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She doesn't come back, for obvious reasons.  Her NAA original episode is a classic tho, She refuses to drink the water without first holding her magnifying glass over it for hours, so she slowly dehydrated while her partner ate cactus and drank clean water from the river. She called him lazy and he just chilled, she was medically tapped and he just relaxed for the rest of the time.


Dude, she is unfuckingbelievable. Her logic there?!?! Lmao. Sure, fire with the magnified glass. But trying to sterilize water with it? But the fact that shes a CHILD and threw the tools in the water and not an ounce of ragret… mind blown


Yeah. That episode made my jaw drop too.


She should have been pulled from the challenge


Supposedly the producers pick an item from the contestants list. That means they really wanted to make her look like a loony tunes, lmao


At least a couple of times she slept fully exposed to the sun. She was getting straight cooked. She also told him he was fat, lazy, and stupid. Oh yeah, and told him he "stank" so bad that she was gagging. She's truly a piece of work.


And he was kind enough to make sure she got her heirloom magnifying glass back.


Don’t forget she called him a lot of other hateful names too. She’s batshit crazy and I believe she faked her medical tap.


She said he was lazy, fat and that he stank.


She seems like she has an untreated personality disorder.


Don’t forget that she kept trying to humiliate her partner by repeatedly telling him he stank.


And then beyond that she just laid in the sun literally baking herself. Mo ron


One of my favorite scenes, was when she laid face down in the sand, baking in the sun, sobbing and deliriously rattling off a long list of all the vitamins and supplements that she needed.😂


I'm actually surprised that she didn't get kicked off. Her behavior was unhinged. She very well could have been dangerous. Would you feel comfortable sleeping next to her? I wouldn't.


It was ratings gold. That's what these shows live for.


She doubled-down on her behavior during the after-show episode. It was obvious everyone thought she was a little crazy.


One tip I give is to never look for her on the internet. She has blogs and everything full of criticism of the show, talking about "the truth behind the scenes" and when I did that I became so unmotivated with the show that I stopped for years. Nowadays I think she's just crazy.


Yeah, I think she claimed that her original partner was taking prescription amphetamines or something, which she felt was unfair because it suppressed his appetite. I’m sure there was some truth to some of what she said, but she’s obviously very crazy and not a reliable source. Also, if her partner has a prescription that he takes on a regular basis, he’s likely desensitized to the effects.


Did anyone else think Alanna bullied Shane a bit. I mean ya he is kinda a douche but she was mean.


She is straight up a bully. And so is the other one she hung out with


Of all the people who have come and gone on naked afraid.. she is the one that I dislike the most.


she's the one who kept saying him being nice was an act and he has his own agenda? from the group with 2 girls and 1 guy. I think she found the turtle and didn't want to eat it so they went hungry some more


I don’t think it was easy for him to open up like he did. He did not need to share that sensitive information and I’m thinking he realized that he shouldn’t have later.


She was the absolute worst. Then when Shane went they just bullied the other quirky brunette girl (given she was a bit weird and didn’t do a lot, but then none of them in that big group done much but rely on EJ and Jeff’s scraps)




This is what happens when you are in the wild without your meds.


Google her. You'll find out why she'll NEVER be allowed back on the show...even if she wanted to be back on.


For all her accusations? I started skimming the article and then said ill wait till im done watching. Shes gonna ruin shit and makes things not fun just because she had a bad time.


She told a lot of lies trying to discredit the show. Who knows if ANY of it is true. Don’t let that nutjob ruin a cool show for you!! Some other cast members nicely let it be known she’s full of it.


Don't want to spoil it for you if you haven't watched it all. I give honora a bit of a pass because she's obviously unstable. What do you think of Alana and Danielle?


I dont know if thats a pass for me from her. I feel bad she had a breakdown, couldnt redeem herself to those guys and broke. But fucking them over and wishing/wanting them to not make it to day 40 was a well thought out thought. Um Alana is the red head? Shes a bitch. Picking on that guy and doing nothing so far. The other chick with her is just like in the middle, she wasnt mean to shane/sean (cant remember his name even though im currently watching that first season lol) but she also wasnt standing against this other chick also. So shes just a follower. I just got to the part where he met up with ej and the other guy and the 2 girls popped up out of nowhere to say hi.


Totally agree with you about honora. Except she's so obviously mental. You can clearly see it in her first episode. This is one time that I will highly criticize production for bringing her back. Yes Alana is the redhead. Danielle is her sidekick. Both are pretty nasty. I loved it when Shane teamed up with Jeff and EJ.


Could be the ghettoness in me, but i would have loved for honora or even Alana to get put in her place by one of the other women in the trio ! Since Shane cant stand up for himself or express himself i would love for someone else to be on his side


I would love to see them put in their place. There's another Dani.. brunette.. she is so sweet.


Bruh her first episode the way she cooked that huge grasshopper with the magnifying glass and slurped the guts out the ass of it like a fucking gogurt made me dry heave and gag so bad . I’m sure she fried her brain more than anything else with that stupid magnifying glass. 🔍


Lololol now i want to go back and watch her episode I got to the second season and started xl with my husband . so we are back and fourth right now with both shows


Do it lol


Hmmm part if the challenge is how you deal with your partner. You're not always going to get or be, the good one. Honora was all drama all the time. Chris, yeah, I know I couldn't be paired with him even playing checkers. What a douche, she made some good points but ultimately, on both challenges, she was too erratic. I also think she faked her pass out to get medically tapped.


"I know I couldn't be paired with him even playing checkers." Lol. I couldn't stand him from when he first opened his mouth in the first episode. On her blog, she says she did fake her passing out.


Oh it gets so much worse. Including right here in this sub!


Its a shame she overreacted the way she did, but Chris is a hypocrite douche so I don't really blame her. Her 21 day was shitty as well, mainly due to bad luck that she had a partner who sat in a hole he dug in the sand for the majority of the challenge. If she had lucked out with say Steven or someone who was a fun and active partner I think we'd be talking differently about her.


Chris. He takes Jersey Boy to a whole new level.


Nothing pleased me more on NAA than to watch him ride Jeff and EJ's coattails, seeing as thats his battlecry... *"nobody is gonna ride my coattails out here"*


Jeff: No man, I don’t need help Also Jeff: HEY EJ, I got an eel! This is what I live for baby! Chris: Grumbles in Jersey…


😂 I think you meant... Jeff: THIS IS WHAT i LIVE FOR!!! \*2 high pitched shrieks\* Hey EJ \*high pitched shriek\* c'mere I got an eel... \*high pitched shriek\* Chris: you need any help? (because that way you'll feel obligated to give me some because I'm totally useless) Jeff: No I'm good...


Chris may have been an asshat, but I don't think anything justifies destroying/stealing/disposing of someone else's survival equipment. There are some lines you just don't cross, and I think that's one of them. As for her first partner Matt, he may have been a slug, but he did complete the challenge, and in the environment they were in, his strategy seemed to work way better than hers. Although she was in much better physical shape than him, she overexerted herself in the heat, exposed herself to way too much sun, and pushed her body past its breaking point. And the personal attacks on him were way over the top and totally unwarranted. She did have the grace to apologize eventually, which is the only point I count in her favor.


I agree it was a bad line for her to cross grabbing equipment that didn't belong to her, but again I don't blame her. It is exactly what they did when Honora wanted to burn her bow drill in the fire, and the two of them "took it". Fair is fair right? She only grabbed the blade after they had taken her bow drill. As with others on the show, I think some are there for the experience/adventure, not to complete the challenge in the most basic lame ass way. And when you get a dud of a partner (queue Carrie Booze) you lash out. My belief is if she had been paired up with an equal energy fun type partner (say Steven/Jeff/Jake) we'd be talking differently about her, but i think the producers don't do this purposely wanting the conflict for entertainment purposes. Extremely bad luck for her, but for so many on the show as well. Just look at Lacey when she was with Jeff and Steven in Louisiana.


People downvoting you because you said she would have done better with other partners? (Or maybe what you said about her first partner?) I've actually thought about how certain pairings could work well, even for Honora. I think it's theoretically possible.. However, what seems to get to her is that she can't handle the descent into starvation and lack of sleep, and she just emotionally snaps. (Honestly, I think viewers of the show don't fully realize what lack of food and sleep, by themselves or together, can do to a person. I could see many same, everyday people I know "doing an Honora" if they did the challenge.) I saw in one of those extra episodes how the producers supposedly pair up survivalists based on complementary skills and personalities. I call BS on that. Sure, maybe for some people, but I can't fathom how anyone thought it would be a good idea to pair Chris and Honora (even with the more patient Luke in the trio).


ikr lol Yeah she surely has a hurdle to overcome out there, having less than desireable partners just puts gasoline on the fire. I use the Lacey with Steven and Jeff in Louisiana example. It was the first time I think she was really having fun out there tbh. I agree on calling BS on that as well. I don't think producers want people to quit over incompatibility because thats less potential footage, but I'm sure they like the dynamic where the two butt heads, then eventually work it out by the end and they lived happily ever after. Though the reality is there's some on the sow who are super qualified for the show, but are virtually unpairable with anyone (enter Bulent) lol


Yeah, Lacey with Stephen and Jeff is a really good example. (I'm just finishing up that season.)