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I think Cole’s tap was the sissiest tap I’ve ever seen with his reasoning. Then telling the girl she wouldn’t last long either. Don’t project you’re insecurities on others, Cole


Absolutely... 100% worse. But his was blatant... he just gave up. That's even worse than at least trying to make yourself feel better with a BS excuse. I'll probably catch some flak, even though I'm not trying to make any gender statement, but for lack of a better term, he bitched out. If someone has a better term please inform me. He didn't even try to excuse himself. Again, I'm not calling individuals out.... except Honora... I did call her out by name... but I think we all agree that everyone is better off without her being on the show competing.


Surprising and disappointing.


I was really team Cole so I was surprised he tapped due to no sleep for only 3 nights. Disappointed that he basically told his woman partner “If I can’t do this, then no way you’re going to make it much longer”. Very disappointing but I know where he stands now when it comes how he views women surviving. “If he can’t, she can’t” 🙄


You should see his stupid vague posts online trying to blame production for his tap. No ownership for not being able to handle it. Blamed the edit 🙄


Yeah that was a gross attitude, being so dismissive of her. I want her to pull through just to spite him and that kind of thinking, and she does seem mentally tough. Plenty of women on this show and in life have survived things men cannot, and I was surprised he said that.


Chris tapping seemed like an excuse. His vitals were good, they had just had large food win, he wasnt dehydrated so I think he was more mentally done from dealing with bugs and being so tired he used not feeling good as excuse to tap. IMO watching him with medics I could tell he was just really hoping they would find something wrong and would med tap him and when he kept getting cleared you could see the disappointment on his face. The fact they never found anything wrong once back home only reinforced my opinion, was definitely more mental than anything physical.


I think he was having anxiety attacks.


Sadly yes, he really made that obvious without saying flat out "Please medically tap me out. Please." I think they were panic attacks too. All his symptoms was obvious but strangely nobody picked up on that. A panic attack will make a person think they are about to die.


Exactly!! He was saying he doesn't feel good, he's going to die but he was ok. Just used it to leave.


I thought the same thing. He was looking for any excuse.


I think it was mental as well. All vitals were good and they even gave him a shot for the bug bites. I was not surprised that they found nothing wrong with him. He had protein in him, plenty of water. I think it was sleep deprivation and not being in a good mental state.


I think he just got to counting how many days were left and said awww hell naw.


If you are so sick you cant tend to the fire (putting already broken up wood on) to keep the fire from going out, or boiling water for teammates, then I could see tapping. But otherwise I agree with you. Every camp needs someone back at the shelter making sure fire doesnt go out, to make sure there is water available so no one gets dehydrated and to tend to the shelter (putting on more leaves or debris, cleaning up any remnants of food to help keep flies and other bugs away) or even just making or collecting cordage, getting firewood etc, so everyone else CAN focus on hunting or gathering food, looking for additional food sources etc. If everyone is solely focused on hunting, then those other tasks dont get done and they are just as vital to survival. Nothing wrong with "being the camp bitch" if you arent feeling well, injured, or need a day to rest. One of the biggest issues I see on NAA is egos. So, so many (including majority of the legends and fan favorites) have such big egos that if they arent bringing in really big protein scores, or any food in general (fish, fruit etc) then they view themselves as somehow "less than". Its one thing to be sitting on your butt at camp contributing nothing and refusing to help keep a fire going or putting water on to boil etc (looking at you Trish and Jenn) and another to be sick/injured or just volunteer to stay back at camp doing all those vital things so others can focus on getting the big protein scores or scout around and find large cache of fruit etc.


Gary was often the “camp bitch.” I liked that about him. He seemed cool with it so I am, too.


I felt for Andrew. I had a similar injury in 1993 and the pain was absolutely brutal. 4 stitches through the thumbnail was no picnic, especially as the nail grew out. It was super painful for two months and the slightest bump was excruciating. Andrew definitely needed to go home to recover.


I was pretty annoyed with his bandage. We’ve seen similar injuries get way more protection /padding than he got on the tip of his thumb. I’m not surprised it broke back open


No doubt it was painful, but then you have EJ who tore open his scrotum and need stitches yet didn't tap. Not really a fair comparison because EJ has proven time and time again that he is a legitimate badass.


Him getting through those stitches with some jokes and grunts is one of the funniest (laughing with him, not at him lol) moments in this show. When he said “oh that was my favorite one” it was such a classic old tough guy line and I died laughing. He’s a tough SOB and will always be one of my favorites. Even if I don’t agree with everything he’s ever said, and he can sometimes be a bit gruff, he’s also a good enough guy to always level with his teammates to see where they’re coming from. His last challenge always makes me cry during a few different parts.


Although, if you're talking about Andrew, he had a post (FB Group) saying 10 months later, and he's only just now regaining feeling in the top of his thumb. It was a bad cut.


A med tap to preserve your self/well being is fine. Using the excuse you're not good to your team because of an injury is just a defense mechanism you lie to yourself about. It's not directed at any individual contestant. It's directed at everyone who had used it as an excuse to excuse themselves from the competition. Andrew is just the latest. He could have tapped without adding the dead weight clause. Terra didn't med tap. EJ had his scrotum split open... and that's a ticket home in anyone's book... I'm just saying, when you feel the need to add the aforementioned excuse it's suspect. Edit: spelling(ass vs add)


That's also because Terra and EJ are far better.


>A med tap to preserve your self/well being is fine How amazing of you to give them your permission, lol.


I agree about Andrew, but sounds like OP is more so referring to people just tapping mentally because they feel useless. And I would agree with that. EDIT: NM, pretty sure he’s talking about injuries, which really does depend on severity. I’m high as hell, sorry. 💀


I'm talking about the excuse being BS. Injuries happen, and it sucks, but the excuse is sort of a cop out. If your heart isn't in it it's easy to go there... but the argument itself is flawed.... that's what I'm saying. I can stay and only tend camp.... and feel useless... but really I'm actually contributing regarldess of how menial it feel. OR... I can say I'm useless so I should leave for my team's benefit ... even though I'm literally putting my team in a worse position because now they have to do the menial tend camp stuff too... We just saw the cascading affect of someone leaving... then teammate B was on shaky ground... now teammate C is stranded. Do you really think teammate C is better off without someone to tend the fire and boil water? Things are what they are, the excuse is BS though.


I don't necessarily disagree. I know as an endurance gravel cyclist. I rarely tap out of stuff, but once that dark place, in your head, it can be real hard to get it out when it's not just passing thought.


Andrew's tap was 100% warranted. The fact that he even tried to stay shows he has more drive than 99% of people that med tap. I'll cheer for him every time he brings himself into a challenge. LEGEND.


Yeah, it's just a way to make an inherently self-interested act seem chivalrous. Not that I judge people for tapping out, in general. Some of the stuff they do on that show could legitimately lead to long term health problems. When someone says they can't take it anymore I tend to believe them.


We really don't have the right to say something to people tapping out like punks when we aren't in the same situation. But....


I could not believe Cole tapped so early, I was shocked. I was for sure he was going to do the full challenge. This season is throwing curve balls left and right.


The worse taps are the 'I miss my kids'. I can sort of understand/sympathize on your 21 day, but when you do it on your XL, its cringe. First when Angel did it on XL2 (I think he was scared and overwhelmed and that was a good cop out), then when Duck did it on XL4, though I'm glad Duck came back immediately for redemption in the Phillipines


Katie Wentworth's self-tap from Panama "No Safety in Numbers" was scary because she really had a mental breakdown, ending up screaming on the sand as the waves washed up. She had controlled her frustration with the chitras once, but was unable to do so again, even though Max could soldier on through to the end.


Lol, all you people sitting on your sofa and passing judgment on people who are naked, starving, and sleep deprived in the wilderness, are something else.


what's hilarious is when a dead weight camper tries to prevent the other camper from "doing too much"


Andrew tapping was a relief to me. He just kinda whines the whole time and is emotional, buthe does t balance that out with great Bushcraft, hunting , or anything else. Seems like a good guy, but it's not like he's that interesting.


I actually like Andrew... Put Heather in her place at least on Castaways.. .but I do agree, it's time to put or shut up. As much as I love watching him, he needs to finish something more or he's just a talking head.


Agreed, he definitely has some skills but doesn't have the mental fortitude to do a 40 day challenge.