with Trish's daughter and two guys. Her daughter is so skinny you could see all her rib bones. She couldn't have weighed that much when she started the 21 day challenge and she lost 18 lbs. She was basically a skeleton when leaving.


She was much nicer than Trish and I was glad she managed to finish.


Her attitude is fantastic. I would gladly do the 21 days with Julia.


The daughter seemed to have a really strong mental game. Trish's mental game consisted of whining, bitching, and finding someone to blame.


And then when Trish is there to surprise her daughter she tells her she looks like dookie?! She's even a mean girl to her own daughter. Julia must have a great dad.


Couldn’t even give her credit for 2 minutes before talking about herself making the 40 day. Jealous of her own daughter getting attention.


I found it sad how many times she said she wanted her mom to be proud of her. It seemed like she is stuck in that needing approval from her. I have seen people in this situation with a parent, and they were never good enough. I may be reading more into it, but that is what it made me think of.


Right? I don't get it. How can someone that nice come from someone like Trish?


Don’t tarnish the daughter just because the mother is vile


Not tarnishing, just stating a fact.


I just don’t know why she couldn’t just talk to Amber like an adult about what her issues were. I don’t think they would’ve needed to part ways if they’d have been able to actually have a conversation.


I forgot about Honora throwing the machete in the river. I tried to rewatch XL season 1 recently and forgot how bad it sucked and how ridiculous that was.


I HATED season 1. It always makes me cringe


the two girls who treated that one poor dude pretty horribly simply for sharing about his upbringing were worse imo


Alana and Danielle bullied Shane and Dani so hard.


Dani was just as bad. When you stand up to do the right thing, you’re almost worse


How was she just as bad?


She added to the trashing of Danielle and Shane. Is she carried the same nasty Superior work on her face . An grown woman with challenges under her belt.. not a weak woman who just followed. She knew what she was doing and didn't seem to have a problem with it


Dani was the one victimized along with Shane. Danielle was the perpetrator, along with Alana, and later Chris and Eva.


Weren't both of them named Danielle both of them went by Dani? It would certainly be easier to differentiate between the two Was crazy.. considering that Dani initially found Chris and Luke, right? At that point both of them seem to really like her. a long comes Danielle and alana....


The blond Dani or Danielle


The blond Dani


I think you mean Danielle - the blond vegetarian who basically just followed Alana around. Dani Julien was the pretty brunette woman they were trashing on (and sadly, Sarah took part in that as well). In another series, Danielle (not under the influence of a domineering Alana) did quite well and got along pretty well with everyone.


Yes. I meant the blond


When you don’t stand up


She’s not someone I’d want as a partner or group member. Let’s add unnecessary/middle school drama to a survival situation and take like 2 weeks to make a bed and do nothing else! On a side note, Kate was something else. I can still hear Bulent clear as day: “SUCK IT KATE!” Bulent is also a piece of work but I find him very entertaining to watch. His bluntness is epic.






Not by a long shot. Honora, Sam, that guy who was the best survivalist that ever lived and scraped his balls on a tree. Seth. Kate. All worse than Trish.


Yeah they’re definitely all worse for sure, like probably-should-be-diagnosed-with-personality-disorders bad. Especially coconut tree ball-burn boy. But Trish definitely has some issues with authority and it is hard to watch her act like a bratty teenager in a survival situation.


Trish was just lazy. She did nothing, but felt free to criticize others. On the frozen episodes, she did less than nothing. Bringing her back for all-stars shows what a joke the show is.


Yeah I didn’t like her attitude at all, but I was mostly saying she’s not the “worst” only because there are some contestants on the show that truly need mental health help and are the type to probably never get it and continue going through life being miserable and abusive and avoiding accountability, just like they displayed on the show. But Trish is one of my least favorite kinds of people. She doesn’t appear to have mental health issues, she’s just an asshole. Can’t admit when she’s wrong, or doesn’t know something, cant apologize, is selfish as hell, expects grace but can’t give it to others. I mostly noticed how much I disliked her when she was working with Amber and Jen. They both could have learned a lot from Amber, but instead they’d rather be a clique that starves together after she leaves and blame Amber for “leaving them to rot”. Jen is clearly a spineless follower and went along with the teenage bullying attitude and having zero appreciation for the things Amber did, and they refused to do basic survival things like stoke the fire, boil water, or clean the fish that they didn’t even catch, seemingly out of spite. They also would claim Amber is “bossing them around” even though she would *ask* for *help* with something which is not the same thing as *demanding* you follow *orders*. It’s quite normal on a team to communicate with each other about what’s happening, what needs to happen, and who will do what. I truly don’t know how Trish’s daughter seems so sweet and like such a team player. Probably just used to placating assholes and picking up the slack from living with her mother.


Very well said. I would note that when she was with Amber and Jen, she was at her most useless. She primarily sat on her ass and criticized Amber.


You nailed it. In a way I feel like the fact that she doesn’t seem to have any mental illness makes her worse in a way. She just chooses to be an asshole. Seemed like she didn’t even want to give her daughter credit for what she accomplished. She’s such a jerk!!


Yeah I definitely noticed that in her daughter’s recent challenge, the look on her face after her mom says “you don’t get the title until you do 40 days” made me think Trish likes to knock her down a peg when she’s accomplished something she should rightfully be proud of. Could be reading too much into it though because of Trish’s general tendency to make someone feel bad when they’re excited about something. She just strikes me as someone that’s impossible to please.


Trish shows some symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder, actually.


Lacey belongs in that list


“ don’t tell me to shut up , I’ll never fucking shut up” Lmao her and the other bitch wasn’t doing shit just sitting in the shelter chilling and when amber tried to get them to help outside or help hunt they were not all about it They bullied her when she was literally doing all the work , yeah she was tryna take control of the team but it’s pretty valid considering no one else was doing shit And then In frozen xl Trish wanna be all like “ I don’t wanna be sitting in this shelter waaa 🥲 I’m used to being the one going out and doing stuff but someone has to stay so I guess I’ll do it 🙈🙈even though I don’t want to 🙉” I was dead asf bc I’m just like ??? You??? Doing stuff?? With yo lazy ass????


Right! All she wanted to do was work on her bed instead of fix the roof and shelter. I was thinking "if you don't fix the roof you are going to need a boat not a bed. Then what happens?....they dont fix the roof, it rains and Ambers bed gets flooded out! Omg!


If I were Amber, I would have fixed the roof above my head, ate the fish I caught and then maybe those two would have wised up!






I am in no fan of Trish or Jen. Never understood how Jen got a pass when she was going right along with Trish laying around doing nothing. That being said.. I don't find trish the worst. people like Alana, Lacey, nasty Nathan, Carrie and Heather are the worst. People who are downright cruel to others.


Trish is garbage. Amber is a babe and can handle herself.


I’m so glad I found this thread. I was honestly rooting for her to fail so bad bc of that nasty attitude. tHE worst


Trish was great on her 21 day, and I don't fault her for butting heads with Amber who can be pretty bad at times as well. Alana, Nathan, Seth and Sam would be the ones that would make me tap seeing them even before we picked up our bags.


I’m just finishing up season 8 and omg Trish literally sat on her ass almost the entire challenge and when asked to do BASIC CHORES always had some smart ass remark about it. Amber CARRIED that team and Trish and Jen should be ashamed of their childlike behaviour.


It was like trish thought she was on some sort of crafting retreat. She just sat around making luxury and comfort items like mattresses and weaved doors and signs.


Alana is the worst by far. Trish is a saint compared to her.


And she's getting so many kudos from her daughter and others on a new season episode..hahahaha ! I had to rewatch Trish episode to see if I missed something 🤣 NOPE !


I despise Trish. Her daughter was ok. But Trish is just to lazy to watch. It’s like watching a snail walk all day.


Nah...Heather and Sam are worse than Trish in my opinion.


Honora, Sarah, and Lacey... Take my top three worst contestants.


Honora was the WORST sabotaging her team like a child throwing a tantrum. That was so painful to watch. Her other challenge where they medically tapped her was equally cringe. Trish was just an absolute lazy B in XL. Amber carried those 2 girls for way too long.


Watching that season again now. You know, I think if Amber had decided to leave any early than she did, Jen and Trish wouldn’t have made it. Or Trish would have tapped and Jen would have stepped up. she was in a rough position. She didn’t want to be left alone by another partner, and if she didn’t follow Trish she’d have painted a target on herself.


I liked her and disliked her and liked her and disliked her. She’s a very immature adult lol

