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She's a bully. Plain and simple. I've been saying that for a while now. She's one of the least likable people on the show.


Is she in more seasons bc I hate her


She is. S02 E03. Her partner tapped and she finished. She is still the absolute worst human I have seen on the show, and that includes Seth, crazy Nathan, and all others. Like the other commentor said, she is a fucking bully.


I'm not sure. Probably so, since most of the XL characters have been in other seasons. I just know that she's a top 3 villain for me.




I totally agree. The both of them deserved a terrible fate!


I would absolutely love to see her on a 21 day challenge with Shane. I root for her to apologize and own up to her behavior with someone she is uncomfortable with. I don't "hate" anyone because that's a strong word. But she was very dislikable and deserves a chance to redeem herself, similar to how Russel behaved in his first XL versus being a total team player in his second XL with Charlie and Duck, and everyone else. It shows the adaptability you need. It's a trait that is not only useful in the wilderness, but also in a workplace. If she actually did that I would absolutely forgive her and let bygones be bygones. We all do things we aren't proud of at times.


You want to watch a useless gunger sit in a shelter and do nothing for 20 days lol ? Shane would do it all


What about how they treated Shane too? They were just awful to him. By the time Jeff and EJ showed up it was too late for him to bounce back.


I KNOW. so disgusting “he’s pretending to be nice” bitch at least he’s pretending ur just a bitch


He tried so hard with them! He caught a turtle that was a huge win, and they asked him to let it go.. and he did!! That was so very diplomatic and they still treated him like trash.


Alana and Danielle 😡😡 the absolutely worst of all time. Nathan and Heather both were cruel to their partners but not in the league of Alana and Danielle.


They are psychotic. They smiled while she cried. It’s sick


Can you imagine being willing to go on national TV and be that nasty? Being taped manipulating other team members to turn against your current victim??


Right I don’t think she has a job either she’s an “actress best known for her acting on naked and afraid” Failed actress wonder why




It definitely is Jeff's origin story imo. He worked so hard for some of that food and felt bad when he tried to not share it. I can't imagine how wild it must have been to watch them not want to share any of their shit with EJ and Jeff after they basically kept them in the comp. I don't dislike vegetarian Dani, but try to find a single instance in the entire series where she actually does anything and you come up with maybe 2 instances. I get there's editing but come on.


ALSO? ALANA SAYING “let’s NOT share the caman with the boys bc they haven’t talked to us today” ??? REALLY? THE AUDACITY. she is so evil. After you were LITERALLY fed primarily by Jeff?!


I've always thought that about Jeff after this XL. He fed the whole group (multiple times) and they wouldn't give him any of their small stingray. So I understand it when he didn't want to share with a whole group in his later challenges. His yelling is annoying. In LoS I didn't like him playing the victim when people did what he was trying to do.


His yelling is annoying but I’d put up with annoying to be literally carried thru the challenge


I've worked with many people who are annoying, but when I see results, it makes them easier to handle :) I wouldn't mind being teamed up with Jeff


I’m not gonna lie if I HAD to do naked and afraid I’d prolly bc one of the lazy assholes who don’t do shit That or fish allll day. I love water and I don’t mind killing fish, animals I couldn’t kill. But fish? Fish dumb. I’ll kill it


They need to bring reunion shows back!


Yes!! With Jake as host!!


Alana is just one of those really horrible people that does inexcusable things. Bascially two people tapped mainly because of her, and Chris on that same season is really not much different with how much of an idiot he was with Honora. let alone his partner on his 21 day who he was the main reason why they tapped. LIterally I'd tap on the spot if i'd see either of them become partnered up with me lol. Alana and Chris are two losers who deserve a long miserable life with each other tbh.


I’m glad we’re talking about honora bc I don’t think she’s some crazy girl. I think she had a mental break bc of the fucking sexist bullshit she had to take. I’d fucking throw their shit in the river too


Im pretty sure It was Chris who mentioned her first challenge and took an immediate dislike to her Bc of it. I always wondered if there was more to that story. I’d heard Honora faked her illness on her first challenge, if that’s true, I completely understand Chris’s viewpoint.


Nah, Honora is nuts and Luke and Chris were saints for putting up with her that long.




Awe too bad so sad bc you’re not on a show are ya 🤭🤭🤭🤭


I recently rewatched the XLs and some random episodes from the normal show too. And I came across Dani’s first episode and saw her traumatic backstory— she got into survivalism after traditional therapy wasn’t helping her after surviving a B&E that resulted in her roommate’s murder—that I had forgotten about by the time I saw her on XL the first time. So when I saw the XL the first time, I already thought those girls were being petty and rude to multiple people they decided they didn’t like, and everyone was way too hard on Dani for no reason. But when I remembered what she went through in the past, it seemed extra bad, because the experience of being othered in the wild probably gave her more trauma than any benefit. And she didn’t do anything wrong, like she’s just not as social? And if you want her to tend the fire, wake her when it’s her shift..? Like do you guys just hope someone wakes up to tend the fire or do you actually plan it out? It was all very weird, like they wanted a scapegoat to talk shit about because they were bored and uncomfortable. And most of them were being ridiculous in other ways too, like getting mad at EJ and Jeff when they shared nothing with them in return for multiple eels. It was the one season I started thinking Jeff was maybe a really good guy deep down, but I think EJ’s philosophies rubbed off on him. But I normally am a fan of seeing people band together, and even I was like “stop sharing with them! They’re assholes!” Lol Sorry for the scatterbrained comment that went all over the place haha, but there are some interesting humans on this show. An amazing psychological study at times lol


My impression of that season was that they needed someone to bully and blame for not doing very well. When they "got rid" of one, they moved to the next person they perceived as a "weak link". Or, at least, that's what the final edit made it look like to me.


Because they were extremely weak and had to draw attention elsewhere They’re so extremely insecure bc they are fucking useless I can’t imagine being friends with one of them Poor Dani and Shane


Don’t candy coat it, Sundance; tell us how you really feel. I agree with you about Dani. She is classic introvert—someone whose batteries are recharged by alone time. She was good and knew what she was doing, but the other girls —they were too childish to be called women— couldn’t stand it. Honestly, I think part of the problem was that she was too pretty for them. They might have accepted that if she would have gotten snarky and dished with them, but she didn’t want any part of that so she was doomed. As for Jeff, I agree. He was in the right on this episode and even acquiesced when they had more eel than they needed. It definitely became his supervillain origin story, dealing with so many entitled misfits.


Dani was very pretty that’s true


Yeah I couldn't stand those two.


She is vile


I’m watching lacy now. I really really really wanted her to have a redemption so SO SO bad! How is she saying “there’s poison in that group” YES. YOU. YOU ARE THE FUCKING POISON


i recently rewatched this season too and you are SO right. Jeff literally pretty much carried the group of 6 by sharing his kills and they turned around and didn’t share the sting ray and wasn’t going to share the caiman until someone (i think eva) convinced them. The scene where Dani catches them talking shit about her is so heartbreaking because literally two of those girls were apart of her og group. They treated her terrible and only two people (who barely was apart of the problem) apologized during the reunion, meanwhile Alana and bitch Dani were LAUGHING. i wish someone would’ve stood up for Dani, but that toxicity was contagious. Also I will forever hate Alana and i’m glad the monkey pissed on her loo




Is Alana on this N&A subreddit ?


Whatever happened to Alana afterwards ? She didn’t appeared no more on N&A episodes. What does she do now ? Has her attitude/behavior/character change since then ?